
18 Reviews
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Unexpected (I) (2023)
Surprised to find this
22 March 2024
We didn't expect this movie to hit so hard. The acting by Anna Camp is great, covering all the manic mommy-brain one gets when THAT gene turns on.

The script is funny, then heavy, then funny again, and the arc really kept us engaged throughout the story. You really feel for the characters by the time you're 15 minutes in.

Unexpected is a story about a guy (Bob) and a girl (Amy) that grow up, get married, and are ready for the cutest little family anyone could wish for with only one problem.... Amy's chances of getting pregnant are 2-3 percent. "Doctor, are you thinking it's closer to two, or three?", she asks at one point with a hopeful face. Anyone that's gone through IVF can immediately identify with this line!

With their chances at such a low level and their driving need to have the perfect family at such a high level, they opt for a farm house and animal babies instead, with gradually greater mishaps, all while trying to fill the emptiness in their souls.

Then they find that their purpose may not be to have the perfect family at all, but to expand their love to new people. People that need guidance and help, and just a little direction.

The movie could use a better music score and better musical timing, and Joseph Mazzello seems kinda noncommittal during the first half, but overall a solid story about life's little curveballs.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
If you liked the 1980's cartoon series, you'll love seeing a REAL Transformers movie.
6 April 2019
Like others have said, so many times in the past we've seen transformers movies with good action and decent CGI, but the storyline ignored the history of The Transformers from the 1980s.

This story picks up where Bumblebee left Cybertron and DOES do a little re-telling, but the main idea (and the main characters) are left as they were, albeit with Bumblebee's lack of a voicebox like previous movies. If you liked the series though, you will LOVE seeing your old favorites acting like they used to. Soundwave looks like himself, Ravage fits where he belongs, and Shockwave has the distinctive voice.

So many things bring back those fond childhood memories! The only sad part of the show is the human actors. They cast the absolute wrong people for this show and I think they knew it, but just kept them because the female lead is the hot new thing with the pre-teens right now, and they tied her up to a fuzzy headed no-acting nerd-creature that can barely string a sentence together.

While it's still an enjoyable movie, it isn't everything it could have been.
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5th Passenger (2017)
If you can make it past the first 34 minutes, you'll probably be able to finish it.
29 December 2018
This movie is horrible. It's so bad that I paused it at least 5 times in the first half hour to do mundane tasks that I'd rather do (start eh dishwasher, swap the laundry, etc). Then something happened.

As I resumed from the 34 minute mark, it - surprisingly- picked up. The storyline started moving forward, the writers seemed to hit something resembling a stride, and even the horrible acting wasn't as stilted and stiff as before, except for Tuvok, who is always like that even though he's not playing Tuvok in this movie...Must be a great guy to hang out with, but I digress.

Without giving any spoilers, this movie is a solid 4, even for a sci-fi/Trek fan. If you've got nothing better to do on a Saturday morning grab a mug of cocoa, snuggle up with your tribble, and watch it for what it is.
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The Clapper (I) (2017)
Quirky Nerd-Love, but zero chemistry between the characters.
18 March 2018
I usually really enjoy these nerdy, goofy rom-coms and this one definitely had its moments. There's a goofball of a guy running around just living his life doing infomercials who gets a crush on a girl at a gas station. They talk, he's obviously interested but she's just doing her job serving candy and gas and shows no interest in him whatsoever. He gets outed as a serial "clapper" in the audience on those infomercials by a late night talk-show guy, who then proceeds to make fun of him and basically ruin his life for the next 6 months. And when things move from clapper to crapper, all of a sudden his little girlfriend is interested in him and wanting to go out with him. Huh? I'm sorry, but whoever wrote this needs a lobotomy. This was by far the worst rom-com released this year. We all know Seyfried can act, so what's the problem? The writing and directing. Either that or Ed Helms really disgusted her and she was unable to hide it throughout the film. Sadly, this was a show that could have been good but never made it through the buildup so the climax was forced and without feeling.
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Project Mc² (2015–2017)
Four genius girls save the day - what's not to love?
16 January 2016
We just got Netflix and discovered this show. Oh - My - Gosh! This show is the perfect blend of quirky science-y teen girls that may not always fit in with the "cool kids" and the unending excitement of "Spy Kids" movies.

Being late to the Netflix party we didn't even know this show existed until today. And we binge watched all three episodes! The story follows one trained spy who is placed in a school to perform one mission. She ends up making friends with three other girls in spite of her grating, left-brained and self-reliant attitude. Together they use their individual "nerdy" skills to save the world.

If you're a 9-13 year old and you loved "Spy Kids" or "Shark Boy and Lava Girl" you'll love "Project MC2".
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Overly dramatic and uninspiring.
15 December 2015
This movie was recommended to our family by the local elementary school. Unfortunately the entire movie is plodding and tired. It was like sitting through someone filing their nails for an hour.

The movie follows a surgeon and his family living in Denmark during the German occupation of WWII and their sober subterfuge of all things Jewish, including the people.

While the movie starts off slow, building the narrative of "German eyes everywhere", it culminates in a mediocre anti-climax that barely registers on the feelings scale. The characters try (very transparently) to become the underdogs while the evil Nazis go overboard to be seen as evil oppressors. While this is a typical story arch, Miracle at Midnight seems unable to grasp its own storyline with a touch of believability.

Save yourself the trouble and rent another movie. This one falls flat.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
Could have been so much better, but it isn't.
30 June 2015
TLDR: Movie is weak. Rent it for your relatives under 13 and they'll love it.

Let's start with this - If you're over 13 you won't like this movie. And this - I'm a 20 something Christian male (yes, we still exist) and I wanted this movie to be mind-blowing. Sadly, it wasn't.

Cons Vs Pros (Yep, it's reverse order so you're don't mistakenly think Pros wins.) Cons: 1. The acting is sad and stilted. Some actors are OK (the midget who's name I don't remember, Cage on occasion) but most are just horribly high-school level actors.

2. The writing is full of padding and over stereotyping. All boys do not want a baseball glove, particularly if they wear glasses and have pale skin. All Christians don't sound like the Westboro baptist church or wishy washy whine-bags.

3. The music is 1980's sitcom style. Lots of "scoobity doo do doo, you'll find your way, just look up to the sky" type movement and mood music. I want to call it predictable but that word is overused and doesn't really fit. It's more like... sense-dulling. It makes you want to have a glass of milk, cookies, and a long nap.

4. The directing is weak and amateurish. i.e. In the first scent the mom and daughter are having a phone conversation and instead of 2-3 location changes they swap back and forth for every sentence. It can make your head swim.


1. The message is semi-solid. As one passenger in the plane put it, "That's it?". Yes, that's it.

I'd pay James Cameron $4 billion to remake this movie with good actors and a great CGI budget. Maybe we should start a kickstarter campaign.
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More swearing in kid's movies
24 November 2008
Again, Madagascar goes the extra mile to expose our kids to swear words. Madagascar 1 spelled out the "S" word in what they thought was a cutesy way, "Oh Sugar-honey-Iced-Tea!", and to make sure your kids understand that swearing is A-OK with them they actually say the "H" word out loud in Madagascar2.

Granted, most childless homes have these words flying around without any censorship but in most homes with decent parents and children under 14 (which Madagascar 2 is marketed to) you'll see that people frown on this sort of behavior. It's not hard to act like a responsible adult and edit out the swearing in children's films. Why is it Dreamworks can't seem to figure this out? I want my $30.00 back.
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Not for KIDS, but still an OK movie.
31 July 2008
This movie surprised me. After reading the reviews online I thought this might be a great movie for the kids. Wrong! There are several instances where the characters use "colorful" language that kids under 14 probably shouldn't hear. Check the "Parental Advisory" page here on IMDb for the exact words and occurrances. You'll be surprised. We watched about 15 minutes of this till the first "who the hell" popped up then decided it wasn't really the show for us. No wonder it bombed at the box office. I'd have walked out had I been sitting in a paid-for seat with my kids in tow. It's sad too, because the wife and I watched it later and it was a decent movie. Maybe they should change the marketing strategy when something like this is released so it's NOT specifically targeted to younger viewers. It'd keep us *real* parents from having to stop the movie midway through.
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Stargate: Continuum (2008 Video)
Much better than the "Ark"
6 July 2008
Pros: 1. This tied up things nicely through the plot so we don't have to look for some of the tired old goauld's running through the seasons anymore. 2. The old cast is back to a large degree. 3. Fills Sci-Fi gap that seems to have opened in the entertainment industry. 4. Has plenty of "woah ho ho ho! Look at that!" moments 5. Keeps a good healthy pace Cons: 1. There are several points where the characters just let things go (as mentioned in the other reviews) and it lends a feeling that the writer was red-pen marking things out just to fit a time constraint. 2. There's a new and over-the-top addition of swearing to the movie, which we could have done without. I watched this with my 10 year old, an avid SG1 fan, and had to stop partway through. It didn't add anything, even angst, to the movie. 3. The ending was anti-climactic and tied up a little too fast. 4. Tealc has hair.

Overall I think casual fans like myself will love this addition, while hardcore fans will blow it off as just another milking of the cash cow. There's a palpable dearth of good sci-fi programs on anymore (cry) and this really hit the spot. RIP Don Davis, btw.
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The Ruins (2008)
Nasty, but nothing you haven't seen before
2 July 2008
I'd have rated this a solid 2 out of 10 but after the first 20 minutes it actually picked up a little and morphed out of the usual (extremely stupid) teen style horror show complete with boobie shots and drunken dancing. It's almost like this movie was directed and written by two different people. It'll never be a classic but it did, by the skin of it's teeth, redeem itself by the middle. I particularly liked the "bad guy" and it's abilities. I won't go into details and spoil the movie but trust me, you'll enjoy it. Take a girlfriend or your wife and it should provide just enough of a fright to get her close. Just don't bring anyone under 18. No sense in adding to their already screwed up sense of sex and violence.
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Son of Rambow (2007)
Ugh. YawnSauce
29 May 2008
I heard about this "Awesome" movie at work and had to run out to see it. "It's geared to our age group!" I heard. Hmph. My age group may love Rambo but this crap is just insulting. I'll never get back the hour I sat through (walked out after that). It's S-L-O-W. It's brilliantly slow. I swear you'd have to film snails dating to get a slower plot with a climax much more exciting (the snails, I mean). I keep seeing that this was supposed to be a comedy, but where was the laughter? No one laughed in the theater. Maybe we're talking about different movies with the same title? That's the only way I can explain how horrible this was and how starkly contrasted these comments are to my personal experience. If you go to see one movie this summer make sure it's NOT Son of Rambow. YawnSauce x2.
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Porn by any other name
3 January 2008
WTF? This was almost sickening to sit through for the first hour as boob after boob and hump after hump passed our eyes. I ended up having to edit the movie on my PC before watching it with my wife and our friends. Everyone fully understands the occasional boob-shot in an R rated movie, but come on! This was nakedness just to be naked. It wasn't even in context. Was this movie directed by a 13 year old boy with daddy issues? It just left us with a sick feeling and snarled faces. We wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone without the ability to fast-forward through the crap to get to the actual movie. Keep the remote handy.
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So much fun, I started playing myself
16 April 2007
While I agree completely with drvn below about Mary McCormack flopping a milk-bag out on TV, the rest of the show is fantastic! Phil Hartman was great in a professorly way, teaching the celebs the ins and outs. Foley's a nut, but in a good way. You never know what self depricating humor he's going to come up with next. As for the game play, it's entertaining, filled with witty banter, and great for any newbie that may have even a passing an interest in the game. Too bad it isn't on anymore :( I just checked the schedule all the way to August and it doesn't appear to be scheduled for any time in the future. Bad Bravo! You deserve a beating!
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If you want to change something, start with the kids
15 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Filled with facts and interviews along with clips from Islamic TV, Obsession looks to provide the real reason for incidents like 9/11.

This movie went above and beyond to say "Hey, wake up America! . It's not anything you do or did, it's that you're not a radical islamist too!" The most disturbing sections IMHO were the "man on the street" style videos that show the effect of radical muslims training children as young as 4 years old to "stab and burn" anyone not aligned with their beliefs. Seeing children with that much hate instilled in them will give most viewers pause. Many we were watching with were crying.

Though it could have been more detailed, what it does provide is an insightful and eye-opening look into radical Islam. If you're looking for a fact based film to combat the clutter you hear, this is it.

A word of caution though, this movie is NOT suitable for children.

OT: Also, someone should make Rosie O'Donnell watch this after her rant against Christians on ABC.
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Not Kid Friendly
23 May 2006
OK we really need CARTOON CHARACTERS to say "Ass" 4 times in quick succession? Half-assed mother, half assed boy, etc. No, we don't. It doesn't add anything to the story and it just makes it look like that type of language is acceptable. "Look mom, the Elephant said it, I can too!" Later in the story a big block of ice falls and all the motion stops...then a beaver says "Daaaamn".

Is this necessary for the film? No. Is it necessary for a laugh? No.

This is not a kids show. It's a cartoon but so is "The Family Guy" and you shouldn't let your kids see that either.

Save your money and go rent the Lion King. It's a much better movie geared to kids.

-Pissed off Parent
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Everybody Hates Chris (2005–2009)
Almost EXACTLY like the real thing!
3 January 2006
This show had me laughing out loud in several spots throughout the season so far. It's set in Brooklyn in 1982 and follows Chris Rock and his Stingy penny pinching dad, his nickle millionaire mom, his younger "better looking" brother, and his bratty little sister as they try to fit in in a better neighborhood. It's not The Jeffersons, but more Good Times with most episodes covering conflicts within school or kid social interaction.

What really got me interested in this show is this: It reminds me of exactly the same thing I went through as a kid, except reversed. I was a white kid in a Ft. Worth, Tx. black school in 1982. Daily beatings were the norm. Just like Chris though, you grin and bear it and use it as a racial life lesson learned. Kudos Chris! Hope your show lasts a long time.
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Madagascar (2005)
Too many swear words for younger kids.
19 July 2005
We watched this with our 6 and 7 year old kids thinking it was a great kids movie. We should have researched a bit more. Most of the movie they were gasping (both can read) at the swear words.

What's the deal lately with kids movies needing to say things like "Oh Sh(pause)ugar honey iced tea!" (reference to "Oh Sh*t") and "Damn, Hoover Dam"

It's unnecessary and could be just as well played with a "Darn, Rats" etc.

After Shark Tale and now Madagascar we're pretty much giving up on Dreamworks cartoons if one more is released with this kind of crap in it.

Really, do they need to show the word HELL behind the lion when he's feeling bad? We know he's feeling bad, he LOOKS sad. Keep it simple Dreamworks, and all of us families with kids will be back again and again. We spend BIG bucks at theatres to keep our kids happy. Don't miss out on it because you have to be a "cool guy company".

Keep up the garbage mouthing, and we'll leave you cold.
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