
102 Reviews
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Consistently Brilliant
4 July 2019
Here we go again, the gang is back and I'm going to be completely bias because I grew up with these films and they played a huge role within my childhood. This film is just perfect. Its got heart and humour, superb animation and a fabulous story. The story is perfect for families. Full of good morales but great for those older like me who can relate due to the parallel timeline of these releases to my life. Its the perfect kind of humour. The film is completely charming and introduces excellent new characters. Its a bit lighter than the third movie but still has an attachment of emotional moments. This is bound to be one of the best movies of the year. Its unmissable.
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Epic but deserving
2 July 2019
So its all come down to this. I had my hunches on what was going to transpire. Some of it was correct but it was delivered well. In fact, really well. The film is long, too long. However, I rarely clock watched despite a feeling of being quite slow early on. It has an epic start and finish although the middle feels different to the usual. Thats not a bad thing. Im not the biggest superhero movie fan, I'm a little tired of the overused formulas. I think its a miracle they made this work having all superheros together at once, they did well. Overall though I cant escape the feeling of unevenness and feeling cheated by some of the abilities of the superheroes which do not feel even or equal out fairly on screen. Theres little feeling of tension as a result or dread. I didn't care for the characters enough in comparison to say the Dark Knight Trilogy. Its a good movie, no doubt about it but not sure its worth its absolute plaudits.
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Unrated laugh out loud comedy
2 July 2019
I should start off by saying that this is the only version I have seen of this title. It is totally underrated though and I have watched it several times and it never fails to make me laugh out loud! Its silly fun but non stop chaos which makes you feel awkward. Its got a host of stars who all play their part. Theres some good humour in here and its light hearted. Its a comedy I would recommend to anyone and everyone.
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Keeps you Interested
25 June 2019
I must say I knew very little about Ted Bundy before this film. I was interested to see Zac Efron in a darker more serious role and he really worked it. He was captivating at times. Whilst I cant comment on the realism aspect to the authentic story (I believe parts are exaggerated) it does work in favour of the pacing and storyline. It's definitely a thriller drama I would easily recommend. Its just scary that this was a true story, but adds to its charm and aura.
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Better than Django
25 June 2019
Solid movie, even better then Django. Bought into the humour and its characters. Funny and very gory. Enjoyed every minute of it, also had a great ending. Its tone was almost perfect and it unravelled strategically. I was captivated throughout and key parts of the film stuck me for days after. Visually stunning and funny too.
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Darkest Hour (2017)
24 June 2019
Thoroughly interesting captive and gripping. Superb performance from Oldman in a excellent war drama. One of the best I've seen about a interesting time within history.
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Hereditary (2018)
Scariest Horror in a While
24 June 2019
Whilst the story is nothing original, the way its delivered is extremely chilling. One of the scariest horrors ive seen in a while with excellent acting.
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Paddington 2 (2017)
Briliant sequel.
24 June 2019
Briliant sequel. Funny, light hearted and colourful. Brilliant for kids with morals and lots of character. Plenty of entertainment for the adults and excellent performance from Hugh Grant.
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Dunkirk (2017)
23 June 2019
A very good movie which captures the emotion and pressure of critical moments of the historical event. It looks and sounds stunning too. The timeframe Nolan uses is unnesscary and adds nothing to the movie. Overall I think the critics are going over the top in what is a good not brilliant movie. Its slow at times and a film you'd only want to see once. Don't rush to the cinema to see it but do watch it at some point.
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23 June 2019
Kong was completely unexpected and wipes the floor of the Peter Jackson version. Its totally brutal with lots of action. The creature designs stunning and lots of memorable moments. Super monster movie which you crave more of.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Visually Striking
23 June 2019
The revenant is visually striking with beautiful scenery and carefully thought shots. It has some of the most tense and gut wrenching moments ever seen in film. The determination and fight is really captured throughout, its worth mentioning it has a strong start and rewarding end. However I did also feel the movie was unecessaryly long. Many moments were dragged out which caused the second half of the movie to become a tad boring. Its most definately worth a watch though.
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Emotional and authentic
19 June 2019
Decent movie which really captured the disaster. It was emotional and authetic. Acting was spot on and not over the top. It was respectful whilst capturing the desperation. They did well to break down something very hard to understand for the viewers to digest
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Se7en (1995)
This is one of my all time favourite movies
19 June 2019
An incredibly dark and noir thriller by David Fincher. It stars three of hollywood's best in what is a twisted mystery with some classicly memorable scenes. Right from the off, this movie sets a tone which it continues throughout with such strong performances. This is one of my all time favourite movies.
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Toy Story (1995)
The best movie of my childhood
19 June 2019
The best movie of my childhood. Captured the imagination of myself and billions of others, this movie influenced my childhood and was a terrific movie. Nothing has changed, this movie remains strong and still holds up today. Its a beautiful story which is totally ingenious. I will be showing this movie to my children and I hope it remains a part of childhood for many for generations to come.
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An Awakening
19 June 2019
Im not a particularly a big fan of the Star Wars franchise. For a long time I found the Revenge of the Sith the most enjoyable of the lot. A New Hope and Return of the Jedi were probably the best of the series in terms of story, tone and humour. Thats until now. Screw nostalgia, the only thing which made the originals good is the time of its release and how revolutionary the trilogy was. The Revenge of the Sith had far much more action and story progression. But The Force Awakens blows it out of the water for action. Humour is a little more grown up and much less cheesy. It does seem like the same old rebels attach the spaceship scene which was the focal point of new hope and empire strikes back. And another lovechild turns bad so for originality its lacking in the plot. It does have a good tone in terms of the legend of the force and all the stories of the great battle. The First Order has emerged welcomingly however and I look forward to a much more grown up series with action like this one.
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The Intern (I) (2015)
Uplifting, entertaining and sophisticated
19 June 2019
The Intern is evidence that movies can comedies can be uplifting, entertaining and sophisticated without crude humour and corny moments. Strong leads from both De Niro and Hathaway together with other very solid and likeable characters meant that this was a very enjoyable movie. The story is grown up and simple. The laughs are gentle and subtle but it leaves you feeling happy. Its a formula which has been tested before at silly humour level but this story is very realistic and bright. A thoroughly excellent comedy which was totally unexpected.
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Bizarrely Stunning
19 June 2019
This is my first experience of the Mad Max franchise and had much to learn about its story. This movie taught me all i needed to know and its a bizarre world full of character and stunning imagery. Its a strange movie but one that keeps up an impeccable pace and is full of brutal action. Really the whole movie feels like one massive racing scene and on reflection not much happens but the full 2 hours is a fully entertaining adrenaline rush. Im positive this is a movie which can be enjoyed by all due to its unique style and extensive entertainment value.
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Locke (2013)
18 June 2019
Locke is a realistic movie which is easy to relate too. Its a movie in a unusual format with just the one on screen actor at any time and theres very little going on other than the drama unravelling before your eyes. The moments in which you learn his story are told to a tee and Hardys performance is fantastic to say the least. Its a simple story and on paper it doesn't look very interesting so how its so captivating is really hard to describe other than its well made. Im not overly keen on the way he related to his father or the way the movie ended as it didn't seem satisfying enough, the movie deserved more however this is a very good drama which is hard to recommend to anyone unless they really appreciate film and how its made.
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Child's Play (1988)
Not for Kids
18 June 2019
Childs Play is where it all started and it hasn't particularly aged well. That said its still the best in the franchise to date. Although its a ridiculous concepts, credit where its due, its innovative and works well. Where its sequels grows stupid, theres a sort of discipline to the original and because of that its a more suspenseful horror as a result. I find it difficult to find it scary or menacing due to the cliched shots and humour but its definitely entertaining to watch as Chucky becomes the terminator towards the end.
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Casino Royale (2006)
Bonds back
18 June 2019
Casino Royale is a fantastic re-imagining of the bond franchise completely reviving it bringing more class and sophistication to the table. Daniel Craig is an epitome of that, taking James Bonds character forward with a more raw personality that is honest, arrogant and genuine. The story itself is suspenseful with its own twists and turns and has all that you expect from a traditional bond movie yet feeling completely fresh with less tacky gadgetry and more intelligence. The woman in bonds arm is this time a story of love and lost, a source for all anger and direction for the movies to come in the franchise. Overall its a fantastic watch, one you have to be in the mood to watch compared to the 007 of old which is more of a popcorn flick, a bold move in the right direction.
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Child's Play (1988)
Not for children
18 June 2019
So the Charles Lee Ray is back, however for a start it doesn't sit well with me how it follows on from the end of the first movie, Andy being in a foster home seems like an excuse for the films plot as there is no mention or sight of his loving mother who is totally fobbed off... yet we do get some more of the terminator like doll with a dirty mind, filthy language and a seriously bad hobby. Its all entertaining stuff though, Andy is back with a good performance and the foster home theme works well even if the Chucky reconstruction is another stupid and rushed idea. The climax is especially good and if your into this Chucky franchise this is one of the better movies even if the whole franchise feels like with some more creative minds could be a lot stronger.
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Four Lions (2010)
Worth the risk
18 June 2019
Four Lions is hands down one of the most controversial movies all time but also one of the funniest. Its a clever story which is undoubtedly risky in todays time yet Chris Morris goes somewhere no one else dared and it totally paid off. Ive watched this movie over again and it never fails to make me laugh. The characters are so utterly clumsy in there attempts to fulfil their destinies and much of the humour is from sheer idiocy and stupidness. Four Lions has some of the most memorable moments of any comedy, the type that you will use in conversation with friends and you'll be waiting for the next time you watch it. A mention needs to be made for how moderately tasteful this subject has be done, not completely but enough for you to think they tried.
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Disturbia (2007)
Likable Horror
18 June 2019
Disturbia is a very likeable horror movie which contains Shia LaBeoulf's best ever performance. Its a silly concept, but its original and although full of cliches the suspense is well built. Its a movie I've seen on a few occasions and still provides some solid entertainment. The ending does go back on itself in terms of potent slow build up but in another sense it does reach a dramatic climax which is quite satisfying. Its a tidy, smart and well acted affair which can be enjoyed by a wide audience.
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Project X (2012)
A giant music video
18 June 2019
Project X is more like a massive music video, the poor excuse of a storyline is tragic. You stuck with 3/4 extremely lame characters, one of which is super annoying and made me want to turn it off, then your told there pretty much unpopular and they host a party to change that status. So the first 45 mins pretty much plays out as a bad hash of Superbad before the movie actually gets interesting. A series of outstanding events occur which actually recapture a dwindling interest. I would say really that the found footage style worked pretty well for the concept but the movie does slightly insult your intelligence with stereotypical high school characters, nudity, drugs and drinking. Its not a great movie but i would say its shot differently, its fairly entertaining, the events which play out are funny in a ridiculous sort of way
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End of Watch (2012)
18 June 2019
End of Watch is tough to watch, its brutal, gruelling and in some places poorly edited. It plays almost like a police documentary as it captures the difficulty of the LA police officers role. It seems realistic and testing this is down to some excellent writing but more so to the fantastic acting. Its a very gritty drama, its heartfelt and convincing. I can't say it will be to everyones taste, I certainly feel its not one for a rewatch as its very blunt and energetic so much so that its so realistic that once is enough. I enjoyed it yet feel they made a mistake with the hand held camera, I understand that much of the realism was captured via this method but it is difficult to appreciate due to its shaky ness and almost amateurish nature.
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