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Doesn't compare to the movie... but good in some aspects
19 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I read online that there was going to be a remake of the iconic book and movie but as a TV series I was looking forward to seeing it since both are masterpieces.

This series, despite having some good aspects to it too, was overall a bit of a letdown and the main reason was to do with the inexplicable decision to make changes and take liberties with the autobiography of Christiane F. Even though there is a disclaimer at the start of each episode saying as much it still doesn't make it right. Here are my main grievances: 1. In the book and the movie the characters are all young teens which is the main reason the story is so shocking to begin with. The actor who played Christiane in the movie was 15 I think. Here the main actor is 21 playing a 16 or 17 year old. All the other actors were way too I'd for the characters they were meant to be playing. On the other hand the actor playing the father of Christiane looked far too young and I mistook him for one of the teens. 2. It's a autobiography set in the Berlin of the 70s/early 80s. So by definition it is a period piece. But for much of the time it looks as if it is set in the present. 3. The harrowing realism of the movie has been replaced with a glamorous look that feels like any series about teens. It's S German show I believe and German TV is usually brilliant at realism but this (if I didn't know) could have fooled me in many parts as a high school or college teen drama set in any modern western city. (The only thing missing was the mobile phones). 4. Why change the name of the main make character and move interest Detlef to Benno? For those familiar with the book and the earlier movie such a move makes no sense whatsoever? Especially since we are meant to be talking of real characters not fictional ones. 5. I guess because it's funded by Amazon and they wish to eventually show it outside Germany and especially in the USA they sanitised the nudity and sexual scenes because of a fear of a potential outcry later (it's probably why I am guessing they chose adults to play young teens). In fact for much of the time this show looked like a USA teen drama. Intentionally so perhaps? 6. Why remove the fact that Christiane had a younger sister too? She was a central character in her life then and was also in the movie.

Ok these were my main criticisms but the series was good in some ways too: 1. They were able to explore a much longer portion of Christiane's life than the movie did which is more faithful to the actual autobiography. 2. The backstories of the other characters was well done too especially Stella and Babsi and Benno (Detlef). This format allowed all the characters to be developed and explored. 3. The acting and sets were generally excellent even though they looked too glam often. (I can see why this was done but I don't agree with it). 4. Cinematography was very good. 5. Soundtrack was amazing as were the clubs scenes but the music in places seemed out of time!

Overall I think it was technically good on its own as a series but it wasn't really the story of Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo and Christiane F but a generic tale based very loosely on her book. I think they could have reflected that by choosing a different title.
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Pornopung (2013)
A naive student is coached into becoming a ladies' man
9 November 2013
I watched this film the other day and it an enjoyable but surprisingly dark comedy about university students trying to get laid. Unlike most USA comedies about this subject this movie treats the matter more seriously and maturely.

Certainly, the number of male penises -- both flaccid and erect--on display would automatically mean it gets blacklisted in the USA-- but, thankfully, it is an European movie and so gets a 15 certificate in its home town. Probably an 18 in the UK, maybe 15.

Christian is a shy, intellectual boy, slightly chubby, who goes to Oslo and ends up in a flat-share with two other students. His flatmates are pick-up artists, ladies' men, players, and try to sleep with as many women as possible. They decide to change Christian into becoming one of them and the film follows their attempts and then the consequences as Christian goes from nice-guy to player. The last third takes a decidedly dark turn...

With a subject that could have resulted in a lazy and trite teen-comedy the director and actors pull off an entertaining movie which asks some interesting questions about sex and sexuality in the current age and the battle of the sexes. The movie also contains the most aesthetically beautiful penis I've ever seen in a movie!

I hear it is based on a novel and this film certainly makes me want to go and read it. Good, entertaining film-making, European style.
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Certainly different: visually stunning and brave but rather boring
11 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film is visually unlike any I have ever seen. The cinematography is really good and the constant cut scenes of animals being killed in various ways is almost documentary-like and eye-catching. However, the main problem I found was that the main story arc didn't make much sense to me and was just a chance to show a lot of graphic violence and explicit sex. Although very little of the sex was erotic-- I'm not sure it was meant to be. It was very realistically shot --almost the same as in natural wildlife films--and not sensationalised with close-ups, music etc. The other problem for me was that the main characters were just too nasty and unlike-able.

I have to admit that a lot of the scenes I saw, I never thought I'd ever see in a mainstream movie yet -- although if this is 'mainstream' is open to debate and that it is in a European film makes sense. Never will such a film be made in Hollywood and then get a general release. Never!

I never thought I'd see a scene of a man shitting on to a woman in a non-extreme-porn movie although the scene lasts a second. Then the man pulling apart the young girl's buttocks and licking her arsehole and she defecating on him....the bearded man pissing on the woman at his feet...

The most disturbing thing for me was the violence done to the women. That I found much more unwatchable than the sexual deviancy. With proper editing this could have been a masterpiece but it just remains an interesting exercise in shocking the viewer. But the director must be congratulated for daring to push boundaries. After all, we all urinate, defecate, have sexual fetishes, ejaculate --so why does cinema have to glamorise them? Just show them naturally. Seeing someone defecating is much less offensive than seeing someone's head being blown up or torture-porn.
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Clip (2012)
A disturbing, powerful, film about the emptiness of teen lives
27 October 2012
I saw this at the Munich Film Festival and was very affected by it. It is not a perfect film -- others have already mentioned the clichés--but the overall effect was very powerful. The main actress was brilliant as well as beautiful as the disturbed 14 year old and I predict she will be a future star.

The director had some interesting things to say during the Q and A session afterwards. Commenting on the explicit sex scenes she said that it was realistic and that teens nowadays were having more and more extreme sex as a direct result of porn. "I guarantee teens here have seen double and quadruple penetrations online!"

"Enjoy" is the wrong word for the experience once has when watching this but it is a film that should be watched by parents and teens everywhere.

Is this the kind of nihilistic world we are leaving for our future generations?

As a side note--I am sure this film will be banned in many countries (which is a pity) as it could be seen, by the more conservative, as child pornography.
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Ballerina (2006 TV Movie)
Fascinating documentary about life in the Kirov/Mariinksy
14 July 2012
I became a fan of ballet after seeing the Bolshoi perform at Covent Garden a couple of years ago; at that time I had heard the name of Svetlana Zakharova and Natalia Osipova only! Though I didn't see Svetlana -- she pulled out due to injury -- Osipova in Giselle entranced me. Since then it has been my goal to see all the great ballet troupes live. Though that is still a goal, this fascinating documentary makes up partially for it. It takes a look at Svetlana Zakharova, Ulyana Lopitkina, Diana Vishneva, Alina Samova (I think she was also at Covent Garden but not sure!) and Evgenia Obraztsova and their day-to-day life at the Kirov and its training school. Apart from being visually beautiful to look at this is a real insight into how hard life is for top ballerinas and how difficult it is to become one.

For ballet enthusiasts, it is essential viewing.
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On the Road (2012)
Gripping but a bit difficult to follow at times without having read the book!
2 July 2012
I just came back from seeing this at the 30th Munich Film Festival and it was a gripping film from beginning to end with luscious cinematography and engaging major characters. However, I found myself lost in places as I haven't read the book yet. Some scenes just seemed to occur out of nowhere and it made parts difficult to fully follow.

However, overall, it was really worth it and had a great cast. Damn, Kristen Stewart can actually act and the scene where she gives both Moriarty and Sal a joint hand-job in the car, on the road, is worth it alone!

A great trailer to encourage one to read the book which I am about to do...then I will watch it again when it comes on general release...
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Wadero Sain (1992)
Superb and overlooked Pakistani film about a serial killer in a feudal land.
22 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best Pakistani films I've seen in terms of acting and plot. Yes, the production values are still quite basic but that is due to the limitations of budget.

Mustafa Qureishi is brilliant as a feudal landlord who is more-or-less an absolute ruler in his land. The people who live on his land look to him to provide them with justice. He provides them with stern but fair justice.

He is also best friends with Ghulam Mohiuddin whom he considers a younger brother. His actual younger brother is a spoilt rich kid--and unknown to Qureishi--a serial rapist and killer--who has been raping and killing young girls who live in the land. When Ghulam's younger sister is raped and killed close to her wedding he is distraught and comes to his friend, the Feudal Lord (the literal meaning of Wadera Sain) to ask him to find the killer. Qureishi swears he will try his hardest.

When Ghulam finds evidence that it was Qureishi's younger brother he brings his suspicions to Qureishi who first tries to beat his younger brother into telling the truth but he is stopped by his own Father the Elder Feudal Lord who swears that the youngster is innocent. The word of his elder is enough for Qureishi and he tells Ghulam that you must be mistaken.

This causes a rift in their friendship and it turns to enmity. The on screen chemistry between Qureishi and Ghulam is excellent and the screen is electric when they are together. Eventually more girls get killed and raped and Qureishi and Ghulam's independent battle to find the killer continues. Ghulam is determined to kill Qureishi's younger brother and Qureishi to stop him.

Eventually Qureishi realises that his Elder lied to him and shaken he vows to provide real justice. He tells Ghulam that today you will see justice like you've never seen before. The film ends in a dramatic set piece with a fight between Ghulam and Qureishi's younger brother and Qureishi which ends when the Feudal Lord shoots his own brother dead thereby providing real justice.

This is the best screen performance of Mustafa Qureishi since his legendary role of Noori Nath in Maula Jatt. Well worth seeking out.

It has a nice few catchy numbers too filmed mostly on a ravishing young Arifa Siddiqui who gets caught in the obligatory thunderstorm whilst wearing a see-through white dress...!

Great film!
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Desire (2011)
A beautiful film about human sexuality
23 February 2012
I really liked this film. It was shot in lovely locations in the French countryside, on the beach-front and in little town cafés, and it featured a host of beautiful actors and actresses (many of them non-professional). Yes there is a lot of explicit (non-simulated) sex and nudity throughout but for a film which is about exploring the central role of sexuality in our modern lives it makes sense and I didn't find it either offensive or pornographic. Though very sexually explicit the scenes were tasteful and beautifully shot. It was also quite a funny film. You could definitely watch this with your girlfriend or boyfriend.

I wish all countries could treat sexuality in a matter-of-fact way like this as the French do.
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