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24 Hour Rental (2014– )
Unique TV Satire
21 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
24 Hour Rental is worth checking out. Maybe it was the mood, but it was very funny the episodes I've seen. I would definitely not be watching this with my kids so it's great that it's on demand.

I really liked the character Ace. Loved his track suits and flip flops. My fave episode though is def the robbery - loved the masks. Porno one is pretty funny too. To make an avante-garde Shakespeare inspired porno is awesome. Some of the series gets dark for me, but I like how there is always an up bit of humour. Like the characters and felt that they are both likable and loathsome at the same time.

Fun to watch.
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Outlander (2014– )
Holy Steamy
20 April 2015
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Wow! This series, I expected to watch it and enjoy. I have read all of the Gabaldan books and thought there is no way that anyone could pull off the love story between Jamie and Claire. When the casting news came out I thought - not sure about the choices of Heughnan and Balfe. I was wrong.

Heughnan and Balfe are Jamie and Claire and when I look back on the books, I visualize these actors in the roles. They have done a fantastic job bringing these characters to life. The chemistry between the two is incredible and I would go so far to say this is one of the steamiest series on TV and maybe a little hot.

Can't wait to see how long this runs for and if we will see Claire and Jamie's journey to France and America.
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Atonement (2007)
Butchered ending to an otherwise outstanding movie
20 April 2015
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First this would have got at least another a point in rating if the screenplay had not have been screwed up at the end! Fairly true to the novel except for the gross butchering of the story at the end which had a subtle way of illustrating Briony's atonement and the enormity of loss at her birthday celebration and the eventual presentation of 'The Trials of Arabella'.

This was so poignant in the novel and the eventual breakdown of her cousin, was lost and omitted in the movie. Equally I felt the interview, which served entirely for the purpose of exposition was cheap and lacking. Great performance by Vanessa Redgrave yes, but could this not have been written to include the poetic implications that Ian McEwan first transcribed, albeit though a slight rip off of Sonnet 18.

The cinematography, provided a majestic look at landscape - even during the war. The movement shots, much like Pride and Prejudice were impressive, especially in the scene at Dunkirk, which emphasized Robbie's disorientation. Nice film, just disappointed with the last 10 mins.
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I wanted to love this movie
20 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I forgot what a great character Hagar Shipley is and was reminded of two things - one that this has to be in Canada's top ten for books and two, why a fab book should never be made into a movie.

The audience was smashed over the head with repetitive motifs that reminded me of an after school special rather than the subtle way the book imposed. Burstyn's performance was excellent but the point where she confronts her son John's girlfriend over the dishes - was the weakest part of the film. The performances felt off here. Not sure maybe some stuff was cut out that we didn't get to see. Great cast mostly - great characters - great story and yet sadly an average film.

The story is great and the lead was great, I just wanted so much more from this movie than was delivered. My expectations from a great book may be hampering my objectivity here, but I felt that this one could have been better.
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Sicko (2007)
20 April 2015
Overall, I was not all that impressed with Sicko but I was definitely saddened by many of the stories along the way. The major problem is that the film misrepresents healthcare in other countries. England does have a two tiered system and it might be a point to mention somewhere in the doco! Furthermore I couldn't help but think as Moore ranted about health care problems in a western world - this almost seems like a luxury - what about all the countries in the world that don't.

I was distracted by much of the camera work. Some of the movement and out of focus shots felt staged to remind us that this is a doco.... and supposed to look on the fly not a cinematic experience. But sure, Sicko does make you reflect on how lucky we are to even have the healthcare debate.
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Jindabyne (2006)
Aussie Gem
20 April 2015
An Aussie gem that contrasts heavily dark thematic undertones with the serenely quiet seeming landscape. For movie that has little to do with murder, and more to do with the emotionally strained relationships of the characters within, it is impressive that the filmmakers/screenwriter was able to capture this tension with the minimal use of dialogue.

Action was character driven and thought provoking - brilliantly performed. The takes are long in most cases and I can see why some people find this movie slow, but the effect of these longer takes is that it enables a poetic tension to build and allows for performance to take over. In a cinematic world where we are used to rapid cutting, witty fast-paced dialogue and over-used movement shots, it is reassuring to see a film that is successful at achieving an engaging story through employing simplicity.
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Pushing Daisies (2007–2009)
Miss this series
20 April 2015
This was probably one of the better series on network TV. Visually it was stunning. Everything about the world created in Pushing Daisies had a fantastical feel to it. Everything was brighter and had a perfect feel.

The concept was brilliant. You have a love story between two characters that can never touch. The conflict that arises from this is great. Lee Pace and Anna Friel are strong on their own, but together they had chemistry and were able to successfully pull off the love story. The supporting characters were also quirky and endearing. Superb casting.

Such a shame that this series got canceled, it is one that I would be still watching if not axed.
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Wanted (2008)
Entertaining, escapist, action film.
20 April 2015
Fab! Entertaining - great music. For people who level the 'unrealistic' criticism and Matrix comparison - sigh - was The Matrix really realistic???? Isn't it realistic to wake-up and become an assassin the next day after a few weeks of heavy duty training/wax healing? It seems illogical to expect this film to be realistic and if you don't think about the plausibility of shooting backwards - upside down, bending bullets etc - I would recommend this film.

But yeah - The effects were fun and it was a great example of an entertaining escapist film. One I might even go see again. This is a fast paced movie, with decent story and decent performances. Well suited to the genre it represents.
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Once (I) (2007)
Realistic love story
20 April 2015
Brilliant - a movie that finally emotionally connects. It screams feeling and conveys a realistic love story that isn't saccharin or insincere. Photography is intimate and the lighting is entirely motivational providing a naturalistic look to the film that at times is very dark, but works really well. Soundtrack fits and enhances the passionate undertones. A must see film and reminds me why I fell in love with Dublin the first time!

Once is a movie that you can see more than once and not lose interest. Great musical score that helped propel story. I found characters believable and engaging. Solid movie and am now looking forward to seeing the musical, but am not sure that it will hold the same allure as the film.
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Enjoyable movie
20 April 2015
Gorgeous. A really easy movie to relate to, and especially if you watched someone you love die - it is more than just a little sad. When I first saw this I watched it in the cinema, and would have preferred to screen at home as it was too much of a tear-jerker for my preference and so I found myself grabbing at my popcorn more to pull out of the film, than I probably would have, were I to watch this at home. The acting was engaging and at times even provoking.Cinematically, the stylized contrasts b/w past and present worked nicely where the rich saturated memories; though at times not favourable; certainly held the vivacity of life, contrasting with the darker days of the present. Worth checking out. Makes me want to read the memoir.
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Premonition (I) (2007)
Skip it.
20 April 2015
Don't waste your time! In fact I think I may be overly generous with half a star. If, however, you are a film maker and are interested in how terrible a film can be with lousy cutting, flat performance, continuity errors, sloppy camera work and poor storyline - look no further this surely is the one! This story had great promise - at least I thought it did from the trailer, decent cast, a good hook to bring in audiences, yet it failed story wise. Not a lot can be done with it when the story just fell apart. The mystery and suspense of this movie was not generated in any shape or form from the story, but rather the from the confusion of what is going on.
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Argo (2012)
Entertaining, but not riveting
20 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Great film. Disappointed though by historical inaccuracies at the expense of others reputations. The Brits did not turn away the Americans and the Kiwis even helped drive the Americans to the Airport. The Canadian role was far more involved in reality. The real life participants of this adventure, have clarified story variance from truth - even the Americans were disappointed on how some story points didn't honor those that saved their lives. I get how the climax had to hold Hollywood excitement and thriller pace. Just disappointed that real heroes not only not honored, but in some cases maligned and lesser heroic involvement was exalted falsely! Not The Last King of Scotland...
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Paranoid Park (2007)
Too long and too 'real' for me.
20 April 2015
This neo-realistic movie aggravated more that entertained. Some interesting parts, some pretentious, and some unfortunately irritating. For me, it could have been condensed into 30mins. The acting, was varied, though sometimes beyond atrocious, and if voice overs that sound like they are being read for the first time off a script is actually a new interpretation of neo-realism, I hope it is a passing trend. The cinematography at times exceptional and at other times, baffling. I actually forgot that Christopher Doyle was the cinematographer of this movie, and his signature slow motion though lovely in Wong Kar Wai films, did not maximize their effect and at times were even overused, if not entirely inappropriate. Perhaps more annoying, however, were the dolly shots of Alex walking down the corridor at school. These shots were in and out of focus, and whilst obviously an effect, failed to realize as it appeared as simply primes without measurement, lack of compensation for lighting and movement. I guess with many Gus Van Sant films, it is love or hate - well I did not love this one this time around.
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Inconsistent but OK
20 April 2015
Thought parts of this film outstanding. I wasn't enamoured by all the casting. Some offered great marquee value, but mediocre vocal value. Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway and actress playing Epinome were brilliant. For a musical to be turned into a film, this was one of the better one's I've seen, but still prefer this one live. Nothing beats seeing the volume of live singers on stage singing One More Day and Do You Hear the People Sing. The film can't capture close to this. Aside from that stylistically, I disliked the number of close ups and found the fact that they went in and out of focus as the performer moved singing irritating. Really pulled me out of the film.
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