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Modern Love: Take Me as I Am, Whoever I Am (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
21 September 2021
This show had no business making me cry during one of my sleepless depressive episode.
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Ave Maryam (2018)
A wasted potential
12 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this movie, and it pretty much disappoints me. The only reedeming quality i could found is that It's competently shot. Other than that, it's so disastrous. I get what it's trying to be- it's trying to be the kind of movie where they told its story only relying to its visuals. And yes, at the surface level this movie achieve that. But the problem is the story and its characters made no sense at all. Now, this movie is about a nun and a priest falling in love. A forbidden love, because of their faith. This movie handles this so poorly. For starters, the way the romance blossom just so awkward and it felt so forced. And what makes it worst is how the characters had no chemistry at all. Everytime they're interacting it felt like they have no desire to be with each other. This made the audience had no connection to their romance or even the characters. I don't get the reason they are falling in love, because they had no romantic interactions AT ALL. Are they trying to imply that these characters just instantly being in love despite never even share any attractions at all? They never look at one another lovingly, they never even REALLY talk to each other, and everytime they have psychical contact it's so uncomfortable and i feel it as well. I try to reason with this throught the whole movie but i never found an answer. They have no strong or even any reason to even risk their reputation and taint their faith just to be with each other. And that's one of the reasons i also found there is no stake in this movie. Nobody also ever questions them, or being suspicious, or warn them about it. There is a scene where the mother figure of the priest try to tell him this, but it's going pretty much nowhere because at the next scene, the priest just continue doing what the nun told him not to. And yes, i get that they try to potray the romance by visuals as well, but since the acting is mediocre and the chemistry is barely there, i don't feel any sympathy for their romantic affliction at all. What i feel is pure annoyance because its characters are so reckless and unreasonable. And as i said, the acting is also nothing exceptional. And this brought a bigger impact to this movie, since this movie is trying to tell its story only based by the visual, which requires a great acting. These actors are okay, but they can't help achieve this movie being great. I think this movie could be better if it just stops trying to hard to look beautiful, and actually try to be a good, competent movie that tells a well written story. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that all movies that only rely on its visuals are terrible. There are many that are great, but that's because they also have a strong characters and plot. Which this movie lacks of. Hence, i think this movie is better if they add more conversations between the characters, especially the main characters who we supposed to believe being in love, despite its forbidden nature. A recommendation of a better movie with a similiar theme- IDA (2013)
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Shazam! (2019)
Finally a dc movie that is worth watching
2 April 2019
After many bad movies such as justice league, batman v superman, suicide squad, and aquaman dc finally brought something that is not utter garbage. It isn't perfect, though. I'm going to say what i like about this movie first. The characters are okay. But the main character shines out of the others who only serves as plot devices for the main character. Although it doesn't mean i don't have any complains about him. We'll get to that latter. The humor are okay too... for some moments only, though. It's basically what builds and destroys the movie sometimes. The acting is okay, the child actor in the beginning of the movie sucks, but other than that the actors did quiet a good job. Even the kid actors. I think this movie is focusing more on the dramatic and humane side of the story and kind of abandoned some elements like the action and fight sequence which is terrible. it made no sense at all and the cgi is so bad. Now, i don't really complain that this movie doesn't have many action scenes. The thing is, i actually appriciate at the first half they don't focus that much into it. But, because it's a superhero movie, the third act must involve a lot of action scenes (because conventionally, the good guy must fight the bad guy.) And i'm aware of this and i predict the movie would get worse as it went along. And it did. The action scenes basically are just characters wreck stuff at location number one and then they move on to another. There's no stakes to it, so i'm not really excited watching it. Billy batson has quiet a good character. But billy and shazam are so different. They basically change billy's character overnight. Billy is this loner, unlikeable, and somewhat a mature, independent kid who don't like anyone and his obstacle is that he must learn to let go of his past and accept his new family, learning that he needs other people too. But, somehow when he is shazam he's this friendly, charming, and childish person. And his obstacle is that he's abusing his power and that he's a coward, and he has no idea what he's doing. They try to make these 2 characters as one even though they are fairly different. And yes, both of their obstacle had a similiar theme that is that they are basically a selfish person, but i think i would appreciate if they had more similiarities, like mannerism and their personality trait The humor gets super annoying especially towards the end. There are scenes where they could raise the stakes but it end up goofy because they try to hard to be funny The ending is also predictable, from the beginning you could possibly just know how the movie would end Nothing really stands out from the visuals. There's no style to it. And the story itself is very cheesy and clichèd. It became progressively bad as it went along and the third act is very boring. the product placement is also kind of annoying... like, i get that it makes sense that there are people wearing dc character's merchandise an d that they are still trying to build a cinematic universe.. but just because it made sense and that they have a purpose doesn't mean it's not irritating to see it constantly. In conclusion, i really appreciate this movie. Dc finally starts to take a better path at making movies. They tried to make an edgy depressing realistic superhero movie that is batman v superman and they failed, they also tried to make a family friendly movie that is justice league but they failed too. And now, finally they learn their lesson and create a movie that would probably be enjoyed by many people. So props to dc. This time i'm not that disappointed
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Band Aid (2017)
good movie but very held back
30 March 2018
This movie is actually not as typical and usual as i thought it would be. my expectations when i decide to watch this movie is that it would be somehow corny with a predictable ending. and i must say i am wrong and right. let me explain okay, i will start off by saying everything i really appreciate about this movie. first, that this movie could go wrong at some point. it could be just like another typical comedy romance movie but it's not. i really like how this movie handle and focus on just the one subject that is a broken marriage. the band is just a way to fix the broken marriage and i'm happy that they didn't went off rails from the one big theme. when they brought up the record deal i could see how they could go that way and end this movie with them having the record deal and them finally figure their passion and it fixes everything and i hate if that happens, which to be honest happens in a lot movie. but i'm so thankful that they didn't and i actually love the ending. i also love how it doesn't shove things right in your face. it expect you to pick up the little things the characters said and behave for the audience to acknowledge something and it unravels pretty greatly in this movie. now, my main problem about this movie is how it's so held back. this movie want the audience to believe that it's a broken marriage, and they constantly have big fights but i don't get that, really. their fights are tame and very held back. the performances are generally great, but i think if they let loose and just have the fights in a better, more realistic way, it would be better. like, when i watched the fights i don't feel any tension except probably the last big fight, which doesn't impress me because it's supposed to be the big climax of the story and it's just okay. and it's affecting me throughout the entire thing because the fight is the main problems, right? but the fights are so underwhelming and it's very scripted, and look like it's scripted which doesn't make me really believe in the characters' pain which is such a shame because i think the two main characters are already great and somehow likeable.
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entertaining and emotional, but still could be better
13 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I know it's always in philadelphia since long but haven't got the time to watch it until just recently. i finished it in about 4 months, and i am astounded by how smart and funny this show is. i love every single character no matter how stupid or crazy they are. I must say that season 12 have its own difference than other seasons. season 12 are a bit more serious and it has more depth and some of the character are having real changes and development. for example, mac finally realising he's done lying to himself and come out as a gay man, and in this episode they gave us the big one- dennis develop feelings and grow up. I'm not a fan of his supposedly ending, however, i must say it's a good ending. it's a great ending for dennis' character arc and development. he's finally maturing and as he watch his friends dancing to another heinous dumb plan, he realise that he can't be selfish and irresponsible as he is with the gang since he has a son now, and it's time to grow up. the moment when he says goodbye to his son is just touching and emotional. Glenn Howerton is always amazing, but really kills that scene just by simple gestures and the way he looks at the baby. the reason why i'm not a fan of his supposedly ending though is because i think this could be written for a more latter episode, because it's very rushed, forced, and it could have been done much better. other reason that i don't really like it is because if dennis leave, i think it would be not the same. the gang has their own dynamic and i love it. missing one member will just be different and incomplete, just like season 1, when the group is without frank. the sideplot with the waitress is probably another thing i don't like with this episode. i think it also could have been much better since we already watch that too much and it never fails to be funny and in this one it's just meh. they kind of take a big step but just take a step back, which is lame because we're already invested with the whole sideplot with charlie and the waitress. i just hope they execute things better in the next seasons. regardless of the things i don't think work very much in this last episode of the 12th season, i don't lose faith just yet since it's always sunny in philadelphia never disappoints and i'm sure they will come up with creative, wonderful things. the ending when the four of them got outside and destroy dennis' car is just a sign that the gang will be as funny and as wild as they were.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
a masterpiece... for a movie based on a video game
11 March 2018
To start off my review, i'm not that much of a big fan of the tomb raider games. i only played parts of the 2013 video game and i must say i enjoyed it. when i first heard this movie got developed, i am pretty excited but also have my doubts. to avoid disappointment, i didn't watch any of the trailers and just walked into the movie knowing nothing but alicia vikander is attached to the project. and after watching it, i must say it's not disappointing yet not great either.

First thing i'm going to talk about is the good things about this movie. i love the character lara croft is potrayed. even though it' not a thing you never seen before, it still has eur63273830lements of reality into it. like how unexperienced she is and how she's still learning to be better. i love every minutes nick frost came on to the screen, and i also like that scene where lara croft is for the first time is using her bow and arrow and wits to sneak into the camp. even though the scene has flaws, i still found it entertaining since it has the elements of the game into it. and it's fun how they tackle into those element well enough. okay that's over now i'm going to rant about the things i don't like about this movie.

It's very uninspired and nothing new. my main problem is the script. i think the story is just so bland and clichéd you could basically give it another tittle or not attach it to the tomb raider franchise and it wouldn't make any difference. you could basically know how everything will turn out. i even could know the next move the character is planning just because how lazilly it's written. the ending is just so predictable i roll my eyes when they act as if it's like a big reveal and the audience are supossed to be shocked. it has many clichéd dialogue as well. the CGI is horrible at times. this movie is very inconsistent in my opinion. at parts it looked gorgeous and at parts it looked very horrible and digital. the score is common and again, you could put it into another movie and it wouldn't make any difference. other character than lara is lazily written, they're just a one-dimensional character who doesn't have any development. their motivation is very common, and i bet the writer who wrote the movie basically just wrote the most common thing the audience could felt sympathetic for. my biggest disappointment is how annoyingly unused the character of Lu Ren. like, he's barely even there! and it's so promising at first. he just kind of randomly show up and everytime the movie cuts back to him it felt out of place. he could have a good backstory and motivation to actually appear and have real role in the story. it's what i thought he would be. sadly, he's just another person who helps lara in the background and the last thing i want to rant about is alicia vikander. she looks gorgeous, i tell you that. but she's not a good action actress yet a great drama actress. she has this exagarated, loud grunts in her action scenes that bothers me. you could defend her by saying it's realistic and everything but seriously i don't think it's as important so that at some point it's everything you could hear. but, again, to my point at the dramatic scenes she stands up well and potray her character and its development well enough. in conclusion, it's not a great movie, but for a movie that is based on a video game this is one of the best. thought, it might not the best compliment since that bar is set very low.
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Not as bad as i thought it would be, but definitely not a great movie
15 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When i walked into this movie, i didn't expect anything but pure disaster. The trailers are not great. i think it's just getting my expectations lower and lower, and even if i ignore the trailers and all, this movie is not really set up for a good start. the Kickstarter of the movie, Batman V Superman: Dawn of justice, is very dull and boring as well as very confusing. but i must say this movie isn't as bad as what it should be- but that isn't saying much

It had many, MANY problems. one of them, as of course everyone expected it to be- the pacing. this film is very annoyingly confusing pacing. at times it felt super rushed then at times it became so slow. i didn't really felt surprised seeing this because literally, they're trying to make you care and felt sympathy about some characters that you didn't really know, except some characters that are already made appearances on the other movies ( which was not really developed well either) or if you read the comics (of course, not everybody read the comics). and the result is very dull. this is a very obvious problem because how greedy the studio is to make as much many as fast as possible.

the second problem i have for this movie is the characters and the quote-unquote humor. as i said before, I really felt nothing about the characters even after all the stuff they shoved right into your face and basically begging for the audience to care. and the worst part is that they are such blank slates with so-called humor. i don't have a problem with humor, but the humor in this movie is so forced it became cringe-worthy . i get how people complain how dark bvs is and i guess they want to try something new but don't do it in such a way that it ruins your characters. seriously it felt as if the characters are basically just waiting turns to say a 'tee-hee' punchline, even characters like BATMAN they ruined one of my most favorite character by how they portrayed batman so suddenly changed in this movie for the sake of 'humor' and lighter mood of the movie. it's very insulting how they turn batman from the dark, serious, brooding, even sometimes violent and doesn't care for anything but his only version of justice, and even try to justify the character once in a while by practically saying some lines that kind of remind us how he's supposed to be. now, the main characters and acting - Jason momoa as aquaman is entertaining to watch but underused. in the beginning, there are some cool scenes featuring him then he's just lost afterwards. ray fisher as cyborg is very boring and his conflict is boring. gal gadot as wonder woman is not as strong as what i expect her to be. she was pretty good in wonder woman but in this movie she's back to her bvs style of acting- boring and bland. Ben affleck as batman other than my earlier complaints is also very underused. he barely even have a decent scene, and it clearly shows how much Ben affleck doesn't want to be there . Henry cavill as superman is practically being as what he's always been in the previous movies but this time he cracks a joke or two and being some kind of last help plot device. Ezra miller as the flash is probably the most decent and the only one who is kind of funny. even though his only character is just being funny.

the characters literally doesn't have any chemistry. the scenes where they supposedly bond is so flat and have no emotion whatsoever.

fourth, the cgi and visuals, this movie has so many cgi that it doesn't felt real. and i guess people could say well it's a comic book movie of course it doesn't felt real. sure, but the cgi here is not only many and constant, it's also bad. even worst than wonder woman which baffles me since it probably the only thing they could have make better.

fifth, the plot. it has so many plot holes, unanswered question, conflict too quickly resolved, predictable moments, obvious plot devices, and so on.

i still have many issues with this film, but it's all that i have to say until now. i have some good things to say, though. i mean i appreciate how they reduce some unimportant boring things that they did with bvs. like lois lane and martha kent. they're decently put into the movie, as they supposed to be since they are just supporting characters to superman.
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To the Bone (I) (2017)
a decent movie...
18 July 2017
Eating disorder is a very serious yet common problem among teenagers. there are not much of the media (such as films or TV shows) that depicts about it. there are a few, but sadly it didn't got much attention. so, when i first heard of this movie, i was pretty excited. and when i finished watching this movie, i was... pretty confused.

no, it's not that the plot that is confusing, rather than the movie's quality. is this movie a better movie about eating disorder? YES. is this a great movie? i don't think so.

Let's start with the acting. well, i'm going to give me praise to lily collins. this is definitely a better performance from her. It showed how much she actually cares about this character and film. Keanu Reeves' performance is weak and at times forced. other supporting actors are doing a pretty good job. even they didn't really develop well, which brings out my main problem to this movie, development. characters which are far more interesting to know is drawn out, by you can guess it- cheap subplot romance.

i do expect a romance from this film when i watched the trailers. but i didn't think it's going to take much time that it drowns out the actual story i'm expecting. the first half of the movie, when the romance doesn't got involved, i'm pretty much in love. it portrays how much our main character is struggling. but after the whole romance got involved, it became unbalanced. those time could be used for actual things to make us feel more about the main character, but it dumbly got drowned out and only slipped by a line or two. i know that too much flashback is a pain, but seeing how this movie focuses on her struggle and journey, could you please at least show us a thing or two that make her struggling? at least, the ending makes it all up, it has some great emotional moments, that scene with her biological mother is somehow works out pretty well.

all and all, it's still a decent movie. and by this, i wish there are more movies about the topic.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
BIG improvement at the DCEU movies...
31 May 2017
When i first walk into the theater to watch this movie, i don't have that much of a high expectation. I'm pretty much avoiding a mistake that i already have made back then when i watched batman v superman: dawn of justice and suicide squad , and yet left me disappointed. but wonder woman is actually pretty good!

I think DC evolve much, i think they learn from their previous mistake that they make such serious, dark, but unenjoyable movie. i could see how much effort to make Wonder woman to have dark serious tone yet still being enjoyable, heart warming, and pretty funny . i still have my comments though, on this matter which i will discuss later. The characters itself are very interesting. before i watched the film, i thought that the character wonder woman is going to be a marry sue (a character who doesn't face any challenges and is good at anything, which i despise). but, thankfully, she doesn't. wonder woman a.k.a Diana has her strengths that make her stands out, yet also has weaknesses that sometimes push her away from achieving her goals in the movie, which makes a good main character development. Gal Gadot and Chris Pine might me the highlight of the movie since i think without their chemistry and also performance the movie wouldn't be as well as it is. their relationship in the film, although a bit cheesy, is what makes the movie more realistic and emotional. the fight scenes are also very fun and action-packed.

However, This film's not a masterpiece. it still has things i didn't like and sometimes take me away from the movie. first, the humor. as i said before, i appreciate that DC tries to be more fun with light-hearted comedy, but sometimes i felt as if they stretch a joke too long, that turns chuckles into a cringe. like, OK we get it it's funny now can we move on? second, some lines are also very cheesy. third, pacing. sometimes i felt as if this movie is going too slow yet too fast at the same time. at times i would question a character's motivation because i didn't understand their character very well, which leads into the fourth, the story telling. i know how i mentioned how i love the way that diana and steve character's developed, but as they centered on both of them too much, they as if forget the side characters. side characters are not as important as the main characters but still has their own uses in the plot and the main character motives as well. i felt some characters are so pushed out and forced, that i'm not even feeling sympathetic towards them, which is pretty dull sometimes that i don't feel as emotional the movie wants me to be, and fifth and last, is the CGI. i don't have much to say on this, rather than it's pretty acceptable, but sometimes it takes me away from the movie a little. although, some landscape shots at the beginning of the movie showing themyscira is gorgeous and eye- candy.

in conclusion, even with its flaws, i recommend you to watch wonder woman, a movie i would hopefully call a kick-starter for great movies at DCEU at the future!
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Power Rangers (2017)
it's what you've already expected....
26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
so, i just watched power rangers movie, and i say that all my expectations are fulfilled. to start it off, as a kid i love power rangers, and i almost watched every episodes of it. as a teenager, however i love to make fun of how campy and ridiculous it is, and when i first heard of this movie, my expectations are pretty much low. i mean, come on, just based on the source material which is a very dull (yet funny in a way) it's not like i'm walking to the movie expecting a cinematic masterpiece.

first of all, i'm just going to say that, yes, the CGI is no better than what you've seen in the trailer. it's that stupid, but as in what the movie is targeted (which are for the younger audiences ) it's pretty forgivable. although i'm not that sure because sometimes the scenes are way too creepy for the younger audiences, and some of the jokes are pretty mature as well. but it's not the main issue though, because i think it's trying to show that the movie is trying to entertain everybody (which often fails, though).

but one of my main issue with this movie is the performances. i'm serious, it's so bad that it becomes an entertainment. there's this particular scene that supposed to be sad and emotional yet somehow left me laughing because the actors literally show no expression to show so but only teary eyes. some of the actors's line delivery are so forced that it came out very funny. Elizabeth banks is so bad that it's embarrassing to watch her. and this bad acting doesn't stop there, it is completed with bad script. i mean, sure i guess you want to make a script that is easy to understand, but it doesn't mean that it has to be that dumb. i mean, seriously, the combination of these two disastrous elements somehow remind of SUICIDE SQUAD. at first, i'm not that sure then there's this scene where they talked about their feelings and their stories but it's so forced, unrealistic, bland, and bad-performed, that suddenly remind me of that bar scene in suicide squad- where every character tries to talk their insecurities and stories to developed the characters but failed, and it happened in this movie, but worse because the actors are way worse than suicide squad.

but, rather than trashing this movie, i would like to say a few good things about it, like the score and soundtrack . i mean i'm not saying it's a good score (trust me, in the battle scene where the climax of the movie happened, the music plays the power rangers theme song for a second, cut to a new shot, a second or so after the new shot they played a tense music all of the sudden (which not just bad-placed but very hilarious) , but i really appreciate that the score and soundtrack's shows some similarities with what the show's score and soundtrack. because at some scene, it felt pretty nostalgic to the show. the fight scene is also very ridiculous, but it's ridiculous in a way that we can appreciate it, especially the fans of the shows because believe me, if you watch this movie and thought the fight scenes are dumb, you clearly haven't watch the show's fight scenes.

overall, i really recommend you to watch this movie if you're just looking for a popcorn fun, blockbuster movie but don't expect anything bigger than what it's already appears to be.

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Suicide Squad (2016)
It's not as good as your expect nor as bad as you heard
3 August 2016
To start it off, i'm a big fan of dc cinematic universe, and the year 2016, hadn't been a good year for me and the other fans. Even though, i'll state myself optimistic, since actually, all my hopes and expectation fall into this movie instead.

OK, Let's start with the strong aspects of the movie; performances and characters. well, i actually think this is what the director want to top off and show to the audience, thus forgetting the plot, which we will get into later. but the characters and the performances are well-performed- Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn really tops off my expectation. i'm a fan of harley quinn character, and she actually brought me the harley quinn i'm expected for- sexy, beautiful, it girl of joker's. while watching the movie, and whenever i'm feeling bored, harley quinn is there to make the scene fresh. and i think all audience, including audiences who didn't know her will love her and feel sympathetic to her. Will smith as deadshot actually didn't deserve much of my appreciation. i mean even though he's one of the great and strong aspect in the movie, i just thought i don't see will smith even trying to act, which weirdly works. watching Will smith here is just watching him using a kickass suit. Jared Leto as The Joker, is actually isn't the worst part of the movie (unlike what people might have said) i think that Jared Leto pull of a great effort into his character, and some scene of him showing up gave me goosebumps and own joys. but, maybe how little the scene for him is, or his character is pretty under-developed that just doesn't fit the puzzle in the movie. Viola Davis as Amanda Waller also brought up my her characther pretty well, as she played the cold-hearted leader Amanda Waller. other performances are great, like Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, Jay Hernandez, Karen Fukuhara, and Cara Delevigne.

The chemistry between the characters are great, as well as the development between their relationship. in my opinion, one of the strongest chemistry is Harley Quinn and Deadshot. Their chemistry is electric, funny, and watching them teasing, and slowly started to care about each other, is entertaining, and make me ship them together. even, i have a relationship that had a weak chemistry, that is Rick Flagg and June Moore's relationship which is bland, forced, and unnecessary.

Now, parts that i think is the weak part of the movie, I think the plot is the main reason. The plot is lazy-written and under-developed,and at some point is pretty ridiculous. i don't want to get into it too much, since it will spoil some things, and i need you to watch the movie without spoilers, yet. even, i could tell you that the CGI is pretty cringy and sometimes, so does the visual effect between the scenes. the ending is actually rushed, predictable, and i think they could do better after building up the story of the fight scene.

At the end, everything has its bad and has its good, what i really suggest for you to do is just lower your expectation, yet don't miss it either. it may not lift the hype as in the greatness in the trailer, but i think it's still a great fun must see summer movie , and you should enjoy it without all the overly negative critics.

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Green Room (2015)
Enjoyable Thriller
15 July 2016
So, i finally got the time to watch the movies so far in 2016. I read an article that said this movie is one of the best movie so far this year, and i agree.

'Green Room' is about a struggling punk band that got into a wrong place at wrong time when one of them, Pat, witness a murder after the show they got into at secluded part of the Pacific Northwest. They, then play a mouse-and-cat game with group of maniacal skinheads.

The story might move slowly, but it's still well developed. What really stands out to me is the cinematography and the score. the dark cinematography actually helps the audience to feel the dark and tense tone of the movie. and the score complete some moments at the movie.

Newcomer director Jeremy Saulnier did a pretty good job, and i actually looking forward to see his next works. The performances of the movie is also great, Anton Yelchin and Imogen Poots did a wonderful job, and so is the rest, except Patrick Stewart. His performance here is really weak and actually defeated by the plot. The character might written to be the silent yet deadly villain, but he just do the silent part and leave the deadly, leaving his character, as i said before, really weak.

the ending is simple, and actually predictable, but left me satisfied.

I really recommend the movie, if you're looking for an enjoyable thriller. but, if you're looking for a horror, i actually don't recommend you since this movie is actually far from what horror is.
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Arrow: Eleven-Fifty-Nine (2016)
Season 4, Episode 18
how dare they?!?!?!
8 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
this episode is so awful, yet i can't even finish it without being so angry and disappointed.

Let's get to the point, Why on earth would they kill Laurel? First of all, i know many fans (or may i call Olicity fangirls) hate her for being 'annoying', i actually LOVE her. i mean, sure, Sara as black cannary actually kicking ass more than her, but in season 3, the audience started to like her and grow curiosity on her. And, i did. OK, so let's back to season 3. why the season 3 sucked? yes, crappy overwrited romance drama of oliver and felicity. but, we guess they'll try to fix their mistake in the new season, turns out they make it WORSE. they even kill the third wheel, Laurel. This is just a BIG insult to black canary fans, birds of prey fans, the TV show itself ,and especially DC fans. Why would you kill a person that actually had a big part in the comics (and even the TV show) , just for the sake of your cheap romance plot? They even made the last scene just to make Laurel letting go oliver with Felicity.

Even, the ending scene actually bawled the audience, since of course, it's pretty sad to let cannary go. And by the end of this, i may conclude that I had no longer had interest watching this show, even a little of me, inside just wish it got canceled soon.
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Great Movie, but has its own flaws...
23 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of DC cinematic universe, and i've been waiting for this movie for a long while. Even though there are pretty bad reviews and low percentage on Rotten tomatoes, i'm actually saying that it's not that bad. I find myself pretty entertained while watching this movie. But, i'm not saying it doesn't have flaws

First of all, i LOVE the new batman. seriously, any of you that doubted Ben affleck as batman, is totally "slaped" by Ben Affleck incredible acting. He seriously shines his role, by bring us a new kind of batman, that is much different than bale's batman- the brutal, cruel, even darker batman. And to be honest with you, he's actually the one that get things done through the movie. Henry Cavill, however, is pretty much the same as he is in Man Of Steel- still with his wooden acting and low energy. Jesse eisenberg actually had convincing performance, what i actually don't like about him, is his character. No, i don't hate Lex Luthor. He's one of the most interesting villain in DC, but this might be a little geeky, but i don't feel that his character in this movie doesn't match who Lex Luthor is. i actually blame the writers for making such different tone, personality and character to Lex Luthor. I don't want it to be specific, but i want it at least had not that much difference. And for Wonder Woman, man i can't describe you how disappointed i am looking at how they actually gave her such a little screen time, which is actually pretty important to the plot. But, actually, they rather gave us another side plot for Lois Lane. i kept question myself, Why?! I mean, yeah sure i get it, you will explain more of her back story and origins in her own movie, but at least can we see her more? Every time she shows up, especially her scenes with Batman, is truly amazing. Even they gave the audience such little screen time for both of them, they actually had an incredible chemistry, which everyone's looking forward to, but well, the movie just gave you some lousy romance between Lois and Clark (which we have been seeing in Man Of Steel) and Lois Lane try to figure what is going on. I'm not saying it's not important- it is. Lois and Clark's love story actually prove to the audience that Clark still has his humanity, and has love inside him. But, this movie gave us too much of that, that the audience feels a little bored of them. Can the movie cuts just like a scene of those unimportant things and just show us the actual bonding that needs to be done? i mean, wonder woman and superman doesn't even talk even a line together.

The plot itself is pretty messy with many subplots and side plots to lead and explain us to either the previous or the next movie, which distract this movie's plot. I don't blame the director or writers for this, though, since actually the plot has to be rushed s that it could matched the upcoming movie, justice league's plot.

Some scenes are actually kick ass and thrilling. i really like the fight scene of batman and superman, it really fulfill my expectation. even though, the reason they stopped are pretty dumb... One of my favorite scene where Bruce Wayne's helping Martha Kent- it's just thrilling, amazing, and just plainly awesome. Even though, i personally dislike the movie's final fight scene- it's pretty unrealistic and dumb to me- yeah, it gave me goosebumps and excitement when the trinity gather together and fight the badass monster together, but the dull CGI actually distract me from taking the scene seriously. It might scare the little children, yet the adults left sighing. The ending's also a little bit rushed, while the movie itself moving pretty slow

Even though, some of the movie's component actually stands out really great like the score and the cinematography. both of these component actually helps the audience to feel the dark and thrilling tone from the movie

Thus, i actually recommend you watching this, but don't lift too much crazy expectation.
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Lamb (I) (2015)
Stunning, Confusing,
15 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I sincerely put high expectation about this movie. I really liked the plot, and i also saw the trailer, and i thought that this will be an emotional indie drama. Well, i'm not sincerely wrong. Actually, it is. The ending got me pretty emotional. But, we'll get on that

For the first 20 minutes, I actually enjoyed the movie. The characters are get to know each other, okay, i like it. But the next, i sincerely doubt you, if i record myself through watching this movie, I actually cringed hard. Yes, when i watched the trailer, i already put the thoughts on my head, that this movie of course will Contain some of the inappropriate relationship between the lead characters, and even though i'm trying to help myself to make myself okay watching an older man keep 'flirt' and even touch a 11-year-old girl, but i just could not help it, since actually the actress who played Tommie, Oona Lawrence, actually looks pretty scared at some scenes. Not only that, the plot is pretty confusing, with so many plot holes that should have been covered in the dialog, but instead, filled with creepy pedophile references. This made me confused with the main male lead Gary / David who changed many of his actions through this movie. some people conclude he's selfish and manipulative, but, if he's selfish and manipulative, why would he actually felt so sad when he had to leave Tommie?

However, I understand the character Tommie. she's only 11 and is thirsty for attention, and while he could not get it from her home, since her parents does not care about him, and of course fell for Gary, who actually Gave much love and care to her. Oona Laurence actually did a pretty good job portraying her role, and so does Ross Patridge. Even, Reviews their chemistry looks unreliable and unnatural

The directing looks pretty great, Ross Patridge put a lot of effort in making this movie. Unfortunately, there are some noticeable shaky cameras through the movie. I also liked the work of the composer, that truly brings the audience to feel the mood of the movie.

I'm so sorry if there are grammatical mistakes, since English isn't my first language :)
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