
17 Reviews
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Fire Country (2022– )
So bad that I kind of want to keep watching
19 May 2024
Technically, I believe they've bitten off more than they know how to handle. They don't even know how to "act" like they know how to fight any size fire. It truly verges on ridiculous. I understand that the on-set fires need to keep burning for the scene at times, but when you're trying to put out a fire, you actually aim the hose at the fire, in particular, the base of it. They could REALLY use input from some actual firefighters.

That's all frustrating to watch, but the real problems are bigger. The writing is pretty bad. Very predictable (which has actually become part of the reason why I am still watching it, because now we have a game where we predict what will happen next and wait to see how accurate we are - usually very!), plots are either contrived or preachy, or both, and though I really enjoyed Max in Seal Team, I find his character here to be annoying. Bodi is a desperate martyr type, sad-sacking around, taking unnecessary risks and, usually, undeserved punishments, while he swoops in as a self-deprecating, overly humble hero in pretty much every episode, while life and circumstances keep pooping in his corn flakes.

All that said, most of the acting is pretty good, and I like a couple of the characters and their development, though sometimes I find some of their choices to be out of character or just too obviously devising a certain plot line for a single episode.

Yes, this show is pretty bad; the melodrama, the typical cast of almost exclusively pretty people (a very American habit), the cry baby central character, and the general lameness, but there's something about it that I still kind of like. That may just come down to how they keep rocking the inaccuracies full force, which makes us groan and eye roll, and how much fun we have predicting how things turn out. The novelty of which may wear off, and hangs in the balance of how much, if at all, this show improves.

Don't expect too much and you'll probably like it, at least a little.
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All the hater trolls need to calm down
5 January 2024
This show plays off of the fame of Skinwalker Ranch, which is a superb show, by the way, but this show comes in from a very different tack. It's way less scientific and ecologically considerate, with some different mysteries connected to the location, as well as some similar phenomena, and the excitement of poachers, thieves and spies. I find it to be a satisfying continuation of a show I cannot get enough of (Skinwalker), but a zanier version. I call it the "Hillbilly Version of Skinwalker" when I describe it to others I'm recommending it to. The accredited professionals they have aiding their search on this show are real and serious about what they do. I believe there is credence in this show, the history, and their quest; it's just different. If you don't like it, so be it, spare us your rantings.
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It's neither as good or as bad as many reviews say
16 March 2021
The story has been basically done before. It's not that intriguing. I don't know where the twists are that people have been gushing about. But, it's not terrible. Depending on how things are next season, when I assume season 2 might come out, i might check it out, because I'm vaguely curious about how one very important character develops, and what might come next. That said, I don't care that much, because there were a lot of weak points in this production. So, we'll see.
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In Search of... (2018– )
Trolls - calm the F down
8 March 2021
This show is decent. Get out of your parents' basement. Definitely worth watching. Ignore the troll negativity. Please continue with more episodes. :)
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I like it
22 January 2021
Some people are finding inadequacies and fault in the host and his narration. I think, as is often the case, their comments merely reflect their own. I kind of enjoy the more accessible language, and find it refreshing, more entertaining, and much less stodgy than most docu-narration. All of this makes the show more appealing to a broader and, likely, a more youthful audience. Certainly, that's a good thing.

I've been fascinated my entire life by all of the subjects so far presented in this production, and though I may be sliding towards feeling more than a little disappointment about some of the mystery being taken away, I'm satisfied that there are possible and plausible answers to some of these enduring questions. I think some people need to just chill a bit and just accept this for what it is - entertaining education on subjects not in standard curricula. I'd be happy as hell if my kids wanted to watch something like this, and I enjoy it too. It's disappointing, but haters gonna hate. :P

What's been bugging me lately, and it's not limited to this show, is the irrational editing-out of things like human anatomy, as if it's something shameful. Classical art having nipples (both male and female), and butt cracks blurred over is absolutely ridiculous, especially on a National Geographic production. I don't want to get started on a rant about that, but it would be worth it!
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Enola Holmes (2020)
I Loved This!
23 September 2020
Enola Holmes - so much fun! I really wish this was a new series and not just a fun movie.
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Murdoch Mysteries (2008– )
I just love this show!
26 August 2020
I really do. I love it. It's got that naive, sweet, Canadian charm; so wonderful. It may be a little predictable at times, but it's ingenious and so absolutely freaking hilarious, on top of everything else, that I should really give it a 10. This show has become my comfort and my home. The richness and lovability of the characters, and the continuity - it has no competitors. Please never stop making it, I will be heartbroken when it's over. Thank you <3
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Super Stupid, but.....
20 April 2020
It's absurd on so many levels, but it had me jump clean out of my seat at least once, and it was a heck of a lot of fun. I say suspend your disbelief, or any expectations of anything other than being entertained by a well shot underwater "Slasher" movie.
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The Kitchen (2019)
14 April 2020
This started out with promise. I thought, "I don't get these low ratings." Well, I do now. This could have been good, maybe not great, but good. The performances were mainly decent, Moss was outstanding, as usual. But talk about disjointed! What the heck happened to the story? It was like there was a different writer taking over after every one or two pages. This movie sputtered around and landed like a deflated balloon.
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Bulletproof 2 (2020)
Not sure what went wrong
11 January 2020
This movie has lots of action, pretty good action too, and there are a lot of fun lines, even if they are mostly juvenile or misogynistic. I don't know why it doesn't work for me, it all just came off really flat. I can't even articulate why. It's not a total waste of time to watch, but don't be expecting the big laughs or any surprises.
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Hellier (2019)
Please, keep going!
7 December 2019
This docuseries seems so sincere. I can't wait to see more.

For all those negative reviews - really?? I don't get it. This was excellently shot, directed, and produced - and has a great soundtrack. Maybe you should look within for short comings? I dunno lol I just hope that, now that I've watched it, that I have become a part of it, because it's captivating and compelling. Bring it on!
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The Super (2017)
"The Super Disappointing" is more like it
23 October 2019
Besides Kilmer and Flueger, there are several other recognizable faces in this film. My question to them is "WTF? Are you all broke or did you lose the same bet?" Another viewer said this was one of Kilmer's best performances in years? I'd say it was his worst ever. And to whoever did his make-up - wow, just wow... None of this movie made much sense sense at all. If you're looking to see an example of something that looks tossed together, is badly written, poorly conceived, and dismally edited, with a ridiculous ending, then this one's for you. Of course Netflix is pushing it on viewers like it's fantastic, but we all know what that usually means - Super Crap.
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Euphoria (2019– )
9 July 2019
Just Wow. I mean I kind of knew that this was how things were, but seeing it really drives it home. Makes me glad I'm not a kid right now, and kind of glad I don't have one either. This show is raw and shocking, I agree that the shock is there partly for the pure value of it, but this is one hell of a compelling show. If you have kids, you should watch this; you're going to want to see. Obviously it's not like this for every kid these days, but the boundary line has got to be only paper thin. Aside from that, the characters are real and the stories are visceral. It's disturbing and beautiful all at the same time. I really can't wait to see more.
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The House (I) (2017)
Stupid, but...
28 May 2019
This movie is ridiculous and stupid, BUT you really can't help but to laugh - more often than you'd expect. Definitely only a 5/10, however if you're stoned, or just in the mood for something completely goofballs, this'll do.
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What If (2013– )
27 May 2019
This is not a sketch comedy, well, I guess THIS show actually is, but I think there is some error in the search links. The show you are probably searching for stars Jane Levy, Blake Jenner, and Renee Zellweger. This is a different show - I don't know what the technical issue is. As for the show you likely think you are rating, it's a decent 6 tops, but it might be interesting to see what follows - along the lines of How to Get Away With Murder, but less crazy and contrived, which could be either good and bad, depending on your expectations. To the people involved in THIS production - sorry about the rating. I never saw an episode of your sketch comedy - you really might wat to look into what is going on here. Cheers
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Into the Dark (2018–2021)
One of the best anthologies I seen
6 May 2019
After the first episode, I rated it a 10/10 (I may adjust that however). I have 2 left to watch in the first season and honestly I've thoroughly enjoyed the ride. The first episode was the best. I loved the writing and the way the two main characters played off each other, and in particular the dark humour employed. Not all the following episodes were as well done, but as a super horror/thriller fan they were all fun to watch. It's wonderful that the episodes are all feature length productions! Into The Dark certainly rivals Black Mirror and, in my opinion is a good stretch better than the most recent instalment of The Twilight Zone franchise. I'm excited to see more!!
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So tired of this
1 May 2019
What a total crock of typical American propagandizing crap. Seriously. I can hardly watch anything the US produces anymore. I know I'm pretty late on this, but wow. This inspired my first ever review on here, it was so cliched and self aggrandizing, but man, how I'd love to see this movie remade with the current president and a SLIGHTLY different ending. (Though which "Spark Plug" would be worth saving... My vote? I guess, Ivanka, she at least has a brain.
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