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Mr. Birchum: Welcome Back, Birchum! (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Funny but not layered
13 May 2024
I saw the trailer for the show and I think most the the trailer is just first episode, so I'd already laughed at most the jokes before. If you haven't seen the trailer you should have an enjoyable time but my problem with the episode was that the jokes were just characters making fun of the crazy left. Now, I would've preferred it if they poked fun at other people or at least presented the jokes in other ways, like some visual gags. If the show continues like this it'll get stale fast and definitely alienate any mainstream audiences. I just hope the show has a bit more variety in upcoming episodes and it definitely has a lot of potential if it does that.
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One of the most visually innovative films ever
18 December 2022
This film is visually stunning. It simply has to be seen on the biggest screen possible in 3d. That's the best way to enjoy this film just let it consume you. The story is one that most people can get behind and it's enhanced by the visual storytelling on screen. I haven't looked at the film in detail because so much happened and it was so visually engulfing. I'm not saying the story is perfect but the 3 hour+ runtime helped flesh out all of the characters and give the story depth and weight that you only really get with TV series theses days.

Honestly there could be a few plot holes but I don't really care. If you're looking to nitpick this movie then maybe you should rethink your life just and enjoy one of the most gorgeous pieces of art this world has ever produced. Just think of how much work was put into this and how amazing it feels.

This film has got to be one of the best cinema experiences I've ever had probably along with 1917, Dunkirk, the original Avatar and the re-release of Akira. I know I haven't seen 2001 in imax so maybe that would knock this film out the park but who knows.

I'm probably gonna see this movie 3 or 4 more times at least in imax even if it means I'm broke it's just one of those films that is just breathtaking.
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Park Chan-Wook strikes again
16 October 2022
If you're not familiar with Park Chan-Wook's work, I'd advise you check it out. The attention to detail and pacing of his films make him one of the best directors to date.

This film certainly isn't an exception to what audiences have become accustomed to seeing in his film. The qualities of all his other works can be seen throughout and although the story takes a while to get going once it does you'll be glued to the screen.

Now although it's a great film it certainly doesn't reach the heights of some of Park's other work like Oldboy or Thirst. Having said that this film along with most of his others is easily good enough to win half a dozen Oscars but it'll probably get snubbed but what do they know bohemian rhapsody won best editing.

I think years from now people will be studying this film within Park Chan-Wook's filmography as one of many great films from an all time great. And If you haven't seen any of his other work this would be a good place to start.
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Shut In (I) (2022)
Simple but very clever
11 February 2022
This film has a great main character but the situations she's put in are what truly make this film what it is. You'll be on the edge of your seat for almost the entire film because the stakes are so high while still feeling realistic. Although the religious aspects of this film worked for the most part it did border on preachy on occasion.
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This show is criminally underrated
10 December 2021
Like most people who watch this show, I am a huge fan of both the Blade Runner films. I feel like this show both respects the films and creates something completely new. It takes clear inspiration from the look of the original world but indulges us into an area of the Blade Runner world we've never seen.

For the most part the show is well animated. The great animation can really be seen in the hand to hand combat fight scenes. However, as it is entirely computer animated some of the character's faces do feel a little stiff in some scenes. I do feel like this show definitely benefited from being computer animated as the lighting is far better than almost any hand-drawn animated film.

Only 5 episodes in and the story has hooked me. The current rating I've given this show is an 8 but if the story pays off that number will definitely go up.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Fun but not great
20 November 2021
This show starts off really well. They establishing characters quickly and they feel faithful to the original. The dynamic of the crew feels faithful to the original early on but as the show goes on the feel more like a family compared to the original and I don't think it works that well.

The action in the show is decent. It captures the tone of the original show but there are too many quick cuts. The music does make the action flow really well.

My main fault with the show was the story. In the original it had a very loose story that never really played a big part but in this adaptation they make it a big part. The problem is it feels more like a second rate space game of thrones as they focus more on the crime syndicates and power dynamics.

I guess I liked the show but the original is just so much better if you haven't seen the original just watch it instead but if you've seen the original maybe give this a go.
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Great finale
24 August 2021
This film blew most my expectations away. I always loved the original series of Evangelion and the 1997 film but I never really understood the point of the newer rebuild films. However, after seeing this final Evangelion film, not only was the film a great conclusion to a great series but it also put all of the rebuild films into a better context and I now understand the reasoning for these films. Despite the film blowing me away I thought the designs for some of the Evangelions and some of the vehicles could have been better. I am only comparing this to the original Evangelion series that had amazing design work throughout. I also thought there was a bit too much cgi used when they could have done it hand drawn which would have looked better. Overall, I think this film was a worthy conclusion to finish off Evangelion and worth the years of waiting.

Bye bye Evangelion.
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Annette (2021)
Incredibly boring but extremely well acted
24 August 2021
This film has great songs and amazing acting. Adam Driver gives one of his best ever performance. You can clearly see through his acting alone what internal struggles his character is having. Having said all this, the movie is just really boring and no amount of great acting and catchy songs can change that. I feel like it kept a few songs going for a few minutes too long and plot was too thin for a movie with a two hour and twenty minute runtime. The film did pick up the pace near the middle when the plot actually starts to move along but by this time I'd already lost a lot of my interest. If you like musicals just for the singing then check this film out but if you want a film with an engaging story that hooks you then watch something else.
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Minari (2020)
Good acting but boring script
29 January 2021
I'd say that I had relatively good expectations for this film. It was a let down. The main reason is because the film was just so boring. I think this is probably because it didn't make me really care for many of the characters in the film. However, I at least cared about Steven Yuen's character's ambitions, which is something I can't say about the other characters. I'd say that the acting was good but not Oscar worthy and the directing was nothing to special. But the boring script is the main reason I didn't enjoy this film like I thought I would've.
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
Great gameplay but awful story
1 July 2020
Before I talk about the story I just wanna say that the gameplay was really good. But apart from the gameplay it was a disappointment. The story started out decently but it just kept going from flash back to flash back and because of this I felt no flow in the story. However this wasn't too bad. What I really thought was bad where the narrative choices towards the end didn't really reflect what the characters would have actually done.
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13 Reasons Why: Prom (2020)
Season 4, Episode 9
I think this show needs more gay characters
12 June 2020
I think this show needs to be doing a better job of representing LGGBDTTTIQQAAP characters. The fact that the show only has cis-gender gay characters I found very insensitive. Also why aren't there any pansexual or non-binary characters. This really shows us that the creators of this show have an alt-right agenda.
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Blue Story (2019)
Decent film but didn't need the Rapman cameos
20 May 2020
The plot for this movie was okay at best. It could have been better. I could get behind some of the characters actions, although they were wrong. However, Rapman showing up every 10 minutes and rapping was awful. It took almost everything good away from the film. He didn't say anything to help the film he just came on screen and said things like "that's peek" or just told us what we had already seen. This just made the film a lot dumber and more like a PSA than a complex character study it could have been if this time was spent on the actual plot.
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8 February 2020
I love the manga and anime but this movie is just horrible. The effects are dreadful, the acting is over the top and they somehow made the plot bad by shoving in as many iconic moments as they could. This could work as a tv show that could really spend more to on the story. it also needs a far bigger budget for the cgi and better actors.
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How can you tell me this was good
20 December 2019
I love Star Wars because of the moments. Sure phantom menace wasn't as good as the originals but at least it had some amazing moments, that I will remember forever. However, this movie was bland and boring. How can anyone tell me that was a worthy or even good Star Wars finally. How can anyone even give this movie a 10/10 when it was that forgettable.
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Shiro's Story (2018)
10 minuets I'll never get back
2 December 2019
This is outright garbage with absolutely no plot just some roadman rapping between random scenes between some drug dealers
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 4: Sanctuary (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
Seven Samurai rip off
1 December 2019
This was a rubbish version of seven samurai one of the greatest films of all time. Now I know most of the star wars movies pay homage to some of the great samurai movies but sticking the exact same plot as seven samurai and adding nothing except for filler garbage is just not good enough. I really hope the show gets back to its best.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Season 1 10/10 season 2 8/10 season 3 6/10
26 September 2019
This show started off with such a unique blend of 80 style and mysterious plots. Now I don't feel that same sensation I felt at the end of every episode that I once did. I'll still watch next season but I'm not gonna expect anything like the quality of season 1.
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Ema (2019)
Stylish garbage
6 September 2019
This movie is down right trash. The plot is so far fetched and the stylistic choices made by the director are awful. You can't relate to the main character at any point of the movie because she just seems like a psycho and it's not like we see this journey of her becoming a psycho. She is just a psycho from being to end. The script also included no character development and had a very loose plot padded out by terrible dance performances. DON'T GIVE THIS RUBBISH MOVIE MONEY PLEASE.
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The King (I) (2019)
Great movie but slow at times
2 September 2019
I'm grateful that Netflix are pumping money into films like this and is a great sign of things to come.

This movie has some great acting, a superb script and some great sets and costumes. This all adds to the authenticity of this 15th century English period piece. I do have a few problems with the film like some of the 15th century language can be hard to follow and I don't think this film will be as good on Netflix as it was when I just saw it at the Venice film festival.

Despite my issues with the film, I think it's great and would recommend it to any film lovers.
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Wasp Network (2019)
Should have been a tv show
2 September 2019
I left less than midway through because the movie was bad. The movie started and seemed good but then it never really established itself. This happened because the movie had way to many subplots and never really got a central story.
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The Laundromat (I) (2019)
Fun, entertaining and well executed
1 September 2019
This movie is about a very boring subject. This also happens to be a rather complicated subject. What this film does with the subject however makes the movie entertaining from the first to last minute.
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Seberg (2019)
Good but not great
1 September 2019
This movie was good but nothing out of the ordinary. Although Kristen Stewart's performance was good she had the room to really make the role her own. I don't think you have to see this in a big screen just wait for it on streaming platforms.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Best comic adaptation ever
1 September 2019
This movie is stunning. Joaquin Phoenix performance as the Joker is one of the greatest of all time. Combine with an amazing script and Joaquin Phoenix's amazing performance give us a character driven film that is one of the best movies ever made.
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Superbly made film
31 August 2019
This is a truely great film. The direction of this film is one of the reasons why as every scene is shot with such precision. Also the product design of this film was at the highest level which really helps the film to feel more real and authentic.

Overall this is a great film that I think people should see.
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Unique but nothing special
31 August 2019
This film has a very original take on a godfather-like story making for what should have been an amazing film. This isn't the case however because the filmmakers decided to add in way too many subplots that lead nowhere and an unnecessary amount of characters.

Overall this movie was okay but could have been a lot better than it was.
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