
7 Reviews
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Arcadian (2024)
Utter garbage ....
2 May 2024
I have no idea how people are rating this so highly ...... Really makes me wonder what they consider as bad ...

I get each to their own and everyone should make their own mind up, and for me this movie was a drag to get through .

What is around 30 minutes felt like 30 days , the acting is dull ,the scenes are often too dark , the story is none existent , if you want any answers or reason of events you get none .

Then there's the creatures .... Almost comedy like , every time you got a half decent look at them I was left scratching my head and wondering what the hell I was meant to be looking at and who thought the design was a good idea .....

Utter tripe is the short version of the review .
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Road House (2024)
Makes 2 hours feel an eternity and the original a masterpiece of art.
21 March 2024
I know this has been in the pipeline for a while and had rewrites and been in a bit of development hell for a while , so I was never expecting anything amazing .

Also as much as I enjoy the original for it being a product of it's time and the macho man rocker movie for the boys ,that doesn't fit in today's world.

What gave me a little hope was seeing gyllenhall attached as he's pretty good in most things iv watched him in , and this is no different , what he has to work with is decent enough for what surrounds him .

Where it falls apart is the rest of the film , I suppose if you are at the target age of 15 and a casual MMA fan this will bring you some joy , but anyone else who misses when movies were actually good ,this is going to disappoint.

The 2 stand out stinkers are the big bads.magnussen and McGregor , magnussen I can't see him as thr bumbling idiot prince from Aladdin and McGregor ..... Oof he's bad , he likes to show his big pearly whites , walks around with some stupid hunch and cartoon villain swag , and his accent ..... I'm not sure what it's meant to be , it really is a throwback to something out of the 80s a bad B movie or a Baywatch hench man , which doesn't fit with the rest of the movie . Far too much coke and too many roids have made him one very strange character and it shows .

There are a few throwbacks to the original which are more eye rolling than anything else , all put together it actually feels a chore to sit through and I had to check the clock A few times wondering how slow can 2 hours be.

I wanted to enjoy this movie and really had trouble doing so .

Give it a watch and make your own mind up but don't go in expecting anything other than less than mediocre time filler .
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Rose (V) (2020)
It was a great movie until it wasn't .....
26 September 2023
Ok so this is a movie IV contemplated watching for a while , I have always been dubious and not sure it was something I'd enjoy .

I had the impression it would be a dull artsy farty bore fest so skipped it.

Tonight I decided to give it a go and surprisingly it hooked me more or less straight away. I find some of these indie films really well done and it's always good to see the handsome barman and I chuckled as Finn turns up ( misfits fans will get this)

I thought for what clearly was a low budget movie the acting was spot on until later in the movie and the characters even whilst mostly in a single location had good chemistry and kept you intrigued and wanting to learn more about them and what exactly is going on .

Down the line another character enters the fray and it was about here where I was totally invested and wanted to see how things played out , I was already in the head writing the story of what I was about to watch and was thinking to myself wow this is actually really a good movie and not at all what I was expected ........ then it all went a bit wrong .

I would stop reading here if you want zero spoilers . I'm not going to spoil the plot or how things turn out but even with little said I think anything given away it may spoil your viewing pleasure or put you off completely ,however if this is not a factor then read on.......

So as the movie starts to get you really drawn in ,it all comes across a little rushed I was really expecting another 30 mins or more and would of easily watched maybe another 60 of these characters going a certain way , hearing some backstory and have a fitting conclusion ....

But what gets set up I can only explain as you have a sudden overwhelming case of diarrhoea, no matter what you are doing you just have to get up and go no matter how serious or important what you were doing previously was .

This is how I felt with this movie , everything was good ,everyone was sitting comfortably and then wham! Diarrhoea! Woosh it's over and gone , and in the words of the great Ron Burgundy himself you are left thinking wow that escalated quickly .

I was at this stage questioning myself with a literal ... wait ? What? Ok then ? .... then the movie changes scenes and you are like oh ok now we are going to see things from another angle and get closure...... nope roll credits .

It left a really sour taste as it got me hooked and then it's like they just gave up and wrapped up far too quickly out of nowhere .

Overall I'd say it's worth a watch , but if you ain't a fan of abrupt movie endings ,or movies not answering questions or leaving things ambiguous then maybe give this one a skip.
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2nd best dead movie?
5 May 2023
Ok so this is subjective as everyone enjoys different things. I give this a 7 as if this was the only movie to ever exist and on its own merits rather than compare against other movies . I always try and rate movies individually.

There may be minor spoilers but nothing that has not already been shown in trailers or promo material .

So for the ED franchise I like the idea and concepts but it's never really captivated me , the goofy comedy has always taken away from what could be a really strong horror movie .

As with ash I always preferred him in a video game rather than the movies as it seems fitting .

So whilst they have been somewhat enjoyable it was 2013s entry that I actually enjoyed and the more times I watched it the better it got for me ,and it made me want more movies in the same setting or mood and I wanted more Mia , it actually felt like a horror , was gruesome and laid off the goofy comedy.

So then years later here we are with rise ,the marketing has been decent , and so has the build up , id say the worse thing tho is the promo content has shown off most of the movie and especially the more shocking moments which is a let down .

I really enjoyed this entry ,but there's just something I can't put my finger on that stops it from being truly great.

The 2 female leads are strong and it doesn't feel a forced casting , we all live in this "woke" world where everything has to be a tick box ,but this didn't feel that way it goes back to when you didn't really care and you saw a Sarah Connor or Ripley as just being a bad ass lead and character .

I think Sutherland is amazing ,it's just a shame that it goes balls to the wall almost instantly and you don't see her character develop much or any real backstory for her or any of the characters really ,you get a little bit then boom here we go .

But otherwise she is fantastic and really steals the show .

The kids were a bit of a distraction for myself ,especially one Danny I hated the character and wanted an early demise for said character .

I wish there was a bit more time for the residents of the block too ,to build them up and see what they had to offer ,but really as soon as Sutherland becomes possessed it's just a trail of death and destruction and there's no time to really get to know anyone .

There is some light comedy in here and I think some works ,there's some nice nods to the previous entries but I think it's when it tries to hard to raimi you ,for me personally it detracts from the movie ,there's one scene with an eyeball that starts off quite gruesome and somewhat tense but then quickly does a raimi and it's little things like this that take me out of the movie and lower my score .

The setting is great the 2 female leads are really solid , the gore for the most part is on point but as said I think most of the bigger scenes have been revealed in trailers anyway so there's not much more to be seen which was a shame .

I think personally this movie could of done with another 20-30 mins run time to build character and suspense and the sense of dread ,let us get to know the characters more and ramp up the tension , but instead as mentioned its pretty much flat out as soon as it gets going and I think this is what holds it back .

Overall though I enjoyed it , it's the 2nd best dead movie after 2013 for me personally and hopefully theres more to come sooner rather than later .
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Oh this is bad , and not even bad it's good just absolute trash
9 October 2022
So firstly I'm not a movie prude I enjoy all kinds of weird and wonderful movies , and with the jeepers creepers movies I have never thought they were that great anyways so it's not like there's a bias .

I thought the first was great until you actually see the creeper then the police station scene was great . The 2nd one I thought it became a parody of itself but was hokey fun the 3rd was just plain awful

But this one oh dear , the acting , screen play , special effects ,story ,script everything about it is abysmal , I saw reviews and thought maybe people just don't like changes to their beloved franchise and honestly the first 10 minutes of the movie I thought well ok this is actually pretty good even though without saying there was a major change to a certain something that's pretty obvious to spot that had me scratching my head but overall I thought no I like this .......then the plot reveals itself and I rolled my eyes and it's like the budget and ideas ended there because from there it's like a completely different production team entered . It is so stomach churningly cringeful after every step of the way .

I can't count how many times I rolled my eyes or made audible comments like oh wow or oh dear this is awful throughout the movie .

I can't even explain how low level this is , it's like a really awful low budget kids TV show bad like the worse episode of goosebumps would look like the Shawshank redemption .

3 was bad like really bad but honestly that's like a Oscar masterpiece compared to this and that's not exaggerating, I really really can't express how bad it is , even movies that are intentionally made bad like camel spiders , sharknado, or those awful straight to dvd movies like transmorphers or mega shark versus super underpants it is genuinly worse than any of those even uwe boll movies stand head and shoulders above this .

I'd say props to the male lead as he obviously is trying his hardest to show some level of acting but no this is one stinky turd that needs flushing and forgetting.
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Resident Evil (2022)
4 episodes in and I'm not sure I can go on.. and it just lost a star rating.
14 July 2022
So firstly yes I am a huge resi fan I have stuck with the rough along with the smooth , read comics ,books , fan fiction , the first batch of movies that progressively worse , the CGI movies which are pretty good and the new movie which has the same or very similar issues to this .

However I am also a movie fan and will give Most things a watch and like to suspend disbelief and get lost in a good series or movie even if changes are made from the source material as long as they are for the better .

This series so far is just a check list for the modern audience , ticking all the culture boxes for the sake of it , which is tiresome now as it's every single movie or series that comes out it's not original it doesn't add anything they do it just because .

But let's remove that issue and go back to the resi franchise , if you took the name Wesker and umbrella out of this it could be any generic Netflix zombie show . Yes the creatures are cool but other than that it's pretty poor.

I'm not sure why we can't just stick to the lore , the characters and do it for the fans , even a prequel series in the arklay mountains would or could be awesome leading upto the Spencer mansion incident , but we get this mess.

The characters are bland and cliche , the story is pretty predictable , and whilst I'm all in for character building and story this tries too hard with what are pretty much boring cardboard cutout characters .

It doesn't know what to do with them either , jumping from the modern setting to the future it drags it's feet and becomes frustrating , and the pacing is all off , one minute you will be in what feels like a tense horror scene and the next something that belongs in a Nickelodeon teenage sitcom .

The resident evil games especially the earlier ones have always been a bit hokey and had weird and whacky characters but this series I think tries to have serious characters but just really poorly acted , and when a hokey character does come in it feels really cringeworthy .

Like i say at the minute I'm at a stage where I want to turn it off but IV commited so far and will force myself to the end to hope things get better and we get more ties to the lore and characters we all love .

The guys who are giving it 1 star and just blasting it I would ignore I was going to give it 4 stars but just as I was finishing up they have just shoehorned a character from one of the games in which felt tacky and awful and again had no purpose other than just because .
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Titane (2021)
i just watched this movie.... please dont ever do the same.
21 October 2021
Iv watched many movies over my time, some good , some bad, some are so bad they are good..... yes street fighter im looking at you...

some are like marmite you love them or hate them, hereditary and the likes seemed to be loved by many, i thought it was trash , its all opinion, however........

please never watch this movie, how on earth anybody is giving this anything over a 1 star review is beyond me.

I went in blind, with it being french i expected some weirdness but im not even sure what i just experienced.

Do yourself a favour, never ever darken your doorstep with what has to be one of if not THE worse movie i have ever seen in my life.
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