
12 Reviews
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Breaking In (2018)
predictable plot but still worth it
16 May 2021
Ok, so this may resemble the plot of panic room but the acing is solid and its good to see Gabrielle Union in a different role.

Billie Burke is appropriately menacing in this.

Its a good popcorn action drama.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Chilling and disturbingly possible
21 July 2019
I am currently in season two and this story is dark, chilling and thought provoking.

This is a show that must be watched!

The scariest thing about this is that everything has been done in the name of a religion that has been twisted to the dark purposes of this Male dominated society. A scary outcome given the current state of our society.
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The Rain (2018– )
Not that bad if you give it a chance
14 January 2019
I just got done watching the entire 1st season and yes, some of the leads do stupid things you have to remember they are young. I agree that you have to get past the first 2 episodes before you really get invested. Some of the plot twists you can see coming but definitely worth watching. It reminds me of the 100 but the characters are definitely not as smart. Some good action and plot twists. This first season you get the background for each of the characters. I am already looking forward to more.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
It could have been worse but there is potential
16 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original show and I really wanted to like this more but it just felt to rushed, too haphazard and just too everything! First problem, the 1 sister finds them inexplicably and they are all besties in less than 5 minutes! While I know they are as ll going through funding their powers, you don't just bond that quickly. It doesn't ring true. Second problem. I really hate Harry. Yes, it looks like he may be a bit duplicitous in intent but why is he British? Is this a Buffy reboot??? Plus a white lighter with no white orbing? NO. Just NO! Third problem. The mother seemed weak to me. She was scared of a bird?! Really??? She's supposed to be a powerful witch! Not just a strong feminist. If you wanted to do a reboot and didn't want to follow Piper's children you could have followed Phoebe or Paige's kids who were not born when the series ended. Now that's not to say that this show did not have potential. I love that the third sister is a scientist although I have to question the baking powder in lieu of an actual power of 3 spell. The rushing of Mel at the sorority house was a fun twist. The head sister could definitely be evil! They need to tone down the social issues just a bit. It was too much for the first episode which really should have been 2 hours which was why it seemed so rushed. All in all it wasn't the worst reboot and I'm willing to give this a shot. Maybe the writers will find their groove and get back to the main story about the relationship of three sisters. The dating and demon fighting is just supposed to be fluff. Update: this show just gets worse and worse. I only made it to the 3rd episode and I couldn't take it anymore. Don't waste your time!
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Stop trying to reinvent the wheel
12 November 2017
Once again Disney has a hit with a movie and the proceeds to ruin it by making it into a TV show with low quality animation.

It's OK to spend some of your money in order to produce a quality TV show for children.

By the way, it's not only my opinion. My kids hate the look of the show too!
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Did Disney fire all their artists?
12 November 2017
I would give this a higher rating but the visual for this is horrible. My kids will watch only if nothing else is on because they said they hate the way it looks.

If the animation is supposed to appeal to an older audience aka tweens they are missing the point! We all know Disney has enough money to not slap a show together with no thought whatsoever. Hotel Transylvania falls in the same category. Elena of Avalor is a much better all around show
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The Flash (2014–2023)
Great allaround Show
10 November 2017
I have watched this show from the beginning and have been hooked ever since! For those that complain its not like the comics or the cartoon...its not supposed to be! It stands on its own!

Love Barry, Cisco, Caitlyn and Wells(no matter which one we get! Watch to figure out what I mean) Caitlyn as Killer frost always makes me smile as does Cisco!

The crossover episodes with Supergirl and Arrow are not to be missed! Great fun if you are a fan of the superhero universe but don't need a boring carbon copy of a comic book!
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
I love this show
10 November 2017
I'm a little surprised this show does not have a higher rating. I've been watching this show before it moved to the cw and our family tries to never miss it. Although this season they changed time slots and that's NOT working for me. Anyway, Melissa Benoit is adorable as her dorky alter ego and kick ass in her hero form.

I wish Callista Flockhart would have stuck around longer but at least we had her for a little while. The actress who plays Lena Luthor is great!!! I also like supergirls sister Alex who works for the government and is initially her only confidante.

I'm glad the cw has added this show to its lineup, its a much better fit. I love the crossover shows with the Flash which are great fun and will hopefully continue.

If you are on the fence, take the leap and watch! Great superhero fun!
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Dallas (2012–2014)
A reboot done right!
10 November 2017
I was a fan of the original show in reruns and let me say I Loved this reboot! This follows the next generation of schemers while at the same time bringing in members of the original cast. Patrick, Suellen and of course JR Ewing! The addition of Judith Light to the cast was brilliant!

Manipulation, power, sex, action! Great nod to long time fans with enough camp and hot cast to bring in younger viewers.

Larry Hagman passed away during the series and the on screen tribute will make longtime viewers cry!

If you haven't seen it add it to your watchlist ASAP! It was cancelled too soon and I'm still bitter!!!
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Dynasty (2017–2022)
Promising start to another reboot
10 November 2017
This show is promising. It's got manipulation, cat fights, sex, lies, blackmail and diversity. All the things you need for a good drama. The girl who plays Fallon is awesome as is Brianna Brown from Devious Maids! Who doesn't like Grant Show from Melrose place fame? My problem is the actress who plays Cristal. She sounds like a robot. I've never seen her in anything else so I'm not sure if this is normal but she needs a speech coach, fast! Hopefully the show sticks around longer than the Dallas reboot did. I cant wait to see who they cast as Alexis...
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Devious Maids (2013–2016)
Devious Maids indeed
29 June 2016
This show gets better,and better each year. I admit I was skeptical when it first came out but I was a former Desperate Housewives fan so on gave it a try. I have not been disappointed! It's sassy, naughty, funny, devious and just downright fun! Susan Lucci as Ms. Delatour is both hilarious and sweet but don't try to take her man. I absolutely adore the Powells! They are snooty and nosy and always trying to out maneuver each other in the best way possible.

Zoila is sweet, sincere and sarcastic. Carmen is sassy, spunky and always trying not to be a maid. Rosie? Well you just have to watch the show.

Marisol falls somewhere in between. She is smart and the most normal but don't cross her! She can play dirty too. If you haven't watched this show yet what are you waiting for? Great soapy fun!
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The 100: Nevermore (2016)
Season 3, Episode 11
Our delinquents attempt to save their friend Raven from the clutches of ALIE
15 April 2016
THis episode focuses on our main characters attempting to save Raven from the clutches of ALIE and the City of Light. This episode reunites our main characters with the sole focus of saving Raven. Emotional angst and rehashing of old wounds ensues. ALIE is in the background and sufficiently creepy. A nod to the Borg from star trek TNG. It will keep you on the edge of your seat and will run you through the gamut of emotions. The acting in this episode is completely on point and a nod is given to at least 2 famous cult movie. It is by far the best episode to date. At the end of the episode our main characters have a new goal. Don't listen to the haters this is a do not miss episode!
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