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Allegro non Troppo is a brilliant film. So good that my small brain can't even comprehend it.
25 March 2016
I have just left the movie theater. I walked with my father along the dark road. I could have sworn that my brain exploded around the room, at the end of the movie. So big of a impact Allegro non Troppo had on me.

If you talk about The film experience, this is probably the best I have ever experienced. All this experience was perfect. Atmosphere, treats (in this case, some small-Daim pieces) and the film.

Allegro non Troppo is a brilliant film. So good that my small brain can't even comprehend it. This film has it all. Where should I begin?

Before we start talking of the story and move on to analyze, I would like to praise the structure of the film. A bit like Disney's Fantasia that the film respects and which it makes fun at the same time, it runs in the same format. Intro, short film, live action, short film. In the beginning we see a slimy Italian host, presenting the idea, and repeating how original and brilliant idea they have in their hands. All of a sudden he gets the call, people tell him that some Pisney came up with the idea first. Not caring about that, the host gets a orchestra (a ol' group of grandmas), which are transported by a truck, a heavy-handed, cigar smoking conductor and a imprisoned,hanged-from-the-wall sketch artist, who must draw to the pace of orchestra. Soon after, the first film is shown.

The reason why these otherwise normal live action items work, is because the people throw jokes all the time. You can feel the Bozzetto's saber of satire in your backside during all parts. Satire is thrown all the time and the parts are filmed with enough classy small budget. Then we go to the animation.

Allegro non Troppo doesn't only hit the nail on it's animation, it hits it by a lightning strike on the other side of the world. As everybody familiar will know, the director of the film is the animation master Bruno Bozzetto that has created all kind of animations. Here, too, the film maestro's touch is in place and I can safely say that this is one of the most beautiful movies ever. In some scenes, such as Bolero and Valse Triste, my mouth was just wide-open from the beauty of the animation, especially at the Bolero sequence. I also liked how Bozzetto does all kinds of styles in the segments. Sometimes it is her usual kinda child-like and simple style (Slavian Dance nro.7) and sometimes it looks like a work of art (Valse Triste, Bolero).

Allegro non Troppo is also really fun and satirizing film. The Live action sections gave me lots of laughs, and I was not the only one. People across the hall (if you're wondering, I saw this on a film festival) we're rolling with laughter. People stumble, and the grandmother's chuckle, everything is all zany and funny. The really likable and relatable animator tries to play tricks and trys to sneak Mr. Rossi to get some food. Also the animations was fun. I laughed a lot at the rebellious doodle's at the Slavian Dance nro.7 and Vivaldi's Concerto's panicking OCD-bee.

One of the reasons why Allegro hitted me so hard is the surrealism od it all. All kinds of strange creatures and scenery's, at least more than a quarter of the film, and they cause a strangely hypnotic and a weird undertone to the film, in a good way, of course. In particular, the Bolero segment and the first segment are very slow and very surreal, and there are also some other strange things. The film's surreal and absurd feel is also transmitted to the live action parts. The playing Grannies laugh, cry and do all kinds of strange things. The slimy host's desperate attempts to keep the film together are also strange and amusing. The Conductor constantly threats the animator and everything else weird happens.

Allegro is a emotional roller-coaster of experiences. It will make you laugh, get confused, cry and influence you. At least it struck me like at 1000 volts and is now one of my favorite films. I can not recommend Allegro non Troppo enough, i recommend- no I COMMAND to get this movie in your hands: buy it from Amazon, take a look at it on YouTube, anything works! I recommend it to all friends of the animation and movie's generally to watch Allegro non Troppo, right now!
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South Park: You're Getting Old (2011)
Season 15, Episode 7
This episode is one of my favorites of South Park, right up there with Le Petit Tourette
20 February 2016
Stan turns 10, and all the music hiss friends listen to starts sounding like fart noises ans s**t to him. After that, everything starts to look,taste and sound to well... you know to him. Adam Sandler, ice cream, everything! Meanwhile, Stan's parents are also having problems. It seems, they don't have a really good marriage anymore, because Randy listens and performs tween pop, that Sharon hates.

This episode is one of my favorites of South Park, right up there with Le Petit Tourette, although I have only seen the two first seasons and some episodes here and there. The episode perfectly tugs in your heart string and makes you laugh. I at least noticed myself laughing at, when they went to the movies. The song Landslide also was perfect to the episode's depressed, sad and sour taste. I almost cried.
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Animals.: Rats (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
Maybe the best first episode of a show I have ever seen.
13 February 2016
This is maybe the best first episode of a show I have ever seen. I really liked this.

Animals. has a very unique idea, that it delivers really good with fun fashion. The idea is: A improvised show where different animals, discuss life and people, and just normal everyday life. In this episode there is three different sections: One (and the main plot) about two rat friends in a party, with the another helping the other to lose his virginity; one where two police horses complain about life and one where two bedbug are having a midlife crisis. My favorite is the rat one.

My favorite segment, the Rats has some really good dialog. The show is improvised, and I really like that, it also provides some cringe humor, that I also really like. It also blends drama and comedy, adding some dark and cringe-worthy humor in the mix. The characters we're nice and the animation was nicely simple and unique looking.

I really liked this show, and I'm really looking forward for more!
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My opinion of Peanuts - the movie is mixed like the strings of a puppet master.
11 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
My opinions we're mixed when I started walking to the movie theater. My mother and the newspaper said that it is bad, while IMDb rating, Rotten Tomatoes and AniMat said it was good. And my opinion was a mixture of both.

The movie plot does not really seem like it's in the movie, and if it is there, it feels very thin. Charlie Brown goes making use of, a Self Help book, the help of Lucy's therapeutic advances and Snoopy, to get the attention of the small red-haired girl. And in between is Snoopy's adventures in the world of women trying to defeat the Red Baron at the same time. And between them is mandatory burden pop songs.

My opinion of Peanuts - the movie is mixed like the strings of a puppet master.The film has it's moments, for example, in one scene Charlie goes reading the about 1500 pages of War and Peace during a one weekend, which I thought was clever and amusing and I founded myself laughing at the normal slipping and falling as I usually do. But it still does not quite place movie mistakes, which is clichés, too small characters, who do not have a lot of meaning and ... and THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF THE FILM WHICH IS DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN! AARGHHH!!!!

The error is therefore the presenting of Charlie Brown's luck. All Peanuts-comic book fans (including me), probably were expecting something new or big surprises. And almost, almost as it happens. Charlie Brown succeeds! Properly! All though he succeeds at the end. (well get to that later), but the movie almost lets Charlie Brown to success, but pulls the rug under his feet at the last moment. I was, myself at least very very irritated.

The plot also stumbles a little, and did not really aim at anything. Snoopy's flight scenes are also quite unnecessary, and it is only an attempt to fill moments. Although Snoopy's scenes are beautiful and wonderful to look at, it is painfully boring. I found myself yawning and leaning on my fist during the scenes.

And now the end. At the end of the movie, CB takes finally the tip from Linus (which appeared way too little) and decides to go to the small red-haired girl's house (cliché). There, the sordino voice speaking adult tells him that the girl has gone to a summer camp (cliché) and the bus leaves soon (also a cliché).

Animation style has to be granted yes, although I like more the original Peanuts animations in simple style. This new one looks different, you get used to it easily and it helps to advance the movie. Sometimes there is also a cartoon-like visual effects, which comes with a nice feeling, as reading the original comic feels like. I still need to add: Why the film doesn't do things of the original comics? Charlie's and Lucy's football trick is performed once at the beginning and Charlie's baseball failures only at the beginning once. The film also raised Joe's self-esteem, It's supposed to be low!

At the end, The Peanuts movie is '' nice '', kind of pleasant, mainly for children, candy vomit colored, clichéd and yet again a mediocre film from Blue Sky, although having some nice moments.
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This film is a nice and loosened up exception in the otherwise dramatic Ghibli movies.
10 February 2016
Studio Ghibli generally use a little more heavier themes in they're movies, or usually try make the viewer drop a tear or two. It seems to me that this film is an exception.

Schoolgirl Haru saves a cat from getting hit by a truck. Surprisingly, the cat thanks him. The next night, a strange line of cats thank Haru, and invite her to The Cat Kingdom. The next day, cats cause chaos in Haru's life. Through many random consequences, Haru ends up in the kingdom,with Muta, The Baron and his eagle companion Toto.

In general, Studio Ghibli mixes fantasy and realism to movies and remains to stay reasonable. Here they relaxed, lose the rules, and created a completely absurd world, where there is no rhyme or reason. But actually, I'm glad that they did so. The film goes crazy when they get to the kingdom, and all messes up. Haru gets dressed to a cheesy and tacky wedding dress, Cat King throws people from the tower and behaves like a psychopath. The film is much lighter than the other Ghibli animes. It, in fact doesn't even feel like a movie. It seems rather a collection of funny jokes and light action, with some good characters thrown to the mix.

The film has been slightly criticized that Ghibli didn't invest that much to the animation in this film. In fact, yes I liked the movie's a little reduced and a conventional style that is easy to the eye.

The Cat Empire is one of the so-called '' snack films '', which can be viewed when you want to kill a little time or just to twist your brain into gear to zero for a moment, in the end of a stressful day, or if you just want to simply laugh. I also recommend to the little ones, the film has hardly anything that's even a bit eyebrow- raising. I highly recommend!
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The Simpsons: Covercraft (2014)
Season 26, Episode 8
The episode plays forward and works well.
10 February 2016
Homer starts a cover band with Lovejoy, Apu, Milhouse's dad and Dr.Hibbert. But soon the eighties band Sungazer takes Apu a tour tour, which Homer is upset about.

I liked a lot of the characters chemistry in this one. Homer band's chemistry is strong, and they seem to really be friends. Even after Apu is associated with Sungazer, the episode plays forward and works well.

Sungazer's characters are amusing and this has funny jokes. I liked Homer and the rest of the band and the ending was a surprising and fun, with Homer and Apu poisoning the Sungazer members with the Kwik E Mart sausages.
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The Simpsons: Blazed and Confused (2014)
Season 26, Episode 7
Fun and creative. Dafoe's role rules!
10 February 2016
Bart's class gets a new teacher, Mr. Lassen, who is really nasty and cynical. Bart cooks up revenge for Lassen, as intended to embarrass Lassen at The Blazing Guy Festival, where Lassen is selected to fuse a giant statue, so the whole family and Milhouse travel to the festival.

While the Simpsons guest voices come and go, I might even argue that Dafoe's Lassen, is one of the best modern-time Simpsons guest voices. In fact, I liked a lot of his voice role, which executed a suitable bad temper.

The episode is good. BG-festival event is a fun place to get out jokes. The festival's bizarre things alsogive the episode new creativity, which was also refreshing. Each character reacts differently to the festival. Marge accidentally use drugs, and goes to a trip. Bart and Milhouse try to embarrass Lassen and Lisa and Homer and feel that they are at home.

Blazed and Confused is a fun and creative episode, which is crowned by Willem Dafoe's great voice role as Lassen and fun of the Blazing Guy festival, where the characters are well suited.
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Kinda reminded me from The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.
7 February 2016
Jake's video chat Buddy, President Porpoise is gone missing, so Jake, Finn, BMO, Banana Man and Ice King go on a quest to look for him on Banana Man's submarine, although they accidentally leave BMO and Ice King behind.

I really liked this episode. It kinda reminded me from The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. The character's chemistry was strong in this one. There is funny jokes, and the underwater character's creativity was also great. BMO and Ice King was a great pair, and really funny together.

IF any criticism should BE given, I would say that the underwater movements we're kinda slow and felt clumsy. Otherwise, a great episode! I demand more BMO and Ice King!
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The film is really good looking.
5 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I already knew from the beginning that when I walk out of Star Wars, I wouldn't be disappointed. And I was right. The plot is kind of Star Wars-like. The Imperial time has repeated itself. A lone sand-digger Rey(Daisy Ridley) is trying to earn cash. Together with the R2-D2-like robot he runs into Finn (John Boyega), who turned down the route of a Storm Trooper, who has escaped with the pilot Poe (Oscar Isaac).

The Bad guy is the anxiety-kind raging Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). Other good examples include, of course, Han Solo (good old' Harrison Ford) and of course Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew).

The film is really good looking. Even if someone else does not care about it, admit now, it is great. J.J. Abrams has got a lot of things buttoned. And no wonder, after all, the monsieur has made many delicious digital sweet pieces. And at this time the lens flare are drop out.

Actors are a good thing in the movie. I was happy with Finn (hahahaha Adventure Time rules!) and others. Han Solo has not changed at all, and Adam Driver, however, was a little disappointing. Her character was even a bit ridiculous with his baby face and all. I also wonder, why are all the new heroes played by new people? John Boyega has only acted at some sci-fi comedy and for Daisy Ridley, this is her first. Old actors are very much alive and take care of their jobs. And there are, of course, Chewie instead of some new Jar Jar Binks instead.

And after all, there are the previously mentioned breathtaking visuals. It is obtained by scenes where everything is just destroyed. Yes, this is indeed a wet dream for Abrams. I also like to thank the film of the original spirit of the original trilogy, such as, tongue in cheek-mood, and the school-boyish enthusiasm.

I also have to point out of Luke at the end. Why does he looks like Orson Welles? How long was he lost? Did he forgot his intergalactic safety razor at his home?

At the end, Star Wars: The Force Awakens meets to satisfy the Planet Wars-hungry fans while providing comfortable and humorous moments. I will give four and a half stars.
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Good episode, some fun stuff with Fat Tony and musical number
5 February 2016
Bart tries to get rid of his irritating art teacher with ​​voodoo, but just manages to get her pregnant. After this, Bart is asked to make children for infertile couples. Fat Tony also gets the news on his ears, and kidnaps Bart and Homer to pair his horses.

In fact, I liked this episode. Jokes were clever, and the plot was functional, and didn't meandered around. Fat Tony-plot was also very funny and witty, especially Homer's, Bart's, Fat Tony's and Louie's song number was witty and entertaining. If the criticism should be given, it would be that it has too much jokes. They are flyin around, and some miss the goal, otherwise an brilliant episode.
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The Simpsons: Lisa Goes Gaga (2012)
Season 23, Episode 22
This episode is a model example of it the modern badness of The Simpsons.
5 February 2016
Lisa goes Gaga is considered the worst Simpson's episode of all time. IMDb says so, reviewers say so, everywhere people say so. Now I decided to check if it's so bad, because my memory was vague.

Lisa wins a prize at school of the most unpopular and is just a very sad the whole time. Well, Lady Gaga has some kind of power, which he knows when Lisa is sad. And then we follow around when this over-positive, grandiloquent pop star spreads "goodness" everywhere. Sigh.

Like all the followers of the Simpsons, who have some kind of appreciation of the ability, to know that the Simpsons have gone quite unrealistic at present. This episode is a model example of it. I have to admit I didn't hated this episode quite 100%. I liked the scene where Lisa rages at Gaga, which felt quite good. Gaga herself was okay visitor, but the episode is not good. This also just has just a bunch of bad jokes candied with ultra-positive fairy floss. And at the end Lisa thanks Gaga, because he vented his anger on him, and is able to feel good about herself and sing repetitive pop songs again. Double-Sigh.

I'm not sure if this is a bad episode, but it is one of the worst. But perhaps the all-time worst is A Totally Fun thing Bart will never do again.
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Yours truly went to take a look at this of five-minute whim and boredom, still positively surprised!
2 February 2016
Fantastic Four has had in my opinion a surprising amount of criticism both from viewers and critics. And it also produced badly at the box office. IMDb average stands week as of 4,3 and Rotten tomatoes percentage is 9. Well, I have to admit that Yours truly went to take a look at this of five-minute whim and boredom. But at the end I was positively surprised.

The film begins with the discovery of Reed Richards's (Miles Teller), youth and telecommunications visor device which the whole movie rotates. When Richards meets Ben Grimm (the role of a surprising choice, Jamie Bell), they begin to develop this invention. Some years later, they presented to the school science fair. They get Franklin Storm (Reg.E.Cathey) and his daughter Susan (no surprises Kate Mara) attention. And that's how the half-drama, half-superhero flick begins!

It's the actors in this movie, that save this film from the self- loath and eating out of paper plates. Miles Teller, Jamie Bell and Michael B. Jordan are brilliant in their roles third of the Fantastic Four. Kate Mara gets a little overshadowed by the dudes but yes, he also performs quite well. Previously unknown to me Reg E.Cathey also has a great role as the dad of Susan and Johnny Storm. And that's all I have to say about that. I mean- wait.

 Did you know that: 1. This film went through the hard way when it was made. 2. All of the very small role actors have only played at modern 7/10 drama-adventure movies. 3. I like this film, although it's like a recipe of how you make bad movies 4. It has caused controversy only of it's director's complains. 5. IMDb's forum only talk about this film like this: wonder at the choice to make Johnny Storm dark-skinned, wondering about it's average grade and asking do people get killed, because children want to see this.

As I have already said many times like this (forgive me if I repeat myself), this film wasn't all that bad. The only stuff that is wrong with it is mild weakness in the plot and kinda bad CGI effects. Previously mentioned, the actors do a good job, especially the shining Miles Teller at the neurotic Richards role.
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Drawn Together: Hot Tub (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
A great first episode!
2 February 2016
I founded about this show, at phantomstrider's Controversial cartoons list, and decided to check it out.

I really like this show. The concept is great, and the characters are interesting. My personal favorite is Ling ling. The show also tickles my funny bone. I noticed myself giggling a few times in this one, mostly for Ling Ling.

The episode and the whole series starts with introducing the characters, what is done with funnily dramatic start, with dramatic music playing. The thing what also makes Drawn Together, different from others, is it way to make several little plots that don't really have a conclusion. In this episode Clara accidentally thinks that Foxxy is a slave, which makes Foxxy angry. It is presented in the way, they usually make it in reality TV, but it makes it funny. The episode has many good jokes, and biting satire. I'm looking forward to the next episodes.
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