
18 Reviews
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Música (2024)
Kinda biased
11 April 2024
Warning: I've been a fan of Rudy Mancuso's for a while (vines, YouTube, "Coco at the Hollywood Bowl", etc) and I have come to realize what a brilliant talent he is. Most of his work is placing himself as the "straight man" in a world of comedy which he does in this film (if only he had the same faith in himself as we do!). Yes the plot is simplistic and almost retro (as in boy meets girl, etc.) but the dialogue, acting and situations make it feel fresh. Now on top of that he places the importance of music and hearing/seeing the world around him. It adds another creative layer. There are so many humorous moments in the film where one finds themselves chuckling to themselves as it almost sounds like internal dialogues we have all had. I love it.

Mendes fits right into his world without being "actor-y" and feels completely normal. The biggest comedic star is Rudy's mom: if you aren't aware of her impact on his life and videos, then her role in this film should give you a taste.

Is this film an "Oppenheimer"? No. But is it worth a watch? Definitely!
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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Warriors (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
There's hope...
22 February 2024
So much disappointment with the clunky, humorless, and overwrought first episode (written by the original show runners/writers of the OG cartoon, by the way) will hopefully be dispersed with this second episode. I think they did a wonderful job adding some humor back, some emotion back, and some exposition in a more "show, less tell" fashion. I can hear the fanboys lamenting the loss of a cabbage seller, but this episode felt closer to the original. I even enjoyed the Sokka bits as he has to learn that he isn't alone as much as Aang isn't. If I had to have an OG complaint it would be that Katara does seem to be overshadowed-isn't she supposed to be main character number 2?
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Fanboys ruin everything
22 February 2024
How do you condense a 63 episode series in to 2, maybe 3, seasons of 8 episodes each? Well some stuff has to go; some characters' stories have to be shortened; some side stories have to be abandoned. Oh and we need academy award level acting from teenagers and blockbuster level special effects too. Sorry kids some stuff is not going to make it on the screen and if that is enough for the OG fanboys to riot (which they would have done if all of those things were met just the same) then perhaps they should stay away. Yes in a perfect world this show would be perfect but we don't live in a perfect world.

Did they condense? Yes. Are the actors suitable? Yes. Does it look good? Pretty much (but CGI is still CGI). Is it perfect? No, but then again it is better than the film version!
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2 July 2023
"Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it" seems to be the underlying theme here in regards to America in the 21st century from the use of lower social classes given the right of violence to achieve a symbolic future under the leadership of a master manipulator to the eroding rights of women, minorities, and LGBT communities in lieu of the establishment of nationalistic Christian warriors. All of the evidence presented here (and in other documentaries) demonstrating media bias, degradation of educational programs and institutions , book censorship, and imaginary philosophical villains out to corrupt the youth of the nation.

The blueprint has been established but, looking around, no one appears to notice because it is not on TikTok.
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30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(Due to the word limit I will merely repeat what some have stated already regarding the series thus far as a whole in order to say what I truly want to say).

So many derisions have been foisted upon this series by those who have either (to quote) "not watched it yet " or "I have only seen the movie", that I feel the need to issue a final judgement: it is glorious! Time change? Didn't mind and felt that with not only the change in casting but the social issues presented that it worked well (much to the chagrin of the Florida legislature!). Actor choices? Brilliant! Hire the best to present a work of art! Episodic pacing? For the purpose of the series it worked well as Goldilocks would agree!

The finale? Heart-wrenching. Readers of the books (or film know what is coming, but they way as presented here it surpassed the previous incarnations. The final reveal was unexpected and (as a lover of Anne Rice's lore) satisfying! It is a coupling that I emotionally welcomed. I cannot wait for the second season not only for the high production values and acting quality but for what little twists the production team invent. Brava!
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History of the World: Part II: III (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Old school satire
21 March 2023
I'm loving this. At first I was worried about a 40 year sequel, and although the humor is uneven, I find myself laughing at some of the bits. In this episode is the Freud skit and as juvenile/sophomoric the sick jokes are, I was cracking up. The takes on the different topics are rather clever (better than most skit comedy shows). I am sure so many people will be "offended" by some of the presentations (see the Civil war review on episode 4) but anyone who watched the old Mel Brooks films will understand the subtle ironic humor. And even more the humor in context (the 70s sitcoms format of Shirley!).
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American Horror Stories: Lake (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
Old EC Comics plot with crap acting/direction
12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah I get it: it's just like those old supernatural revenge stories from "Tales from the Crypt", but any director worth their salt must realize that to succeed there must be an element of camp! It doesn't necessarily need an animatronic crypt keeper, but it does require pacing and above all some degree of acting!

The biggest mistake here is that they tried to treat it as an after school special on grief with some horror thrown in. Nope. Not going to cut it. It needed a better set up on the location, a more horrifying first kill, some true research (rather than a lucky find), and above all suspense! When the carted off the Prescott relative, he just laid there. Where was the final but where the mother and daughter turn around to find another group of ghouls to abduct the daughter? That is true EC style!

One only has to look at the success of the old "Tales from the Crypt" tv show and that Stephen King anthology to see how to do it right. Perhaps not the over the top lighting, but the story beats. So is it the actor's fault or the director's?

Please American Horror Stories: learn from your mistakes!!!!
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The Sandman: The Sound of Her Wings (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
My two favorite issues of the comic series
6 August 2022
As much of a reader as I am, I must admit that seeing them performed here has provided inexplicable joy. "The Sound of her Wings" was an emotional overload and well done (I'm even glad they stopped one scene before the mother's anguish!). The adventures of Hob Gadling benefitted from the visual aspect of the storytelling too. Both tales hit their correct beats and worked well as a compelling episode of this new Sandman series.
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The Witcher: Kaer Morhen (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
It's a Netflix show, fanboys!
19 December 2021
This review is more about the reviewers that Han the show. The Witcher series is huge and there is no way they can cover everything, so the writers have taken the major beats and characters to devise a fantasy series with a monster/battle of the week. Esker was simply a name from the books they chose (I've read the entire series twice and couldn't tell you who he was!). Everyone is losing their minds about him and ignoring the whole plot B with Yennifer and the Elves.... The writers have a scope for season two to get from point A to point B and that's what they were paid for. Watch it or not; go rage on Reddit or 4chan!
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Titans: Troubled Water (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
To all the haters....
6 October 2021
If anyone ever read the original Titans books (not you Go Titans! Weebs!) you have forgotten that the action was cool but the interpersonal stuff was boring-ish (sorry Marv Wolfman) but it was.... We only remember the fights.... The book/ characters have persevered BECAUSE of these boring character arcs and the love we gave to them.... Slow and insidious we remember and love them never quite knowing why.... Here's the why-on screen and time consuming.... Sorry your adhd prevents you from understanding true narrative!
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American Horror Story: Take Me to Your Leader (2021)
Season 10, Episode 7
AHS sci-fi
1 October 2021
Fun! Lily Rabe had a few lines and demonstrated why she is an excellent actress! The present day group presented friend who very typical and aware.... Even better no fatty , woke, accept me types! Kaia and friends were gorgeous and perfect victims.... At least they had back stories delivered in a few lines and not entire episodes! Can't wait to see how it connects to the first half.... Full disclosure: I loved Roanoke too because of the mirrored plot!
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Tardis House
11 September 2021
I love how gorgeously big the house is in the inside....outside? Not so much. Pretty much a metaphor for the movie.
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Luca (2021)
Different = cute
22 June 2021
Great for Disney+.... Maybe not cinema but very cool enjoyable! All about dreams and naïveté.

Best part: the CAT! I seriously haven't laughed out loud at a film in a while and the damn cat had me cracking up! Score another one for the side character!
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The creepiest bit...
9 October 2020
Aside from the wonderful location and the unsettling children, the creepiest bits of the show are the late 80s fashions and mom jeans! Chilling!
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The Umbrella Academy: Valhalla (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Half Time Breather
31 July 2020
This is the point in the series when things start revealing themselves (hopefully, but it IS The Um tells Academy!). This episode felt good.... as the descriptor says the family gets back together and in doing so all of the stress from season one is noticeably absent. The cast was having fun and it's nice to see Ellen Page enjoying herself for once. Five proves to be a bit of a bad ass as well.

There are no real answers in the character driven episode but it sets up some real situations. But over all I enjoyed the fun and camaraderie which was missing from season one.
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Perfect Ending to Season 2
17 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps it is the jaded world in which we live, but I truly appreciated the "re-set" of the last episode, whether it be Panto and Silas or the rowdy 3 or ( 5...6?).... Maybe it was the stark nature of my life, but I really wanted everything to be okay in theirs. This is escapist entertainment, so I want my fun, not realism (okay, maybe the soccer mom downfall made me laugh with glee) but I am happy for the happy endings of Farah and the cops, Vogel and the rowdy 3, Panto and Silas' families, the pathos of Bart and even Hugo (in all of dim-wittedness). I love this series and this episode.

PS I love Osric Chou
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Lore (2017–2018)
Dreadful narration
13 October 2017
While the episode story itself is quite good and fun for the genre, the narration is dreadful. I doubt the narrator even completed a drama course. Stilted and unemotional, perhaps he ought to have looked at the script beforehand. Hell even the worst videos on Youtube have better narrators.

It's terrible becoming so turned off of a program when one is screaming "Shut the hell up!" at the screen!
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L Movie
28 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
RE: response to night_wng response to Simon: this movie cannot possibly be a PREQUEL if it the last 23 days of L's life (duh!) Okay..first off, as you have read...this is NOT a DEATHNOTE MOVIE not is it any part of the manga... this is obviously an attempt to cash in on the L character by the studio. Now, that said.... I loved it.

I was amazed by the L actor in the first two movies and bought this (thank you ebay!) for the character of L, as portrayed by the actor. This film did not disappoint. Sure the writing made everyone dim and there was no real "battle of the minds" as with DN, but you really like L in this one. SUre it is a softer side, yes it is cliché, but dang it I don't know... I really felt something knowing that these were his last days and there would be no more L. It kinda made a hollow bit in me.

WOuld I love a Prequel with L in action against some super diabolical villains? sure. It wouldn't have anything to do with a Death Note, but it could be cool (very Sherlock Holmes or, god forbid, Davinci Code).

Buy/rent/see this movie for what it is. Another chance to see L
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