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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
No Content, No Well-Written Story, No Character Development, Just "Wokeness"
13 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting a series to rival that of the original 1959 show. A show in present time that could rival the writing of Breaking Bad and Black Mirror, but I guess I expected too much. Most if not all the story start out with a great premise but usually halfway through they mess it up by introducing a new plot twist or by making the ending predictable. Take "A Traveler," it started out great, I really liked the talk between the indigenous Inuit police woman and her relative, about why she shouldn't forget her culture just to fit in with her coworkers. As a minority I felt that, it felt real and had something to say, but it didn't feel forced at all. But guess what, they couldn't go deeper into that, they just had to switch into some sort of alien fake news metaphorical analogy which did in fact feel forced and shoved down my throat, I came to see a touching story, not a political commentary about America in the form of a metaphor.

What I am trying to say is that the writers of Twilight Zone can't focus on one thing, they end it with cheap plot twists, obvious political metaphors, add in too many different aspects then abandon them, or they have poor writing.
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Control (2007)
Not As I Imagined It While Reading Deborah's Book
3 September 2019
Having just finished the book I decided to check out the movie. ( was thoroughly disappointed. I was expecting a grandiose film capturing the emotions of confusion, sadness, and helplessness throughout the second half of the video when things start going downhill for Deborah and Ian's marriage after he encounters Annik, but it felt rushed and slightly comical at times. None of it felt sincere it at all, the movie didn't immerse me into the myth that Tony WIlson and Ian built for the small but impactful time Joy Division was active. Such a shame, I was expecting a movie that truly captures the reason why people love Joy Division so much. Not only that, but they didn't even get the first TV appearance of Joy Division correctly, they played Transmission instead of Shadowplay.

Save yourself some money and buy Deborah's book instead, it's the closest you'll ever come to knowing how things actually went down, and with great detail and sadness, as seen from the perspective of the one who understood Ian the most.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
The Potential Closed At Zero
20 May 2019
With the end of Game of Thrones the TV series will go down as one of the most disappointing ending of any TV show. In 8 years I was expecting a grandiose ending to the series, one that would set the bar so high for any fantasy story, it would make anything come after it look mediocre, but instead it went so low that I would have preferred if season 8 never happened at all. Having nothing would have at least given the audience the ability to dream on and hope for a proper ending, now that choice is gone.
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The Twilight Zone: A Traveler (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
19 April 2019
There are many things I liked about this episode, the conversation of culture alienation between Christmas and the traditions of the Inuit people, the great choice and timing of the music which strengthens each scene, and the great acting of Steven Yeun, Marika Silva, and Greg Kinnear. It was all executed well until a certain point was reached, then the narrative changed. It's like the story did a 90 degree turn just for the sake of being unexpected. All the suspense that was built up within the last 30-40 minutes just vanished, then by the time the ending arrived it left me feeling disappointed more than shocked or confused.
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The Filthy Frank Show (2011–2017)
Ahead of its time, a series that defines the current era
30 December 2016
The Filthy Frank show is a series that is similar to the television program Adult Swim, but is laid out in a more relevant modern world. The first two seasons of The Filthy Frank Show stars Filthy Frank (George Miller), a person who rants about things he hates such as: Hipsters, High School, Social Networks, and Spanish.

It is not until Season 3 when The Filthy Frank Show makes a breakthrough in mainstream media with the creation of the episode "DO The Harlem Shake". Immediately "Do The Harlem Shake" was met with overwhelmingly positive reviews from the audience. TV critics have called the episode as "One of the most defining video of 2013" and "a massive influential pop cultural phenomenon."

With the rise in popularity of The Filthy Frank show, George Miller decided to switch TV program from DizastaMusic to the heavily acclaimed TV Filthy Frank.

In season 4 and 5, George(Joji) has upped his production budget and has casted more guest appearances such as Dade, Prometheus, and Mr Negi Generation 3000 (The Roast Lord).

This series is a MUST WATCH as it defines the current generation of memes and topics.
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Magical Girl (2014)
A movie that strongly impacts the emotion
24 August 2016
This is my first review, it'll be quick and to the point.

There has never been a movie that has changed my emotion and played with my mind and I congratulate the director/writer "Carlos Vermunt" for doing so.

First of all the thing I really love about this movie is how almost every scene is empty in terms of colors. Almost every wall, clothes, and lighting is sort of pale which gives the movie a sort of dark/empty feel to it.

Nothing could have prepared me for this movie, emotionally speaking.I give this a 7 due to my personal feelings of the climax, you may love it or you may hate it based on how it all ends. Needless to say, this movie is art.
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