
9 Reviews
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Kaguya-sama: Love is War (2019–2023)
You won't find a better Romance Anime better than this in a long time.
10 February 2021
I don't need to explain anything in the plot to tell you that this anime is exceptional. The voice acting, the story and the characters are all in all absolutely fascinating. The comedy is good, natural and can actually make you laugh. You attach yourselves to the main characters and before you know it, you're already rooting for them. I don't want to do a lengthy review, but I assure you, the first season will make you want more, and season 2 will make you want to read the manga. All I have to say is: It get's better from season 2 and considering MyAnimeList has it rated at 8.8. Just know season 3 will probably break the internet. Aside from this, definitely give it a try, I can understand not every show is for everyone, but Kaguya-sama is definitely a show I would recommend to an anime watcher or even non-anime watchers.
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Silent Voice? It's a silent beauty.
12 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have no words. No words how to describe how amazed I was at this movie. It's amazing writing and and amazing script. The story, the characters. Everything about this show was absolutely beautiful. Truly breathtaking, and in my honest opinion, it is better than the other hit "Your Name." Which is another beautiful anime. This movie. This movie however, doesn't focus on romance. This movie focuses on the harsh reality of life. Bullying, suicide, self harm. This movie shows a lot about life. The story follows a boy called Shouya Ishida, and his attempts to own up and ask for forgiveness from his bullied victim of Shouko Nishimiya. He had bullied her, because of her disability of being deaf. Although, at the start of the movie, you may say that everyone was very harsh. They was. 100% agree. However, these kids were very young, they misunderstood Shouko. Another reason why, one of the major meanings of the anime was the Shape of Voice, the beauty in it. What it means to communicate. The beauty of making friends and having a good life. These kids, were very rude and insensitive. Shouya was the main bully, however everyone had blamed him, instead of telling him to stop. Although, yes it maybe true that he was in the wrong. But telling someone they are wrong, after they lose everything, is a harsh reality. Shouya had lost everything in his mind. This movie shows his rehabilitation. Him trying to fix things. Not everything goes right. But this movie just speaks a thousand volumes. Beautiful. Amazing movie, I could watch it a thousand times and still be touched by it's meanings. Shouko, is so innocent too, that she felt she was at fault for her being bullied. Which shows she misunderstood what others were saying too. But what really matters, is how everything plays out in the end. And from what we see. Everyone was happy. From the beauty of silence. A Silent Voice.
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Maid Sama! (2010–2011)
Underrated romance show! Deserved a season 2, but we was left disappointed
12 June 2019
This show is a very fun, cliche, heartwarming romance show. Lots of comedy, no major drama. Just a fun to watch show. This anime follows Misaki Ayuzawa, a very strong willed class president. She has a short temper, and mostly every boy is scared of her because of her shocking masculinity. She's very strong and very scary. Although she may show her strong side, she is very vulnerable when it comes to personal matters. Her family is in debt, and she has to work in a maid cafe! She has to keep this a secret, until she accidentally bumps in to the most popular boy in school Usui Takami. From here, Usui blackmails Misaki to doing things for him, so he can keep her secret safe. And there, one of the greatest anime couples had been created. The major cliched Usui, handsome, smart, strong. Finds a tsundere girl, who's also strong, yet he always gets on her nerves. The moments are heartwarming and at the end of the show, you just want to see more. The ending was very satisfying at the least. However, it's a much watch if you have just started watching anime. It's fun, romantic and funny, and you just will learn to love this show. It's fantastic and deserves recognition, as people in Japan had hated the manga due to its sexist remarks on girls. Although, this may be true in some implications, if you ignore those faults, you will have a new favourite to add to your anime collection.
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It's pretty decent
12 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show has a lot in it. A lot of emotion, a lot going about it. The soundtrack is superb, filled with emotion and meaning. The characters show major development throughout the show. The show is a long show, so we was expecting development, and we did. Not many shows nowadays have presented an anime in 25 episodes or so, a change in time. In this show, it went 5 years in to the future. Hikari, Manaka and Kaname had been hibernating and been in a deep sleep for these 5 years or so. They wake up, with the same look and personality. This is very powerful. Just imagine, waking up from a coma, and it's been 5 years. Everyone around you has changed. People from your life is gone. It's difficult to believe, because the feeling must be so surreal. This is where the show presents strong feelings. The romance, was an important factor. With lots of love triangles, it causes confusion, which could often leave viewers frustrated by characters actions. However, most of what's in this show is very good, and it gets a solid 7 from me. The show isn't a standout show, it's not record breaking. It just shows a lot of human emotions in a fantasy anime. It shows a lot of feelings. It's definitely worth a watch!
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It's a solid 10/10 and it needs a season 2
8 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Classroom of the Elite, is a show about Kyotaka Ayanokoji. An expressionless, dull, average boy, who attends a new school. A show where everyone is put in to classes based on abilities and much more. He was a very average student, with scores of 50 on each of his entrance exams. Although, he may seem like a very calm and nice character, with no specialness about him. He possesses, brilliant skills such as martial arts, hunting abilities and even how to hide in certain situations. This makes many characters curious of Kyotaka. Although, it seems like he was just a brilliant character, at the end of the show one of his classmates, Horikita, who had always brushed him off and never accepted him as a friend finally confessed to him as a friend. However, then it comes to the shocking bit. Ayanokoji, doesn't care. He doesn't give a toss about who's his friend. He doesn't care about society. He just wants to win. He doesn't need emotion. He just wants to win. His motives were finally revealed. He uses people, to his advantage for himself to be on top of everyone else. For everyone to underestimate him, and for him to pounce when the time is right. This show took the darkest turn, and it definitely deserves to have a season 2 or a reboot. The story's end was so abrupt and it definitely deserves a sequel to explain more of Kyotaka's past. He is a very good main character, a very unique one. He is very similar to Sakuta from the Bunny Girl Senpai series. This show is a solid 10 and a must watch from me. It's very brilliant.
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It's an emotional good watch for sure.
8 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show is very good. Of course not a ten out of ten show, not a record-breaking anime. But it's brilliant, the soundtrack and everything about it is very good. It's not for everyone's taste, to me it was quite great. There's a lot of emotion within this show, such as the death of Ctholy at the end of the show. And Ren too. The characters are good and the motives of the army is very mature and political it's very good to see this topic in anime, it's very refreshing. The emotion is just about right. Yes. A lot of crying is kind of annoying, but I mean emotional meaning by personal deaths, motives etc. It was emotional and the show really leaks of emotion. When I came across this anime, all the comments I had seen reviewed on this show, were all saying they either cried or never wanted to watch again because it was so painful to watch. Therefore, I stalled it because I didn't like anime's that show a lot of pain. However, after I gave it a watch, and before all the misery came in, the feels of a loving family and loving characters were shown. It was a great show to watch, because the characters were showing happiness even though they was in pain, which is very hard to do. This made the show really good and it really built up to an emotional ending. I had to search up for a possibility of a season 2, however I believe it isn't likely. Although it was abrupt, I believe the death of Ctholy and Ren was a perfect ending to a emotional rollercoaster of a show. A solid 7 out of 10 from me. It's not a must watch, but I do recommend you give it a go.
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This anime had great potential, but ended poorly.
1 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Masamune-Kun's revenge is about a boy called Masamune Makabe, and his revenge story on Aki Adagaki. A girl that had broken his heart and made him lose all his weight. He did this so she falls in love with him, and then break her heart when by rejecting her. At first, the story was going so well, with Makabe soon realising Adagaki is not as bad as she seems and starts to fall for her as it is. Soon finding that a fake "Masamune" comes and steals the show. It is then shown as how Adagaki had always loved Masamune and everything went poor from there. The anime adaptation was shorter than the manga, they should have shortened the story to Masamune going out with Adagaki in the end instead of the ending they had went with. This is more or less a rant, because the anime could have been better than what it is rated at this moment on IMDb. Other than the rant the show was exceptional when it came to voice acting and the show portrayed the characters very well as all their personalities suited them very nicely. Just a disappointment at how the anime ended without Adagaki and Masamune never got together and how the anime ended in such a shambles.
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
This shows going to end one day, and I will not be ready...
15 November 2018
When you think of anime's. When you think of anime characters, story lines and so on and so fourth. You think, main character is an underrated, powerful, optimistic character who beats the bad guy and gets a girlfriend at the end. Little twists and turns in the middle, but in the end, a cliche amazing ending everyone will love right? WELL, WITH THIS ONE, HAVE A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE AND MENTALITY. This show somehow, shows reality through a cartoon based on giant humanoid creatures who feed on humans. Shows you the pain you go through sometimes. Shows you, not everything goes the way you expected. This show shows so many emotions and feelings. The shows protagonist Eren Yeager along with his friends show emotions that you probably felt deep inside. How a show about 15 foot giants, shows reality to us humans? Powerful. Amazing anime with an outstanding soundtrack. I cannot name one fault about this show and one day it will end and I 100% will not be ready. I definitely recommend this show, it's too good to miss!!!!!!!!!
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Steven Universe (2013–2019)
This is probably the show that will stick with me for the rest of my life!
28 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Universe is probably the best cartoon and TV show I have ever watched. The emotions, the action, the characters, all just get to you and you feel what they feel in the story. I love this cartoon, and I have loved it ever since it came out. It is such an underrated show and I believe this is suitable for any age group around the whole world. I used to get excited when Regular Show and Amazing World of Gumball releases new episodes, but now Regular Show has ended and I have to admit it turned in to a show that I disliked. My favourite character in Steven Universe, has to Amethyst, because this girl (*CONTAINS SPOILERS NOW!*) has gone through so much from being a crystal gem. When she was born, she was born deformed and she was different from her own kind, and she has hated this about herself ever since and Pearl just reminds her of these dreadful moments in Amethyst's life. And this brings me to my least favourite character: Pearl. (*SPOILER*) She is just so annoying at times and when she talks about Rose, I just get so annoyed that Steven never got to see his own mother and she is just crying about how Rose never kept secrets from her. Don't get me wrong she is very caring and very sweet but she is my least favourite because she is very attached to Rose and I feel and I think many people feel she needs to move on, because even Greg has moved on!

I recommend this show to anyone out there who is bored and needs a new show and caution, your gonna get attached and your gonna want to watch this for the rest of your life.
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