5 Reviews
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Blonde (2022)
Messy, try too hard.
9 October 2022
Felr it had no real flow, and tried too hard to be artsy and had Marilyn unclothed for no reason, most of the time. Based on a source material that was inaccurate/embellished, sex obsessed, fiction novel, so takes an icon and ruins her, making her look nothing more than a sobbing,insecure, nymphomaniac. Can't say it held my interest a lot of the time as not a lot was going on a lot of the time. It was vague and wishy-washy and sometimes unclear who people were even meant to be. Felt that a proper biographical film would have been better than this dramatised arty nonsense. Sure there was a lot more to Norma Jean than this film makes out. Quite insulting to her really.
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Awful in every way
6 May 2022
Bad acting, atrocious script (if there is one as seems they adlibbed most of it, staggering through disjointed dialogue) that is mumbled. Completely boring. The 'daughter' is supposed to be a schoolgirl but looks mid to late 20s and the dad is kind of creepy. The sound effects are cheesey and sound more like something for an alien sci-fi film.
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How It Ends (2018)
Stop for gas. Get in trouble. Repeat till bored your audience to death
16 April 2022
Very repetitive. Started of intriguing but the became clear it was just going to be vague and wishy washy plot. Became quite boring and then the end was just a ridiculous pee take. Not a clever twist. Just silly.
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Barbarians (2021)
10 April 2022
Looked promising based on cast members but sadly was quite dull. Characters were pretentious and egotistical, but other rhan that had no personality to make you care about them. Also, the finale part of film quality was so poor they must have filmed it on a mobile phone. Could have been done so much better.
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Sunday Brunch (2012– )
3 April 2022
Seems that a joke gets dragged out for not even weeks, but months now, eg "I started the question..... " And it's usually a joke that wasn't even that funny to begin with. King of the tin dragged on for far too long to the point of being painful. Seems a lot of the same guests repeat. Just seems stale and a bit dull now that I barely pay any attention to it. Once upon a time ot was highlightnof Sunday morning. Was funny. Now a bit cringe.
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