
12 Reviews
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Surpsingly mediocre
2 September 2019
The setting is pretty much exactly what I wanted to see in R-rated shows for quite a while. So I was really looking forward to it and 5 episodes in, I am not extremely happy with what I've seen, but I am excited for a second season. Which might sound inconclusive, but this season feels a lot like testing the waters with a broad variety of different storylines. And if the writers see what parts worked and which didn't, they might build something really great on top of this first season.

Quick pro's and con's: Con's: - I love character focussed narratives, but none of the supporting characters works in any way. There arcs suck. Mostly because they are quite inconsistened in what they want or how they act.
  • Many different storylines spread the story out too far. It isn't dense enough.
  • you shouldn't create tension by making dimming the lights to 5%.

Pro's: -Cara and Bloom work pretty well together. Cara has moments where her presentation of her character doesn't feel right. But other scenes are really really good. -The world feels lived in and well done, with lots of room to expand in a billion different directions for future seasons.
  • Its graphic. I like that.
  • overall visually very well done
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Lacking, where it was supposed to be strong. But surprisingly well done in parts that I did not expect
3 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'll keep this one short. I really like the first Equalizer , so I thought I would also love this one. Trailer looked good and everything. And when it started, I was hooked. The human interactions where so incredibly well done. Everything felt natural and Denzel acted his ass off. 121 one minutes of Denzel solving other peoples problems and bringing nothing but joy, condolence or sometimes the hard true onto them, would have done it for me. 10/10. But... The plot is stupid. Absolutely forced and does not work well. Denzel's charakter does not gain anything from the fight with those predictable twist villains. Nor does anyone else. The Equalizer is of course about giving everybody what he deserves, but for me it was (at least in part 1) more about making a difference for certain people. And killing them all in a forced, boring and unnecessary stretched showdown didn't make an difference. Hell no one actually cared. He even endangered people while doing this.

And then, which hurt me the most, the emotional payoff in the end was kept way too short. Cut all those scenes of the "bad guys" tying up loose ends and give me more heart to heart conversations between Denzel and his fellow citizen.

I'd give this mess of a movie 3/10 or something concerning the degree of entertainment. But the acting was so well done from time to time, that it's a bit above average.

PS: Don't ever use Pedro Pascal as a stupid twist good guy is actually bad villian without a GOOD motive. He is way too predictable for that.
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Tag (I) (2018)
Stupid but a lot of fun
15 August 2018
Watch it. It's great. The jokes are mostly on point, the staging is good and even though i hat slow-mo, it really works here. Including the train of thought they play into the scene from the off. Would have gotten a better rating, if it wasn't so far over the top from time to time. And some characters could have used a bit more depth, or at least it would have been interesting.

Anyways. Good and fun movie.
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Wynonna Earp (2016–2021)
I am speecheless about this positive rating (No real spoilers for the story)
10 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Alright. I don't have much to say about this series, since I couldn't really force myself to dig deeper into the material. I watched the first season and it is horrible. I don't care about the budget. There are plenty low budget shows that are enjoyable, but this is torture.

The premise is alright. Deamons romaing the planet and having their own evil plan and someone needs to stop them blablabla whatever. Nothing original, but you could work with that. But the problem is, that these characters are soulless. You got your broken protagonist, who is actually fulfilling every possible stereotype and still manages to be so incredibly unlikeable and stupid. I am absolutely baffled by the actresses skill to be so annoying. And the rest of the cast isn't even worth mentioning. Annoying, badly written, just there to fulfill a single goal without giving them a decent backstory that could motivate them. No idea how to make a charakter interesting? Make the hot girl develope a crush on the only other hot girl in the show, so that some narrow minded people have some lesbian action to watch. I don't know how this was renewed for a third season. I am actually mad about that.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
All hail Margot Robbie
15 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I do recommend watching the movie, because it is entertaining, due to the excellent acting of Will SMith and Margot Robbie. Their characters are amazing and it is so worth it to see both of them interact. Both characters do have some depths and it is hard not to enjoy their jokes or Robbie's eccentric acting.

In addition to these two, I really liked two other characters. Enchantress and Rick Flag. Their special relationship was a breath of fresh air. Interesting and definitely not boring, compared to all other characters, besides these 4.

I was really excited to see Jared Leto as the Joker. But that was a joke. Seriously. No class. No personality. Simply unnecessary. He had way too less time to develop. I personally think, that they should not have added him to this movie. This ruined his whole appearance.

Everything else was dull and felt superficial. It did not even entertain. The other characters could have been gone from minute one and you would not have noticed. El Diablo had his moments. But that's it.

The story was absolutely forced and felt unnatural. The explanations were illogical. And I mentioned before, that i really like Enchantress. But what do the DC-Guys do? They transform her into an overpowered, in one place mounted sentry, that is able to destroy locations on the other side of the world, but can be beaten into the ground by a fricking baseball bat.

I read online, that they cut an incredible amount of scenes. And I guess, that this is the reason, why this movie feels so unfinished and leaves you unsatisfied.
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14 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Just wanted to write a few quick sentences, concerning the movie. I watched it the day it was released, in 3D and with German dubbing. With the knowledge, that Justin Lin is the new director, I expected an action packed movie with a lot of unnecessary puns and stupid moves. (Just like the last few "Fast and the Furious", which I absolutely hated).

But surprisingly it was good. The story was nice and had a few unexpected twists. The action scenes where well choreographed, still a bit over the top like i feared before, but tolerable when it's combined with a great sound track.

So as I mentioned before, I watched it in German. So I don't know how the English conversations were, but the German ones sounded so incredible superficial and insignificant. Grown men using childish sayings or forcing a pun as often as possible. This is seriously the only point that bugged me. And I was afraid, it would ruin the movie for me.

But paired with all the positive aspects I mentioned before, I felt really good watching this movie. Specially the last "fight" against the swarm of drones. Besides knowing, that the "winning-blow" was a really cheap act of writing, I was on the edge of my seat and pretty much excited.

To sum it all up. The movie won't stay in your mind for ever. But it is a great flick, if you just want to have a good time.
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Warcraft (2016)
Surprisingly entertaining
12 June 2016
I was expecting a CGI and action overloaded movie without any depths or natural and lovable characters. God was i wrong. I am for the first time seriously ashamed, that I did not make it to the cinema for this movie, because I really crave to see the rest of the planned trilogy, which is of course depending on the financial success. Fimmel and Patton did an amazing job in this flick. I really felt for them and want to know how their story is going to continue. Whereas i thought, that Fimmel's character would be overpowered and simply a brutal warrior, he showed the same range of emotions as he did in Vikings. Good job!

Seriously, I have no idea what to say more. Normally I would give it a rating of 8/10 but this surprised me a lot. So 10/10.

I want to see more
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Banshee (2013–2016)
11 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Here we go again. Amazing series, amazing character development and the scenery is awesome as well. Didn't expect much at first but this turned out to be a brutal, complex and absolutely breathtaking show.

Sure every show got a few weak episodes, but Banshee got nearly rid of them. Got better and better with every episode and despite a few plot holes and some bad decisions in story telling, it never lost it's spirit.

Nevertheless I nearly stopped watching it after Siobhans death. Seriously, that was unnecessary and simply a bad decision. Killing of one of the most interesting and best portrayed characters like this. Not good.

But thanks god i kept watching. Season 4 is a brilliant conclusion. I only wished, that they showed some more background information to Burton,Hood and Job.

Just something I wanted to add. Out of all shows I've been watching over the past decade. Job is probably one of my most favorite characters ever. Together with Tyrion (GOT) and Long John Silver (Black Sails). Job is love. Job is life.

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Black Sails (2014–2017)
Watch it!
15 May 2016
Long time no see, but I simply had to say something to Black Sails. So here we go again.

Normally I am the one around, who gets told about good series and then binge-watches them as fast as possible. So I was kinda surprised, when I saw 3 seasons of Black Sails online and no one ever told me.

Not a good presage, but I still watched it. And i was caught. Immediately. It is beyond 10 stars and simply my favorite series by now. Visuals, costumes, camera-work. All is absolutely perfect. The characters are known, if you are interested in Pirate-Tales or/and the book Treasure Island and are so well portrayed. Exactly like I always imagined them to be.

It is amazing to watch the character development (Besides Eleanore Gutherie. She is just good looking, nothing else). Especially John Silver.

Despite having Michael Bay listed as a producer, it is not over packed with action scenes. The story is great, plot twists are real and unexpected ones and if there is action, the scenes are incredible.

To sum it a bit up: We have here a great story, good actors, amazing visuals, raw bloody action and sex (for those who think it is important for a series).

Black Sails is a harsh, pirate themed version of Game of Thrones.

Absolutely love it.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
Superficial teenie story.
10 February 2016
So I started watching this because someone said this is an Harry Potter for adults. (Side-Note: I was reading&watching Harry Potter as a child. I am reading&watching Harry Potter now as an more or less grown up and I will always continue to re-read and re-watch Harry Potter)

All in all I expected kinda graphic content, not especially nudity, but a few not whitewashed scenes. And what did I got? A flat story, with stereotyped characterless(!) characters and plot holes everywhere.

To begin with stupid behaviour: Hiding a school (like in Harry Potter) from the "normal" world and then being so negligent with letting people walk in and out does not work! Second point: Quentin! What is wrong with you. That girl is your best friend, seemingly she friend-zoned you, but nevertheless she is your friend. And you act like a bitch towards her. Nah thanks.

Actually i pretty much lost my train of thoughts over this review, because there are so many discrepancies within the first 3 episodes.

It is watchable if you are really bored and don't care about stupid characters or a bad story. But it is nothing great.
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Disappointing conclusion to a great Story
6 February 2016
I won't include spoilers. So generally I can say, that the same bullshit happened here again, which didn't work for THE HOBBIT a few months earlier. Stretching a compact/good story over too many movies, just to make more money is probably one of the biggest crimes of nowadays film industry.

The movie was not bad, but it couldn't entertain me and I skipped a few times within the movie. Meaningless, time filling conversations or too many stretched and pointless shots ruined the movie for me (for example: discussions about camera angles, within the movie, on how to shoot an arrow in which direction).

The ending was all i expected and looked great, including a few scenes in the main part.

But all in all a disappointment and while the studies blame Star Wars or terrorist attacks in France for the low count of visitors, I am pretty sure that the movie was just worse than everyone expected.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Hang on for an amazing show.
24 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So here we go. Again a review I write mostly because there are so many bad/negative reviews out there which judge a show after the first 2 episodes. I won't go into any detail but it is one of my favorite shows. The biggest reason for this is the incredible character development. Clarke started a bit to mature, but all the others are childish, short sighted and more or less selfish in the beginning. It is amazing how the writers give everyone the time the need to develop. Starting as some kind of teeny survival 08/15 story it evolves into a thrilling survival/since-fiction series with likable characters, no immortality of main characters, an continuously changing cast of minor roles and an unpredictable story. Yeah some episodes are a bit slow and specially in the beginning you have to sit through once in a while, but it gets better and better. The first episode is around 7/10...and from the beginning of the second I need more than 10 points to describe this series.
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