
30 Reviews
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The Acolyte (2024– )
7 June 2024
Firstly the below 5 reviews are a joke. These people need locking in a room, with the original Star Wars movies on continuous loop, and never let out. I take it for what it is, a story involving Jedi's and that is where the connection to Star Wars ends, well, as far as first 2 episodes go.

I'm not one for knit picking at every tiny flaw, like the bad reviews on here. I enjoyed the first 2 episodes and will watch the rest. For me the storyline is fine. The action and visual effects are excellent, as you would expect.

Just enjoy it as a one off story and stop being an " it's not Star wars sob sob sob" crybaby.
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The Father (I) (2020)
6 June 2024
Firstly, this is not the type of film I normally watch. I'm so glad I did. The acting is brilliant. Sir Anthony Hopkins is just amazing. He goes through all the range from funny/happy to angry and sad. It's so thought provoking and also very upsetting.

As a single man living alone, it really hit home as to what could be around the corner. But, I suppose you have to live every day as it comes.

The writing is superb as characters and actors interchange, to show what dementia must feel like. Also how it's probably more difficult for loved ones than the person affected.

It's a film I won't forget for many reasons.
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A more honest rating
21 April 2024
How can anyone give this a rating of 1/2? OK it is nothing like the book or film but nonetheless it is an enjoyable watch.

Very good production, acting and special effects.

When I see 1 or 10 ratings on here I just ignore them. One actually admits they didn't finish the first episode then puts they don't recommend this movie, duh! Another has watched all the episodes in 2 days then rates it 1. Why would you watch it all if it's that bad?

There is too much of ticking all the social, racial and gender boxes but that's the same with almost every production these days.

Take it for what it is and enjoy.
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Passenger (2024– )
Good until the end.
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this over a few days. A bit slow paced but a great cast and acting was excellent. As with so many of these series you wonder where it's going and, in this case, was no wiser at the end. I goes all over the place and you don't get any sort of idea what's going on until the last episode.

The last episode? What a let down. Trying to cram umpteen character endings into 45 minutes just doesn't work. The final 10 minutes are just a complete mess. We end up not knowing what happens to anyone. The writers need a genuine word with themselves. This modern way of trying to have clever endings that almost always fall short. Such a shame.
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Poor Things (2023)
What the hell?
27 February 2024
I can't believe what I have just watched. When you see a rating of 8+ you assume it would be excellent. Filling a film with excellent actors doesn't stop a load of rubbish being a load of rubbish. I call it "The Kings New Clothes" syndrome. The people giving this above 5 need serious psychiatric help. I'm sure they are the same people who think a pile of bricks is great art.

It is stupid, weird and pointless from start to finish. I accept the acting is good, but that is where the positives stop.

I can't believe I've wasted over 2 hours of my life. I carried on watching because I was waiting for the sudden change in quality.

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Oh dear!!
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lucas Till, Don Johnson etc. It has to be a decent movie, right? WRONG!!!

They must have spent the budget on actors wages.

Horrendous fight scenes, so badly staged it's untrue. The dialogue is so bad it makes the best of actors look poor.

A front door is axed through, that is so thin you could break it in with a feather. The guns sound like the toy cap guns I had as a kid.

I'm sure the actors would have hanged their heads in shame, once they'd seen the end result. It's the sort of trash that could end careers.

Don't waste your time unless you want to see how not to make an action movie.

Should have been left on the cutting room floor.
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You can't be serious?
8 June 2023
How can Eli Roth be allowed to get away with this rubbish?

First he tries to tell us they are true stories. Where's the physical evidence?

Then that this, so called, Legion of Exorcists are Bishops, Reverends etc. They are actors, look at the credits.

Sadly there are a lot of people who believe this rubbish and making fictional programmes and try to pass it off as real, is dangerous.

The acting is atrocious. The stories weak.

The only positive is I had a really good laugh watching it, even though I'm sure I'm not supposed to.

I don't think Eli Roth does his reputation any good with these repeated poor quality fictional programmes.
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5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So 200 years after Ripley kills herself, it's 2381. Still old fashioned looking weapons. People chain smoking cigarettes. A guy polishing old black leather army boots. I could go on. Really?

Too many close ups. Weak story.

But, it still has all the things people love about this series of films. Makes you jump. A great alien and special effects. The same group of shouting misfits with the female who can do it better than the men.

For me, Aliens is by far the best of the 4 films, but this is a watchable 6 out of 10.

Just amazed they haven't made a TV series yet, they have with most other films from this era.
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Far fetched
4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First you have to accept the plot is impossible. The shroud has been carbon dated to between 1260 and 1390 AD, so not Jesus.

The opening scene is impressive but sadly the rest of the film does not maintain this level. It's unintentionally funny in places. The soundtrack just spoils it for me. It doesn't fit the movies concept in any way.

Nothing wrong with the acting.

The climax, if you can call it that, is poor.

I've seen a lot worse, because boy are there some bad films being produced. It's worth a look if you've nothing better to do.

I'm sure the bible bashers will like it.

So I give it an average 5 out of 10.
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Citadel: The Human Enigma (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
I do despair at some reviews
29 April 2023
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I do wonder if some people have watched the same programme as me?

The start is full of energy. People saying it's not believable, well we been watching, and enjoying unbelievable for decades, from Bond to Mission Impossible etc.

It is exactly these type of 1 episode reviews that is getting highly enjoyable, entertaining series cancelled after 1 season. Leaving us all with no conclusions to storylines.

I found the first episode entertaining, full of energy and action, leaving me wanting more. Excellent acting and let's be honest, anything with Stanley Tucci is worth a watch.
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Starstruck (2022–2023)
So bad it's funny
18 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Those of you who remember Stars In Their Eyes will remember how cringe worthy that was. We'll Starstruck takes it to another level. Take 3 people who look nothing like the star they're supposed to be and transform them into looking nothing like the star they're supposed to be. Robbie Williams and Justin Bieber should sue. Not only that the vast majority sound nothing like them either. The judges try their best to drag the show out of the cesspit it belongs but fail. Stick to singing at the local pubs karaoke night.

If you want a good laugh then keep watching.

Maybe they'll bring 3 horses on and turn them into crocodiles.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
What was the point?
15 February 2023
I think I need to stop judging my watchlist on the crazy ratings on IMDb. I've wasted almost 2 hours of my life on a pile of unadulterated manure. Pointless is the first thing that comes to mind. Meaningless the second. Probably the name Cronenberg has something to do with the ratings, but he is not his father, although a lot of his films should have stayed on the cutting room floor.

For me it's another example of The King's New Clothes mentality. A few arty farty critics rate it and everyone else jumps on the ship. I wish I'd jumped ship after 20 minutes. Nothing wrong with the acting is the only decent thing I can say.
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Willow (2022–2023)
5 December 2022
I really think this is an excellent example of why you should leave well alone. Weak storyline, some poor acting. I have a cricket bat less wooden than Warwick Davis (cricket bats are made of willow).

It's like he's reading all his lines from a card.

Fair enough only two episodes in, but I just don't see it improving, but we can only hope. It's a good job Disney have The Marvel Universe to stop the channel being a total waste of money.

I will give it another two episodes and then bin it, if there's no improvement. How about these companies try investing in something new and original instead of feeding us these lazy revamps.
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28 Days Haunted (2022– )
It was me who wanted to Get Out!
4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The thing that worries me is there are people who actually believe this bs.

The only good thing is it's so bad it's hilarious. The so called paranormal investigators and psychics are so false it's untrue. They won't win any acting awards, that's for sure.

It starts by telling us they know nothing about the locations they're being locked away in for 28 days. Pull the other one. In each place they are so uncannily accurate it's laughable. If you're going to fake it get a few things wrong. If anyone was on the fence about whether this sort of thing was real, watch this and you will realise it isn't.

Please Netflix no more. I don't give you my money for you to produce this drivel.
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25 August 2022
What the hell were Marvel thinking. So many fantastic films and TV series and then this. It's just terrible. Not funny, not exciting, not anything. The transformation into a green female bodybuilder is awful. Whoever had this idea needs firing.
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Hilariously bad
11 April 2022
It's like the 50th film in the Amityville series done really badly. The so called investigators calling everything creepy, from a painting on the wall, of the building they are in to an old truncheon. Good luck to them all, they will make a few dollars out of it.
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Not as good as first two but still enjoyable
9 February 2022
Firstly for one reviewer to give 2 and state "easily one of the 10 worst movies ever made" is ludicrous. I think there are over 1 million films listed on the database and I would guess at least 900,000 are worse than this one. I found it well shot and entertaining. Well worth a watch.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
True to life
24 December 2021
What a wonderful way to show what, anyone with a brain should already know. Meryl Streep as the female Trump is brilliant. Look around the world and see the vast majority of world leaders are interested in one thing, power and wealth. Nothing can get in the way of them maintaining their power. From denying the existence of global warming, COVID or inciting the storming of The Capital Building. Yet we all support these evil idiots in one way or another. Hence the world is truly doomed. Merry Christmas.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
14 December 2021
Just fantastic. The best series ever. Thank you Netflix. Without them we would have missed, what has been an incredible ride. Truly thrilling from start to finish. I am really going to miss this.
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
Ignore the scientists at your peril
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To the idiot who wrote the message of the film is to not have the COVID vaccine, please take the suicide pill. For me it's about how privileged people are not interested in saving the planet only in their own power and maintaining there status. That's why, while ever countries are run by the privileged the planet is doomed.
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Death Link (2021)
Don't waste your time
30 November 2021
So bad it's hard to explain. Plot we've seen a thousand times. Terrible acting. Adam Garcia is plain awful. I guessed the end twist after 5 minutes. 90 minutes of my life I will never get back.
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Totally one sided account
3 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a shame. Totally one sided use of supposed AI lie detection software. Builds to final episode where you think they are going to use the software on The President's speaches, government and army officials all saying it was a weather balloon, nothing of the sort. A total load of rubbish. Watch it if you want to believe.
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Shame about the ending
23 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great low budget movie. Builds up the suspense then spend £4 on make-up for a disappointing ending. Wrong Turn rip off at end. Such a shame, but definitely worth watching.
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Knifecorp (2021)
Just poor
13 July 2021
Watching this film, I realise why Kane Hodder never got speaking parts. Lame plot, terrible acting. How anybody dare compare to Fear Street is beyond me. You can see he tries to do Jason like kills but it just fails totally.
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It's called fiction
28 March 2021
To all the people attacking this series for lack of historical accuracy or against woke, IT'S FICTION. Sherlock Holmes and Watson were not real. For what it is I enjoyed it. Not great, not bad.

If you want to get upset try the new Anne Boleyn drama. Now she definitely wasn't black. This is where things have gone mad.
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