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Emergence (2019–2020)
Pilot is.., interesting. Is this in order to get a seat at the Sci-Fi table?
26 September 2019
This is an interesting show. It manages to be Diverse enough to allow gate keeper approval, ("Swear allegiance to the flag; Whatever flag they offer"), while not being Woke enough to be a pointless exercise in culture war brain bludgeoning.

Writers and producers who try to aim themselves away from nihilism and toward the creation are worth giving a chance, but they do have a tendency towards awkwardness and being too 'precious' in their writing and production. Like Christian TV, where people are often play-acting at being good when really they're just virtue signaling over top of mechanical selves, or some variation of that (you don't have to be religious to be play acting and failing to integrate your dark side).

However, in this first episode, while there is some awkwardness present and while it comes close to making you want to cringe, it never actually crosses the line. I get the impression that the rough edges have more to do with regular production dynamics; it's hard to get all cylinders firing correctly; for a show to find its feet. For a pilot, this is actually quite solid. By the end, I was quite invested despite the paint-by-numbers story telling.

-The story itself is nothing new; is in fact a very common formula today, (wonder child escapes from mad scientist keepers; adventure and chase scenes ensue), is a common enough tale now that I have to wonder why. Myths don't pop up into public conscious for no reason. Because of this, and because it is well made enough and the characters interesting enough, I look forward to seeing more.

As well.., it might mean nothing, but the little girl looks like a young Tim Pool. -And she's not the first.\

**************Update Oct 16

After watching subsequent episodes, the cringe factor became too much for me to bear. I'm out.

While the Woke Quotient remained faithfully out of the red zone, the level of ignorance regarding social, professional and technological reality in every form became aggravating beyond my ability to sit through. You can only palm your face so many times before deciding you've had enough.

Episode 2 offers shallow, silly scripting by people who don't appear to carry any insight into anything beyond the minimal basics required to get through an uninteresting and average person's day. Their imagined projections of what police do, of what bad guys do, of how physics work are banal and wrong. You can't convincingly make something seem extraordinary if you don't know the first thing about what ordinary looks like. (Though, we do see that care was taken to depict the main character responsibly using a strong box safe to store her sidearm in her house. Several times. The writers deemed *that* item important to merit research. Perhaps if they had invested the same level of energy into researching all the other important parts of the story rather than just their pet political signals, the story world as a whole would have been far more engaging).

The problem is I think because "Woke" culture requires the real-time editing out of unacceptable truths from reality, the elements of awareness needed for channeling creative energies also takes a hit. The result is that the authors can't detect the difference between good script and bad script. But that's just a theory.

Anyway, I'm reducing my star rating from an original 7/10 based on a promising pilot to a 5/10, and I'll also offer a prediction that there will be no season 2 -AND that nobody will read these reviews in a year because "Emergence" will have by then been thoroughly forgotten.
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First Man (2018)
Worse than just grim; This was a social engineering proof. A Snowflake film.
24 June 2019
This was made by frightened, weak people overwhelmed by life. This is how they see things? Good god!

It was shot like a horror film!

Every scene was focused from the perspective of fear and trepidation. Our hero is boarding Gemini! They will launch into space! Oh my! The *true* test pilot's mind is alert, sharp, keeping adrenaline balanced with clarity is the challenge. This is the adventure of a lifetime. He is part of an epic, proud journey! He helped design the craft he is going up in!

But no.., the film maker decided to focus on Neil's expression of anxiety, directing the actor to cast about with wide eyes like a timid rabbit, awed by the rocking lights and the rumbles and all the mysterious big things. What a crock!

What kind of loser made this mockery of masculinity?

This film is a soy-infused failure.

The only good thing about First Man were the high production values in everything else; the set designs and visuals looked genuine and real. But the story vision was unbelievable garbage which utterly failed to do justice to our heroes and grand visions -which were quite real, coming from a time when people had more strength and joy and motivation. Ask an older person who was there. I had the honor of meeting a 90 year-old rocket engineer who worked on the various NASA projects during those heady years. His eyes still sparkle as he described it.

This awful film made by fools or liars or cowards or all three.
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
Get past the first couple of episodes and it's GREAT!
12 March 2019
It had a rough start, no mustache and choppy pacing. The new Magnum P.I. was hard to look at without wincing as it tried to fill Tom Selleck's big sandals on the shores of the beloved 80's adventure series. I think many viewers may have walked away before giving it a fair shake.

As it turns out...

The series found its pacing and its heart, discarding what didn't work and firming up what does, though it took about three or four episodes to get there.

In today's weird era of so-called "Toxic Masculinity" on trial in the court of public opinion, it's hard to find entertainment media which pays homage to strong men. Tough, kind, noble and competent, the characters provide a welcome, politics-free alternative to so much sappy, divisive activist writing in the age of the 'woke'.

Once it found its feet, each episode makes its foundation on the values of friendship, loyalty and Doing the Right Thing. -Coming close but skillfully managing to never quite cross the line into kitsch hokiness, the new Magnum P.I. eschews the cynicism, darkness and the downright mean and bitter characters seen everywhere else in popular fiction today to tell engaging stories filled with charm, easy chemistry and competently written adventure.

In particular, Perdita Weeks' version of Higgins has been a surprising treat. At the outset, I'd have bet against the newcomer displacing the beloved, rotund Brit of the 80's cast and the brand of antagonistic camaraderie he brought to Magnum's life. However, Weeks provides viewers with the equally charismatic and quirky Juliett Higgins, and the writers have allowed the natural chemistry between her and Magnum to evolve into something new and engaging, with even a hint of romance teasing the surface. Her scenes are always a highlight in any given episode.

As well, the character of police detective Gordon Katsumoto has been a welcome addition to the story world. Stoic, unfailingly honest and resistant to Magnum's chummy appeal, he has become one of my favorite recurring characters.

Fast cars, beautiful Hawaiian backdrops and charming, down to earth characters who operate from a default setting of kindness, respect and good intention, I look forward each week now to visiting Magnum P.I.'s Hawaii.

If you gave up on it early, (as I nearly did) I strongly recommend giving the Magnum P.I. reboot another shot. You won't be disappointed!
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Runaways (2017–2019)
Well written, but hateful, mean-spirited, unforgiving characters.
27 December 2018
While not suffering from the full-on SJW infection common in media and comics these days, the strong progressive liberal bias in this show is nonetheless having its nasty little effect; the kind which sees 'friends' acting horribly, JUST HORRIBLY toward one another!

Constantly giving each other flak and little knife-twisty criticisms, lying to each other, being mean and dramatic and hyper-critical of each other. Faux "Tribal Love" which is forced and totally absent of that quality vital to REAL friendship: Genuine Admiration and Love and Respect, gentle hero-worship of the people you call friends! -And not just mindless and fake emotional validation, but including of honest criticism when needed.

These characters call each other friends merely, it seems, because they find themselves thrown together by fate. Gross.

I've experienced both versions of this kind of tribe. For some reason the so-called Liberal types who believe that they embody the best of human qualities, tend to in truth be cruel and hateful and hyper-critical of one another. Picking at each other's flaws and slow to accept apologies; it's impossible to relax around such people. REAL friends are those you retreat to, share your travails with, who energize and embolden you for when you go out into the world again. They forgive easily and they have your back, and they trust that you offer the same, (which you do, you DO!), and you don't have to constantly keep your guard up knowing that if you make one small error, you will be attacked for it.

These kids are not nice people. The story does deal with this fact and in a way this provides a lesson the viewer might find useful in his or her own journey toward self-awareness. But for everybody else? It's just grueling and unpleasant.

The sad thing is that if you grew up surrounded by such people, then how would you even know what a real friend is? You probably wouldn't. I'm guessing that the people who wrote and produced this nasty little show have never experienced real friends in their lives.
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Impulse (2018–2019)
Well produced, well acted. Written by sleepers.
8 June 2018
I managed one episode.

A stereotypical attempted rape by the popular high school athletics star? -And accompanied at the end, I kid you not, by a sex assault hotline number, because it's all Oh So Serious in that after school special, TV Lesson kind of way.

Ugh. Please, just stop it.

That's not reality. That's not helpful. -That's a projected fear, a caricature, an archetype echo-chambered by exactly the sort of people who are the least able to know anything at all about it; people who went through high school with their heads down and watched TV and played video games rather than engaging in reality. Seriously; the people who write for TV, and THIS kind of escapist TV in particular, were *not* the sort of kids who had anything approaching the kinds of lives they are now trying (and failing) to write. -And not because of the super-powers thing.

So please, do stop it with these hokey, lurid projections. That's not how school is or was. People are infinitely more interesting and nuanced and humane (and scary as well, but for entirely different reasons) than these nonsense tropes.
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Could have been great. Greed and cowardice make a wonderful book into a forgetable film
4 April 2018
I wanted to see a digitally rendered Molly Ringwald and Matthew Broderick! It would have been the only place where their being digital renders wouldn't have mattered so much, since it was all taking place in the Oasis.

No AtAt's or X-Wings? No RUSH? I wanted to see the inside of the Blade Runner world and that little replicant testing machine! I wanted to see D&D and Joust!

We got what..? The Iron Giant and a bunch of cheap B-Side pop culture references. You could smell the compromise.

They had a budget for licensing and all the greed-bots got greedy. Imagine how much fun this film could have been if everybody had just kicked in and said, "Go for it! Let's make something spectacular! Let's celebrate our medium!"

Instead we not only got a bunch of budget licenses, (obviously with strict limits on the number of tenth-of-seconds of screen time they could be used), and a dumbed down story for general admission, because the demographic which had actually lived and loved in the 80's sure isn't going to be paying to see *this* twice.

All around, a smart economic decision.

"The film won't make the people happy it's supposed to make happy, so let's just make a general film for kids and hope we make our money back. Which we wont."
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Ahhh. That was nice.
11 February 2015
I really enjoyed this film.

I wasn't an indie band fan when I was a kid, and I never lived in NYC, and gay culture wasn't nearly so commonly accepted in the 80's, but I definitely remember one or two nights like Nick & Norah's. -That is, being shy and confused and alive and in love and following a bizarre series of events with little meaning until dawn, doing stupid things with friends because I had the energy and, 'it felt right at the time'. -I remember euphoric madness warring with the pull to be adult and responsible. This film captured that well, I thought.

I feel like I knew those people.

Yes, yes, yes, this film *was* filled with cliché. Real life has more subtleties and layers, and with smart people it also contains a meta-awareness, a self-observation. But I think this film WAS the meta-awareness and self-observation. -It had a need to pull a bunch of brief and random treasures together into a 90 minute narrative. (Treasures like sidewalk gawkers cheering when the car door was unlocked; Observations likely collected from genuine experiences). I can forgive a bit of contrivance to get that job done, especially when the treasures were sweet and the contrivances were smooth and earnestly performed.

But here's a strange thing: I notice that this film has touched more than one nerve or two; there are some very strong reactions in the reviews for this movie which don't seem to stem from legitimate literary criticisms, but rather something more personal. -Which seems odd, given that nothing terribly intense happened. With the exception of a couple of garden-variety selfish jerks, the characters were quite harmless and kind.

Anyway, I'd give this film a chance. It may strike a chord with you, as it did with me. If it doesn't, well.., just stop watching.
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Hindsight (2015)
"Being Erica", but glammed up and flighty.
15 January 2015
This is a well-produced piece of shiny nonsense.

Sorry. I know there are jobs at stake in TV production land, but if you're involved with this project, you're making narcissistic brain candy and should perhaps take a moment to consider seeking more fulfilling employment.

Because while I love time travel stories, this one is tailor-made for nitwits. If it goes long, you will be dedicating several years of your life to increasing the net stupidity of American culture.

Clearly, the Canadian show "Being Erica" upon which "Hindsight" was modeled, was carefully watched by the executives. Anybody familiar with the former will immediately notice all the similarities and character archetypes. Everything from the coffee-getter publishing job, the overbearing gayish boss, the irresponsible drinking buddy girlfriend, the troubled but beloved brother, the mysterious time doctor type.., and yet, it was the pointless surface patterns which were borrowed by the producers here, while all of the insight and cleverness of "Being Erica" has been binned. -Either deliberately because "Hindsight" is targeting idiots, or through sheer foolishness because whoever is in charge simply doesn't get it.

My main gripe: The main character, Becca, is mentally in her early 40's but has little to show for that much living. She still acts like an impulsive child-woman. She is in fact not at all out of place in the world of 23 year-olds. -Petty, spoiled American Princess 23 year-olds, to be clear. There are a precious few flashes of maturity spotted here and there, but they feel shallow and deliberately inserted because, "She'd know stuff, right?"

Where "Being Erica" focused on improving one's life through personal, guided introspection and experimentation, (based on a blend of therapeutic behavioral psychology and various enlightened philosophies), this show appears to have no point whatsoever.

What purpose is there in magically giving a second chance to this character? And come to think of it... What need for a second chance did Becca even have? Where "Being Erica" begins with the main character waking up in a hospital ward after having hit rock bottom, Becca...

-In the present, Becca has no material needs, she's got a good job she's worked her way up the ranks of... Money, success, health (and 23 year-old looks, apparently) and a worthy partner who loves her. The big problem she faces appears to be that she just doesn't feel that Lovin' Feelin' quite enough when she's with her husband to be.

News Flash lady: You can fix that. Don't marry him. You've got endless life advantages most Americans can only dream of at your disposal and the world stretching out in front of you. The only thing you are apparently missing is a brain.

And while that could easily serve as the center point around which to revolve this story, I can't see any hope of this time travel excursion having been set into action as an attempt to address that deficit. Self-actualization and spiritual growth don't appear to be on the menu.

It's a poor little princess tale with no lessons in the offing and a bunch of unsatisfying iPhone jokes.

If you'd like to watch something which doesn't make you want to bark at the main characters, "Being Erica" is the opposite pill in every way; fun, uplifting, charming and smart.

I gave "Hindsight" a 4/10 because it at least *looks* pretty and the acting, editing and story structure are competent for what it is.
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