
9 Reviews
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Worst Two Days in Paris
17 April 2023
What a pathetic unfunny bore with two main characters who have no redeeming value. It would be a nightmare to share a taxi with these two so watching this entire film is like spending two years in prison. I wanted to like this film because Delpy has been a good actress in many of her films. But Adam Goldberg always plays the same irritating sarcastic weak whining guy in every film I've seen him in. I suspect he really has zero acting talents and is just being himself. His characters always seem to be stereotypes of why some people do not like Jews. Maybe the film could have been much better if another actor played the lead role. I love Paris and usually enjoy movies made on location that shows you what a beautiful and exciting vibrant city it really is. But the acting in this film, especially Goldberg, is so awful that I had to stop watching it about half way through.
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Overrated and Atrocious Ending
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Mitchum character, Steve Mason, to me is a slimy smooth talking manipulator. He's the type guy I've met before and once he gets the girl his true colors will show and her life will be messy. That's why I didn't like this film because the bad guy wins at the end and nice decent moral honest guys like the Wendell Corey character loses. And the spoiled whiny kid's over acting and over the top cuteness I found irritating. The Steve Mason character also had a lot of red flags such as he can't seem to hold a job and is always broke. And his story about moving to California and designing boats seemed to be a bunch of BS. Also he literally attacked the Connie character inside the Department store by sneaking up behind her and passionately kissing her is the definition of sexual harassment. At that point she only met him once. And just after they met he was soon psychologically analyzing her personal life by criticizing the way she was raising her son, how she should learn to forget about her dead husband and that she didn't really love her current boyfriend Very self serving manipulative behavior by a slick con man. Wise up Connie!

On the positive side is the many scenes featuring the famous Lionel O Scale Santa Fe F3 passenger train in all of its glory. And the cinematography and the black and white print was very pleasing to the eye.
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Greatest Film of AllTime
24 October 2022
This film brilliantly visually depicts and answers the questions regarding who we are, why we are here and what is life really about. It's hilarious reading the negative reviews of those who are too shallow and plain stupid to understand the important messages of this masterpiece film. I'm pretty sure these clueless people are going through life with no grasp of reality or purpose. They intellectually are on the level of the monkeys in this film and don't even realize it. Suffice to say self awareness, patience and ability to logically and rationally understand the meaning of this film are beyond their brainpower. These people probably love to watch the absolute garbage and simple minded films produced by the Hollywood of the 21st Century. Unrealistic razzle dazzle special effects, foul dialogue, graphic violence, unprincipled characters and comic book level plots are what they have been conditioned to enjoy.
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15 October 2022
That's the one word. Probably the worst film ever made by degenerates. Acting sucks and the plot is just an excuse for sick people to act out their morbid fantasies. No value whatsoever, just plain sick. No wonder this country started to go down hill during the 1960s and we now live in a society that does not value human beings. Millions of people now enjoy watching people killing other people for no justified purpose to satisfy their blood lust. And at the top of the list are people here who provide a positive review and give it a rating above a 5. A society that values pure evil and like this film has no hope and will eventually destroy itself.
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Best Hollywood Account of the Greatest Achievement of Mankind
3 August 2022
I never wanted this mini-series to end. Wish they could have made a hundred episodes. Well written and well acted and I'm believe very accurate. Really captures the era of the 1960s and 70s in pop culture, dress and attitudes. A tribute to the greatest group of the smartest, most dedicated and most courageous group of individuals inhuman history. And oh yeah, they happened to be Americans. I wish this mini series was more known today because it really shows what great deeds can be accomplished when people work together which is unlike the political and social divisions in our society of today.
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Bracken's World: A Score Without Strings (1970)
Season 2, Episode 12
Paulette is Too Good for Him
17 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good episode. Insight into 1970 era Hollywood studio and the drama between studio head, an avant-garde composer and a contact player actress. Linda Harrison, real life girlfriend at the time (and future wife of ) of 20th Century Fox studio head Richard Zanuck, was one of the most beautiful actresses ever! Loved her wardrobe too. Personally I thought the composer was a rude and conceited jerk by the way he treated Paulette. And his music score was simply awful as it was so disjointed. Glad Paulette didn't move back to NYC with him and he had the audacity to dump her!
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1944 (2015)
WWII As it Truly Was
3 January 2022
Never heard of this film before but was blown away by it. One of the best war movies I've ever seen and I'm a WWII history buff. The battle scenes look very realistic and the uniforms, weapons, tactics and tanks were historically accurate. The acting was outstanding and captured all the extreme and conflicting and confusing emotions of the characters caught in the middle of a brutal and deadly war. The film also showed the unfortunate situation that Estonia has had with its big bad neighbor, Russia for many centuries. The filmmakers were also very brave in the 21st Century to actually show that the Soviet communists were even more evil than the German Nazis. When Germany launched Operation Barbarossa in 1941 most Estonians viewed the Germans as liberators and many of its young men volunteered to fight against the evil Commies. However, as Germany started to lose many battles to the larger and more powerful Soviet Army, these liberated Estonians had to now face the onslaught of Soviet rage and revenge. Unfortunately millions of people in Poland, Hungary, Czech, Slovakia, Germany etc. Were also victims of this overwhelming barbaric attack as their countries were forcibly conquered and a Soviet totalitarian political system was put in place to enslave them from 1945 to the early 1990s. Thank God that the Soviet Union is no more and finally the citizens of Estonia and other Eastern European countries are free and independent and can tell the truth of how they were oppressed and murdered for almost 50 years.
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Outstanding Film But Not Historically Accurate
14 December 2021
Outstanding World War II film purporting to be the "true" story of the iconic and glorious flag raising on top of Mount Suribachi during the battle of Iwo Jima. It turns out that two of the US Marine flag raisers in the film (main character Corpsman John Bradley and Rene Gabon) were frauds. Unfortunately this truth came out 10 years after the film was made. It's interesting as depicted in the film the son of John Bradley says that his father (played by Ryan Phillipe) never wanted to talk about the flag raising and never discussed it with anyone. Well now we have a better idea why he didn't want to discuss it. Ironically the real reason why John Bradley his this fact for his entire life might make another good movie. The film also depicts Bradley as super modest and embarrassed by all the fame and fortune the flag raising brought him. But now we know it was actually guilt for being a fraud. All of this is not the fault of Clint Eastwood, the actors and writers of the film as they didn't know the truth. And in spite of this, they still made a great film that is a tribute to the brave Marines that sacrificed so much to protect our freedoms from an evil foreign enemy.
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Opie Overacting
14 December 2021
Film would have been much better if the whining overacting Ron Howard was replaced by someone else. I know Eddie was suppose to be the cute kid that we all should love and gush about. But he comes across as a manipulative, selfish, crybaby brat that sabotages his father's romance with a beautiful, intelligent and elegant career woman played by the lovely Dina Merrill. Howard so dominates and ruins the film for me. Film would have been so much better if some actor like Jerry Mathers played Eddie. However, the film is excellent as a time capsule to the glorious style, fashions, music and toys of early 1960s America.
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