16 Reviews
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The Glorias (2020)
omg don't just don't rent
8 October 2020
This has no focus, it rambles, it is incoherent. If we didn't know about Gloria, we would not have been able to figure out the story. It has scattered pieces as if they needed minutes of filler. My husband laughed in one scene, when there appeared to be a witch or ghost and some red lighting and a man sweating, and asked "am I watching the Wizard of Oz". Super stupid. Sorry, I want my money back. How could Julianne Moore let this garbage go out?
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Then Came You (2020)
Enjoyable easy watching movie
4 October 2020
No car crashes, no chases, no loud music. Just a nice little romp in the Scottish highlands. is Kathie Lee a little older? yes but they kind of make the romance work. Younger men fall in love with older women? fun little movie. We enjoyed it
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
ok so my husband made me watch this
5 September 2020
I may have seen scenes of the Karate Kid way back..don't remember but I am a girl and maybe it didn't matter but my husband and his brother have been super psyched to see this tv show...so I watched. And I was hooked..I was like a caught fish, hook, line and all...done. Loved every moment. It was corny, yes, but what a fun ride back to safety...no Covid, no politics, just fun all around...and the music..YES. Thanks to whoever made this show!!!! love you.
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The High Note (2020)
Just what we need during Covid..a nice story
5 June 2020
I did think it was the perfect little story and perhaps a little predictable but I didn't stop watching and it lifted me up and I found myself smiling at the end. I even waited to see the credits to find out who wrote what song. I'll give it a 10 because it made me forget about all the mess out there right now and that is what a wonderful movie makes you do. Forget for a little bit.
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had no clue what was happening..left and went to Little Women half way
31 December 2019
Sorry but a bunch of characters pop on screen, there seems to be no plot and I think JJ pretty much threw anything at the screen hoping something would work. Nothing worked. Left my husband and son and went across the hall. They said I was smart to do it. JJ does not deserve a second chance after this mess.
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Little Women (2019)
This has Greta Gerwig's stamp all over it.
31 December 2019
Bright characters, beautiful scenery and a smart witty style. We all love Little Women no matter what year you have watched it. But Greta brushes the screen with her wit and style. Nothing drolls on. It's funny, witty and snaps to scenes but not too quickly. With just enough time so the audience doesn't get tired. Florence Pough was superb. And so was Chamalat playing Laurie. I loved watching Greta on screen but behind the camera, she is a dream.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Machiavelli, Shakespearean tragedy what else - well there is Logan.
23 November 2019
This is a very wealthy family headed by a very seasoned businessman Logan who has seen his fair share of dealings and he is still too proud to let others get to him. He will win at all costs. His family, although he loves them are players in his play. He lines them all up and works them splendidly, although a bit sad for a father. But really this isn't dear old Dad. This is a billionaire who runs a conglomerate and trust isn't in his first language. How the children, who are all in the business, are beholden to his every move and you can see how they are affected, benefit from and charmed all in different ways. Money and Power lock you right in and subject you to things you may not want to be part of it. This is a true drama and when it ends each week, I always shout out "no".
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The Affair (2014–2019)
Just for the final show alone, i give it a 10
23 November 2019
Sarah Treem, thank you, thank you, thank you. My husband and I would watch this together and he sort of fell out last season but i kept going. The final episode was so beautifully shot and woven together, that I just could not get enough. I was on the edge of my seat knowing it was going to end but my only thought was that it can't. I will never get this feeling back and i need to freeze it in time right now and please don't stop. It was so sweet, so nice, so fun. You left me with the feeling of a lost love. How am I going to feel this feeling again? So for the episodes that fell a bit off, all if forgiven with the final curtain. Tears, hugs, love.
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It's simple
23 November 2019
My husband and I watch this since there is very little on television other than home renovating shows and reality crap. We love our HBO and Crave but after Shameless, Succession (delight) and with the Affair over, there really isn't much left on tv. That's why we are doing the new Apple TV and anything else we can find. It's cute, it's simple and your brain won't even turn on but you can enjoy it all the same. People are pretty and wear very expensive clothing and live in very nice homes.
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Modern Love (2019–2021)
We binged the whole thing..
23 November 2019
Someone wrote here that it feels like your first love, or maybe it's that feeling of love and humanity. I didn't give it a ten because I think Tina Fey and John Slattery blew everyone out of the water with their story or maybe i just related more to it. It was hard for any other piece to compare. It was a simple story of looking at the person you are married to and stopping and listening. Something wonderful happens. When Anne Hathaway appeared on the screen and things broke into a musical number, I thought "oh god here she goes with the over the top Anne Hathaway number". Yes, I am not her biggest fan but she just really did a fabulous job. The musical break normally wouldn't be something I would watch and would scroll through but she brought the character to life with her acting. It was over the top, but it was meant to be. You'll see what I mean. The Doorman was sweet and wonderful and a bit creepy at first. I hope we get a second one. Terrific piece of art.
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Joker (I) (2019)
I was worried to go see this movie..so glad i did.
18 November 2019
Honestly, I wasn't up to seeing this. Somehow, I thought I would not enjoy it because it might be violent. I didn't see the violence. What I saw was one of the best pieces of art that i have seen anywhere. Right up there with the masters and not only on screen but ever in life, paintings, sculptures, design. A truly beautiful piece of art. How they told the story was perfectly done. You see how the Joker evolved and the many things in life that creates who we are as malleable human beings. The acting was beyond spectacular. It was a joy to watch. Hands down, Mr. Phoenix wins Best Actor and this movie better be nominated for Best Movie coming from a woman of a particular age who has no interest in the comics. A treasure. Actually, I think everyone on this movie gets an Oscar. Let's just get Oprah out there and hand them out, "an Oscar for you and one for you"..the whole damn team wins MakeUP, Cinematography, Director, Screenplay, Actors, the whole team!
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A Terrific Ride!!
18 November 2019
Wow when I heard 2.5 hours, i calculating how many times I could go to the washroom just to take a break. Not once did I get up..not for a minute. The story, the visuals, the acting..oh Mr. Bale you have to get nominated again and throw one in for Mr. Damon too because their onscreen chemistry was electrifying and super fun. Coming from a female who has no interest in racing cars, this was a joyride in itself, watching the cars go around the track, the speed, the adrenal and Mr. Bale's facial expressions while driving was truly a delight to witness. Thanks for the great ride guys. Loved every moment.
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Life Itself (2018)
It's raining out on a Sunday and I just watched a lovely movie
14 April 2019
I kept going back to this and thought "why not try it"..the reviews from the audience were building and worse thing that can happen is it is a bad movie and i hate not to finish a movie in case i miss out on potentially something good happening. This was something good. I feel so bad for the actors who worked on this and gave us a lovely generational tale and a human movie at that and got panned by the critics. Bad critics. It's a story that weaves through two sides of a family and brings you to one happy place a the end. I thought that it would be disjointed and i would have to figure out the pieces but it was pretty straight forward and filled my raining day making me smile. So to the actors, writers, director who put this together. Thank you. Here is your award. :)
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14 May 2018
I couldn't stop watching.AT first it looked like something that wouldn't interest me but the first ten minutes i was hooked. I couldn't stop binging on it. Actors were all dynamic and yes, over the top sometimes but it was a fabulous ride while it lasted. I hope we get a season 3.
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Norman (2016)
What a terrific movie for the afternoon
13 July 2017
I enjoyed the acting of Richard Gere in this movie. He did an excellent portrayal of Norman as a messed up fixer and you love and get annoyed by him all the same. The intricate nature of the characters plays out like a play and the backdrop of New York feels very well placed. The camera angle of certain characters and situations are well done and give you your hints on what is about to play out and they do but all in a very neat little package. This is an enjoyable story for all ages. Just amazing acting all around. No car smashes, blowups or guns. So nice to sit back and see real characters portrayed. A true joy.
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Equity (I) (2016)
Excellent movie
22 December 2016
i loved it. didn't expect much as it as not a high profile Hollywood movie and my husband had watched and suggested that i watch it. i started the movie with very low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. It built up to a strong story and i didn't move from the couch. Anna Gunn does a great job of representing the 40+ female executive in the investment industry and how she deals with a male environment, competition from others and people looking for info. she plays a smart controlled woman in a uncontrollable industry. It could have easily been a male lead as the story development was superb. i was not familiar with Gunn and from this recognized her in Sully and will follow her career now. Watch this movie.
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