
4 Reviews
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Valley Girl (2020)
I had high hopes for this!
12 May 2020
As a fan of the original I went in to this with an open mind and I was really excited to see this in a musical format. Great music, fun clothes, 80s, should be a no brainer right?

Wrong! The idea itself is cute and fun and there are some cool dance scenes but the dialogue between the two leads is just terrible. There is no chemistry and the dude who plays Randy is just dull. I love Mae Whitman but she's just wasted here as Randy's BFF. I mean I'm not expecting Oscar performances but even high school musical or descendants has characters that are more interesting. It just kind of feels all over the place and doesn't know what kind of movie it wants to be. It bums me out bc this could have been really fun but it's lacking the heart that makes the orignal so great.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Go Watch This Show NOW!!!!
21 October 2019
My friends had been telling me to watch this and as a lover of the original Karate Kid movie i was definitely interested but i kept putting it off expecting it to be a fluff show.

Boy was i wrong!! This show has so much heart, laughs and drama i wanted to finish both seasons in 1 day. William Zabka really shines in this role and will have you wanting to run out and take Cobra Kai style karate. He had me laughing my ass off with his dry sense of humor and total aversion to political correctness. Really great choreographed fight scenes and lots character development across the board.

Hawk has really stolen my heart as my fav but everyone really does a great job here. Intertwining old movie scenes and music with the updated story really brings back the excitement of the first film. I cant say enough good things about this show, i am telling everyone i know to watch it. Cant wait for season 3!!!
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Just Magnificent!!!!
5 September 2019
I rarely write reviews but even more rarely do I describe a show as being Magnificent, but this truly is! I grew up with this movie and TBH it frightened me as a child. Netflix has taken this world and expanded on it in ways i could have never imagined. I was apprehensive about the use of puppets for a whole series but 3 episodes in and you almost forget they are puppets. These characters made me laugh and cry and feel all the feels!! The story is captivating, the attention to detail is beautiful and every scene is beautiful. I almost wish this was being shown in theaters just so i could see it on the big screen.

Ignore the haters and watch this now!
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Between (2015–2016)
Where do I even begin????
4 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to try and keep this short and sweet but Lord this show is INFURIATING. The premise is nothing new but one I am interested in so even after the hundreds of bad reviews I figured I'd give it a shot and I stuck it out till the end hoping for better. Bad idea.

I've never seen a more insufferable, bratty, idiotic group of kids on a TV show before. No one cares that their parents are dead, they all fight each other at the drop of a hat, and I get i they are kids but they pretty much make every stupid decision you can possibly think of. No one really cares about anyone except themselves.

The characters as said before aren't even that likeable. The town rich kid Chuck is THE WORST!!! Just when you think he's gonna turn around he just goes on sucking. Adam the quiet "hacker stereotype" starts out annoying AF but actually grows to be the least annoying and that isn't saying much. Even with his "I'm Batman" voice. Everyone is just so angry and hateful it's really hard to care about them. Don't get me started on the dude who lives out on the farm and his "save everyone" complex but can't stand up to anyone.

Go watch The Society. Much better show with a similar premise but with characters you actually are interested in.
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