46 Reviews
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The Butler (I) (2013)
Better Than Expected
3 October 2018
This was a film I was very surprised with and showed how far the rights for black people has come throughout the movie and suffering in which they still suffered through. I didn't really know anything before this film before giving it a watch but this is something which did interest me a lot more than I had expected.
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Show Dogs (2018)
Made Me Laugh
2 October 2018
I wanted to see this when it was in the cinema however missing the opportunity I finally gave it a watch and I am so glad I did. This film made me go awe at the panda and some of the dogs and also laugh because of the dogs, perfect film for children and those who are looking for a laugh. I also liked how the film had the message of not judging people (dogs) before they know them and have walked in their shoes. Definitely worth a watch
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OtherLife (2017)
A Lot of Potential
20 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I thought that this film had a great idea behind it and could have made something brilliant however left a lot of things undone and the main character annoyed me not realising that she was in the dream still even though there was a lot of evidence that she was if she bothered to look. Not only this but the ending just didn't feel like it was ending and felt like there was something missing from it.

Good acting however and a film which I feel had a brilliant idea and very watchable
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My Teacher, My Obsession (2018 TV Movie)
Rather Good
19 September 2018
I liked how it showed every stage of how the stalker got close to the teacher and did make him secluded so that she would be the only one left for him to go to. I also liked how the watcher could see just how crazy she was however the teacher being unable to defend himself was really unbelievable considering how fit he was and her being small and not strong.

One of the better stalker movies I have seen however.
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Good Family Movie
15 September 2018
I found that this film was really original an animation film and brought a lot of adventure which was brilliant. With a lot of comedy as well by thanks of the beetle and showing how memories are vital was great. I also loved how it showed the forbidden love in a new way from most other movies which did pull me in a lot. Definitely one for the family
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15 September 2018
I love this film a lot and consider it one of my favourite Marvel movies to have been released. This has a lot of action which highlights how each character is and their personality as well as the comedy for each of the characters. Not only this but the soundtrack is one of the best for a movie I have ever seen which makes me want to dance along. Brilliant movie and one I highly recommend people seeing
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9 September 2018
This film brings a lot of emotion to it thanks to the amazing acting throughout and did make me tear up at the end and feel close to tears at various other points in the film. I also like that at the ending they showed the family in which this film was about which was a good addition.
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Inception (2010)
Brilliant idea and movie
7 September 2018
I think that this film has a brilliant idea throughout it and that it was executed brilliantly
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The Lodgers (2017)
Good but could have done more
6 September 2018
I found that this film felt really familiar to me but that didn't take away fro this film. I loved that this was creepy in parts and how it all came together in the end with the brother and sister. I did think it was hard to tell what the house was saying at times which was disappointing and that it would have been good if they gave more understanding of the lodgers which they didn't seem to do. The ending was good however and brings the possibility of another film.
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4 September 2018
I loved this and it made me laugh, especially how much this was relateable with different pets. This was also great as it showed how sometimes you wont get along with someone right away but with an adventure you can end up becoming best friends.

The soundtrack to this film as well I found was a brilliant addition and one that I couldn't help but love.
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I didn't get it
3 September 2018
I found this film really confusing throughout and when I did finally start to understand the movie it changed and left me not knowing what I watched.
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Downsizing (2017)
Good Film but not what I expected
30 August 2018
Having seen the trailer I thought this movie was going to be about how living small would be but instead it shows how a man changes his life and how this changed him as a person and learn to love again and get new experiences. Although a good film I feel more could have been done with this however a movie that is a great watch
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Predictable but good
27 August 2018
I liked this comedy make of The Purge and thought that it seemed more realistic than the purge due to how some of the characters acted. I also thought that this was really repetitive however which did take away from the movie for me and I wish they showed more of the background of the Blacks and why they were being hunted but an easy watch.
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Loved This
26 August 2018
Having never seen any of the Jurassic Park movies I thought I would take a change with Jurassic World and I am so glad I did as I loved this movie. I love that the film was already set up so that the action could take way near the film and had the chance of seeing how it would expand thorughout the park and how the dinosaur was created.

A brilliant film which I am glad I watched
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Good but not great
26 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing another Marvel release I needed to see this and although this was a good movie and showed a lot of premise I didn't really understand the relevance in which Ava had to the movie overall and seemed a bit of a let down to me.

I thought the end showing how he was in the quantum realm and stuck there due to the others being evaporated really worked with how Ant-Man will not be able to be in Infinity War part 2 and how the film is still set after Inifinity War.
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Primer (2004)
Great Idea however a letdown
23 August 2018
I thought that the idea for this movie was brilliant and that as the film was rather slow to get into I was hoping for more suspense throughout the movie and with the experiments they would be challenged but there didn't really seem to be much involvement with the machine except how it changed the relationship between the two men.

This really felt like a let down even though it had a great idea behind it.
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Pete's Dragon (2016)
Brilliant movie
20 August 2018
Having never seen Pete's Dragon before I loved this movie and thought the amount of emotion to bring a lot of love towards the dragon was done really well. I also thought that having the tension and the anger towards the hunters looking for Elliot was also really well done and caused me to not be able to pull away from the screen.

Highly recommend this movie.
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Loved this more than I expected
20 August 2018
Having never read the book and seeing loads of people talk about it I decided to give it a watch and was super happy with how well this film turned out. With the main character being awkward and shy as well as a book worm I was able to relate with her really well and thought that she was the kind of character a lot of girls can relate to. I did find this film highly predictable but that didn't stop me from smiling a lot at the ending and wanting to watch it again!

Brilliant movie and highly recommend
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What I needed
17 August 2018
This film was great in the way it continued right where the series left off a few years prior. This film has so much emotion and I am glad they stayed with the original cast for this movie and it came across really well. I also loved that this movie showed that sometimes your dream isn't what you need and your ideas can change because of what happens to a person.
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The Package (II) (2018)
Good Laugh, for fans of American Pie
15 August 2018
I wasn't sure what to make of this film before seeing it and I am glad I did, it is about a boy who cuts his dick off by accident and his friends trying to get it back to him before his surgery. I found this rather funny to watch and would definitely recommend it to those who are fans of American Pie as it had the same kind of humour
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Our Lovers (2016)
Cute and Different
15 August 2018
I liked that this film was different from other romance movies I have seen where the characters are not only playing a game where they are not to know too much information about each other and no phone numbers etc. like in the past but the fact they are both trying to get over someone which made this different and rather fun to watch.

I did get personally distracted by the subtitles throughout and found that they were too fast at times and that I couldn't really watch the film properly as I was trying to keep up with them.

However this film was really cute and I ended up smiling a lot from it.
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The Week Of (2018)
Repetitive but made me laugh
13 August 2018
I thought this film was really repetitive all the way through which was rather annoying and made me a little bored. It did make me laugh however and I thought that the ending was rather cute.

Not the best of Adam Sandler's movies but a film which I would watch again
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Self/less (2015)
Ryan Reynolds in a serious role and ruling it
9 August 2018
Ryan Reynolds is in a serious role for a change and it shows just how good an actor he is and how he does not have to rely on his humour in order to have an amazing movie. Seeing his character transform throughout the movie and changing is a great part of this movie and one that I definitely recommend that people see
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Rather boring
8 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I had high expectations for this movie and this just did not equal them at all. Nothing really seemed to be happening throughout the movie except that the family were starving and they had a child go missing. This was until near the end and that's only because the rest of the family died and the person they kept calling a witch finally became one.

I couldn't find myself connecting to any of the characters and thought the actors mumbled a lot which made me not really know what they were saying and made me really bored.
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The Giver (2014)
Loved this!
7 August 2018
I wasn't sure on this film to begin with due to it being in black and white but I love that the reason for this was so when the memories returned to the main character you could see the colour and how things are different from when the city felt nothing. This was such a great way of showing why the planet needs emotion and not to be cut off from all emotions.

Loved this a lot more than I expected! Highly recommend watching this
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