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Scream 4 (2011)
It's both a sequel and a remake brilliantly wrapped into one movie
16 April 2011
If you like any of the horror genre you owe it to yourself to go see this movie. I found myself sitting in a half full movie theatre of nighttime creatures such as myself. It so happens the entire theater was actively participating in the movie. Always a good sign during a horror movie. A group of six was sitting in the row behind me and the entire time all I could hear was "No the killer can't be him because he was at the other party" and so on. It's quite frankly one of the most enjoyable movie going experiences I've had in a long time.

The original Scream was groundbreaking for being the first movie to feature characters who had seen other horror movies and were aware of Hollywood itself. They knew the rules of slasher movies and realized they were in a slasher film situation. This became the new trend in Hollywood and has since been dubbed "self-aware horror". The other thing that makes the Scream series so special is that the original group who made the first film (writer, producer, director, actors, etc.) went on to make number 2,3 and now 4. The effect of which so happens to be a movie series of rather decent quality compared to most horror movie which all get ten sequels while being run into the ground. Being aware of this is something the series has been known for, following the "rules" of sequels.

Now we come to Scream 4 which decides to take a poke at the horror trend for the latter half of the decade which been to remake every famous horror film from the seventies and 80's and to do a very bad job at it. Even going so far as to list every single one of them during a very intense phone conversation. Scream for acts as a sequel, a remake, and a reboot all at the same time and it does an amazing job doing it. Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) is returning to the town of Woodsboro, the town in which the original took place, on a tour promoting her new book about how she managed to over come the troubles and hardships she's faced in the events of Scream 1,2, and 3. Upon her return someone suits up as ghost face and starts killing again as a "welcome home" for Sidney. Now sheriff Dewey (David Arquette) and his subordinates (Marley Shelton, Anthony Anderson, Adam Brody) to find out who's behind the murders and protect ghostface's latest targets Sidney's cousin Jill (Emma Roberts) and her friends Kirby (Hayden Panettierre) and Olivia (Marielle Jaffe) who are preoccupied with avoiding Jill's Ex-boyfriend Trevor (Nico Tortella). Dewey decides to investigates without the help of his wife reporter turned author Gale Weathers (Courtney Cox), who has become famous for writing the book "the Woodsboro murders which has been turned into a slasher film series "Stab". So Gale decides to do what has helped the last time Woodsboro was under siege by ghostface, she finds the local high school film geeks and join up with them to attempt to solve the mystery of who's behind the mask.

The first half of the movie has very old school slasher feel to it, which is both fun and slightly dull. It wasn't super intense (at least for me it wasn't) but had some good jumps in it. All of the dialogue is well crafted and very entertaining. It holds onto the notion of the characters not believing that a killer is on the phone with them until it's to late and he's not actually hiding where you think. The violence in not as graphic as the first movie considering this is number 4 we're talking about. After achieving the appropriate body count we get to the part of the film where it all comes together. The core teenagers of the movie are gathered in a house and the mystery of ghost face will be revealed to Sidney at the end of the final massacre of the movie. This is where the movie really shines. It gets extremely intense and jumps out with a surprise that you will not see coming. It makes what would've been a decent movie into something that's really worth seeing.
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The Jokes were taken too far and the movie wasn't taken far enough
30 March 2008
first of all if you think of not going to see this film because it is part of the "(place movie genre here) movie" series that follows after Epic Movie think again. this movie has nowhere near the amount of crap that made epic movie into a descent fertilizer but does follow one little error that all comedies are making nowadays. the jokes go on to long. the punch line hits you and then proceeds to repeatedly kick you while your down. but it does not mean it;s not funny, they simply didn't have the effect. now as far as plot goes it perfectly rips off spider man, and only spiderman. these movies always have had some sort of combination of all the film plots but this only follows spiderman. I thought that they would tackle most of the hit films in this flick, but I was sadly let down. most of the other hero appearances serve as a cameo and they don't really give anyone a line of dialog in the whole movie. what I was really waiting to see was the big superhero team up and way over done final fight sequence like in Spiderman 3. ( a movie which is actually worse than this one ) when the movie ended I felt unsatisfied of what i saw. there is no real build in the movie even though these types of movie don't really need one there is absolutely none what-so-ever. there were a few scenes that I was really waiting to see out of this movie. mostly the superhero team up and big battle, but none the less this movie accomplishes what ever it has set out to do. the parody is there, the writing is descent, and the over plot is satisfying. your obviously thinking "well whats wrong with the movie" the problem with this movie is the same problem with spiderman 3. it was all there and potential existed it just didn;t play out to what it could've been.

overall it was a good movie.
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The Best theme park show on the plant
12 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is my all time favorite ride anywhere. the first time I went on it I was ten and I fell for the 3D. I couldn't help but put my hands in front of my face and argue with the guy next to me that it was coming for me not him. the story is perfect for a theme park ride. their are details that are left out like "how did the Terminator arrive at the theater with being naked" and "how did the T-1000 get into the building". but who cares. besides those few details the ride is perfect. and it has the best 3D effects I've ever scene. it holds up against any other 3D ride on the planet.

the attack of the mini hunters is incredible for the day. and what will blow your mind the most is the characters walk off the screen onto the stage. the ending is phenomenal, with a giant life size 3D Terminator walking around the set from one screen to another. and the 3D is no where near cheesy. unlike a lot of films, this one won't do things like have somebody point their finger at you or something like that. no the machines fly into the audience. and it seems like they're reaching for you when the live actors run around the theater.

it's as brilliant a ride as the movie. if you go to universal Orlando or universal Hollywood, you can miss the one of kind master piece.
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Bad Lines plus Blacklights = Batman & Robin
9 June 2006
This film is a horrible mess, but still watchable. I have no Idea what they were going for when they made this mess nothing about the movie is good. this could've been saved by a good script and filming in a real city. but for some reason they think that bad one liners and sets built in a garage are cool. I watch this and enjoy it, slightly, because it all fits together most of the film. it's a real eye-sore when watching it since everything is lit with black lights, and maybe one regular stage light. every piece of the set is smothered in neon paint then light when a red neon black light setting one mood throughout the whole film. when it comes to the acting, I don't think they even hired a director because Arnold is the only one in this movie that seems believable. he is good when bad,dry one-liners like "cool party" as he exits the ball. but giving them to everyone especially Uma Thurman is what kills the film. I think the only reason they hired her was to have enough big stars for people to think this movie is good. they could've hired a high school freshman in drama club and gotten the same thing. the worst line is the whole film is when Bain punches the wall and Ivy says "Reinforced steel, not good". they must've shot the entire freeze breakout of jail scene in one shot. contrary to most opinions I think George Cloony would've been very good, but he as bad direction as everyone else. the only thing that keeps this thing together is Arnold. just hearing his dry humor moves the movie along so that it is slightly enjoyable. when ever the movie is on I flip it on just hoping to hear him say " A laundry service that delivers....Wow!" good scripting would've saved this picture. because production costs don't mean anything if got a good script and direction. like Ace Ventura: pet detective. cheap but classic. if you like batman I guess you could give it a shot. but don't think you'll enjoy it much at all.
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Batman Begins (2005)
The Best Batman Film Ever
8 June 2006
this film is definitely one of the best superhero movies of all time. It's not the best I've seen (spiderman 2 gets that place) but it was flawless. the music was good, the acting was good, the writing is a masterpiece. it seems so believable that this could really happen that you feel like you could do it yourself. the gadgets are awesome, now I'm not a fan of batman since batman beyond went off the air, but I could watch this film over and over again. the writing is good because what you don't expect is what is coming and a recurring theme and difficult problem will make you think "how the hell is he gonna get out of this?"

this movie is great, if you like batman, superheros, or just a good flick, check out this master piece.
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BloodRayne (2005)
This Film Gave Me Dain Bamage
10 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this film has got the to be the goriest worst most confusing piece of crap I've ever scene. I don't even know where to begin this film is so bad. not only is the acting bad ,even for Ben Kingsly, but it has absolutely horribly graphic battle scenes and, get this, a sex scene that has a worse set up then a bad porno film. I was to busy laughing at the fact that Rayne stabbed a guy in the eye and made his whole head swell into a bloody pulp, to pay attention to the rest of the film. and somehow in the end of the film everybody except Rayne is dead.

wow thats bad.

-10 out of 10.
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King Kong (2005)
A Perfect Film With a Little Much On the Effects
10 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this movie is absolutely awesome. it has everything you'd love to see in a movie, action, romance, and good dialog. this movie will make you want to see it more and more. it's aw inspiring and so much goes on during the movie that you won't know when to get up to take a pee. the length of this movie is why I've heard a lot of people won't see it because they just don't think they can sit through three and a half hours of a movie.

now for the down falls. even though this film is incredible in every way I felt it was just a bit to special effects heavy. the scenes with the tribal people when they're giving her to Kong seemed like an excuse to put in CGI fire in the film. the tribal fighting and just the overall look and tone of the scene is just to graphic and to far from the original film for my taste.

the scene with the stampeding heard of brontosaurs was absolutely incredible. but it seemed, again, like another idea to put in a STAR WARS prequels level of CGI effects in the film.

other than those scenes the film is just flawless. the final airplane sequence seems just like what the original makers had envisioned.

overall this film is perfect. a little special effects heavy but hey it's just a movie.

10 out of 10.
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The Best Bond Ever Made
10 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard of the fact that everything or nothing was going to be based in third person I thought, huh. but then I saw the images and read the article and boy was I ready. and it was worth it all. the best part of this game is definitely the motorcycle riding, the level on the highway is amazing. starting you right into the action before for the opening sequence of the game is an awesome idea. then the opening credits gets you in the mood to play this game. they blended this game into a movie likeness was done so well you'd think this was actually based off a movie. the weapons are awesome and the targeting system is pure genius. all it needs is a little tweaking of the driving for the car an it would be flawless.

10 out of 10
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not good but not horrible
1 September 2005
this movie is almost the worst piece of crap I've ever seen. after seeing Halloween4, with commercials no less, I thought this film would be awesome. instead I was looking at something that should be killed by Micheal himself.

well where do I start, this movie has fifty plot holes. why does Jamie see what he see's, why is Micheal killing teens instead of getting to Jamie, what's with that awful mask, and why is Tina even in the film? they could've at least made a mask that looked even remotely like the other masks. this film sucks from the start, he floats down a river and then passes out for a whole year. while somehow growing bigger an stronger with no food or bathroom. and wouldn't the police check the mine to make sure he was dead? they would've found him in the hobo's hut. don't even get me started on he music. ooh the pain. it's terribly bad, if there is even a low enough class of bad to it in. the knife slashing with the piano, give me a break. it seems like the music was made to make the opening credits cool. I know that the mask in H4 was trashed during filming but this mask looks like it was made in a kindergarten class.

if you were thinking of watching this movie don't. if you think this movie good, then hit yourself real hard cause it sucks. it barely earned that one.

EDIT: after seeing the movie bloodrayne I decided this movie is worth watching if you like being creeped out near halloween. so I now give this film a 4.
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Awsomely Scary!
1 September 2005
this was the first Halloween movie I ever saw, and I must say it was the scariest thing I ever lade eyes on. from start to finish my heart was pounding, I'd never seem anything like it before ever. this film was excellent, the first victim dying by getting a thumb through his skull was a little much, but the rest was fine. the nightmare scene is my favorite moment of the film. one of the best scenes in the whole series. if only the film wasn't about to kill the series with films after it(H5,H6). if Akkad wasn't making the sequels, maybe that ten years of crap he made with "the curse" might have been better. the only thing that made me think what the? with this film is when Micheal throws Loomis through the elementary school window. you can see that the shape has on an unaltered mask. everything else is great.

10 out of 10.
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Halloween II (1981)
wonderfully suspenseful, but terribly Gory
31 August 2005
I think this film is awesome this the original, h20, and h4 are the only good films. this film was the only sequel that was intended. until the Akkad's gave the series a worse treatment than any of Michaels victims.

this movie is awesome, wonderfully creative, scary, and Gory. the only thing wrong with this film is it's one of the gorier of the series. with the scolding of the naked nurse death the most violent of the series. if only they left it at stabbing and throat cutting and concentrated more on suspense. the film could have been the scariest of the series. the film had plenty of potential to stretch out the death scenes with suspense.

of course why does Micheal kill everybody he meets. he's after Laurie and these people were minding there own business. or at least half of them were.

still gore or no gore it still kicks ass. 7 out of 10.
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redfoxagent's review
31 August 2005
dang. this movie is awesome I love the symphonic music. after watching the film more closely that music adds a whole new level of suspense. the opening is pretty good to. the Director(Tim Minor)hinted to his past work when the boy next door appears to check out the house, waring his hockey mask. the only problem that I have with the film is that after the opening it takes forever to for Micheal to actually kill someone. or even get to the academy. the film has a bit more violence than it should but is still scary as any other Halloween film. the scene where Micheal is in the kitchen while whats his name is getting the corkscrew out of the food disposal is one of the most terrifying and unpredictable scenes in any movie.

well to some it up this is just an awesome film. I give it nine stars.
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