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Sorcerer (1977)
Nihilistic and Golden ...
31 May 2024
... seen Sorcerer now and it strikes me as a properly countercultural film very much in the vein of Zabriskie Point (1970) in the way that it is extremely nihilistic and ends up with destruction. Zabriskie Point had Pink Floyd doing the soundtrack here we have Tangerine Dream and in both cases the soundtrack is indissociable from the film itself. In the case of Sorcerer William Friedkin actually said that the music Tangerine Dream made cannot be taken away from the film otherwise the film would not exist or something to that extent. Sorcerer was their first film score and led to many more in the 80s and beyond

  • I still think Zabriskie Point is a superior movie to Sorcerer but Sorcerer has got quite a moody feel and although the storyline is very simplistic it takes you somewhere and says something about the Zeitgeist Of the second half of the 70s. Also not to discount the vistas from the Dominican Republic and Mexico

  • In these two films to which you could add More (1969) by Barbet Schroeder the main characters end up a-cropper and quite frankly it reminds one of the Baader-Meinhoff saga which took place at around the same time as those movies.

I had no awareness of the filmmaker William Friedkin but then realised that I had seen The French Connection (1971) the first part which he had directed and also The Exorcist which I have never seen and have no appetite for .... he also says somewhere he wanted Tangerine Dream to score The Exorcist

To summarise I would say Sorcerer is a good film to recommend to folks who enjoy counterculture the music of Tangerine Dream and who are students of the 1970s Zeitgeist. I was not overimpressed with the cast; apparently he could not get the high-hitters he wanted : Steve McQueen Lino Ventura etc and had to do with Roy Scheider whom I found here to be a tad wooden as the lead; none of the main 4 were really stellar ; adequate at best and there is value in saying that a more stellar cast would have swung this opus into a higher sphere. Anyway it got made we heard Tangerine Dream so all good

It is no masterpiece and was not well-received at the time and lost over $10 million as it cost $22 million to make and only brought in about five or nine million anyway watch it make up your own mind.
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Tiger Stripes (2023)
haha Cat People for 12 year olds .... ace
19 May 2024
Really cool piece

Not quite sure what genre

Not horror

More rites-of-passage puberty tale with highly humorous and also serious themes blended in; shamanism is very present here too

The Malay village and surroundings/nature it is set in so beautiful

The acting from the three girls; this a teen buddy movie too really very good; the ancillaries pull their weight too; the parents are excellent in this too; the รผber-laidback dad an absolute treat

Watching more and more films and series from Asia and the quality is really as good as anything from The West often on a par with

Highly advised for folks who are interested in good cinema shamanism and the thorny time in a person's life we call teenage.

PS For the ones of you who have not seen it; watching Cat People (1982) would explain why I titled the review Cat People for 12 year old. The 1982 was not the first but it was an excellent film.
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21st century woman in 1960s ?
18 May 2024
Anyone who says she only got in there due to her loox misses the point olympically she came from a long line of artists; her great-grand father was Arnold Bรถcklin her father was a classical musician etc etc; she was quadrilingual; the "London hicks" which made up the Rolling Stones were very lucky to have her. Keith Richards says as much. You can see they were all 3; Mick Brian and Keith totally in awe of her. Spellbound. Anyone who has seen her perform in masterfilm Mord und Totschlag (1967) will fully understand. She was also luminous in Performance (1970)another great film She could be described as a truly modern woman; in many ways a precursor a path-clearer for women as they are now in the 2020s; and she was doing all this 20 years after the end of the war

It is interesting to note that she was ethnically 100% German; although she defined herself as Italian; since in effect she was born and grew up in Rome she was Italian culturally; so in fact modern here again as in a true EU denizen before there was an EU. Must be noted that Marianne Faithfull was also Germanic in her case Austrian. 20 years after the war the Deptford boys were not bitter ... ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰

As regards the way it is all stitched together here; I was really put out by the รผberAmerican voice-over to read the autobiographical lines from Anita's unpublished writings; could they not find an English reader with a tinge of German in the voice. It would have been a lot less disconcerting

This is really my only gripe here. Apart from that the footage is very interesting; a lot of Super8; adored the footage of Peru ?!?! And Morocco when on vacation

She was a true catalyst, Muse, artist, and they show here how quite a few songs were triggered by her or even about her. When she filmed Performance (1970) and ended up having a dalliance with Mick ; says she never really fell for him; Keith was away and wrote Gimme Shelter; later on in Peru Mick writes "You Can't Always Get..." it is intimated that what he couldn't get was her ...

Not seen all of it yet will return if more info; thus far very good (apart from the miscast voice-over ) ha then i find out the voice is Scarlett Johansson a hugely brilliant New Yorker yep not first choice for a German-Italian but I guess the cachet, the cachet ,,,,
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will tug at your heart strings
14 May 2024
Moving moving moving

personally I rate Bonnard as one of the greats of the 20th C ; in my top five; most of them French (1900 -1925) or German expressionists from the same time frame

knew nowt about his life and Marthe; I do now if this is accurate a depiction of their lives

he is known for the complexity of his strokes and the fact that Picasso hated him always made me like him even more "he uses yellow green pink blue brown" he needs to make up his mind and use only one said the Malagueรฑo brute; he could not see it .... his loss , too understated for him

Marthe in the bath (multiple versions) is one of the most subtle works of the 20thC

Anyway to the filum. Was very dubious when i saw they had cast. Vincent Macaigne as Pierre and Cรฉcile de France as Marthe

I have seen them in so many films always comedies and brilliant both of them in those it seems Vincent Macaigne must have dieted severely to play the elfin Bonnard I have seen him to be usually portly; but I was very surprised they really shifted into those characters; I suppose that is what great actors do.

Totally recommended for lovers of Art before Duchamp destroyed Art ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰ single-handedly; also great scenes in French countryside here.
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The Sympathizer: Give Us Some Good Lines (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
so far it was lukewarm here it catches fire ....
10 May 2024
This episode really to me is different from what we have seen so far; it is truly comedic and yet has great drama in it too

The addition of Sir Duchovny certainly does not hurt proceedings but it is more than that; all the elements seem to gel here ; much is made of the confusion with the extras who are not Vietnamese but generic Asian and it creates hilarious scenes with them the crew

Still finding it odd with the parallel storylines and flashbacks; added ghost in this one from previous episode .... but yes personally would give 1-3 a 4 or 5 rating but here it jumps effortlessly to a 9

Hope the improved flow is carried on in remaining 3 episodes.
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This cinematic effort has the intelligence and IQ of a cracked toilet seat
8 May 2024

And I only said that out of respect. Sometimes the film is so bad that it becomes good in a sort of back to front logic .... this here does not

It is thoroughly bad through and through the only saving grace and this has been mentioned in other comments is the fact that it moves around beautiful cities... Everything is spelt out for you as if anything more complicated than a comix For a six-year-old would make your brain misfire.

The fight scenes are so bad we wonder why anybody included them here; they make absolutely no sense they must have been choreographed by some canines at the pound Who could not find a home and had to been given a task to keep them occupied. It is an absolute shocker

And yet and yet if you can fully disengage your mind for an hour and a half and you really have nothing else to do and I mean absolutely nothing else to do you might get through it

A solid three for Budapest and other locations which might or might not be what they claim to be.
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5 Hectares (2023)
profoundly hilarious ....
6 May 2024
This film here shows a research scientist pining for a return to the land

He is in a relationship with an air hostess who finds his new appetites a little odd but goes along

it is funny at every step and yet manages to highlight the plight of many in the countryside in France. It also illustrates the intrusive unbending bureaucracy from Brussels.

Both French actors; who funnily enough both have English names; Lambert Wilson and Marina Hands carry this opus with extreme elegance as do all the secondary players

  • So to summarize fun political in the wider sense and truly original

The other main item of the piece is a John Brown tractor

Recommended to all ....
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3 Body Problem (2024โ€“ )
inaccurate premise?
5 May 2024
The premise here is the premise we have in most of the productions we see these days it is to do with fear and how much we should fear and how much we should be paranoid about invaders plagues attacks of any sort keep the population in a state of constant adrenalization

Of course this kind of desire to make us fear in this case as in many others is based on a premise that is moronic at a deep level. A civilisation four light-years away which could get to us would probably have no interest whatsoever in our wretched little planet full of poverty hunger war inequality they will deem us a dimwitted planet one should stay away from

If they have the kind of technology shown here in the Sophon They really would not be interested and as the elderly Chinese lady posited quite rightly the only guys who might want to come here would come here to help this extremely retarded people known as humans but even that is doubtful so to me the premise is silly profoundly silly

As regards the story here it is really well put together every episode really flows well no dead time never boring And we are very much entertained by this motley Crew of actors

A Chinese girl from New Zealand who has this most interesting accent a mixture of Antipodean English and quite a few Chinese tones in there she probably moved to New Zealand when already over the age of 10 would be my guess; then we have the impossibly beautiful Mexican actress who sounds 100% American as she went to bilingual school; and for me the most interesting face the Chinaman actor from Salford in the North of England you could not get more English sounding than him but then you look at his face and you could not look more Chinese than he does; fantastic combination and a really good actor. Then we have the Irishman the elderly Irishman who feels you should "save the planet"; from invaders; although he goes about it with the subtlety of a bull in a China shop.

There is plenty of humour in this piece which is interesting to see who the producers are many famous names obviously put money upfront thinking this would do well and it has done very very well.

It is way better than the vast majority of current productions and I too would highly recommend it although as I said at the top the story is based on a false premise but hey we are in the realm of fiction here it does not really matter; it is entertainment; and do not fear they are NEVER coming...
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Love, Divided (2024)
fluffy then again can be read as deep
5 May 2024
Communication these days and dating for the youngsters can start on screens so a wall is not so weird

The story here is really very sweet a kind of feel-good Romcom with the usual oh no we are making a mistake leading to denouement.

The 2 main actors are excellent. Not being Spanish or watching Spanish TV was not aware that the leading lady is a They've Got Talent type singer; she is good here also quite a beauty which will please all male viewers no doubt

The main male player is also very good as are all the ancillaries

The film is based on a 2015 French story and film Un peu, beaucoup, aveuglรฉment! (2015) I will have a look at that one see what the differences are; but the Spanish one here stands on its own perfectly; and if you do not know it is a copy and paste it feels really original

Within the EU now you see many films being reworked to GER ITA SPA Fr etc wherever the original happened; it usually works fairly well. It does here.
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cheaply made TV knock off ....
20 April 2024
.....which depicts a connection between deep state and a pharmaceutical company to engineer then release a pathogen this time an haemorrhaging killer virus in huge public places in US and then enforce a lockdown; vaccinate the population and do a "financial" killing thereof

well well well this is Ludlum-ish fiction (actually fake Ludlum as written by Gayle Lynds in the vein of ) from 2005 turned into this filmic joke kind of 12 points of IQ required to attend made in 2006 14 years before the Bats of Wuhan (a successful series from 2020/21).... yikes some will scream blueprint predictive programming ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰ some will scream look deep state and billionaire companies cook up a scam the likes of which....

But they wouldn't would they? For profit? AS if .... it has to be fiction

Of course since the piece is from 2005/6 it is replete with tear-a-wrists from a different faith oh bad bad folks who speak in a foreign language; for the dimmest amongst the dimmest whenever Arabic or Dari and Pashto it says "speaking in a foreign language" Dear heard about subtitles; but no; better to demonize they speak a FOREIGN language not like us dodgy people clothes food etc etc .... boohoo

THis is the worst common denominator FEAR-mongering big network series B-team actors D-team script and storyline full of holes and chasms frankly

AND YET AND YET it is entertaining and NEVER boring. Ludlum-related pieces had a knack for action for rolling action and some of it transpires here even with the cost-cutting decisions visibly made at every turn .... so it has a smidgeon of the energy of the Jason Bourne trilogy but watered down and turned into a semi-travesty

Would still watch it if you like Ludlum-inspired action deep state and big pharma scam stories .... none of the acting is stellar it is workaday the dialogues are borderline special needs the locations are mostly good and filmed decently Berlin Paris Afghanistan here is probably Morocco but it flies ok. Oh yes most of the end is clownish and even more lowbrow than the rest but again AND YET still fun ......
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if only for the footage at the start ....
4 April 2024
.... which grabbed me within seconds the truck with the "Poules ร  Boches" painted on the front denoting girls who had had "blblical intercourse" with the wartime occupiers and were (head)shaved and humiliated when it all finished ... awesome real B&W historical footage

The main protagonist in the film a 35 year old woman is the mother of a child conceived with a German officer so she has to live in a different town in Brittany ; then meets an effete rich bourgeois Parisian PhD student and they click and get married. She treats her boy badly resenting him; but treats her husband very well; who turns out is a homosexual trying to normalize his ways to fit in with 1940s France ... Many other elements happen here GIs come into the picture they the couple get a job running a night-club for GI's and some kind of menage-ร -trois might or might not happen

The son wants to know quite rightly who his father was and more to the point whether he is still of this world

The entire film is very poignant social history of a country trying to rise from its ashes and a study of the mores of the time. The acting from Anaรฏs Demoustier and Vincent Lacoste is excellent throughout. The title Le Temps D'Aimer A Time To Love not sure why they mistranslate titles for reasons unknown really covers what happens here; love and unlove in its many forms; some elements we expected to see answered others were but all in all there is an internal logic to this film; it is very touching and quite beautiful; and also I repeat a slice of social history in that country

Recommended viewing.
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The Regime (2024)
An acting Masterclass
3 April 2024
Well from Kate Winslet and Matthias Schoenaerts also great chemistry

  • For me although the humour is always present and hilarious it is especially scenes with the embalmed father side-splitting funny; I take serious umbrage at the Colonial British/American view of the world still carried by folks who should know better the writer is American here to him all Central European states are despotic little dumps with smelly peasants; later on there is even a line about The French smelling of fried onions (but they make good tarts).... in these Woke years all that is fine cannot talk about trans or Semitic folks but Europeans let us go yahoo we are the Anglos our racist views are not offensive .... this is NOT set in the past so no excuse or mentions of Ceausescu this is clearly painting 2024

so yes not cool those images belong to the 1940s so they are the racist views of the grandparents of the writers/directors not even the parents .... serious timewarp ... travel you ijuts

We have la Winslet on fire here. An accent soooo posh you could cut cheese with it; her facial contortions so aristocratic and disdainful she is making fun of 2 or 3 centuries of Imperial arrogance at times we see/sense cuddly mrs Thatcher as a full-blown psychopath; so Margaret Hilda as Goddess intended then.

  • Matthias as the clodhopper brute is sterling in every scene speech AND physical presence

Only 6 episodes of this one; at time of writing only 5 out; but as Mies Van Der Rohe once quipped: "less is more" no need to flog the equine until its demise ....

Gold if you like humour and mock-World Affairs.
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Treadstone (2019)
hmmmmmmm and?
2 April 2024
Yes the series did not get reconducted so it stops in the middle of nowhere I mean really in the middle of nowhere .... a bit like you read War and Peace and someone comes along rips the second half of the book and throws in the swimming pool

  • What is good here? Well the fact that Black Box Deep State super soldiers are discussed; how could we even surmise that those programs would not exist? There are many signs that they do? Deep State assassins .... c'mon why would they not? Anyway good on that score echoes of Dark Angel (2000) from all those years ago ; which did manage 3 series (younger viewers catch that one please)

Some of the actors are very good especially Omar Metwally Emilia Schรผle Gabrielle Scharnitzky Han Hyo-joo and for me most Michelle Forbes

A lot of the fight scenes are excellent

Anyway do not know why they canned this -- OK it says "Treadstone season 2 was canceled due to low ratings and the network's shift towards different programming. "

  • What is poor here? All of the dialogues trite as duck; lacklustre and predictable TV spook talk for low-IQ public .... that is a letdown and spoils a lot here
  • Some of the acting by some of the ancillaries so bad you wonder how they even got the gig

-What is most puzzling here?

Probably due to the novel(s) it is based on it jumps around like chapters in a book geographically and even in time we have 1973 and Present Day leaping around like kangaroos VERY hard to keep track we are in N-Korea US Hungary Berlin Moscow Kursk Mykonos Morocco we leap around getting more and more confused until we feel fully discombobulated ; not sure it was necessary; maybe when they gathered a test-panel at the end of Season 1 the viewers said WTAF what happened there hence series cancelled maybe low ratings they said

Overall it is an odd one; frustrating at times but really quite good ... shame it stopped in the middle of the trip ...
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Expats (2023โ€“2024)
Despicable types in a Botox lifestyle .....
27 March 2024
... Could be one reading of this story here.

Many comments on the fact that Nicole Kidman here is botoxed within 1 inch of her life. Quite frankly I think that is a bit more than that as a portrait painter I am used to studying faces and I think the lips and nose and the cheekbones have been worked on and this is way more than Botox sadly.

  • Whoever ever saw Michael Jackson with all his money unable to get a face that look human anymore should have learned that lesson. Surgeons cannot embellish the work of Creation it is sheer hubris and stupidity to attempt to do so. Anyway she looks a bit like a meat puppet at times which is really frankly totally unnecessary; if she had allowed age to do its business on the face I am sure she would not look like a scarecrow.

  • So to the story here this is based on a novel and we are very very grateful to the makers of the series for respecting that there is no cliffhanger at the end of every episode the usual try and hook the guys into running the next one straight away this is rather if you'd like a very long film a very very long film 6ร—50 minutes which I believe is 300 minutes which divided by 60 gives us five hours it is like a five hour movie and a very good one at that.

  • We are faced with a bunch of expatriates in this case mostly Americans living in a never-never land where they have servants like the old colonial Brits who were there for so long. It is to my way of looking at the world a despicable bunch of people who feel the need to have servants basically slaves servicing them so they can lead this sort of mock-aristocratic lifestyle which so many sadly on the planet would still sign up for. The servants are either locals or Filipinos or Thais or people from "Lesser" countries.

A lot of these expatriates are also Asian-Americans whose parents came from countries exactly the same as those of the serving class. You also have a sprinkling of upper-class English public school types and Ivy League Americans.

  • It is very hard to feel compassion for these people they are greedy self-indulgent self-obsessed with a feeling of entitlement the size of Montana. At one point we even hear one of them I think the husband say "We deserve it ".

Why would they deserve it? How are they are different from any other human beings? Anyway to the actual story ....

It is very sad what happens to this family very very sad I have never been to Hong Kong so I cannot judge but it looks very exotic to the viewer who does not know Hong Kong.

There are many characters here part of this community and all have got their secrets and their personal problems which kind of interplay with the main storyline; the main hurt

Which is extremely well done. This is a fairly highbrow intelligent movie and I insist it is a movie for me not a series. The scenes shift like chapters in a novel in fact as we said and we know this is based on a novel and I do not know how close to the novel they kept it here since I have never read it but it has a real novel feel with chapters

The acting from the reorganised-face actress is really really good as indeed from most of the main characters here none of it is stellar but all of is adequate

It is difficult when you look for new series to view to find ones which are not just designed for viewers with the IQ of a duck; this one here is exactly the opposite of that it is bright some could even say thought-provoking and gives one a feeling of being somewhere unusual listening to an unusual tale

Would highly recommend it for people looking for a quality five hours spread over a few days

PS: not intending any spoilers here but it is very funny at times some of the scenes are comedic in many ways within this very dark and serious tale ... For me a special note should be made of the end or maybe the second half of episode four when the Indian-American character with her mother are stuck in the lift with a tall blonde woman some of the exchanges I thought were very funny there ... but let us be clear this NOT a comedy it is drama.
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Money Heist (2017โ€“2021)
Total hodgepodge of genres
15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We are presented here with a story that makes absolutely no sense as somebody pointed elsewhere the amount of paper they would have to shift out of that Mint would be so heavy that it would take weeks to shift out of there. Also the bank notes issued could be easily pulled out of service before they even ever got used.

  • So the premise is profoundly ridiculous some of the relationships some of the characters are also profoundly ridiculous.

And yet this series works really well. The problem with the reviews here on IMDb is that you have to write in English here. Which means that the vast majority of people who will actually review are either English speakers or people who have a good command of the language. Which means that most Spaniards will not review here they will simply vote. This explains the 8.5 overall rating and the appallingly dismissive reviews you can see here.

This is made in Spain by Latin people the level of emotion expressed the arguments the yelling are all perfectly okay in Latin culture as would be in Spain Latin America Italy etc etc So this is why the rating is so high and the reviews are so low in appreciation

  • Special mention must be made of "la Inspectora" she has to be the dumbest cop in film history.

First she is married to a male cop who beats her up but because she's so tough and such a feminist she sent him packing very good so far; but then she takes up with the mastermind of the greatest heist in Spanish history in a heartbeat and has no intuitive ability zero intuitive ability to smell a rat. C'mon ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰ in which parallel universe could she ever be a cop???? In Netflix universe she could ....

This is profoundly hilarious.

Two of the female characters in the series are meant to be tough new types of women the inspector turns out to be somebody who weeps to her mother about how tough the job is the other one the character called Nairobi (great actress) does a sort of coup and then shouts about this is the takeover of the Matriarchy starting here and then surrenders her power to the main male bully within a couple of episodes.

Not too sure what the gender politics of the writers were here but the strong females turn out to be marshmallow women who ultimately look up to the bearded Masters in both cases the third strong female character Tokio has a psycho streak ends up creating so much mayhem that people die so yes that aspect of the series is really very odd indeed very very odd tough talk followed by extreme pliancy and submissiveness. The 3 female characters are in effect depicted as irrational and inefficient nutters yikes ..

Having said all that and it needs to be said the series is extremely gripping in seasons one and two which should've been one season 14 episode followed by 8 at the end of the 14 I was expecting some kind of resolution there was none this was very disappointing you really have to see 1+2 to make any sense of it.

And this is the crux of the review here this is where it should've stopped. Because it was a successful 1+2 season Netflix and the makers here felt it should carry on a bit like the movies in the US where they have infinite sequels.

Total mistake there is nothing that could've been added to 1+2 they stand on their own. Flogging a dead horse is what it is called flogging a dead horse so watch season one and two and then do something else with your time.

Some great acting some very handsome young men and women the women always ready to reveal more flesh than seems required by the storyline but you see this is truly not a feminist series here.

Highly recommend it if you want something mindless entertaining 100% implausible and in a way as dumb as some American series can get

NB Watched it in SPA audio with SPA subs; otherwise would be at sea ๐Ÿ™‚ due to speed of delivery.

EDIT now seen all the way to 5 and seasons 3 4 and 5 need to be seen as one unit since no resolution till the end of 5 as they did with 1+2 it all comes out on the wash but 3 4 and 5 meander way too much for way too long

  • flogging a dead nag until the cows come home blue in the face would be my chosen mixed animal metaphor.
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One Day (2024)
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This series here redesigns the concept of the word tearjerker my God you have to have a heart made of granite to not cry in the last two episodes.

The first two episodes are really really good after that a little bit more average a tad pedestrian at times but what is always present Is the incredible chemistry of those two I see some people do not see that also they have an issue around the fact that an upper-middle-class Blue eyed boy would never pay attention to this Indian girl frankly I think she is both really beautiful and at the same time not but this is never important in this story he's not attracted to her looks so much as he is attracted to her personality and soul looks only last for 10 minutes personality and soul last forever.

  • This story here is the opposite of shallow it is quite funny that for the first few years his life externally is always shallow but inside he never feels separation from his soulmate As indeed that is only the term we have to use these two are soulmates in the story the acting from both of them is stellar I will give that a 10 out of 10 strike that 12 out of 10 very very good acting she probably even better than him the range of expressions on emotions she manages to convey quite a palette

The soundtrack for people who pay attention to music is really quite great brilliant if a little bit obvious the tracks will be played from the year in which the scene takes place of course this is called one day because it always happens on the 15th of July between 1988 and 2007 I think I may be wrong on the duration

This is high quality on all levels one of the best things I have seen in recent times and I watch a lot of films and series also usually stay away from British ones due to the fact that you always have the class social class in almost every film or series made in Britain and yes it is present here extremely so he from the gilded Upper middle-class white Oxfordshire type public school (private for US) education and she from immigrant Indian in the film she affects a Leeds northern accent which she pulls off extremely well I realised reading about her biography that she's not from the north and does the accent extremely well in so far as I can tell

It is a tearjerker ultimately a bit of joy episode one and then afterwards maudlin and more and more maudlin And then drama a lot of grief in that story and not just at the end there is also the mother story

Not sure this will be an easy one to forget.
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Griselda (2024)
Totally misplaced feminism?
4 March 2024
It seems the main purpose of this series having been made was to highlight the fact that in the 1970s a time of extreme machismo and that is absolutely incontrovertible that it was; these two women here one basically a version of the Worst Colombian drug baron you could ever imagine Escobar-strength but this time in a skirt and her nemesis again here an Hispanic cloaked warrior working for the police (battling racism AND sexism) basically butt heads and see who can push the other one out of the ring first. It seems really that this was the primary drive behind this historical reenactment to show us that women can be as badass as any guy any time of the day any decade.

  • It seems a little bit redundant and not really needed in 2024 a time in history when no we haven't yet got parity but do we need to be reminded time and time and time again about the bad old days? Griselda here really is as ruthless as the worst of Medellin ever produced. That is undeniable. We end up with dead babies with orphan-making pointless murders all commandeered by Griselda.

But the problem for me here is that it seems that it is lauded here as if we should be amazed wonderful what a great lady sort of well done you you can do this as well as your brother could and even possibly better. What she did was practically pure evil let us be clear under guises of I'm doing this for my boys she ran a murderous operation nothing here should be lauded it should be made to look pathetic and sad not look at the Rock Star. And yes later on she gets her just desserts maybe but still for the vast majority of the time we are supposed to gawp at the amazing show she puts on ....

Same with the lady copper isn't she wonderful despite all the sexist jokes in her place of work she comes out on top and then she comes out on top isn't she wonderful? Well maybe more so in her case than in the case of Griselda anyway anyway

  • Enough bellyaching from this ingrate viewer here having said all this and I wanted to say all this because I think it needs to be said this is an astounding series in six episodes the acting is stellar the rhythm of every single episode is brilliant always keeping you on the edge of your seat always keeping you guessing as to what might happen next. The men here are truly secondary players as if they were all new men 20 years before this became currency in the 1990s. Secondary roles for the men here. The sense of period from the 1970s with the cars and the clothing and the TV sets all that is done brilliantly too

There is nothing wrong with the series it is excellent and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to watch something made with quality and high production values; but still I will again say it before I sign off why make a hero out of a truly truly bad villain simply because she wears a skirt ... Seems profoundly twisted to me ... grim Griselda ace series.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024โ€“ )
if you are not a 20/30-something couple you will be bored ....
3 March 2024
.... And probably many of you who are will also be bored also here zero moral compass banalization of state/or private entity agency murder like it is a 9-5 decent activity with dental and retirement plan and of course a hefty wage

Jesus .... this is a new low these 2 make a totally unbelievable pair but of course now ; problem here they have no visible chemistry and are both so dull as these characters that one would feel taking a cheesegrater to one's thighs might keep one awake

It is mildly OK from time to time but overall dull dull dull banal chat banal concerns platitudestan the region they move across yep waste of celluloid mostly ... who writes dialogues like this and gets a green light? Baffling.

This is about couples .... not about agents ....
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Moby Doc (2021)
Ace on all counts
3 March 2024
Reading the reviews here one is surprised at so many people not liking the documentary and even more so not liking the musician the person even i wonder why they even watched that?

  • Personally I am a huge fan of the music of this man it is beautiful most of the time and very deep in a sort of spiritual religious sometimes Christian way.

When you hear about his first 5 to 10 years especially the demise of his father and the way it happened you can see and feel that this level of trauma can either destroy a person for their entire life or make it that they dig deeper and turn this unbelievable level of pain into some artistic creation which not only helps the creator but also helps people who come into contact with those creations.

  • There are now countless number of recordings of Moby and quite frankly I do not see the quality ever waning in any of them. The one that was slated the most was called animal rights and with hindsight it now sounds ace too

anyway enough about the music to the documentary then

The way he has put this together is very much a sort of punk do-it-yourself kind of method of putting footage arranging it in a way that amuses the viewers

He jumps around quite a lot between different periods but in the end is quite chronological. It is a creative piece of work in itself. I came to this documentary on the back of reading the first book he wrote called Porcelain about the years up to 1999 I think. I shall read the second book as well but what is in this documentary is exactly exactly what is in the first book but of course with the added possibility of graphics and photos so in many ways it is more interesting but the book is really really good too highly highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it

As Music documentaries go and there are so many bad ones around this one is really very good I shall give it probably a nine it is not perfect but it is close to perfect. Every fan should and will probably have seen this let me just say thank you to Moby for all this incredible music which lifts the spirit time and time again. And has the guy got ego issues? Is he a little bit self-centred? Come on folks he's a musician :-)
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quality piece old testament hinterland drama
25 February 2024
Well never thought would see the l'Orรฉal figurehead as a cruel backwoods sadist and was quite amazed to see her billed as that but Gosh did she pull it off? Yes she did.

Big cat indeed .... As for the story here pure pure pure old Bible Land values; family God survival; this is not the land of Woke this is meat-eating gun-toting pill-popping territory

Some folks feel the storyline was not all that; well to me it was; Good and Evil revenge family what more do you want ....

Great pace all the way through like a big cat would in the woods acting excellent from all at all times ticks all the boxes you would want from this type of film do not understand why many bleat a little ... what did they think they were going to see? Mary Poppins?

Enjoyable fare if you feel Old Testament.
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dumber than the dumb it describes ?
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It posits itself as a "clever" read of dumb racial stereotypes enshrined in the fabric of today's America; and in the final analysis it is a mere collection of stereotypical snapshots of both human groups; Black and white alike

So kudos .... when you manage to outdo your own target you have achieved quite something

It is a dumb lo-brow comedy drama in the end; says nothing of any depth and says it in a way EVERYBODY can understand .... at no point is this an intellectual movie; it is profoundly high-street and seriously could these characters be more cardboard cutouts if they tried? Absolutely not... the gay brother who married a white woman as a beard and then was taken to the cleaners by her dear'o'dear the maid out of a 19th century plantation novel etc etc

BUT and this is a big but the film still works .... it is bittersweet and yes endearing .... at no point can we care for any of the characters feel connection with their plight/struggles all of it is too skin-deep but we get carried along to the end (what a letdown cannot decide how to do that) and feel mildly amused entertained but certainly none the wiser as regards US society's racial equilibrium or lack of thereof and learn nothing about the world of literature

I do not believe this film will remain in my mind for even a few weeks ....
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... she has what it takes ....
1 February 2024
Great tale dubious morality .... but then we are talking about the ones who "lead" us .... so fair dues ace acting from Rebecca Marder here

  • a truly gripping story which contains class warfare; integrity and lack of thereof ... loyalty and lack of thereof ... treachery .... unrequited love ... family bonds all this articulated cleverly around the hydra that is the French ruling class and the games it plays with itself and the silly oh so silly schools attached to that circus ... making an appearance at the start of this story

Here we have a very staid couple having their dreams shattered when on a sunny Corsican car ride something unusual happens sending them into a total spin

Many other elements are interwoven and all comes to a likely denouement where basically the moral is you play dirty so will I; a sort of parable of political life in any country you choose

When all is said and done and without spoiling the story here a woman who has the gumption/cojones to do what she does here to defend herself and her boyfriend would be a great leader a great minister or president. A character with that kind of character gets my vote any day ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰

Very much recommended viewing.
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Anti-Squat (2023)
heart in the right place ....
27 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
... Well almost she goes with The Machine in the end but is mildly reluctant/conflicted .... the film sez a lot about France after 40 years of NEO liberalism and precariousness of living for the bottom quarter of society; it is the same the world over since Maggie and Ronnie started to arguably destroy the world

OK the film is good nicely paced believable in its main lines but there are issues. There is a Woke tendency these days to want to try and eradicate race gender nationality in the great drive by the NWO the instigators of Woke. So here in the film we have another perfect example of this. Louise Bourgoin here is supposed to be the biological mother of Samy Belkessa now i am not a geneticist but this seems far-fetched; beyond what suspension of disbelief requires and we see more and more of this in French or US movies. In Deep Water (2022) we had Cuban actress Ana de Armas in a marriage to Ben Affleck both parents of their "biological" fully Chinese daughter. The mind did boggle

  • Frankly there is no need for this unless one is trying to push an agenda and it makes for very poor verisimilitude/believability

Enough of that. To the film: it shows quasi fascistic actually fully fascistic practices by big real estate money concerns turning some of the population into a slave class a sort of Hunger Games society which is also The Agenda and it does this really well

The fact that in the denouement the main character Louise Bourgoin decides to throw in her lot with the oppressor and not the oppressed mars it all more than a little but it shows therefore the dog eat dog quality of the society; here France; but anywhere would do equally ....

Not a masterpiece for me a tad caricatural in parts but a good 7 totally worth a spin if you care about social matters social engineering the enslavement of the bottom quarter of society.

PS then i find out the Romanian caretaker was played by an Iranian actor Sรขm Mirhosseini why not? Such a dearth of Romanians ? They looked around none to be seen c'mon surely Bucharest? Not Tehran scouts ... next time .... it will make it easier. ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰
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A quasi stroke of genius...
24 January 2024
This is an incredibly original piece of cinema. It mixes philosophical tale with a bank heist which really is not the centre part of this movie. The centre part of this movie is a reflection on modern living and the insanity of the race to do things faster the pointlessness of the modern lifestyle, or something akin

The slow deliberate rhythm of this film seems to be a stumbling block for many personally I wish it carried on for a couple more hours ; it leaves us at the end with a lot of unfinished business a lot of untied loose ends

And maybe that is exactly what is needed but it could've gone so many other ways

The director and the scriptwriter (one and the same) made some choices here and they will please some and leave others guessing

It can take a while to see that something is happening that is worth watching if you stick at it you will be rewarded with a very unusual tale .... touch of Rohmer (the highest accolade possible) touch of Antonioni (also the highest accolade possible) ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰

A movie for thinkers romantics and dreamers ...... others will not like this i would surmise ....

For me a solid nine. Oh yes and this is definitely a comedy not hahaha but subtle and simmering ....

PS and then the penny dropped the face of Esteban Bigliardi kept reminding me of another actor and it was French-Italian Yves Montand ... so an Italian face then.
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The Curse (2023โ€“ )
22 January 2024
This is self-deprecating self-parody at its best. It is about false charity double standards pretend compassion it is about The worldwide scheme known as climate change which is in effect the money spinning scam which leads to so many businesses being created based on the scam. One of them being shown here.

  • It is about mocking a culture which has become a cartoon cutout of itself and it does it brilliantly.

  • It is so funny and so second or third degree that it might seem a lot of rectilinear/literal people reviewing this series cannot see any of it. They may look at it surface-value and see nothing. The opposite of those panels on the "neutral" houses. That too is hilarious. Really good humour is like this ; on some levels it is invisible; it works deep down or like an aftertaste; it is not in your face

It dances around the back of your mind like a temple dancer. The pace is at times a little slow; which increases the awkwardness not that it needs increasing

Overall very clever and subtle and says a lot about the 2020s in some circles .... it is no masterpiece but for me a good 7.
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