
11 Reviews
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Unexpectedly wholesome
25 December 2023
I watched this movie without knowing anything about it really and therefore didn't expect much. It seemed like a fun little "low budget" movie at first, but ended up being a really decent wholesome movie with many touching moments and a surprisingly big twist at the end. It touched on a lot of sensitive topics, father & transgender son relationship, gender identity, abandoned child, single father, a mom that didn't want to be a mom, etc... Considering the movie packed so many sensitive topics into one movie, plus it not being a huge Hollywood production budget movie, the filmmakers did a good job. The acting isn't superb but good enough for me. Decent movie to stumble upon.
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Not as deep as it could have been
9 November 2023
But still a decent watch.

Asking the big questions: Why do we suffer? Where does it all end? What makes life liveable? And like the son asked his father: What's the point of it all? Life?

This film uses a life changing (off camera) event, to question the purpose of our all lives. It is a lot of talking, yes, this movie pretty much "just" shows the conversations of multiple people that are all connected (family relations). But the conversations are rarely boring and interesting enough to make you think. Like, what would I do in this situation? What would I think of this?

The whole situation with the dad is a bit too vague to fully understand and relate to, and overall although there were interesting conversations that made me think, in the end I didn't find it "deep enough". I think this film could have gone even deeper into the big life questions (which this movie really is all about). It was overall still too lighthearted for me and I wished for deeper conversations. Interesting watch and concept, but could have been executed better. That's why just 6 stars.
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23 October 2023
Cute little romance movie with a sweet storyline. The sci-fi effects in space are done super cute, almost like a theatre play. The romance part is understandable, I mean, if you are locked up with someone for 3 years, shut out of the "real world", of course you are going to have a special bond with that person. Both main actors are entertaining to watch and have cute chemistry together. I fairly enjoyed this light romance comedy! Don't expect a high production with high budget CGI and whatnot. Just enjoy the lighthearted romance and the cute set in space, then you will have a great time watching this movie.
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Brilliant, Moving, Emotional
11 October 2023
I watched this movie at the Busan International Film Festival this week. I went into it, without much information and didn't know what to expect. And oh wow, it blew me away. I straight away put it on my "Top 10 Favourite Movies of all Time" list.

First of all Mads Mikkelsen is a phenomenal actor and the perfect choice to play Ludvig Kahlen. He shines especially in the scenes, where he "only" acts out pure emotion with his facial expressions without having to say a word. There is one scene at the very end, where he sits all alone in his farm house, eating at a table and the camera zooms into a close up shot onto his face. It is a captivating scene, were no words are spoken but so much was said. He is a superb actor.

Throughout the movie you feel all kinds of emotions yourself: anger, hatred, sadness, frustration, disgust, joy, relief,.. I felt it all. It is a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

I felt strong hatred for the villain of the story played by Simon Bennebjerg, who was also a perfect cast for this. You really start to hate his character pretty early on, his arrogance, greed and disrespect for all people around him, make him a despicable character.

After watching the movie, my friend and I had a long discussion about human greed and what our motivation in life is. Is it worth to betray, let down and/or loose loved ones over a title, money and/or fame?

10 out of 10, worth every second.
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The Society (2019)
Don't get the positive reviews
7 October 2023
Absolutely none gets explained. What happened? How did they actually get there? Where are the parents? What's up with the dog who seems to have moved between the worlds? What's up with the bus driver? The baby? Oh my oh my... Everything just end up hanging on a cliffhanger, we just never get the answers because the season ended and we don't get another one. So stupid lol. Nothing got explained in the end, so the whole show is nonsense.

Apart from that, it is so unrealistic too, and no I don't mean the whole "oh where are we and how did we get here" part. I mean, how the teens react to the whole situation. Noone is overly concerned to actually ask the deep questions and to try everything in their power to find out where they are, where everyone else is, how to find an escape and so on... Months pass by and noone really seems to care about anything other then their own little personal drama between each other. So unrealistic in my eyes...
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Resurrected (2023)
Not too bad for a low budget movie
30 June 2023
Is the acting the greatest? No. What makes this movie interesting is the story, the idea itself. That kind of saves the whole movie. It is an interesting story: resurrection... What would happen to the world, if we really could resurrect people... This movie made me think about that. How would people react to it? How would the world look like? And like the movie itself discusses too: Who would be entitled to it? So yes, I do think the movie is worth a watch for the story. And this new concept of making movies with online cameras/Facetime only, I find interesting too. This type of content becomes more popular. Seen worse. The acting isn't the greatest, but overall worth a watch if you find the storyline itself intriguing then you won't be too bored.
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Influencer (II) (2022)
Surpisingly good!
10 June 2023
I went into this Movie with low expectations after reading the Reviews on IMDB first, who (now to my surprise) are quite negative. But the few positive things that had been said, made me give this movie a try and oh boy I am glad I did! This is an enjoyable movie with an amazing performance of the main actress (the girl with the birthmark). She carries the movie incredibly well and plays the role of a psycho just perfect. The story is believable too! I totally think this would work in real life, knowing how fake the online influence world can be! Many have a fake persona anyway, so why not? The story is plausible. And even the ending was open until the end. I was not sure how this movie will turn out until the last minutes! So my fazit: Totally underrated movie! With a refreshingly believable murderous storyline, an incredible main actress and a good ending.
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A lot of blood and still boring?
18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a perfect example of the saying "well, that escalated quickly".

Which overall I wouldn't mind in a Horror movie at all, but in this case it was just way too quick? The start of the movie was good, the sister arriving, we meet some of the neighbors, we get to know the kids and then the earthquake and the kids find the book,.. that's all pretty good and makes sense, until then... It then just straight away (feels like 1 min) goes from 0 to 100 and turns into a slaughter blood thirst movie. Which I also wouldn't mind overall in a Horror movie. But I don't know it just feels so out of the blue and there is no built up at all. It is missing some built up/back up story. So much so that all the slaughter (and a lot of blood) that comes later is just boring and you don't care for it much. Has so much potential but is missing the emotional connection between characters and audience. And also some things don't make sense, especially, given that all of this slaughter is happening in an apartment building and all people from that floor get massacred one by one,... then what about the rest of the tenants on the other floor? Noone heard or seen anything, including the girl at the end who discovers the massacre in the garage the next morning? Makes no sense...
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Stop romanticizing toxic relationships and su*cide!
3 January 2023
First I would like to say the cinematography is superb in this one. The camera placement, set design and camera shots are beautifully thought through.

What a shame that the script is just another movie romanticizing abusive toxic (and in this case also adultery) relationships and portraying suicide as a glorified exit.

Apart from all the things wrong with a police man getting involved with a suspect, let's look at the "romantic love" that is portrayed here.

1st normalized behavior in this movie: A married man is lusting after a woman who is not his wife.

2nd normalized behavior: A woman longing for an already married man.

3rd normalized behavior: If you can't have the person you are "in love with", you can't live without them and therefore su*cide seems like a heroic way out.

This is NOT LOVE.

This is toxic mentally abusive behavior.

This is betrayal of actual loved ones including your wife you swore to love forever.

The man is lusting after the "beautiful foreign woman" (who of course needed to be a foreigner, not a Korean woman *insert eyeroll*).

The woman is made to be portrayed and seen by the audience as an innocent girl who just wanted the love of a (married) man but couldn't have him, so she sabotaged her whole life and fell into misery until she decides su*cide is the only way.

We are supposed to be sad at the end and feel sorry for her and him?

NO. Just NO.

Stop romanticizing such irrational, abusive behavior. This is not normal, this is not romantic and this is not what we should teach our society (especially our younger ones) what love is.

Side note: South Korea recorded a su*cide rate of 26, the highest among all developed nations. And an important factor is here, that su*cide is glorified and seen as an heroic act. Movies like this, won't help to solve this huge issue.

When it comes to the story, this movie deserves 0 stars. I gave 4 because of the cinematography only.
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1899 (2022)
Huge let down
23 December 2022
The first 4 to 5 episodes are huge on individual character story telling which was exiting, because all the main characters up until this point were very interesting and mysterious in a way. Everyone seems to struggle with their own identity issues and dark past. So i was excited were this leads to. Well it led into absolutely nothing. After episode 6 none of those backstories mattered anymore. Those characters were not important for any of the story anymore. Why go through all the complex effort and quite interesting backstories of the individual characters, just to throw all of it overboard anyway and make it non important for the actual final reveal? The last 2 episodes were nonsense and so disappointing/boring. Great built-up, huge let down in the end...
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Kiss Sixth Sense (2022– )
Great up until Episode 10
5 July 2022
The story between the lead characters unfolds so beautifully up until Episode 10. The first 10 Episodes are a light hearted office romance with an interesting twist to it. The 2 lead characters have their charm and fun, but once the plot unfolds and they start dating, the drama completely looses all of its interesting charm... Such a disappointing ending... No idea why they decided to end things like that. The 2 lead characters are unrecognisable at the end. And one thing I want to make clear: fighting for fun and saying things like "now we really are breaking up" pretty much on a daily basis just to hurt the other person is not romantic or loving at all and quite THE OPPOSITE. It is awful to wanting to hurt your other half like that. So I am very disappointed that the writers decided to end it like this... Again: Up until Episode 10 I really enjoyed this drama. But well, just forget Episode 11 and 12.
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