
39 Reviews
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Good report on Kobe Bryant's life, but ...
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I remember the news reports that came out about the helicopter accident when it came out, and the sadness at Kobe & his daughter's passing. This episode revealed more about what actually caused the crash. I had not learned that before. I just wonder why this story had to be done in 2 parts. And the end of the 2nd part circled around again and covered footage we'd already seen in past 1. That was irritating. I was shouting at the screen, "we've already seen this!!!" I would have liked more information about what happened in the aftermath of the accident! What happened to his wife, his family, and how Kobe was honored, etc! Why did they circle around again and show footage from part 1? It was awkward. It felt like filler & ruined this story for me!
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Educational as well as entertaining
10 April 2024
I came across this series quite by accident & binge watched it. The cases were all different, very realistic & found the profiling fascinating. The main actress did an exceptional job portraying someone who was truly passionate about her line of work. The human aspect was compelling. The chain smoking was a little off putting, and as an ex-smoker I found it distracting, but I assume it was authentic, so I put up with it! It was interesting to see how the cases took over the profiler's life. That was sad, but I understand it. When you find work you're passionate about it can take over your life, at your own expense. I've been there! I'm on episode 10 & our profiler is really loosing it. I hope the last episode (the next one) leaves us with some sort of closure, but I'm preparing myself for the worst in case that doesn't happen. I've enjoyed the stores, dark as they are! Very realistic!
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Suspect: Danny (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
3 March 2024
I actually liked this final episode of Season 1 because the ending was totally unexpected. I was starting to see all the pieces of the puzzle come together & out of left field Danny does something to resolve what he's learned about his daughter. It was totally gratifying to watch. I won't list the spoiler here. You'll have to watch it for yourself! The acting for this entire season is absolutely marvelous. I got totally wrapped up in it & watched all 8 episodes in one sitting. And I usually don't like cliff hangers, but this one is very subtle because the main story was resolved, and yet there was just a few loose ends that were made clear at the end of this episode, enough to wet my appetite to look forward to Season 2!
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Chasing Shadows (I) (2014)
So sad it didn't continue!
9 January 2024
I just discovered this series on Britbox and binge watched it. Loved it!!! So, when I saw that, even though there is a cliff hanger in the final episode, the series was not renewed I was truly disappointed! Not sure why??? It's excellent, really! The story line is fascinating, with Reece Shearsmith playing a high functioning Autistic Investigator and Alex Kingston playing his frustrated side kick, always trying desperately to keep up with him. The character development was excellent. I really believed the Autistic detective was truly Autistic. Plus, I learned a lot about how these high functioning people can, not only hold regular jobs, but can actually be excellent at them. I couldn't wait to see what he was going to do next. It made me chuckle as his directness was not only frustrating to some, but extremely effective. I like his character very much and, other than Rainman with Justin Hoffman, I'd never seen anything like it on screen, let alone playing a detective. I searched the web for possible reasons why the show was cancelled & couldn't find any. Perhaps, it was a ratings thing or a time slot that was conflicting with another show that had better rating. Either way, I do hope someone takes this idea to the next level. I am definitely a Britbox fan & would love to see another character developed in this way.
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Next of Kin (2018)
This film was an education for me
19 November 2023
The best way to educate is through emotions. If we can get to the heart of a person, we usually succeed! So, with all that is going on in the world these days, it's important for us to try to keep an open mind. What's happening in the Middle East is very confusing to many of us. As for me, with this film I am able to see how a young man can be recruited to a terrorist cell. Taking place in the England, we can see people from all walks of life caught up in this tragedy. The main character, Mon, cannot see how her nephew Danish could betray his father & his family, but these things happen. It can happen so quickly. We are all looking for some kind of purpose in life! Perhaps Danish saw a higher purpose for himself by joining this terrorist cell. They made him feel important, like he was part of something big, something important. Proper make mistakes. And sometimes there's no turning back from these decisions! Even though this family seems to be a loving one, families can have all kinds of complexities. This film had a deep emotional impact on me. And it helped me tremendously on my journey to understand what's going on in our world today. Understanding & education are crucial to finding positive solutions. I really believe that. So, I thank the makers of this series for helping to open my eyes & see more clearly!
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Waking the Dead: Duty and Honour: Part 2 (2008)
Season 7, Episode 6
Why do these episodes end so abruptly?
20 September 2023
I really like Waking the Dead, and the stories are dark & complex, which are my favorite tunes of shows. I've watched each & every episode, but one thing that has always frustrated me is the the episode, or at least most of them, seem to come to an abrupt end. It's just strange for a show with such sensitivity would choose to do that! It leaves me feeling incomplete & wanting more. Why do the writers of these stores do that? The acting is really exceptional & the episodes have really fascinating twists & turns. I feel like I know the actors personally! I just wish they'd given more thoughtful time to the endings!
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Virgin River: Be My Baby (2022)
Season 4, Episode 1
People don't really act like this!
5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm finding this show really hard to watch! Mel is acting really dramatic! I think she's overthinking everything including Jack's drinking. Maybe, it's because she's pregnant. But overall the characters, including Hope, are just way too much in each other's business. Boundaries are being violated right & left. These characters have no respect for each other. People just don't act like this! Their behavior simply is not believable. It's beyond "Hallmark" & I find I can't buy any of it! The writing is awful & the characters have no depth! Now, I'm looking for something else to watch. This show is way too much over the top! Ugh!
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Wildcat (2022)
Watched it twice!
3 January 2023
Beautiful film filled with twists & turns & unexpected events. I'm a cat person & could totally put myself right there with all the characters in the film! Eaxh piece made sense & played out in linear form to tell the story of Kahn & Keanu, Harry & Samantha! It didn't feel like a documentary at all. It felt like a story & I loved every minute of it, even the hard parts, the heart wrenching parts! I don't usually watch films twice, but this one I needed to see again! Yes, I'm a cat person, but even if you're not, you'll love how it tells a tale of conservation & human vulnerability. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!
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Clickbait: The Answer (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
Disappointed? No! I'm actually mad!
22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole show was good & kept me engaged. I liked how they focused each episode on each character allowing us to see the person's perspective. But the last 2 episodes lost my enthusiasm & the last one actually angered me! I remember an actual story of a woman who created a false identity on a dating app & catfished several women. I think it was on a Dr Phil segment. I remember the woman never gave an explanation as to why she did it! She appeared to be simply a pathetic character & seemed to be really remorseful. There was no death involved, like this story. I just remember being left with the question, "why?" I also remember experiencing the whole story as unbelievable! Like, why would somebody do that? It's so out of the ordinary! So, if a real story was unbelievable, this fictional story was even more so! I just couldn't buy it! I wanted to shout at the TV, "Give me another ending. This one is just dumb!"
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Season finale
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I give the finale an 8, not because I like the ending, but because I think it's believable that Julian would go back to his original work. I mean, was he really going to continue to wear a hair net & keep that dead end job? Being a gigolo is what he knows; what he's good at. I like real endings, not fantasy! I like to think that Julian is a rare bird & can find a way to do that work & not lose his soul. I don't even know if that's possible! I came to really like the character! His saving Grace was his integrity. I felt disappointed in the ending; wish that he could have used his faith in himself to do something else, I'm just not sure what that would be. He comes full circle!
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American Gigolo: East of Eden (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Full circle
29 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I give the finale an 8, not because I like the ending, but because I think it's believable that Julian would go back to his original work. I mean, was he really going to continue to wear a hair net & keep that dead end job? Being a gigolo is what he knows; what he's good at. I like real endings, not fantasy! I like to think that Julian is a rare bird & can find a way to do that work & not lose his soul. I don't even know if that's possible! I came to really like the character! His saving Grace was his integrity. I felt disappointed in the ending & wish that he could have used his faith in hisself to do something else, I'm just not sure what that would be.
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She opened an impossible door!
4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the film and it's story of examining the moral & religious dilemmas we all face in life. The fact that the judge decided to actually visit the patient before making her ruling was a rare & unusual one. Yet it seemed to make sense considering the life & death circumstances involved. But the issue I have with the overall story is that Fiona (the Judge) opened a door that shed a light on the young man's decision making him aware that he really did what the live! Her ruling to allow the transfusing seemed like the right one. Yet, when Adam later reached out to her, she shut that door! I understand that she was faced with keeping the relationship professional, but there were other ways to do that. She could have engaged a counselor of sorts to help him with his new found love for life & music & poetry! He needed that. In my opinion, she owed him that. After all, she's the one who opened that door. She had a responsibility to him and to herself as well to see it through. Something opened up in Fiona as well. A love relationship between them would have definitely been inappropriate, but a friendship of sorts could have been created. They could have helped each other with the next phase of their lives. Adam definitely opened up something in Fiona, too. The ending left me flat! It all seemed like such a waste. That door she opened could have been an incredible opportunity!
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Horizon Line (2020)
Great movie
2 May 2022
Don't pay attention to reviews. This movie had me sitting on the edge of my seat, especially the last half of it! Amazing acting & cinematography. If you're a nail biter, better watch it with gloves on!
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The Bay: Episode #3.1 (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Great Show
9 April 2022
I don't understand the low rating for season 3. I loved it!! Jenn was great as the lead detective. She showed a human side to the job. And her family life, with all its ups & downs was fun to watch unfold. All very believable. I think the focus on families overall and the challenges they face, we can all relate to. Really great show!
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Disapointed and in Denial
15 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been one who goes into denial about things, but with this I want to deny that I ever say the end of the final episode of Dexter: New Blood. I want to tell myself I never saw it. First of all, Dexter behaved in a way that Dexter would not behave, right down to killing Logan. Dex seemed out of control and behaving carelessly. Yes, I know it's been 10 years since he's killed and he was probably rusty. But still, we see him behave in ways so extraordinarily chaotic. That's not Dexter. And Harrison killing his father; I don't buy it. Even though he wasn't following the code in the end, Dexter never followed the code completely anyway. After the last scene, I just sat there feeling sad and disappointed. Is that how the writers wanted us to feel? I don't think so. I don't have any other possible endings for this show, and I can only imagine how hard it was to write. Overall, I really enjoyed this whole new series, and to be let down like this??? I think I'll stick with denial and pretend I never saw the finale.
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Shetland: Episode #6.2 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 2
Binge worthy series
1 December 2021
Love this show! Jimmy Perez & his team work in seamless flow to solve this case. Plus, we have the added challenge of Jimmy's father who has dementia. Once again there's a jigsaw of a crime to solve & the twists & turns of the story keep us on our toes! It took me awhile to realize who Donna is from past season. I may have to go back & watch that one to remember what happened! One of the things I love about Shetland is that they're a pleasure to watch again. The scenery is absolutely stunning!
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This has to stop!
23 October 2021
When are we going to stop seeing these stupid, unrealistic, trite movies? They insult our intelligence. Let's wash our hands of these cutesy fairytale romantic comedies!!! We are so so so over them! Each moment was painful to watch! I watched til the end because I really like the actors & was so curious to see how they could possibly be involved with a project like this! I'm glad to see that the reviews are terrible! Maybe finally film producers will understand that these themes are a part of the distant past!!!!!
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Good movie until the end!
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this suspenseful thriller thoroughly until the end! It left me with a big smirk on my face. First of all we just have to assume that the son knew enough about guns to aim & shoot his dad from the right angle to convince the authorities that it was a suicide. That wasn't clear! And if the kid could kill his own father in cold blood, what does that make him. And what about retribution for the families who lost their loved ones. There's no closure! And the last words uttered in the movie by his son were "Dad if you're listening, I love you?" I said, "WHAT?" right out loud! So, the father is honored as a good guy? NO! NO! NO! That's not right!!! I hate movies like this where you're so into it and then they give you an ending like this! I feel cheated! I demand a rewrite of the ending!!!!!!
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Soldier's Girl (2003 TV Movie)
Still reeling from the shock of this film!
12 March 2021
I had the weirdest experience watching this film. I stumbled on it quite by accident, had never heard of Lee Pace or even Troy Graity (I'm embarrassed to say being the movie buff I am). And the only reason I watched it was because I had see The Keeping Hours on Netflix with Lee Pace, fell in love with him, and googled all of his movies to watch them all. Soldier's Girl came up first. As I started to watch the film I was looking for the actor (Lee Pace) I thought he might be one of the soldiers along with Graity's role, Barry Mitchell. But I couldn't find him. It wasn't until about 1/3 into the film that I figured out that Calpernia was Lee Pace. I'm not kidding!!! My jaw dropped. The actor I had watched in the film The Keeping Hours the evening before was nothing like this actor. OMG!!!! I was in shock. Of course by now, I am totally engrossed in this film, Soldier's Girl, and can't take my eyes off Calpernia. (Lee Pace? That's Lee Pace . . . you're f >>>ing kidding me??) I was totally engrossed in this film. Time stood still. And the ending? There are NO words. I knew nothing about this case. I didn't know about this true story. And yet, here I had stumbled into this weird paradigm, down the rabbit hole I went. It is not too much to say that the whole experience has totally changed me. It's almost as if the reality that I had perceived on Tuesday was completely different on Wednesday. I'm not being dramatic. I'm telling you the truth. Thank God for the art form of movies. They are so real and touch us in such deep ways. And thanks to the incredible acting of Jane Fonda's Son, Troy Garity and Lee Pace. I am forever changed!!!
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Consent (2010)
Not for everyone, yet hauntingly beautiful!
14 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film last night and was amazed to find very few reviews today. I suppose the subject is taboo, but for those of us who want to explore all situation in the human psyche, it's a true find. I only wish there were more films that explore subjects such as suicide and incent in such a sensitive way.

As I started to watch the film, I must admit I was a little confused. I didn't understand the 3rd sibling portrayed, even at the beginning of the film, was the one who had committed suicide. Honestly, I almost shut it off, but what held me there was the acting. Marvelous and intriguing, the acting set the stage for me. I was determined to find out what these characters were all about. I continued to watch. It was revealed that the sibling who had committed suicide was the older sister, and that, in part, the reason for it was due to what her parents had done. This was not revealed until the end of the film.

The family is flawed. That's an understatement. They are like so many families and don't talk openly about what they're really feeling on a deep level. This is why therapy is so important, because it's hard to get to those dark places without it.

At the end, I was deeply affected by this film. I liked the way the film ended. I found it realistic, and you get to determine for yourself how the rest of the family's lives would unfold. After watching the film I actually had to sit and be quiet for awhile to allow my feelings to settle. I only wish there were more films like this that deal with taboo subject so sensitively and artistically. I researched Ron Brown wrote and produced this brilliant story. And yet, I was unable to find any more films by him. I am hungry for more films like this.

I took a chance and stayed with this film and so glad I did! It was a beautiful experience for me.
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Thirteen (2016)
Wonderful series
9 February 2021
I read the reviews before I watched it & watched it anyway. It was great! Characters were believable, there were twists & turns I didn't expect & i binge watched it in one setting! I honestly don't understand the bad reviews!!! The story development was compelling & interesting & the acting was spot on! Just goes to show you that you can't always believe the bad reviews! Good on you BBC!
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So so so bad!
23 November 2020
Why do people make movies like these? Do they hate the general public so much that they want to torture us! I can't believe I sat through the whole movie (if you can call it that). So bad!
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My interpretation
31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This whole movie is about 2 things: 1) The Higher Dimension living above ours, and 2) Evolution

1) The Higher Dimension: Alton was born in our dimension, but really belonged in the dimension above our own. This could also be called a parallel universe. It wasn't a mistake that Alton was born here. He was meant to be a connector between the two worlds and had to go through all the things he did to fulfill that purpose. The structure we see at the end of the film exists in the dimension above ours. It's always there, but hidden from view. We saw it for a brief moment when the energy was released. We have learned by studying Quantum Physics that nothing is solid. One of the things the higher dimension does is guide us on a daily basis. Some people believe in Angels. It is very possible that our angels and guides reside in this higher dimension. There are other purposes for this dimension as well, things that happen there, too, that we may never know. The beings who live there are light beings. And, one of the reasons that some of us here on this plain of existence, some of us that are filled with light, have a certain knowing, sometimes called intuition, is because we are unconsciously connected to higher dimensions just like this one. We may not always understand the guidance we receive, but we intuitively trust it. Our dimension is changing and evolving to help us become more light beings like the one above us. It is important not to resist the change we are experiencing. This is one reason practices like meditation are so important.

2) Evolution: As our world changes, it may be difficult, even painful, but it is usually only painful when we resist. If we can learn to quiet our minds and remain more open, the guidance we receive from this higher dimension will help us to evolve. Sometimes certain individuals (like Gandhi, Buddha & Jesus) come along to act as connectors to these higher dimensions. I believe that Alton was one of these individuals. But, because he was needed elsewhere and was not meant to be a martyr here on earth, he was instructed as to how to find the location needed for him to ascend to the higher plain. Remember, the night his mother told his father to be prepared for the possibility that Alton may not be coming back. This was her intuition. She had that special knowing. Both of Alton's parents had the gift of higher understanding. That's one reason that Roy, Alton's father, knew that his son wasn't dying and that he needed to get him to a certain location by a certain time. Alton becomes reborn by the sun (the light that gives life to everything on our planet) and helps him evolve into a light being.

Additional notes: As there is less of a division between science and spirituality we are coming to learn that what we touch and see is not solid. It creates more questions for us to answer. A lot of people who are asking the questions are guided by this higher dimension. Not everyone hears or believes what science is telling us. It is always an individual choice.

At the end of the film, Alton's mother cuts her braids. This act is her severing her ties to the farm and other worldly (earthly) ties that bind to close ones mind to the truth. She is now free to spend the rest of her life being guided by the higher dimension in the knowing that mankind is evolving, and that everything that happens has a purpose. She now understands and has seen humanity's first glimpse into how expansive the Universe actually is.

The true meaning of Faith is to trust the knowing within us and allow it to guide us to places that others (who need data proof) would not go. There is more to life than analysis. We have feelings for a reason. Alton and his parents (including Lucas) understood this; as did Sevier, on some level. As humanity continues to evolve, more and more of us will come to know this truth. The higher dimension insures it!
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
Missed the mark!
22 October 2020
I have never seen such a beautiful film miss the mark so completely! Even though the visual aspect of the film was beautiful, nothing else In this film was believable! The acting was terrible, the characters completely ludicrous, the writing excruciatingly bad & the overall delivery of the film failed on all levels! I've never written a review like this before. But then, I've never seen a movie like this before! The trailer had me intrigued & was done well, and the beginning of the film seemed promising! But as I got into the film, it just became weird. I have no idea what happened to this film. It just kept getting worse! It was like watching a train wreck!
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Intimate & vulnerable
27 September 2020
I knew this film was going to move me deeply. I could tell by watching the trailer! The film is just beautiful! It's hard to find words to describe how I'm feeling! The cinematography, the music, and even the sound of the narrator's voice puts you into a place so private that you sense you're being privy to something so intimate and extraordinary! It's like poetry in motion. I've never seen a film like this before! I consider it a rare gift!
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