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Dinosaur 13 (2014)
5 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler ALERT!!! This movie is surprisingly stupid. The creator of this film is trying to show the government treading on a paleontologist discovery. But what I notice is 4 to 5 college educated people, who are not poor, educated people who also lived through the Reagan era of Reaganomics and free market capitalism ideals, decide to trust the land owner over digging up dinosaur bones on his land with $5000, no contract, and a hand shake. THAT WAS STUPID. Because when the landowner found out what was the real worth of "Sue" was he doubled back on the deal and tried to claim it as his own. The best part is that the landowner is on video agreeing to the terms and accepting a check for $5000. The landowner won the case and over 7 million dollars after auctioning "Sue'. I'm sure he had signed contracts when he auctioned her off too, not just a handshake. Final footnote, Native Americans also had a claim to "Sue" but of course the courts said they had no claim even though they had contracts with the Dept of Interior in South Dakota stating nothing will be sold off the land without the permission of the Sioux tribe people who lived there. This right was not recognized by the court. So this documentary in a nutshell is about a landowner on stolen land, stealing a dinosaur find from paleontologists, on stolen land, with the help of the National Guard but more importantly with the help of the biggest thieves ever, McDonalds and Disney. The moral of the story kids, is always get signed contracts not handshakes.
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