
3 Reviews
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Dumbo (2019)
1 April 2019
A nice movie to watch and held my attention the entire time. It was still sad at times and showed the suffering of the elephants in the circus. It was nicely done except for the part of the evil circus. That was a little too cliche and did nothing to boost the story. The acting was good, and the animation was really phenomenal. Sometimes, I wondered if there were real elephants in the film, the animation is so good. I liked it mostly because of the acting. There is nothing worse than an actor or actress who just does not suit the character they are supposed to portray, and that did not happen in this movie. The major limitation was Alan Arkin's character. It either needs to be eliminated or built up more. Danny DeVito was good and could have watched more of him, and Alex Keaton was good. I would like to see it, again. It's a nice afternoon movie.
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First Man (2018)
A L--o--n--g movie
14 October 2018
The ending wasn't quite what was expected. It's not a bad movie, but does not excel. The biggest problem was the photography. The extreme zooms on people's faces got annoying. The audience was just not "brought in" to be a part of the film. Too much was told and not shown. A real shame, since this was our first man on the moon. The progression of the space program was not covered well, either. The "John Glen" could have been closer in looks. Just a real shame, given all the work Neal Armstrong did in his life, and the story just didn't work.
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Barefoot in Athens (1966 TV Movie)
Barefoot in Athens
8 December 2015
Best of any films about Socrates, even PBS. Every actor and actress chosen for the parts in this film could not have been chosen better. The acting is wonderful. It's a great film, the first part of the film being a general foundation of the situation of Athens when the actual history of the western world really was decided by these people, Plato and Socrates, at this time period. Were it not for Socrates standing up to those he opposed in this film, history would have had their first Nazis, the Sophists. As it was, before Socrates, others who opposed these Sophists were put to death, as well. Socrates happened to be the one to get the spotlight. This film depicts everything going on in Athens and the fight between Socrates and the Sophists coming to a head at this time in history. The film reflects the four dialogs of Socrates as written by Plato, mostly stressing the trial. The acting is wonderful, and no one could have been cast better as Socrates than Peter U. There was an original play that this film is based on that is often available on Amazon, but the film is a little more superior to the book. The film really brings all of this history, these great people, to life, and does it well. The film is not available, unfortunately, other than certain library copies - if you can find them. A travesty. This film is one in a million!
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