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The Walking Dead: New Best Friends (2017)
Season 7, Episode 10
Why Waste Time Say Lot Word When Few Word Do Trick?
27 September 2023
This episode and this group of survivors are just so goofy. It's actually kinda fun. They speak like Kevin from The Office when he tries to save time by using less words. They dont explain why either. It's just funny and i kinda love it in a fun-bad b-movie way.

The stuff in The Kingdom is alright. A lot of talking about what to do, rather than doing anything at all. Not really interesting but not a trainwreck either. Pretty on par with the season.

All in all the episode is goofy and a bit dull, like a lot of this season, but it's okay. Not the worst but nothing to get excited about. Not gravy, but not mashed potatoes either.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Awful marketing, Great movie
4 May 2023
The movie title, cover, and trailer are all awful and do the movie no favors. I had absolutely no interest in watching this. It looks basic, very familiar, and uninteresting. Almost everyone i know who has seen it, only ended up watching it because someone else recommended it to them and said it was 'surprisingly good'. This is the same reason i ended up watching it. And I'm glad i did.

The title should be the same as it's short "Laura Hasn't Slept". "Smile" is a painfully boring name. The cover should be the creature climbing inside someones mouth. Again, bad marketing team.

The films main idea isnt original, but the story it builds around that idea is very interesting and effective. The scenes, cinematography, creatures, acting, and scares are all really well done. Way more than you'd expect. And minimal cheap jump scares is always something respectable from a horror movie. The scares this movie offers aren't loud shock scares, but deep, menacing chills. This movie is pleasantly surprising. 7.5/10.
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The Rum Diary (2011)
Johnny carries but story is bland
4 May 2023
Johnny is great as usual but the story is just dull and mediocre at best. Feels like theres not much there. Johnny carries the movie but even he can lift the weight of it all.

Also, the scene where Amber Heard goes to the bathroom on the bed is quite gross and unnecessary. She definitely didnt need to be in the movie at all. Her appearance is a bit of a dirty stain on the sheet of the film.

All in all, i wouldnt recommended due to the story. The story. The story just is meh. Yaknow. Thats about it. Just filling characters at this point. All in all thats about it. Yup. Id say thats about it. Thats about it.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Pretty but Nonsense
15 December 2022
This movie wants so badly to be deep and artsy to the point of boredum. From a dull drawnout story, to constant monologs, to every character crying, to un-needed chapters, it just wants you to think its the most arthouse movie you've seen. It's shot well, acted well, and edited well but the script and direction is just laughable. By the end of the movie, you're just hoping something will happen. Nothing ever does. The dialogue verges on funny and meaningless, much like the rest of the film.

It's a movie you'll forget about in a week. With a really bad movie you can often find enjoyment. This movie is just lifeless.
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Blonde (2022)
A Drag
29 September 2022
This movie seemed to want the controversy and boasted its NC-17 rating. Yet there's truly nothing that pushes it past a light R. There a far far worse adult content in other R rated films. Upper female nudity, implied violence and implied SA are Blondes'. Almost everything in this movie is implied. Even it's story. What little there is.

It's simply an exploitative, arthouse film that uses Marilyn's name as a jumping off point. A complete drag with scenes that go on and on and a story that can't seem to find an anchor. The criticisms that this movie defines Marilyn by her abuse are actually spot on. It's so narrowly focused on Marilyns abuses that it forgets to show or talk about anything else. I went into this movie, not knowing much about her other than she was an actress from early 1900s who died. I came out of this movie, knowing pretty much the exact same information.

So it's not a biopic that delivers Marilyn's story. There's nothing that would otherwise interest a non-Marilyn fan. And as an art film theres nothing original, innovate, or interesting that it cares to show or say.

The actors, especially Ana, gave their all and should be comended. But the movie is flat. You can stir up controversy and tout a rating that you probably bought, but people will eventually watch the movie and realize its nothing more than a sleeping pill.
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Barbarian (2022)
Massive Potential that Falls Face First in the Final Act
21 September 2022
Like so many others have already pointed out, this is a movie with a massive amount of potential that fails tremendously in the last act. Lets start with the good.

Barbarian has fantastic acting, great shots, great music, great atmosphere, and a unique take on a relatively simple idea. The suspense and pacing of the first half are masterful. Everything is coated in dread and mystery and you're left on the edge of your seat. All of this stays true throughout the duration of the film. It's the story that takes a hit in the 2nd half.

When the first "switch" happens, the movie tonally changes. It becomes more tounge and cheek with a lot of humor. Some of it really works and is a nice break. Some is borderline slapstick and eye-rolling cringe. As it goes on, the writer doesn't know when to stop. And this is an issue that bleeds into nearly all parts of the story. It doesnt know when to stop the humor, it doesnt know when to stop giving us information about the monster, and it doesnt know when to end.

The absolute worst part is the ending that it does decide to go with. By the time the movie is over, the monster is comical and the characters arcs are in ashes. One of the worst endings I've seen in a horror movie and you'll be left with such a bad taste in your mouth, you'll be reevaluating the whole movie. This is the reason for a lot of the 1-star ratings. What it leaves you with is such a different level of quality than what you started with, its hard to remember the gem that it started out as.

All in all, disappointing, original, annoying, riveting, all wrapped up into one cult horror movie. With a painfully bad ending. 7/10.
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Thor 4 Made Dumb People Mad at This Movie
8 September 2022
This is easily in the top 5 best MCU movies of all-time. Before Love & Thunder came out and made people mad this movie had a wayy higher rating. Those angry people took aim at Taika, and rather than doing the logical thing and criticize Love and Thunder, which absolutely deserves it, they spray their fanboy rage at anything he touches.

Directors and writer mess up sometimes and Taika screwed up with Thor 4. But that means absolutely nothing to Thor: Ragnarok.

This movie was brilliant when it came out and it continues to be. Like it or not, Taika is a critically acclaimed, oscar-winning, brilliant, hilarious writer and director. Nearly everything he's done, except for Love and Thunder, is loved by critics and audiences alike. Now, it may upset you that someone made a bad movie about your favorite superhero. But going back a re-rating a previous work is dumb and just shows your opinion is weak and easily swayed by things outside the film itself.

This will continue to be hailed and in the conversation of "best MCU film" by critics and marvel fans. Move on with your life and let people enjoy things. Your bad take isn't needed.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
HEAVILY relies on Breaking Bad
21 August 2022
Better Call Saul has always had a direct road to Breaking Bad but nearly the whole show stood on its own. The last 4 episodes, especially this finale, all but abandons Better Call Saul and jumps between a few timelines during and after Breaking Bad. This makes the ending mostly unsatisfying and barely present.

HOWEVER, if you're a Breaking Bad fan you may still enjoy this. This is the reason for the high rating. It's basically Breaking Bad deleted scenes and conclusions for a few characters. This is basically an extended ending to Breaking Bad, not Better Call Saul. Love it or hate it, that's what this is.

A much better idea would have been to dedicate the last 4 episodes to finishing the Better Call Saul timeline. Then, these last 4 episodes could have been a post-show movie similar to El Camino. Unfortunately, we will be stuck with this.
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Better Call Saul: Lantern (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
The True start of Better Call Saul
13 August 2022
The terrible character that brought Better Call Saul down about 5 pegs finally meets an end. A giant weight is lifted off the shoulders of the show. It can finally stand fully upright. Everything after this episode is Breaking Bad quality. If the show hadnt hooked you yet, this is where it will. It just had to shed the dead weight.
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A 30 minute story, Told in 3 hours
11 August 2022
Overly long, boring, and stretched as far as possible. I promise, this is a waste of your time.

Just google Hunter Moore or IsAnyoneUp and you'll find way the whole story without having to sit through 2.5 extra hours of filler. This is how to not make a documentary.
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The Plot Armor Needs To Come Off
8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mostly this is a good episode.


Making an emotional scene where you kill off a main character, only to then bring them back to life, is bad writing. They should know better. It takes all the impact away and makes it so if the character ever does die, it won't have any impact at all because the audience has accepted their death once before and it didn't matter.

Also, introducing new characters to have people to kill off is lazy. Kill your darlings. You don't have to Game of Thrones them but 4 seasons in, your audience should feel like your characters are in danger when they're supposed to be. The main cast feels invincible at this point. It doesn't matter how high they raise the stakes if it all feels like an illusion.

I hope the Duffers learn for future projects since Stranger Things is pretty much done.
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Skip it
4 June 2022
I had the misfortune of watching this episode on my first watch-through of this season. It was and is painfully useless and the worst writing in the show. It is filler in it's worst form and it kills the momentum of the season.

Rewatching the whole show again i decided to skip this episode and it makes the entire experience SO much better. You miss absolutely nothing. I feel like this is how everyone should experience it.
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Pam & Tommy (2022)
Already wayy better than The Dirt
4 February 2022
If you've seen the garbage acting and writing in The Dirt and were let down, this will alleviate some of that disappointment. They actually casted a real actor as Tommy Lee this time (Sebastian Stan) around instead of a rapper with no acting ability and dear god does it make a difference. He is really fantastic. Now, obviously this story is just about Tommy and not the rest of Motley Crue but the writing is way more interesting then what that movie attempted. The acting is really killer and it has a really fantastic soundtrack that sets the tone and fits the time period.
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Best Side Story
10 January 2022
Just wanted to make that pun cuz no one else has. Great cast, great director, great movie. Also, if you don't wanna watch it cuz you don't like Ansel then dont. Hundreds of others worked on this, not just him. This is not the work of one, it is the work of many.

You don't get to bring down the whole building because you dislike 1 person inside.
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
As Bad as the last Finale
9 January 2022
These writers need to be out of jobs at this point. This was painful to watch. They threw out everything Dexter was and made him into a normal person and everyone around him is so unlikable. The main chief of police is such a terrible cop and unlikable as all hell yet they tried to make her the saint who brings Dexter to justice. There was a way to bring Dexter back but this was not it. The writers should feel ashamed.
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Shameless: Father Frank, Full of Grace (2021)
Season 11, Episode 12
Meh ending but Shameless was always political.
20 October 2021
It's a pretty dull finale for the series but oh my god. I feel like we can't even talk about the actual ending without all the 1 star conservative snowflakes complaining about how it "got political". This show was always political as it related to the current topics. It was relevant to the times when it came out and it stayed relevant to todays times, being covid and u.s. Politics.

Base your rating on the actual ending of the show and not your bad political views. If EVERY show and movie is speaking up against your views, maybe you're the problem(;
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Sex Education: Episode 7 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 7
21 September 2021
This! This is what we been waiting for! The uprising of the students standing up to hope, issac FINALLY gone (thankgod 🙏), and OTIS AND MAEVE!!! So much more happened too that they packed into this episode and it all just fits so well. This season is definitely an improvement over the 2nd. Almost as good as the beloved first season.
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Sex Education: Episode 4 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 4
Why is issac still here?
20 September 2021
You can skip all his scenes this season and you miss nothing. He's a terrible character and his story is painfully unbelievable and uninteresting. It's so seperate, why is he still apart of this show? Did they not hear all the negative feedback from last season about him? They're forcing it down our throats and we don't want it.
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Sex Education: Episode 3 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
Seasons great so far...
20 September 2021
...except for Issac. Again, he's the most uninteresting, poorly written character and it's a stain on an otherwise good season so far. He already practically ruined the last season. Every scene with him makes me want to put the show down, I've begun to skip past them at this point and it makes for a much more enjoyable watch. I'd recommend until they hopefully kill him off.
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Sex Education: Episode 6 (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Kill off wheelchair kid pls
19 September 2021
He's such a bad character. From his acting to the way the character is written is all terrible. He brings the show down to an embarrassing quality. Lets hope they learn for season 3.
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Better Call Saul: Witness (2017)
Season 3, Episode 2
Chuck is such a poorly written character
28 June 2021
It's frustrating cuz the rest of the show is so good but chucks character is just unbelievable. From the writing to his acting. He had a scene where he cries as his mother dies and it was laughably bad. I could give a more convincing performance. Just making a villian just to have one is something i would have expecting from these writers. Especially when they have so many well written villians.
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Them: Covenant II. (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
Skip (Unless You Like Filler)
14 April 2021
There's a reason this is the LOWEST rated episode of the ENTIRE show.

You could skip this entire episode and it wouldnt change the story at all. It serves as a means of seperation between the cliffhanger in episode 8 and the resolution of episode 10. Drawn-out fluff to make the show 10 episodes, when it didnt need to be. This is a perfect example of filler.

Whether you like the episode or not, that's what it is. If you enjoy filler episodes, you may like this. If you don't, you should skip this. Either way, the rest of the show soars HIGH compared to this episode.

Because even as filler, this episode is not good.
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This is what overrated looks like
23 March 2021
You can enjoy a movie and still critique it. If you're a specifically a snyder fan you might dig this. But for dc fans, superhero fans, or just casual movie fans Heres some of the main issue's.

-The music is very noticeable in the worst way. From jarring, unfit song choices, to wonderwomans choir music that shows up everytime shes on screen in battle. It becomes laughable.

-The slowmo feels like it makes up half the movie. It works sometimes but it goes wayyy over the top.

-The drawn-out overindulgence in scenes. The shots are often beautiful but go on for just so noticeably long. It, again, becomes almost laughable because it sticks out so much.

-The flash. Now this was a problem in the original as well but the flashes speed is not felt at all. Ezra is great but the running is weird and just looks funny and tacky.

-Although better than in the original cut, the main villian, Steppenwolf, is still bland and basic. And the overarching villian, Darkseid, is just as boring from the little bit we see of him.

-The movie as a whole feels disjointed and very scrapped together. It feels too long because it should've been multiple movies but they put all of it in this one, so they're constantly jumping to different lands, worlds, timelines, and if you aren't an avid fan of DC and snyder films, you could quickly get lost or bored.

-The story. I've seen others compare it to Avengers and Lord of the rings in terms of it's story and i can see that. It does nothing new, which is fine but if you aren't going to have an original story, you better have a damn good retelling of one. Justice league does not. It's just a lesser version of things you've already seen.

-The epilogue coulda been scrapped all together and seems to serve as fan service and nothing more. There are scenes throughout the movie like this but the epilogue is the biggest example. It adds nothing of value. And the joker scene is possibly the worst in the film. Leto proves, once more, he does not work in the roll.

Overall, I'm very happy snyder got to see his vision release, and it's definitely better than the theatrical cut. And I'm glad his fans got the farewell movie they wanted. That being said, as a dc fan and a movie fan, I'm also very happy we're moving away from these films and in this new direction of dark, r-rated dc films like Joker and Birds of Prey, The Batman and James gunns new Suicide Squad.
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WandaVision (2021)
Think star wars but for your cousin
18 January 2021
If you've ever put both shoes on the wrong foot that's this i mean. This show had no accuracy but not for a lack of aim. Wandavision is just their names. I pre fer wanda and cosmo of the oddparents . Respectfully
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High Score: Role Players (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
If gay people trigger u, u may get big mad
17 October 2020
Unfortunately some people are homophobic and they can't see the presence of gays without being offended. Otherwise, it's just another episode, exactly as good as the others. If the guy who lost his game was straight, the people who rated this negatively wouldnt have rated it at all. Too bad for them he's gay ;( . Thoughts and prayers go out to them.
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