
26 Reviews
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Foodfight! (2012)
Wow, just wow
1 May 2015
I got nothing....I have absolutely nothing, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say. Food Fight, I mean, just look at the poster, just look at the poster. Does it look like there is any chance its a good movie? There is no talent, no effort, nothing defendable about this film at all.

I mean, this is it, the worst. The worst of all the worst. Just pain, nothing but pain. This is worse than garbage pail kids, at least that film had no budget. This film had $65 million dollars behind it. The animation is the worse, no facial expression. Noo story and the characters are all stereotypes.

This film insults all races and groups and is strangely sexual, all these sexual jokes that come out of nowhere and go nowhere. Its unclear what the world is, its implied that the world is like Toy Story where things come to life when humans are not around but then again they "Ikes" interact with humans. The song sequence was pointless, the French national anthem? really? are you f*cked? This is the worst film I have ever seen. Most insultingly, it is aimed at children, not teens or tweens. Children. Don't see it (laugh) as if you were going to.
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Skyfall (2012)
Its, been called the best Bond film of all time? ... Ummm
28 April 2015
Let me describe this film in one word...Boaring, I have given this film so many chances but every time I watch this film I just end up falling a sleep, this is by far one of the dullest films I have ever sat through.

First of all, I am not a Daniel Craig fan. I'm sure he's a nice man and I think its wonderful how much he does for charity, but as an actor, he dosen't do a thing for me at all, he's a modern day Chuck Norris. And here he is no different, when I think of James Bond, I think of James Bond I think of a smart, charismatic and witty. Craig just stands there and says vague stuff.

The film is also way too long, but I guess we live in a world where directors feel like they have to make action films 3 hours long. None of the characters were interesting, in fact, I barley remember what their names or objectives were.

The only remotely interesting thing I remember was Javier Bardem as the villain. He was just a typical over the top bad guy, and he was just fun to watch. He was cool but he could'nt save the film, and his plot was really forgettable.

Some fight scenes were cool, but I will be honest, not only is this film overrated, it's pretty bad.
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Ratatouille (2007)
Rats ! In the Kitchen !
28 April 2015
As you read in the summary, (for those of you who haven't seen this film) that is pretty much the tagline for this film, and it works, for the most part, the film definitely has a few flaws.

My biggest problem with the film, is that its too long and there is way to much going on. You have all these characters being squeezed in (like all the chefs and the rat characters) and I will be the first to say, that without giving too much away, there are certain plot lines that are just not needed, particularly one about certain characters being related and it did not amount to anything in the end, which pretty much proves that it was pointless.

That is a fairly big flaw as I kept checking my phone to check how long the film had left. Also, surprisingly, I felt that, because there are so may different story lines, I felt like I never got to see that much of the characters, I liked Remy and I wanted to see more of him, it is his story. I would have liked to have seen more of Linguini and I feel that the romance he has with Colette was a bit rushed and could have been more developed.

However, the film's saving grace is the animation and the atmosphere. The animation is incredible, some of the best I've ever seen. All the scenes that involve a view of the city at night all look like something out of a beautiful painting, I mean I could have stared at it forever. The characters (despite being underdeveloped) are still a lot of fun, the villain is freaking gold and Colette also gets some funny lines in. Remy is a great character and I loved the scenes where he is experimenting with food.

I will not dare give away the ending, one of the best endings in film if you ask me, I didn't expect it and it was heart warming. The inner thoughts of the critic (Peter O'Toole) at the end was one of the best movie monologues ever. It was touching, and thought provoking when it comes to judging art or even people.

Overall the film has a few problems but the stuff thats good is really good and outways the bad stuff my a long shot. I've seen this film many times in the past and will see it many times in the future.
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Goodfellas (1990)
How do you define a classic? You watch this film !
28 April 2015
I remember that this is one of the first films that I've ever seen that deserved to be called a "classic." I was absolutely mind blown, I was even shocked that the film is two and a half hours long but had just been sucked in for so long.

This film has some of the best acting you will ever see in your life. Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci (who deserved his Oscar), Robert De Nero, Lorraine Bracco. Everybody was fantastic ! Everyone just deserved an Oscar. Ray Liotta and and Lorraine both gave effective and entertaining voice over narration and even the smaller roles from the likes of Samuel L. Jackson where entertaining.

The music was incredible, there is no score, its more of a combination of famous songs from the 50's 60's and 70's (matching the decades in which the film is set) and they all work, none of the songs feel shoe-horned, and they all pleasant to listen to.

This is Scorsese's best work, which is a big claim, and well earned. The shots were all great, including the tracking shot that has now become world famous and is taught in film schools all over the world. The use of lighting, the atmosphere were all at a level of perfection that only Scorsese can.

This is one of my favorite films of all time.
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Maleficent (2014)
So, Disney are making their baddies good again ?
26 April 2015
When I saw the trailer, I thought to myself, that looks really cool, it looks like it could be a good movie, then I saw the film and I remember thinking, "that was OK" but then I began to think about what I had just witnessed, and to be honest, this film is really awful.

The rotten point is the acting, the performacnes all round are just terrible. Angelina Jolie's British accent was "ok" and she brings a very half-assed performance to one of Disney's most iconic antagonists. The Fanning sister playing Aurora was awful, she was way too over the top and whimsical, nothing was special about her and nothing seemed special about her and she always looked high. The king was awful, I couldn't here anything over his accent and I didn't understand his story arc, he just turns crazy.

And then there where the fairies. Oh God. The writers must have really not liked the fairies in the original films because they are just the biggest idiots you will ever see in a film, so stupid that its actually kind of insulting.

The CGI is bad, really really bad. It would have passed maybye in 2002 but when you look at today and consider that Disney was behind this film (meaning it must have had at least a decent budget) it does not hold up today.

The film's only saving grace is that Jolie looks cool as Malificent. Thats it. Not much else to say, its really bad.
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Cartoon animals that don't talk or sing? You lie
25 April 2015
Yeah, this is one of the most unique animated films of all time for one reason. The animals don't talk. With that kind of a concept in a children's animated film, in theory it should have been dead on arrival. And, yet, kind of like a Miyazaki film, it just sort of works.

The film just has a sort of charm to it, and the best bit of the film is the animation. This is some of the best 2D animation that has ever been made. Horses do not have very expressive faces, yet they get so much emotions into these animals' eyes that its almost like they are talking. You also get caught up in the landscapes, its a real throwback to the old west, I for one am a fan of large open wild spaces and its always nice to look at if it has been animated well.

The film is not completely without dialog, you see the humans communicating from time to time, but its mostly done from the point of view of the horses, which is clever, so you get some useful exposition but never lose focus on who the main characters are. Spirit's thoughts are told by a well read narration by Matt Damon, which is a random choice but well read none the less. The music also speaks, Bryan Adams writes some great songs that are kind of like the Phill Collins songs from Tarzan (1999) and I can see people not liking them, but I liked them fine.

I can't find much wrong with the film, it is a little slow and I can imagine kids being bored by the film. Overall, Spirit, is a great film with great characters and stunning animation told in a unique way.
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The Cat That Came Back
21 April 2015
Like I said in my review of Whispers of The Heart, there was a character known as The Baron (voiced by Carey Elwes) would feature a more prominent role in this film. Much like Whispers of the Heart, this was a very pleasant surprise.

Though, this had a bit more fantasy to it, it was still a very likable film that made me feel really cheerful after I felt it. The characters are all very likable. The main character, voiced by Anne Hathaway, was very innocent and in a lot of ways, was one of the most relatable characters I have seen in a Studio Ghibli film, for me. Shy, needs lessons in confidence that she gradually learns over the course of the film to stand up for herself after being thrown into precarious situations. She's curious, polite and very wide eyed.

The rest of the cast does very well, Carey Elwes was great as the Barron, charming yet he clearly always knew what he was talking about. The other cast did well too, Peter Boyle was great and Tim Curry, over the top as always and I loved it. The writing for this film was very clever and it things that don't seem to have that much relevance all seem to add up in the end. And add up quite well in the end I might add.

Overall, The Cat Returns is a great film. It's funny, touching and has great characters, what more could you ask for.
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Yes, Yes, Yes
21 April 2015
This film was awesome. I'm always skeptical of films that win Best Picture, but this one totally deserved it.

It's a unique idea and it's really well acted, I mean, really, really well acted. Michael Keaton was AMAZING as Riggan. You can tell he put his absolute all into his performance. You really, sympathize with this character, this guy who really just wants another shot at his career, another shot at life. He sees this play as his second chance and he's determined not to let anything get in the way of making it and making it good. You also get really involved in the other characters. Edward Norton was amazing as this method actor, God he is a penis !!!! He was so obnoxious, the actor who just thinks he knows best, and God, I have met a whole bunch of people who are just like that. Emma could you go wrong with her ? The writing of the film is really well written. The idea of the voice inside the head was awesome. That just continues this emphasis that this guy is really loosing his grip on reality after the birdman character (who was a huge part of this mans life) was taken out of his life.

If I had any problem with the film, and it would be a minor one. It's that I don't get the ending, and I know it's meant to be open for interpretation but I just didn't get it and I'm going to need an art film fan...guy to explain it to me. But thats more of a nit pick.

Overall, this is one of the best films I've seen in the last couple of years.
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Good Deeds (2012)
Not Tyler Perry's worst film, but without doubt his most boring.
21 April 2015
Tyler Perry tries to make good films and in recent films he has tried to get away from the Madea films but he's still relying on the same clichés that make his films really hard to sit through.

The main problem with this film is that it is as dull as a slice of bread. This review is going to be short because, by God, I don't remember what happened. Something about a guy not enjoying his life despite being rich. An unbelievably cliché story with unbelievably cliché characters that you have honestly seen in hundreds of other projects.

I really don't remember anything about the film so I do not remember anything that was salvageable about it, it was boring, recycled. I know a lot of people probably like this film but I just think it was one of the worst I've ever seen. If your not a Perry fan, I'd say skip it.
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Furious 7 (2015)
A good send off to Paul Walker, but was it a good movie ?
20 April 2015
Man, I got to tell you, I was pleasantly surprised by the last two Fast and the Furious films and when I went to see this one, I was really excited, when I saw I mean, yeah, the film is decent. I guess my biggest problem with the film is the lack of story. There is so much story that is substituted for needless chase and explosions, and I know that is kind of the point of the Fast and Furious franchise but in the last two films, what worked was the development of the characters as well as the introduction and development of new characters and villains such as Hobbs or Shaw.

Here, you are promised prominent Hollywood bad asses, Jason Statham, Tony Jaa and Djmion Honsou (one of my favorite actors) and they get no development and are all shoehorned into several different plot lines that add up to nothing more than a few fight scenes that you honestly don't care about. Also, the film really exploits how much it can get away with in terms of action, they did it before but here it gets somewhat distracting. I hear Denzel Washington turned down Kurt Russell's role and with the way he is written, I can see why. He was REALLY ANNOYING.

The film's one saving grace is its ending. I won't give it away but it is a very heart warming send off to Paul Walker, and you can feel it was coming from the hearts of his co-stars. They also dealt with the CGI of Paul Walker's face very well.

Overall, Fast 7 is a fun film, a popcorn film and you probably won't want to watch it again.
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Controversy aside, Is this a good film, YES !!!
20 April 2015
Putting aside the controversy that surrounds this film, I would defend it as one of the best films of 2015.

My hat of to Bradley Cooper, who just gets better with every film he is in. Respect to his gym gains, to go from the tall and slender man we all know to the bulky bad ass can't have been easy and is one of the best actor transformations I have ever seen. He gets the character down perfectly, in fact, there were times I did'nt even think I was watching Bradley Cooper, I felt as thou I was watching the real Chris Kyle.

The film's atmosphere was great. This probably the most intense war film I have seen since Glory (1989). There are scenes where the stakes are so high, you feel like you could faint at any moment. The film wasn't trying to make you feel anything, it just showed you what happened in the war for what it was.

OK, I know the film didn't touch on certain aspects of Kyle's character but in some ways I don't feel its relevant. In my opinion, I don't feel that this man is portrayed as a hero, he is a man who felt he was doing his duty but eventually it got the best of him. Not in a sympathetic way, but in a realistic way.

Overall, this is not a history lesson. Its a film, and a damn good one.
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My Goodness, can Studio Ghibli do any wrong ??
20 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
On the surface, this should be a bod movie, I should hate this film. What? you have a high school girl who reads books and has a crush on this boy, thats the film and I normally can't stand that teen/tween nonsense. However, there is something about this film, how relaxed the mood is, how likable the characters that just somehow, makes everything work.

The film is a lot like "The Fault in our Stars" in that, yeah there are a lot of teen romance clichés that drive people crazy, but at the same time it works here. The girl, is in fact very likable. You really get sucked in to her journey, the film doesn't just focus on her little romance, it focuses more on coming of age, where dreams meet reality. You see that she is very naive in the decisions she makes but also feel sorry for her when they ultimately backfire. You also feel good at the end of the film when she makes what seems like the right decision.

The other characters, the boy, her parents, the old man, are all very likable. None of them get that much screen time or are that expanded on, they act more as walls that our main character bounces off of when she learns her lessons. The biggest selling point of the film is its heart. Like some of the Studio Ghibli films. such as My Neighbour Totoro, there is an innocence to this film, there are no grand battles, you just get a look at someone living her life. And that someone is very likable. For example, there is a scene where her and her boyfriend are learning their own version of the song "country road" by John Denver. Then the old men come in and start playing, it's so corny but its so cute and likable that you can't help enjoying it.

They very cleverly worked in Carey Elwes into a few short scenes and his character would very cleverly fit into a different film a few years later (which I will review later).

If I had one issue with the film, its that the ending comes out of nowhere. In that there is no build up, a character says something and then the credits appear. It would have been nice to have more of a build up. But I really don't have much to complain about. Whispers of the Heart is funny, heart warming and definitely worth checking out.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Do I even need to talk about why this movie rocks ?
15 April 2015
Well, apart from possibly, say, the Toy Story films, Finding Nemo has taken the world by storm as Pixar's biggest hit. And to be honest, it deserves that credit.

First of all, this is up there with "Basil" as one of the mist f***ed up openings for a kids film. I mean, you open up with a mother all but one of her offspring being eaten by a vicious predator. I like kids films that can do that, not always trying to be family friendly. Apart from that, the film is really awesome.

The strength from the film comes from its characters, there are too many to count and normally that would hurt a film but here, there are all so different and memorable. Albert Brooks is great as Merlin, who, in my opinion, is one of the great film dads. You really end up feeling for this guy and yeah he can be annoying in how introverted and protected he is but its all coming from a place of legitimate pain that the audience is introduced to early on, thus you are put on his journey. Dory is freaking hilarious. You'd think the memory loss story line would get old but it is cleverly worked in so that it is fresh in every situation. The other characters are all so fun and none of them were annoying, you enjoyed watching all of them. The additional voice talents of Willem Dafoe, Geoffry Rush, Eric Bana and many others help the cause as well. My favorite characters where the turtles, that is just how I have always envisioned turtles speaking.

The film is set in modern day Australia, again using modern day settings (and a unique one at that) and there is no feeling of manipulations. You never feel that the film is trying to be "cool" no need for catch phrases or pop cultural references, just a new setting that allows for some nice shots. The film still has a timeless feel.

If I had one issue with the film, its that the climax feels a little forced. Without giving away too much, there is an incident that happens at the end where a character tries to prove themselves and it just didn't feel needed.

Overall, Finding Nemo is one of my favorite animated films ever and is fit for kids, teens, adults, hell its just fit for the whole family.
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The Room (2003)
Can a film be so bad, it's good?
15 April 2015
This film is something else, I don't care who you are or what kind of films you watch, you will never see another film like this in your entire life.

First, let me talk about the one thing everyone who has seen this film will think about, Tommy Wiseau's acting. What can you say about it, it is without doubt the worst acting that has ever been put on screen. Not one word he says through out the entire film will make you believe a thing that is going on. Yet at the same time, it's just so damn entertaining, my favorite scene is when he is having his tantrum towards the end of the film.

The dialog in this film is also so strange it makes you think, how could a self respecting actor/actress agree to do such obvious bulls**t. But, at the same time, that is what makes it so interesting, I want to keep watching, it's hilarious.

This film actually gets points for how bad it is. God, it had me in stitches. Mr Wiseau, take a bow, you have created something so bad it was actually kind of enjoyable.
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Training Day (2001)
King Kong ain't got sh*t on this movie !!!
15 April 2015
One thing I will say about this film is that it has some of the best one liners ever put on film. I would say that you would have to watch this film for the one liners that Alonzo (Played by Denzel Washington) spills.

The film as itself is a lot of fun but it still has some flaws. Overall praise has to go to Denzel Washington, who is loving every minute of his performance as the villain. He does all the villain clichés, smiling, laughing and ranting, things you just love to see villains do. However, they don't just make him bad, the brilliant writing also makes him a complex character, giving a twisted morale compass. You actually question his sanity because, despite all the evil things he does, he actually thinks he is doing the right thing, its performances like this that remind me why Denzel Washington is my favorite actor and can do almost no wrong.

The film also does well at setting atmosphere, you really get a sense of these places in fact I even read that they had filmed in areas such as Compton. The appearances by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg were awesome and well place and I loved the Latino gangsters that Hoyte has to face at the end of the film, one of them played by Cliff Cirtus who I believe can play any ethnic group.

However, I do have one issue with the film and that is its secondary character, Hoyte, played by Ethan Hawke. Don't get me wrong, I will take nothing away from Hawke's performance but they made the character of Hoyte so bland and predictable, the goody goody, always does right and I know thats what they were going for but they could have made him more interesting, maybe he is tempted by Alonzo and almost turns to the dark side or at the end of the film, something to make him more complex, particularly after all he has gone through.

Overall, if you like cop/crime thrillers then you will definitely enjoy this, if you want something with a lot of depth this may not be for you but hey, watch and make your own conclusion.
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The film that made Bruce Lee Immortal
15 April 2015
Everything about the film is just perfect; the acting, fighting, characters, story, this is one of the few examples of what I would call a perfect film.

First of all, Bruce Lee is incredible in this film, his character is conflicted but tries not to let it effect him, yet unlike most film heroes, he is not goody goody and will get dirty if he has to. The guy playing the villain, Hahn, is incredible, he does not talk that much and does not even look that intimidating, so when he does fight it is all the more surprising. John Saxson and Jim Kelly are great in their roles, you even see that they both have different yet equally interesting backstories. However, I would have liked to have seen more of them together, learned more about what made them such good friends as they are supposed to be friends in the film.

To be honest, that is probably my only problem with the film and it is very minor. You do still grow to care about all the characters, there is a death midway through the film that I was not expecting and I was quite upset about. The martial arts in this film is incredible, in fact it was one of the reasons I became interested in taking martial arts classes.

It's fun, intense, funny at times, Enter the Dragon is, without a doubt, one of the greatest films of all time.
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So engaging yet so.... meh
11 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was in love for the first two thirds of this film.

Never has a film had me so engaged and so curious as to where it was going. Even the film's opening had me, it starts with dragons fighting and then we find out that dragons don't fight and then a King is murdered by his own son. WOW !!!! That is how you start a film. You have all this talk about impending doom and a great imbalance, and it keeps you curious.

The characters are awesome. My favorite was Timothy Dalton's character, his voice is one of the coolest I've ever heard and I think is a combination of Ian McKellen, James Earl Jones and James Spader. He's warm and fatherly but he sounds like he knows what he's doing and how to stand his ground. The main character and his love interest are also likable and have their fair share of quiet movements to just be characters. Willem Dafoe is incredible for most of the film as the villain, Cobb. He's so shady and just whispers a lot of his lines, it's so unsettling. He never gets mad or intimidated and he always looks like he's got everything planned.

When we got to the final act, I was very disappointed and confused. The final battle is very small and very quick. Willem Dafoe goes from that scary voice to something that sounded like the Green Goblin on helium, his plan is also incredibly weak. Also, I didn't understand the ending at all, without giving too much away, there is something about a dragon that just seems to happen that I just didn't understand. It's like, they forgot about the ending and shoe horned it all in.

I enjoyed the film, I like stories where people from normal lives are thrown into something grand, for example I actually enjoyed Appocalypto. I just wish they made more light of the climax and the villain's motivation.

I know this review is all over the place, definitely go watch the film and make your own conclusion.
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Selma (2014)
A film that tells you how to feel.
11 April 2015
Yeah, this film is the very definition of the term "average." I will not take anything away from David Oyelowo's performance. I didn't see an actor playing a role, I saw Dr. King. The supporting cast did well enough and I did enjoy the song by Common and John Legend.

However, where the film fell a little flat for me was that, though this depicts true events, is that it followed so many of the Hollywood clichés such as slowing down a shot during a violent scene, telling the audience what to feel and when to feel it and that annoys me, particularly in a historical film because it is so unnecessary. I don't dislike the film, its a well put together film, I was just a little underwhelmed. It's absolutely worth watching but anyone expecting to see something as good as say "12 years a slave" will be disappointed.

As for the Oscar snub, well, based on the film I've seen, it really didn't deserve that much attention from the Academy, regardless of the topic it deals with. Films should receive Oscars for quality not subject matter.

Overall, a good film, not a great one.
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Don Jon (2013)
Pleasant Surprises are always nice
10 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those films where you have a really stupid story line, but end up with a surprisingly well written, touching and enjoyable film! Firstly, I loved the script and the story. On a personal level, I've never been great at relationships and used to be self conscious about it, and to see the journey our protagonist goes on to the morale where you realize that true love is not just all about sex, and its not about being overly romantic either but, love in relationships is about a genuine understanding between two people, and I feel that is a moral we can all agree with and relate to. Also, the film was also surprisingly funny in certain areas, funny because some of the situations are fairly reliable and also because the actors in the film (none of whom you'd particularly associate with comedy) just have brilliant comedic timing. The star of the film was without doubt, Scarlet Johansson; not only is she hot beyond belief but she is just so manipulative, and a down right bitch that I actually, don't like her anymore, it's just such a contrast to the way she normally plays her characters. The way the film is edited is also clever as you do not see to much graphic elements from the porn but you still know what he is watching.

However, there were a few elements that I did not see the point to. For example, Brie Larsson's character did not need to be in the film, at all. She makes numerous appearances in the film but only has one speaking point at the end and by this point, the point she is making is well established. In fact, it would have been more effective if the main character, Jon, had made the statement as it involves his story, but having a character in the film for the sake of making one point is not effective. Also, there were aspects that were not very clear, for example when he picks playing basketball with strangers over going to the gym, scenes like that that could have been cut as it was not clear what they were meant to represent. Its aspects like that that cause the film that stop me from really loving this film but DON JON still a solid film and I would recommend it as it gives a very effective view on modern day relationships. If this is Levitt's first directorial film, I hope it is the first of many.
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Never judge a book by its cover.
6 April 2015
I remember seeing the trailer for this and thinking "wow that looks stupid" but as the film got more & more positive reviews, I decided to give it a try. And, it was better than I could have ever expected.

The films strongest point is it's comedy. The film takes every opportunity to make the audience laugh and all the jokes are spot on. The cast were superb, Taron Egerton as the lead was great and I hope to see more of him in the future. The rest of the cast were awesome (Firth, Caine etc) and Samuel L. Jackson plays one of the funniest villains ever put on film, at first I thought it was going to be annoying to give him a lisp but no, it had me rolling on the floor.

If I had any issues with the film, I'd only say that the fight scenes can be a little too over the top & that can be a little distracting at times.

Overall, Kingsman is a great film and I'd even go as far as to say it's one of the best comedies in the last 10 years. Its clearly satirizing the James Bond films but this is how satirical films should be done. Humour, a good story and a lot of heart and memorable characters. There are talks of a sequel and I'm all for that.
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Everybody can have a guilty pleasure? Right?
31 March 2015
Yes, I know this film is stupid, dumb and I can easily see why some people hate this movie. However, it's just so damn fun & likable that I just can't resist it.

I'm just a sucker for old school action films and to get so many of the great badasses in the film and put them in a genuinely gripping story, well there's just nothing wrong with that. Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Statham, Crewes, and everyone else are back and they are all better. The fight scenes in this film kick ass, it's not as over the top as the previous film and that makes it more engaging.

There are great cameos by the likes of Willis as well as new appearances by legends like Chuck Norris and Liam Hemsworth. Jean Claude Van Damme plays the villain & you can tell he is loving every minute of it. The only problems I have with the film are, I would have liked to have seen more of the villains being badass and doing badass things. Also, I would have liked to have seen more badasses, get Liam Neeson in there, get Michael Jai White, get Tony Ja.

Overall. The Expendables 2 is really stupid but it's more fun than it is stupid.
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The Lion King (1994)
Gets better with age !
30 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The highest grossing 2D animated film of all time, one of the most critically acclaimed movies ever, a smash hit. And it deserves every bit of praise. The Lion King not only stands the test of time but it actually gets better as time goes on.

One of the film's (many) strong points is its characters. Simba is very likable, as a cub he's wide eyed, curious, can be cocky but it all comes from a good place. As an adult he is fun loving but conflicted by the pain of his past. Scar is one of the greatest film villains of all time. He's cunning & manipulative but is also cowardly and somewhat petulant (as shown when he takes over). He is also one of the few Disney villains to kill off one of the main characters. The side characters are also great, I know everyone talks about Timon & Pumba but I think the hyenas are the funniest part of the film. James Earl Jones is great as Mufasa, who in my opinion is one of the greatest movie dads of all time.

The songs, who hasn't heard them? They're all great, catchy & memorable. If I had to not pick it would be elements such as, why does the rain come back when Simba wins, but that's just Disney logic.

The Lion King is the greatest animated film of all time and only gets better with age.
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Idris Elba looks nothing like Mandela !!!!
28 March 2015
Idris Elba looks nothing like Madiba and yes that matters, because no matter how good the performance is, if an actor looks nothing like the person he is portraying, I can't get as invested. For example, part of the reason why Ali was a good film was because Will Smith looks like Ali. You think the film would have been as good if they cast Eddie Murphy in the role? Another main problem with the film is that it tries way to hard to fit every aspect into the story. In doing so, ironically we miss some of the emotional intensity of certain scenes. For example, I would have loved to have seen more of him in Ruben Island. Idris Elba gives his best as well as the rest of the cast, but the script they are given gives them very little to work with.

Overall, there are a few pretty shots and like I said Idris Elba does give a good performance. However, if I'm honest, the lack of similarities between Elba are too distracting and the film is definitely worth skipping.
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The Judge (2014)
Not a great film, but a good one.
27 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, thats the best way to describe this film. Good but not Great.

It was nice to see Robert Downey Jr do something different. I think quite highly of him as an actor and it was nice to see him in a more down to earth role as opposed to Iron Man/Sherlock Holmes. Robert Duval, holy sh*t was he incredible. I loved those two together, they were both so imperfect and the fact that they all avoided talking about the sense of tension gave you the sense of a real family drama. The courtroom scenes were really tense, I love courtroom scenes and they were done well here. Billy Bob Thorton was great as the rival lawyer, he captured that "scumbag" feeling.

If I had any problems with the film is that, firstly, there is a romance between Robert Downey Jr's character and Vera Farmiga's and it feels a little forced and unnecessary. Also, the character playing Downey Jr's youngest brother is not needed and did not add anything to the story.

Overall, if you are looking for a great drama, this may not be it but if you are looking for a film that will keep your attention. This is worth checking out.
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The worst thing humans ever created.
27 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is just fascinating. That humans are capable of coming together and making something so bad, so horrific so ugly. The word used to describe this film is ugly.

The point of the film is that there is no such thing as ugly and we should all be accepted for who we are yet the "Kids" (whose origin and identity are never explained) have no redeeming qualities along with being ugly as hell. The acting is all awful, the bullies who torment the main character, look like their in their twenties. Why are they beating up someone who looks 12? The film has many stupid story lines and quite possibly the stupidest one of all time, "The State Home For The Ugly" is the stupidest I ever heard; the fact that Santa Clause, Ghandi and Abraham Lincoln are all in it makes me think if they actually read this out loud.

The film is a f***ing low. No story, character or anything of value. It was just painful, I would challenge anyone to make it past the first 10 minutes.
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