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Good Omens (2019– )
Season 2 is legitimately Dull
28 July 2023
This season 2 seems more interesting in playing diversity bingo than telling a complete story. Next to no straight couples, focuses too much on hooking up two lesbian characters. Making a fool of the essential white man who's story ended up being another diverse box tick.

The overall story started off good with a mystery about Gabriel, then it just never really progressed. Each character doing next to nothing and the plot happens to put them into the next event. Then it ends is a pretty pathetic resolution where our two heros have an unresolved, yet another tick box, thing that seemingly won't ever happen. But we all know it will.

Personally it suffers due to the side story about the love life of two absolutely unnecessary to the plot characters. And sufferers from the side plot of a certain police angel who had too much focus for nothing to happen. The ending with Gabriel is fine, but it was shoe horned in to the story at the end with no interesting hints.

I don't think I can personally watch this series again knowing it's going to be a let down. The interesting stuff all involves Biblical historical events where our two leads interact but that's it.
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Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Not understanding irony.
24 October 2022
20min in there are 10 things that are happening...

This episode is a mess. I will concede it got one thing right in using the old Doctors as part of the "plan", but ultimately there is no point the episode.

The master overall was probably the better focus, there seemed to be a legit plan in place but I can't take the actor seriously, he is a loony tune character. I can see the plan he wanted but damn... I hated watching it in action, painfully forced.

An entire building collapses and not one of the few l background people run... They stop, and gently turn to watch... Nor any dust etc to show that a building has collapsed not 20feet in front of them.

Ace actually was the highlight and she seemed to fit into the episode well. Her working with Greham(why and how he got to the volcano is a mystery but, f-it it's a Chibbles show. Anything can happen) was a good mix. I'd happily watch a series with them. Tegan was wasted. Made worse they brought in other assistants for barely a 2min scene.

"Goodbyes only hurt because what came before was so special" actually made me laugh because this entire run with Jodie and Chibbles was a disaster. Poorly written, acted and filmed. Boring with no attempt to make anything coherent. Bradly Walsh and tosin cole being the only two characters of note. The master was a mess, destruction of Galifry (again) was pointless, the home made Dalek was a neat idea but poorly executed. And the fact that it all boils down to her running around "solving" problems when most of it wasn't even her... Is insulting.

Goodbye Jodie and Chibbles. Ironically, this was "special", but not in the wonderous way.
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I can't get through the episode.
18 August 2022
She gets her powers by an accident... that she caused... Shaming Captain America. Basically re-enforcing a stereotype that women can't drive, they gossip etc etc, crashes the car because she doesn't pay attention... gets Bruces blood into her cut.

Unlike in the original where she was shot protecting someone, memory serves it was Bruce.

Not only that I genuinely feel like this is a show that will hate men or to immaculate men because it just has that tone. This can't be enjoyed by guys, Beta males and those like cuttlefish maybe, but geeze I can't get through the episode.
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I'm out and done with Disney.
8 June 2022
Where to start?

Pros I guess.

First episode was okay, maybe out of order and maybe should focus more on his PTSD and how defeated he is. Going through the mundane day to day just existing. But as it was it's decent.


Everything else... Episode 2 onwards Obi-wan plays second tier to a 10 year old who seems to be perfect. He should have come into his own by mid ep 2, start ep 3 latest, and realising he needs to be a something more again... But the 10year old girl... There is no logic or challenges in any situation. Just seems go to A then do this, go to B and have people defeated easily. Cannon is thrown right the window in favour of... Something. I don't know because there is no story in this show, it's formula with no challenge.

Riva(?) Is a third tier character given more status than Obi-wan and Vader, and there is no character to her except shout and "I'm better then everyone" attitude. Yet the character gets more of a shout-out, waiting to see her story unfold... But she's a villain... With no setup to be anything more, but certainly less, than what she is.

Disney itself can't take criticism and defaulted to the woke red card system to prevent any harm to its brand as usual.

They have last Jedi'd this show and I feel sorry for Ewan in this. He's wasted in this and I couldn't care less about any of the others because there is nothing to them. Hell even Vader is a waste in this show. Any other person would have been choked to death for skrewups, but Riva gets praise.

Disney can't create anything, so don't bother with this or any of their brands.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
It's Star Trek in cosplay only.
25 October 2021
I'll start with the pros because there isn't many. The updated look of The Enterprise under Captain Pike is great. One of the best looking ships. Captain Pike is the only Character that works.

The cons. I COULD say everything else and be done with it but I'll give a basic overview.

Characters are not even forgettable, you literally do not know most of their names for the first season, they make an attempt in season 2 but are never mentioned again, and barely said in season 3 with the sole exception of the main 5. Most of them are bland background characters on the bridge and the main 5 are all over the place, especially in season 3 where there is a lot of weird emotional ranges. Has an odd tendency to focus around the female characters, which isn't bad, but because you don't know who they are, what they like and hobbies etc... It's just a relegation of the lesser known men in the series. Season 3 the main character seems to be this all powerful person even dictacting to an Admiral on what is to be done... All while he treats her like some kind of legendary person. But in essence she has a tantrum to get her way and the man obviously folds. The admiral is played by a great actor but I feel I can see regret in is acting choice there.

Now compare that to literally every other Trek, they spend time with each character, allowing you to know them including flaws which define them. I can tell you every name from the original series to Enterprise and stuff about them. In Discovery I can name 3 and I can give you traits like he's gay, she's a mess etc and that is it.

Story is a joke, some of the laziest writing I have every seen. Each episodes plot is contrite, focusing around a thin overarching series plot with each series getting worse. They have written themselves into history, before Kirk with tech that is far more advanced. Destroyed the Klingons, they look attrocious and their culture a mess. Made a mockery of Vulcans. And in season 2 they had this dumb plot with an angel that resulted in writing themselves out of history to preserve the time line... Season 3 is set in the future but honestly it's such a dumb plot with a tantruming alien ruining traveling because plot. They cry, the tantrum, they cry and they constantly disobay orders or ignore the chain of command because they are treated like legends.

Enterprise is a prequel, enterprise was written really well as a prequel, every story had ramifications no matter how big or small and treated the existing cannon with care. Like the Borg showing up, the Klingons losing their ridges, how star fleet was formed. Even addition of new species like the Denoblians(or However it's spelled) and Xindi was handled with care and felt like apart of normal trek.

Overall I don't think any of the modern trek is worth it, Picard and the animated trash who's name I forgot. I don't like what they have done to a beloved series and I don't like how it's some bastardised version of other sci-fi shows where all the worst aspects are put into a blender. The expanse and obviously the Orville are vastly better shows that are more trek than modern Star Trek.
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Loki (2021–2023)
A lot of talking, not much anything else.
15 July 2021
It's a long, boring, constantly talking show. Very little action happens and Loki is a barely a sidekick in his own show... And this guy was a powerful villian with exceptional magic.

Absolute waste of time, like all the the marvel Disney+ shows.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
This is star trek in costume only.
24 August 2020
This show, once again, prooves that making stuff around an idiotic ideology will actively alienate fans of proper brands. Star wars is a mess, Doctor who is a disaster and Star Trek is another victim of this mentality.

Chara are obnoxious. Especially one of the female characters who seems to be perfect at everything and talks continously... The conversations are loud and pointless, there is nothing meaningful or poignant said unlike Actual Star Trek. The design is ill suited. The Humour is... Um... There is no humour, it isn't funny so this is a pass. Supporting characters are lame ripof of actually amazing ones.

I'd give this show a negative score but just scoring it validates its existence. I can totally see why it has no international release and it ia losing viewers rapidly.
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Doctor Who: The Timeless Children (2020)
Season 12, Episode 10
What the hell they done to Doctor Who?
3 March 2020
No seriously... What they hell have they done?

I really don't even know where to begin with this. It makes the previous series right to William Hartnell's first appearence utterly redundant with the last two episodes of Jodies series 12. I have been really critical with series before, game of thrones final series was weak but it had something to add. This... These two series of Jodie and Chibbles I want retconned out of Doctor Who. It isn't pleasant to watch, it isn't good to watch, it is largely boring, insulting to men and the cast do not work. I won't Spoil anything, you can easily look up reviews on youtube to save you time. But the fact that Davies and Moffat spent 10 series building up to the finding of Galifry only for this series to happen to it.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
What a disaster.
7 October 2019
Everything in this is wrong. Casting, Acting, Plot and the HEAVY LBGT Feminist agenda. I didn't like her introduction in the Arrowverse crossover episode (which coincidently made me stop watching the whole CW Arrowverse series) and my god this is worse. I stayed to watch the whole episode and I regret it. Supergirl was the worst CW Arrowverse show until now. I won't spoil anything because its a you have to see how bad it is to believe it deal... However I don't want you too see it or know anything about it.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
If I could, I would rate it -10/10 but I guess one star would have to do.
17 February 2019
In short, it's garbage.

They can't act, it's too pc and I am sure it's all a "diversity" drive, story is meh and it doesn't even come close to the original.
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