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Spielbergian Toho Godzilla
4 June 2024
Japanese cinema (Toho Studios in particular) have made a popular Godzilla vehicle in GODZILLA MINUS ONE, which makes sense since the creature was literally born there: only it pays more homage to American auteur Steven Spielberg's JURASSIC PARK... as the roaring monster first appears where a failed (hence living) kamikaze pilot takes a military-island breather... and JAWS, after the same central character gets a job on a tattered yet dependable fishing boat, where they drop and shoot floating land-mines instead of barrels (and the approaching dorsal fin's replaced by the creatures' spiked-back resembling immense reindeer horns)...

And while attempting a searing human story in-between the monstrous ocean-to-city attacks... including our much too vulnerable hero meeting a pretty girl raising an orphaned baby in the ruins of their hometown... the action and downtime feels awkwardly imbalanced as the titular GODZILLA, looking fitfully menacing and formidably ferocious, seems like a special guest star crashing an otherwise slow-burn postwar-melodrama.
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Big Eyes (I) (2014)
Bland Burton Film With Hyperactive Lead
3 June 2024
What BIG EYES has in common with another Tim Burton film, BIG FISH, is that both are based on liars, but only one is a filthy, stinking liar...

The 1950's is never really shown in a positive light, and hasn't been since... well... the 1950's, and, here we're reminded that men are the only people who had it good during that era... Especially if they marry well... The man, that is...

For in the case of fast-talking Walter Keane, played by fast-talking two-time Oscar-winning Christoph Waltz, a strategic partnership earned him a career as a famous artist, "his" work going from galleries to posters to postcards...

And those Gothic looking waifs with huge sad eyes are about the only Tim Burton element of a film that, based on a true story, lives up to the chauvinistic time it's based...

The woman, Margaret Keane, played by Amy Adams, not only lacks important pivotal screen-time but hardly gets a word in edgewise... Which is intentional since she's stuck with a con artist charlatan using her talent for his fame, and their money. The biggest downside is he's a plagiarizing jerk and ultimately becomes borderline psychotic...

And since Christoph Waltz's performance is so outrageously over-the-top right off the bat, there's no progressive arc: Instead of going from A to B he starts on a frantic C and never slows down, waxing so much poetic there's hardly a character visible at all...

At least not a realistic one. Just another chance for Waltz to steal a movie that, unlike those paintings, is completely his to have and to hold, and never let go of but, without Quentin Tarantino writing a motormouth script befitting Waltz's style, he just doesn't seem to fit all that well anywhere else.
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Beginning Of A Now Dead Trilogy
31 May 2024
Ellen Burstyn's Chris MacNeil complaining that she wasn't allowed to actually witness the exorcism of her daughter Regan, played by Linda Blair, would be like the mother of a kidnapped child being bitter and angry that she wasn't present when her child was saved in a houseful of armed, dangerous felons (who wind up killing the men saving her) and, get this... she BLAMES the Catholic church for basically being chauvinistic...

Underlining the fact that the original EXORCIST, although originally deemed demonic itself to Christians and Catholics, can now be considered Faith-based being that without God, there is no Satan at all...

That said, BELIEVER sluggishly plays-out like a cheap, too-darkly-shot, CGI-filled straight-to-streaming throwaway that is simply no fun at all...

And yes, the original classic has many moments of the audience not only reacting to terrifying possession scenes with Linda Blair, but getting to know the other two main characters with both intensity and sarcasm, in particular Burstyn and younger priest Jason Miller as Karras... who, in the William Friedkin classic, wound up the 11th-hour sacrificing hero...

The absence of the latter (ie a solid central protagonist) takes away from this movie's expository structure even beyond having two girls possessed instead of one... because you never get to know either girl enough to base an entire 2-hour movie on...

Starting out with the girls lost in the woods, involving a cult of homeless freaks, there's a rudimentary glimpse of intrigue, and perhaps they could have centered more perspective on the pair and their own spooky pre-possessed plight: but all that's quickly abandoned, replaced with what's basically a replica of the original yet without any real suspense or, with a stressed-out single father in charge, no logical reason or any purpose...

And news just came out that they're abandoning a sequel to this sequel and starting over with a NEW reboot instead... which is important information lacking in any review written before May 30th, 2024... So whatever did POSSESS this film's creation has thankfully been exorcised, forever.
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I'm In This Documentary
28 May 2024
A film in which I appear, as one of many fan/fanatics of the 1990 so-bad-it's-good horror flick TROLL2... having written an unofficial sequel script, and present it the two former cast members... this documentary glosses over yesteryear's making of this amazingly terrible but hilariously engrossing gem while centering primarily on today's George Hardy, who played the patriarch of the "Waits" family who, swapping homes with a local "Nilbog" clan, battles the town's residents: a horde of goblins, not trolls...

Hardy, a successful dentist in Alabama, got the role while practicing in Utah... the rest is history. The documentary, helmed by a mostly camera-obscured Michael Stephenson... who played "Joshua", the child actor who starred in the film... follows George at home: then as he greets fans at screenings across America, including an unsuccessful attempt at an autograph show overseas...

While it's fun seeing (most of the) fellow cast members laughing about their past, it's Italian director Claudio Fragasso who steals the show as the essential antagonist... he's not sure why his movie's considered so bad, while Hardy and Stephenson embrace this phenomenon, using this documentary as an outlet: with captivating results...

ALSO: When my part was shot, I was told to act like I never previously spoke with George (which never made the cut) after having spoken with him for hours on the phone (for a piece on my website cult film freaks dot com)...

Having told him about the fact I wrote a 134-page script called Monstrous Beings (which I actually made into a serious horror/action film so that the acting would be the punchline... again), Mr. Hardy told me I had to drive from OC to LA to be filmed with he and Michael...

The only thing that's somewhat unreal (and ALL docs have to be) is that George's reaction makes it seem like he's kind of making fun of me (in an astounded fashion), particuarly for having written an epic script, completely in vain, when in reality he's the kind of guy who, as they mention early-on in this doc, is truly the nicest, most positive human being ever (what they left out was Michael staring down at my script saying, "You wrote this? ALL of this? 134-pages for no money? Wowwwwwww!" which I think is actually funnier)...

And the 11th hour portion featuring George at an autograph show being overly critical towards Dukes of Hazzard actor John Schneider... or when he was poking fun at his movie-wife Margo Prey behind her back... that aspect was probably coached by Michael, who's an extremely sharp, creative kid, but is glib and caustic (in a cool fashion) unlike George, who seems to... now and again... force negativity to make the doc more edgy...

But, overall, this is a wonderful piece that has its very own cult following... and I'm extremely proud to have had a small but memorable part in it.

-- sincerely James M. Tate (15-seconds of fame)
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Peter's Final Final
28 May 2024
What Peter Sellers' final motion picture, THE FIENDISH PLOT OF DR. FU MANCHU, has in common with his most popular franchise, THE PINK PANTHER, is that both parody James Bond...

Especially 1976's PINK PANTHER STRIKES AGAIN, so over-the-top similar to the Roger Moore outings that MANCHU feels like a homage of a homage. But there's also the Christopher Lee MANCHU b-flicks and before that, Boris Karloff...

Sellers was obviously a fan of both as this was he and trophy wife Lynne Frederick's labor-of-love going through several directors, which shows since many overlong scenes lack any direction at all wherein, as usual, Sellers plays several roles, particularly pulp author Sax Rohmer's Tong-lord supervillain and his dogged Scotland Yard investigator Nayland Smith...

In both parts, Sellers, who died not long after production wrapped, seems too old and tired to not only pull off genuinely humorous performances but to move along an already convoluted and sometimes downright confusing story (one particular scheme involving an obese guard of a British diamond is a time-wasting mess)...

But he's not alone since Disney staple David Tomlinson, comic icon Sid Caesar and Peter's THE PARTY co-star Steve Franken are all along for a very crowded venture, consisting of Smith and company following several heists led by the 168-year-old kingpin, who, while lecturing his Chinese underlings, needs eclectic ingredients of an elixir to keep him both youthful and living...

Meanwhile, Helen Mirren, starting out with the good guys and winding up Fu's mistress, looks sexy and voluptuous (at first impersonating The Queen of England, ironically) and tries hard to inject some sincere class into the proceedings...

But by the time Smith's country cottage becomes a hot air balloon there's a feeling that mainstream laughter wasn't the intention to all the frantic, zany bedlam, more channeling the surrealistic Monty Python troupe (originally inspired by Sellers' The Goon Show), including bizarre gags like Smith being inseparable to a lawnmower...

Instead, FU MANCHU is an insanely busy spectacle that perhaps audiences were supposed to just go with and enjoy the nonsensical ride, which can be both horribly torturous and guiltily infectious - sometimes simultaneously...

As for the multi-talented, legendary, fan-beloved Mr. Sellers, this Swan Song is more of an Ugly Duckling Lullaby.
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Better Than The Fictional Series
25 May 2024
Right up front to point out all the flaws of this Netflix documentary: the constant reenactments look fake (although they do use askew angles) and are repeated too much, as are particular photos of Jeffrey Dahmer, ranging from childhood to before he was caught to after his capture... it's as if the filmmakers could only afford a few images you could find on Google and had to stretch them out for...

Well that's the other problem... Three episodes is one episode too long... This would have worked better in two parts... And by doing the skipping-all-over-the-place non-linear approach, it's confusing knowing exactly where we are in his life...

That aside, this is actually more effective than the Evan Peters Netflix miniseries because hearing from the actual infamous killer is more interesting (and yes, more creepy) than an actor who studied the same recordings (including the Stone Philips interview, which isn't shown here) and was basically doing a lethargic imitation...

While Jeffrey Dahmer was very mellow, that was after he was arrested... He had enough charm to talk his way away from cops (not only because he was white) and to charm handsome, intelligent men into going to his apartment...

So CONVERSATIONS provides a far broader picture of not only his stalking and killing methods, both from him and various reporters and lawyers... his female lawyer being the centerpiece throughout... but provides a glimpse into the twisted mind far more effectively than the movie, so loaded with a race agenda it stops being an interest true crime story... for true crime buffs.
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Shaken & Stirred
25 May 2024
With a title that sounds more like the final score of a computer corporation's soccer match than a spy movie, CODE 7, VICTIM 5 takes the then-Sean Connery/James Bond blueprint into b-movie territory under flowing direction from Robert Lynn but more importantly with creatively maneuvered and vibrantly colored cinematography by future legendary auteur Nicolas Roeg, providing former Tarzan (Johnny Weissmuller's replacement) actor Lex Barker on a case to discover who murdered a millionaire's servant at a bizarre South African parade...

But Barker's character Steve Martin (also Raymond Burr's name in GODZILLA before THE JERK comic became famous) is more busy with two lovely dames, equally alluring in their own right while following neo-noir cinema tropes...

As in, there's a good girl and bad (ie naughty/flirtatious)... with the millionaire boss's professionally-pretty assistant Ann Smyrner, who our handsome hero instantly takes-to like they've been in a five-year relationship, and scene-stealing cherub-faced Véronique Vendell, who previously appeared with Peter O'Toole in BECKETT...

The latter is the big man's extremely progressive niece... and while it's predictable that Barker (partnered with quirky woman-loving British cop Ronald Fraser) was hired by a not-so-honest client, what's truly entertaining are the creative ways he gets in and out of trouble in the African and British locations... from almost driving off a cliff to dodging bullets in an ancient cavern to dangerously snorkeling in a blue-green reef to avoiding an ostrich stampede... proving that the action/espionage genre's neglected vehicles can sometimes equal (or exceed) the blockbusters they're emulating.
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French Girls Kissing
23 May 2024
Celebrated French teenage-lesbian romantic-drama stars now famous Léa Seydoux and still unknown Adèle Exarchopoulos... while the latter is the true lead as we go through her daily high school routine ranging from teachers teaching, a would-be boyfriend flirting to her gal friends gossiping... soon enough about how she's been seen with Seydoux (who she kind of accidentally met at a girl-gay bar) as the titular blue-haired artist Emma...

When both first see each other crossing the street, it's intense intrigue at first sight, which is how the director grabs the audience, albeit sometimes dragging out their relationship through mundane family dinners to backyard parties while the lesbian bedroom scenes become far too graphic, paling to the rudimentary budding-relationship aspects featuring Adèle with full lips kissing Seydoux, comparably more sexy than anything taken further...

Ultimately making BLUE IS THE WARMEST COLOR far too long, often overreaching the more simple mainline of two young opposites in love, which, when centered only on them, is right on target.
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Gia (1998 TV Movie)
Jolie as Jolie as Gia
13 May 2024
Angelina Jolie playing Gia Carangi would be like, musically, if Jeff Beck played a concert celebrating Eric Clapton... while both Jolie and Carangi are knockouts, they're completely different kind of knockouts...

Gia was subtle, more cute-gorgeous while Angelia's... well... Angelina Jolie and, acting-wise, is quite good here, wielding the kind of energy that steals her own movie... yet it often feels more like a biopic set during the 1990's than the 1970's/1980's...

The director's partially to blame, making GIA seem a bit too much of exactly what it is: a risque cable movie (or one of those Don't Do Drugs Specials without any specific reasons behind her using) that sporadically almost-reaches big-screen potential (the documentary-style interview/interludes mirroring another doomed beauty flick, STAR 80)...

Meanwhile the lesbian scenes with Kim Dickens needed to evolve past cliche lipstick chic... although they did both have terrific chemistry in their build-up...

Overall, Jolie's almost too good here, not seeming like she's portraying an actual former niche-celebrity but embracing the fact she's on the verge of becoming a revered beauty-icon herself: Or like she's rebooting Gia's life rather than factually reliving it... which isn't too shabby, either way.
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Red River (1948)
Cliche & Predictable Classic
11 May 2024
Jeanne Dru plays the toughest gal who ever appeared in a John Wayne Western vehicle since she feels absolutely no pain with an arrow being shot (and then sticking) straight through her shoulder... AND she provides the most contrived and downright unnecessary romantic element in the history of Hollywood's Golden Age... despite the fact that these films, especially right after the war, were practically FORCED to hit all the right cliches for everyone in the audience to get their money's worth...

For the men there's Wayne himself, in a hybrid of world-weary, overly-experienced, cattle-driving roughneck and domineering patriarch... specifically to adopted son Matt played by Montgomery Clift (who eventually hooks up with Dru), there for teen audiences to either relate with or lust after... and is really the only person worth rooting for, having a relatable purpose from beginning to end...

Meanwhile John Ireland uses arched eyebrows so convincingly you'll think he's gonna turn really nasty while Walter Brennan does the same old old-coot persona... as Noah Beery Jr just kinda stands around in-between...

Overall, what RED RIVER provided to cinema was a far more enjoyable intentional-homage in CITY SLICKERS, right down to mentioning and imitating the movie itself (and including a noise to create a stampede along with a veteran trail-leader leaving the story sooner than expected)...

At least in the Billy Crystal comedy, THOSE CHARACTERS were worthwhile the whole way through... without all the hackneyed distractions.
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Nutty Psychic Trivia Section
10 May 2024
The Trivia Section for this and the previous episode... or basically every episode since Maggie played by Jane Adams entered the show, has been invaded by some insane spiritualist acting as if psychics are actually 100% proven to be real, which would mean these people could allow the world to know whenever any terrible catastrophe would happen beforehand...

It's a BELIEF, and NOT a fact...

The thing is, Jane Adams, while a great actress in Happiness and Wonder Boys, when she was young and artsy, quirky-cute, is totally miscast here... she's supposed to be older, sure, but she's also supposed to be a woman that men are smitten with, and... she doesn't have that going on, sorry...

On the opposite end of the spectrum is the female detective, Roby, very gorgeous and very strong as an actress... here and Taylor's scenes are wonderful...

The best characters this season other than the leads are the two thugs, especially Frank... even though the over-the-top Serbian guy is the replacement for producer Bryan Cranston's Vince, it's Frank (with the partner resembling a young Tom Courtenay) who did a Vince-like thing in the first episode to really show how bad these guys are, and to be feared, setting the whole first half of the second season in good motion where it slows down here in this episode, deliberately, but ain't too shabby...

Except for that kook trolling on the Trivia. My Lord.
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Bernie (2011)
Dead Women Tell No Tales
9 May 2024
This was one of my favorite movies of 2011, and I watched and reviewed many that disappointed or bored me, or both...

It's an entertaining docudrama/biopic, as in the documentary (style) is fictional so actors play real life people, or real life people act as if they're other real life people around a frame story within the true life story: about a mortician played by Jack Black who winds up befriending and then killing an old lady that everyone interviewed within the movie thoroughly despises...

The problem with BERNIE is that it's too much of a propaganda piece for the real life murderer who was doing a life sentence when it was made, and the director wanted him to get out of jail, by making him look angelic while the dead woman (his victim) looks demonic...

And he did a good job of that, for sure, because basically what the movie does is provide a story of a woman who basically deserved to be murdered, and a man who deserved to NOT be punished for that murder, and that's just not right...

But it's Hollywood, who often sides with killers mainly because they're alive and can be charming, and no one can argue with their story since the person they killed are, well, dead, you know, and cannot defend themselves (The Menendez Brothers are a prime example)...

Beyond that overboard bias, BERNIE is worthwhile viewing, and provides actor AND singer Jack Black a great dramatic-twisting-comedic role...

The only person who overacts/overreaches and doesn't seem like part of a documentary but rather a one-sided black comedy is Matthew McConaughey, the prosecutor made into a kind of Archie Bunker style homophobic villain, acting as close-minded and red-necky as Shirley MacLaine makes the victim seem better off dead ie they are one dimensional cliches...

PS In particular, of the interviewees, the standout is indie-acting-cult-actor Sonny Carl Davis (the guy who got Brad Hamilton fired in Fast Times)... whose 2-minute explanation of the different parts of Texas is like it's very own movie.
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Not Really Bad At All
8 May 2024
The low score for this made-for-TV biopic on the iconic kid's series SAVED BY THE BELL was based on a book that none of the cast liked, written by Dustin Diamond, an actor none of the kids liked either, who played the comic relief Screech on the series: so the fans are probably siding with the cast about how this movie plays loosely with the facts...

The only thing is, there aren't many facts here at all... Nothing too controversial or that would make any of the real life actors look like they did anything wrong, other than argue with each other backstage, which is par for the course...

Overall it's not too shabby a biopic, even beginning with a few scenes about the first Haley Mills series from which it spun-off...

So it all flows pretty well, done in a breaking the 4th wall style that "Zack Morris" would do in the original series (inspired by older shows like Gidget and before that, Dobie Gillis)...

Only here, Dustin Diamond's persona takes the reigns (basically saying it's "his turn" to speak this time)... and while he provides his narration, the people in the scene would freeze (like the end of the Night Squad episodes)...

Meanwhile the girls don't look like their real life counterparts too much, but they are extremely cute in their own way... as for the guys, they kind of go through the motions...

Of course the true star here is Dustin Diamond's character and they make him the most vulnerable, being his story...

The only silly thing is, they make it seem as if Diamond didn't get girls and was an outcast/loser in real life, when in reality, he probably landed as many groupies as the more typically-handsome actors... but my parents once saw Don Knotts with a blonde on each arm, so life DOES NOT imitate art...

All celebrities have a great time, for a while, no matter how their careers eventually pan out.
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The Mob (1951)
The Big Mob
8 May 2024
In 1955, Charles Bronson played a cellmate to Broderick Crawford in BIG HOUSE USA... and only four-years earlier (as Charles Buchinsky) he had a quick yet important part in the Waterfront noir THE MOB...

Where Crawford's an undercover cop (after the opening theme later used for THE BIG HEAT) seeking the leader/boss of a crime-syndicate screwing around the workers by choosing only their own... and Bronson's the one guy complaining during his single scene where they're calling out names for work (overseen by future GODFATHER horse-head victim John Marley), while Crawford and his newfound working-class buddy Richard Kiley look on...

After which THE MOB takes place mostly at night, sometimes in shadowy alleyways but mostly within economical studio interiors aping motel rooms or taverns... while random baddies from gun-wielding goon Neville Brand to bigger gun-wielding goon Ernest Borgnine put Crawford through the ringer, including an attempting wrong-man murder rap...

And like any noir there's a good girl in Crawford's nurse fiance, and a seemingly bad girl in a setup/date he has the hots for, and vice versa... but only because he's pretending to be single...

And while the future HIGHWAY PATROL icon definitely looks the part of a tough guy, he's simply too old and fat for sexy women to instantly adore or for his undercover ruse to seem legitimate... instead resembling one of the veteran police chiefs who sent him on the mission in the first place...

Overall, because of his size, age and teflon countenance, no matter what happens, Crawford never seems in any real danger -- taking the thriller out of what's more a rushed yet entertaining b-crime time-filler... with a pretty neat twist on who's actually running THE MOB.
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The Killing (1956)
Kubrick's Noir/Heist Classic
6 May 2024
Following what's more an art-house crime melodrama in KILLER'S KISS, young photographer turned director Stanley Kubrick created a more polished, genuine film noir that -- using a then-rare, non-linear structure -- is also far more complicated... so much that the studio forced one of those docudrama-style narrations throughout...

Working best to map-out the ensemble of criminals who are otherwise everyday workers at the targeted racetrack along with a crooked cop, a wrestler and last but not least, a bonafide hoodlum to shoot a running horse...

Where Timothy Carey plays another teeth-gritting, offbeat character, and his expository with master criminal (and this group's leader) Sterling Hayden perfectly suits pulp-novelist Jim Thompson's hardboiled dialogue...

Yet not everyone's aboard this main heist -- while Hayden's good girl Coleen Gray's second-billed, it's scene-stealer femme fatale Marie Windsor who's technically the most important...

As the wife of wimpy track-teller Elisha Cook Jr., she's part of a double-cross with handsome lover Vince Edwards with a slowburn sidekick in Kubrick three-timer Joe Turkel, soon to join Carey as one of three doomed soldiers in the anti-war classic PATHS OF GLORY, which is deeper and more befitting what would become Kubrick's signature style: including long-takes, mesmerizing wide-shots and slow-pan camerawork,...

Yet THE KILLING is where the iconic auteur ignited fluid characterization, captured within phantom-walled interiors and genuine location exteriors beneath grim, shadowy darkness to brightly exposed sunlight -- visually combining stylish nuance with a severe and gritty, uncompromising edge.
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Nebraska (2013)
Men of The Hour
5 May 2024
Will Forte has an interesting face, his mouth naturally curved to a frown. His character David Grant has very little to celebrate: His girlfriend dumped him and his father Woody, played by veteran actor Bruce Dern, is bent on taking a trip from Montana to NEBRASKA after receiving a Mega Sweepstakes Marketing Prize in the mail...

David knows it's a gimmick to sell magazines, but Woody, a lifelong drinker with rudimentary signs of dementia, keeps physically threatening to walk the impossible distance... Not an easy task of course, especially given his frail physical and mental status making even a hundred yards difficult... Thankfully, David decides to give poor dad a ride...

Like director Alexander Payne's SIDEWAYS and ABOUT SCHMIDT, this deadpan odyssey is a "road movie" epitomizing that niche; although most of the time's spent sidetracked at Woody's NEBRASKA hometown of Hawthorne...

This is where most of the story takes place; and his brother (Rance Howard) - and then later on, several brothers - aren't much different in tone: passive and mundane "men of few words." But Woody has a destination and the entire town thinks he's a millionaire already...

Enter initially subtle antagonist Stacy Keach who, like Dern himself, is known for and reveled in edgy, borderline insane guy roles during the 1970's and 1980s... His laidback yet investigative Ed Pegram also likes to drink and hang around the local tavern, and now there's an agenda - he wants a payoff and Woody's family wants some too; particularly two fat oddball nephews straight out of the Coen Brothers' quirky universe.

David becomes a shadow on the wall during in-house family scenes, and his barroom conversations with Keach are reminiscent of George Clooney and polite-for-a-financial-purpose Beau Bridges as his cousin in Payne's previous film, THE DESCENDANTS: a polite, friendly tone obscuring an underlying rancor.'

In a story replete with intentionally sparse characters, June Squibb is the obvious audience-favorite (perhaps too obvious, forced) as Woody's sarcastic, foul-mouthed, hen-pecking wife Kate, stealing scenes mostly because she has the funniest lines, and is a breath of fresh air from the monotone surrounding her presence...

She seems more realistic than your typical actress/actor playing down to cliché (but not condescending) small town mentality the director previously covered in ABOUT SCHMIDT (where June was Jack Nicholson's wife)...

In fact, NEBRASKA often feels like an extremely subtle art film satire, while the plush yet primitive B&W cinematography turns the titular state into a rustic hybrid of paradise and purgatory... Some of the best scenes are the scenery, taking place outside Woody's passenger seat window...

In Will Forte's case, he initially doesn't seem up to the job (his successful brother's played by Bob Odenkirk and might've fared better)... A comedy actor, his deadpan often seems somewhat reached for instead of naturally holding back...

But (after a recommended second, third or fourth viewings) once you realize his fourth fiddle status to the location, and the overall journey, and especially to his father... it becomes more clear...

Forte's an awkward yet ultimately wise choice opposite Dern, existing beneath the father's jangily rhythm instead of playing loggerhead to his unnerving, unapologetic neurosis. His David Grant seems to have given up long ago; and despite being the driver on this trip, he's merely along for the ride.

Meanwhile, the "man of the hour," Bruce Dern (nominated for an Oscar) seems almost too authentic. The sporadic dialogue and a few blunt moments of passion aside, his expressions are what really matter...

Old Woody's a man who's kept everything inside while traces of a buried life seep out from his gently confused, timeworn face, painfully etched with age and mileage but not without a faint glimmer of hope, no matter how unavailing and desperately futile: therein lies the mystery and adventure of Alexander Payne's NEBRASKA.
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What's Happening!!: Nice Guys Finish Last (1977)
Season 1, Episode 20
Best, Funniest Episode
4 May 2024
The is by far the best, funniest episode of What's Happening, but also the worst titled, as NICE GUYS FINISH LAST has almost nothing to do with what the episode is about...

It should be titled Dee's Pen-Pal since, well, Dee has a pen-pal, Judy, who gets out of jail and is (or is already) invited to stay at the Thomas household...

The funniest moments have Raj the innocent mama's boy not trusting this jail-bird, and trying to act tough at the same time...

In one scene, he's wearing a soccer uniform, seated, and Dee says, "It looks like someone tried to dress a chair," which could possibly be the funniest liner ever on this series, where Dee was the funniest in the first two (of three) seasons, as a young brat who made her brother's (and his buddy's) life hell...

The title is probably referring to the third-act character in future character-actor Harold Sylvester (Uncommon Valor, Vision Quest), who plays the dingbat ex-con boyfriend of Judy...

And how Dee solves the impending trouble, by just being Dee, simply adds to what was already a perfect episode.
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Unfrosted (2024)
A Movie About Nothing
4 May 2024
Even rabid fans of the sitcom SEINFELD are realizing that that joke about Jerry not being a good actor, built right into the classic show itself, is actually true... More noticeable here as he plays the fast-talking spokesman of Kellogg's cereal who winds up inventing Pop Tarts (NOT based on the real guy who ACTUALLY invented Pop Tarts)... And while it's an overboard performance, using his snappy build-to-the-punchline delivery while portraying a desperately hyper-active (and somewhat shallow) advertising man trying to save one cereal company (Kellogg's) from another (Post)... at least he's TRYING to act here... or rather, he's attempting to pull off a performance instead of just being Jerry...

And Jerry's no stranger to letting an ensemble of more experienced actors shine around him... But UNFROSTED simply has too many cooks, ranging from Jim Gaffigan as one of the Kellogg's neurotic family members, seeming to imitate Jerry's verbal rhythm like a bad imitation... or Melissa McCarthy, playing, once again, Melissa McCarthy as... well...

She's ALSO someone working for the same cereal company that's part of an all-star Made-for-Netflix movie that feels as if MAD MEN were being parodied on a hybrid of SNL and GLEE: And Hugh Grant, playing the man who voiced Tony the Tiger... as a pretentious stage-actor sinking to the lowly depths of commercialized capitalism, he's just kinda... well... he's just kinda there...

As a matter of fact, everything here (with all the frantically-eclectic running around) are just kinda there... even and especially Seinfeld himself, doing his best to make every... single... second.... matter... For either an intended slapdash laugh, or perhaps to cover up the fact that, as a novice director, he's bought into the old con-man's adage that... Using enough fast-flying information, they'll never figure out that you actually... don't know anything.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Not A Through Movie
3 May 2024
Director Alexander Payne is passive/aggressive when it comes to his previous SIDEWAYS star Paul Giamatti's character Paul Hunham, a stuffy, curmudgeon-like professor of an ivy league boy's school, who in one scene angrily lectures his students while glibly handing-out failing grades, and the next idealistically defends the institution's grieving African-American cook from one of a small-handful of HOLDOVER teens, unable to go home for Christmas and having to spend a melancholy "detention" (like THE BREAKFAST CLUB meets DEAD POET'S SOCIETY meets 1972's CHILD'S PLAY) stuck in an otherwise vacant campus...

Ironically, that particular scolded brat winds up getting a last-minute Christmas vacation reprieve... a shame since he had the kind of antagonistic attitude that would inevitably transition by the end...

But here the sole abandoned youngster is Dominic Sessa as Angus Tully, one of those semi-complicated blunt/sassy meets dull/depressed loner types, and who's almost impossible to either root for or relate with...

And sadly, with uneven ingredients stuffed into a bland counter-culture-era drama (probably set in 1970 so the kids aren't glued to cell-phones), NEBRASKA and ABOUT SCHMIDT indie-auteur Payne... usually prone to road-movies with a fresh twist around every corner... drives a tired vehicle down a tediously overlong and ultimately dead-end street.
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Farewell To The Planet of the Apes
2 May 2024
The final episode, and perhaps, as we see Virdon, Burke and Galen heading off on a raft towards (perhaps) another land in the last frame, this serves as a decent farewell - although the show was cancelled... So for the PLANET OF THE APES television series, there's no actual conclusion.

Pasted Together TV-Movie

Plot centers on a rogue human (slightly resembling Soupy Sales) who created a hang glider - that works, somewhat...

Astronauts Virdon and Burke, knowing a thing or two about flight and a lot about altitude, teach him how to make a better pair of wings - but the inventor gets captured, and must be freed before a lady ape scientist tricks him, and a love-struck Galen, into turning the flying machine into a primitive B1 Bomber...

And all pretty much good stuff, especially the aerial scenes - seeing an ape on a hang-glider is what made our youth dreamlike and cool-weird...

But alas, it's a sad and literal farewell to a creative series, and one of two episodes (beginning with TOMORROW'S TIDE, a personal favorite i.e. "the one with the shark") compiled into a so-called TV-movie mixing this episode in circa 1980, titled FAREWELL TO THE PLANET OF THE APES. But both UP ABOVE THE WORLD SO HIGH and/or FAREWELL has no closure since the series was cancelled after season one. Like so many other great cult shows, it lived on in our imagination. They're out there still. Finding their way...
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Planet of the Apes: The Liberator (1974)
Season 1, Episode 13
The One That Got Away (With Reason)
2 May 2024
The one episode never aired, and perhaps that's a good thing because it's a subpar outing, resembling a lesser STAR TREK episode with campy costumes and, like several other episodes, a lack of apes.

Centering almost completely on a group of villagers who punish their own by execution, we follow an Arian blonde fella and his dark haired girlfriend falling in love against the will of the village leader who won't let go of the past. Pretty boring, especially since our mainstays Virdon, Burke, and Galen serve very little in the dull proceedings. Seems like a failed attempt at some kind of spinoff that would have not lasted half a season.
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Planet of the Apes: The Cure (1974)
Season 1, Episode 12
Lovely Locke
2 May 2024
An episode about a village of humans dying of Malaria would seem a drag, and many shows after, like LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE, would have very searing episodes on the subject of disease wiping out towns, but this is surprisingly one of the best episodes...

The ape doctor doesn't believe Virdon and Burke, who know a thing or two about this "unknown" disease called Malaria.

Sondra Locke, a few years shy of being Clint Eastwood's girlfriend/co-star in projects ranging from BRONCO BILLY and SUDDEN IMPACT, plays a pretty village lass smitten with Virdon, who had shared their background as astronauts - and when she comes down with the illness, under delusion she tells all to the Ape doctor, putting the trio at risk and making this a race double-edged race against time: our heroes need to gather tree bark for a possible cure and escape before the apes find out their true identities.
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Planet of the Apes: The Interrogation (1974)
Season 1, Episode 10
Lovely Lynn Benisch Deserved Better
2 May 2024
The worst episode yet has Burke (James Naughton) getting captured, and a masochistic female ape (Beverly Garland) putting him through the ringer...

Including a spinning wheel/rack and hypnosis, all the while strangely seducing him while the most annoying sounds, like clocks from hell, tick and chime in the background: All this is supposed to make Burke go stark raving mad, and then some, but this primal torture chamber winds up torturing the audience as well.

On the peripheral, Virdon and Galen are trying to locate their friend by visiting Galen's house, where mother is helpful but human-loathing senate seat father takes a while to come around. Meanwhile, the only good/decent and/or worthwhile/entertaining scene involves Burke hallucinating beautiful blonde Lynn Benisch (who appeared in many TV shows during the 1970's but never looked so pretty) in place of Garland's ape under hypnosis. But she doesn't last long enough. Making her image alone a red rose in a garbage bucket.
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Planet of the Apes: The Tyrant (1974)
Season 1, Episode 11
James Daughton, Animal House
2 May 2024
Turns out General Urko really isn't so bad - like comparing Stalin to Hitler during WWII. The episode starts out great - setting up two human characters that seem a mainstay...

Michael Conrad as a farmer and his rambunctious ape-hating son, James Daughton ("Greg," head of the Deltas from ANIMAL HOUSE, in his second episode). Daughton joins with our hero-trio Virdon, Burke and Galen in battling a band of apes led by the titular villain, Aboro, ruling the town with an iron fist...

And unlike Urko, not adhering to any rules or laws. But the episode wanes when, after a tragedy, Galen is sent to Aboro's tent undercover (as Zaius's aid), tricking him into a personal battle with Urko. Despite being dialog-laden, there's a con - kind of a Planet of the Apes version of THE STING - that's somewhat involving. Although for the most part, it's like watching a bland stage play.
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Planet of the Apes: The Horse Race (1974)
Season 1, Episode 9
Back to Action
2 May 2024
They called in action director Jack Starrett... who directed a bevy of biker flicks, SLAUGHTER'S BIG RIPOFF, and later RACE WITH THE DEVIL and played the helicopter riding redneck cop in FIRST BLOOD... for this episode about an important horse race that could free a disgruntled prefect, and a blacksmith's human son, the latter who illegally rode a horse to save Galen from a scorpion bite.

And it's up to Virdon to ride against Urko's best rider - and his life's at risk since Urko has his henchman ready to gun him down before he wins or after he loses...

With the exception of Morgan Woodward as the blacksmith, some overacting occurs between the gorillas and Woodward's son, who seems like a cameo player in a CHIPS episode and isn't as effective as an intrepid youngster played by ANIMAL HOUSE villain, MALIBU BEACH hero and the guy who competes with Fonzie when he jumped the shark on HAPPY DAYS, James Daughton, but the race's climactic action pulls it all through.
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