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On Netflix it's ok, If I paid for it I would be big mad
27 April 2024
I watched this movie on Netflix. If I'd paid to see it in the theaters or to rent it, I would be so mad. This movie is fine for a background, playing on your phone rom-com, but that's about it. Well, I should also say that if you're hoping to see Sydney Sweeney's cleavage in every form that it comes, then this is the movie for you. There was one shot where the director could've zoomed in more but suspiciously the bottom edge of the frame just so happened to keep her boobs visible. I'm not mad at Sydney for her glorious chest, good for you, ma'am. I am however mad at her for her flat, monotone, expressionless phoned-in acting attempt. What in the world was that?! There are certainly other meh performances, but as the headliner you'd think she would've risen above the very mediocre script. When I realized that this tiny misunderstanding was the entire reason they'd hated the each other for two years, I almost couldn't finish the movie. It happened in the first few scenes so be prepared for that mix of anger and confusion. Overall, this felt like a vehicle for some attractive people to be attractive and semi-nude.
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Good Grief (IV) (2023)
Beautiful snapshot of messy lives
7 January 2024
Full disclosure: I'm a big fan of Dan Levy so I'm sure that gave this film at least a star extra...but even without that undying love, this film is a beautiful snapshot of messy lives.

Maybe it's just me but I appreciate a story that's honest about the evolution of friendships. This movie was raw in its view of how relationships ebb and flow and the grief that can bring. Thank you to Dan for highlighting that beautifully in his depiction of all the relationships in this film.

At times, the artsy shots felt a bit forced and there were some held shots that could've been a beat or two shorter but the overall visual vibe of this film is a feast for the eyes and heart. It was one of those movies where you feel warmed by the aesthetic.

I saw someone lamenting about them being rich and out of touch...of course they are. I didn't tune in to see a documentary on the financial hardship of losing a husband. I tuned in to be delighted by exquisite fabrics and furniture...and I got that in spades.

To play someone like David Rose, who was (is?) an exposed nerve of a person, you have to have full command of your emotional range. Dan's got that. But also (and this is a message directly to Mr. Levy, himself) don't be afraid to mix in your natural comedy...drama, comedy, and beauty are linked whether we like it or not. I would've loved a touch of comedic joy in this movie...not too much but a quick tease would've helped provide the good to the grief. You proved those who weren't offering you good dramatic parts that you can do it, now write another one where you weave it all together like I think only a Levy can.

Good grief and good show, chap :)
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leaves you thinking and feeling
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At first, this movie felt like an artsy fartsy vehicle to try out different camera angles paired with dramatic music. But! If you stick with it, you'll be left with an uneasy feeling that this all could be real. When the credits rolled, if you'd asked me my rating, I would've gone with a 6 or 7. Skip to several hours later when I'm still thinking about the movie and carrying around a sense of dread and I have to give this film a solid 8.

The artsy fartsy stuff does the trick of making you feel off-kilter and confused. I do appreciate that they chose to let the audience know Mahershala and his daughter's motives because if I had to speculate along with Julia and Ethan then it would've been too stressful.

This movie leave you knowing for certain that this could happen and if that's not terrifying then I don't know what is.

Oh! And a note on the ending...it's my understanding that it's different than the book. These ending seconds felt both true to the story and like a gift to the audience. That poor girl longed for a moment of her life as she knew it. That show gave it to her, gave her hope. When the credits rolled as the Friends theme song played and I did the triple clap, I thought, "well done!" To the filmmakers. It felt like a little gift of levity after a terrifying ride.
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Genie (III) (2023)
Is it great? No. Is it bad? Nope.
22 November 2023
This movie has an impressive cast of actors. If nothing else, it was fun to see who would pop up in which roles. The story is fairly predictable and offers very little surprises, but isn't that kind of the point? This is a good in-the-background, silly holiday movie. It won't keep your attention, but it certainly makes for a fun atmospheric movie to have on. I loved seeing the actress from The Golden Age in modern clothes! She's gorgeous either way. I'm not familiar with the main actor, but he has a good amount of charm and warmth that I'll look up where else I can watch him. The movie did the classic "how in the world do they afford that New York apartment???" but it's not a documentary so I think we can roll with it. Again, don't go in with super high expectations and I think you can find parts of this movie that are enjoyable. Happy Holiday!!!
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Thought I didn't love it, then I realized my heart ached
5 November 2023
At first, I thought this movie was a time stretch...meaning it would've been a perfect tale for an anthology TV show but felt too stretched out to meet a standard movie length. But! Then I realized that it had effectively latched itself to my heart and made it ache for these characters. Well played! I very much appreciated that they didn't leave the story in space. I get that it's a whole vibe to leave movies on an open-ended note, but I prefer a nearly wrapped up bow. Call me unsophisticated, but I'm a sucker for a full love story. I also commend the team for managing to make a low-budget space movie that felt better than if it was done with and endless budget. The cutesy space stuff worked for me, it made it more endearing. Thoroughly enjoyed this movie.
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If you know the rides, you'll appreciate more
14 October 2023
The other week, my son watched a documentary show about The Haunted Mansion rides. If we hadn't seen that, I don't know if I would've appreciated the movie quite as much. The story is pretty basic, but the continual nods to the rides and the casting moved the star meter up. It was clear that this movie is a love letter to the rides with the overt and subtle nods to all elements of the rides. I appreciated the diversity in the casting, both the fact that the main characters are black and that it centered on a black man and a black boy's grief. We don't see those stories being told all that often. My 10 year old, who admittedly is a sensitive soul, was too scared and emotional (due to the stories of loss) to watch the movie in one sitting. With the cool ghost graphics, this is a movie that even your teenagers will tolerate as a family movie night pick. As long as your younger kids aren't super sensitive, they'll be okay, too.
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Good Omens: Chapter 6: Every Day (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
If art is meant to make you feel something, then job well done!
5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As the credits rolled and they were still apart, my chest physically hurt. I'm an atheist and yet I felt like I was saying a little prayer for them to come together. Gah! This is art in its highest form.

Someone I read complained about a romantic twist. I don't think this is romantic in our mortal way of thinking about it. Their kiss isn't necessarily a prelude to more, it's an exclamation point on a declaration of undying loyalty and love.

Part of me wants a Season 3 so that we can have this story wrapped up more neatly, but I also know that this is the ending that probably makes sense for our star-crossed soulmates. I also will always advocate for anything with more Tenant and Sheen together in all their glory.

Well done, lads.
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Movie making good, Premise bad
25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers

My husband and I agreed that without a moment of doubt we would've told the intruders to let the whole world burn. Who wants to live under some sort of mythical regime where this has to happen in order to keep everyone alive? So many plot holes erupt from there...

If this is happening regularly, and we haven't had mini-apocalyptic episodes like those that happened with the later deaths, are we supposed to believe that past families went along with it quicker? We're supposed to believe that the survivors can go on with their lives like nothing happened? The mythical ruler won't accept suicide as a sacrifice because??? It's unethical? But killing your loved one is a-okay?

I'm annoyed by reviews I've heard because they mostly focused on the moving making style. Overall, I liked the directing, etc. Of this film. The issue lies solely with the story.

Worth a watch, but disappointing to witness a story that feels lazy in its complete suspension from reality (both real-life and what would make some sort of sense in the mythical realm).
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