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Fantastic Apes movie
9 May 2024
Another fantastic entry in the ever sprawling Planet of the Apes series. Nicely fits in with the previous films while carving its own path. The new main characters are worthy successors to the franchise and the CGI continues to be impressive, no moment takes you out of the realism on display. Will probably watch again in theatres.

The world feels fleshed out and Wes Ball's direction is steady and well crafted, he's a little more "Jouneyman" compared to Matt Reeves, but the action set pieces and emotional scenes are great. The music harkens back to the previous Trilogy and has great nods to the original film. There's also lots of references to the series that will be great to discover on a rewatch.
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Fantastic Television...
22 March 2008
Finally the comedy network has something to be proud of. I often saw this show advertised but never watched it until about a month ago. Now every time it is on I can't help but watch it.

The show is extremely funny and very well done. Jon Dore does a great job of playing himself, or should I say an alternative universe himself. The show always follows Jon and how he over comes his problems. He also interviews people on the subject the episode is about.

As of now I've seen about 6 or so episodes of the show, and each one has been just as funny as the last. Keep up the great work Jon and crew.

Ps. What makes this even better is that the show is made in Canada.
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A Movie that will have the Dead Smiling
10 November 2007
When first released George A Romeros' Dawn of the Dead was one of the most graphic and brutal films of all time. While the movie itself is very bloody, it never takes itself to seriously. That is one of the many reasons why DOTD is so outstanding.

The film starts off in a news station that has been reporting on the "Zombie Apocalypse" since it began. Fran who works at the news station learns that her boyfriend, Stephen, has a helicopter and plans on getting out of this while he still can.

Meanwhile a police officer, Roger, is seen with his squad clearing out an urban building of Zombies. While doing so he meets up with Peter, the calm African-American male police-officer. They smoke and exchange words, we learn that Roger was invited by Stephen to join him on the helicopter. Roger offers Peter a place on the chopper and the movie is pretty much on it's way.

Our four hero's meet up at the helicopter and set flight to where they can find safety. This safety comes in the form of a mall in which they set up base.

The four of them have plenty of run-ins with zombies and other survivors alike, which fill up this two-hour long movie with plenty of fun and exciting moments.

Overall Dawn of the Dead is the greatest zombie, and possibly horror film, of all time. And while the make-up effects may be a little dated by todays standards, that doesn't mean we still can't have fun.
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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004 Video Game)
San Andreas: More Then You Think
11 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Rockstar North does it again. Before I get further into the review, I'll admit: I'm a huge Grand Theft Auto fan. Well, while the original Grand Theft Auto games were pretty interesting, I didn't really get into the series until Grand Theft Auto III. That game could arguably be considered the most influential game of this generation, the new Super Mario 64. After GTA III's enormous success, publishers relished the opportunity for the press to call their game "Grand Theft Auto meets…" Somehow, in less than a year, Rockstar North followed up GTA III with Vice City, which added some wrinkles to the game-play and made it a lot prettier. Naturally, I was anxiously anticipating San Andreas, and devoured the original screen-shots and story Rockstar Games released just prior to E3 this year. The more and more I learned about the game though, my enthusiasm started to get mixed with caution since these guys were adding so much to the game that I was worried that some of it would be rushed and affect the overall game-play negatively. Thankfully, my concerns were unfounded since Rockstar North has done it again. They have created the game will take up many hours from my days for months to come.

As you know, GTA: San Andreas takes place in the fiction state of San Andreas which consists of three main cities – the Los Angeles-based Los Santos, the San Francisco-based San Fierro, and the Las Vegas-based Last Venturas – in addition to a large amount of a lot of countryside, which enables San Andreas to eclipse the size of the already-massive Vice City. Each of the three cities pretty accurately reflect their source, so you'll find many hills in San Fierro and the signature fog and gang violence in Los Santos while Las Venturas has a never-ending glow of neon.

While GTA III was clearly inspired by The Godfather, and Vice City was pretty much a play-by-play for Scarface, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is clearly inspired by hip-hop films like Menace II Society. In it, you control Carl Johnson, as he learns that his mother has been killed and goes back to Los Santos after spending a few years in GTA III's Liberty City. You begin in Los Santos, and most of the gang game-play found in trailers will take place here but sooner or later, CJ will need to bail from Los Santos due to an unfortunate incident.

As always, it is entirely possible to get through San Andreas by simply completing the story missions which are received from points in the map. The missions range from completing simple drive-bys and getting your gang back on the map when you enter Los Santos, to much more complex and interesting ones later in the game. The game makes it a little easier to perform these missions as you'll know exactly what to do and when to do it. The story mode should take something like 35 hours to get through for most gamers, although if you play solely the story and don't take all of San Andreas in you could drop around 5 hours from that number. But, you will only complete about half of the game. Additionally, this number could spill into the hundreds if you take your time and cause mayhem in the many cities. The number of time also extends if you partake in the vigilante missions, optional races, robbery missions (all you need to do is hop in a van at night), dating missions (which typically require you to take a girl out to eat without upsetting her), dance missions (DDR-like rhythm games), and even a fully-functional game of pool complete with its own physics.

A main update to the series is the new RPG-like leveling up that CJ goes through. As CJ, you need to eat to stay alive (but not too much that you'll become obese), work out to become more athletic and stronger (which will make you more powerful in combat, and nimbler and more enduring while running) and give you abilities like being able to climb fences. Additionally, CJ can get better at driving cars, motorcycles, and bicycles and controlling airplanes (you can also parachute off them!). Getting better gives you more control over the vehicle. Another transportation method in the game is the swimming, which is new to the series.

The game's visuals are a mixed bag. One on side, you have the excellent versions of the three cities and all of the countryside in between them. They all look different enough and pretty accurately portray the three cities. Every area of the game is populated with people and buildings, including landmarks for the cities. The character models are decent, a bit better than before but nothing all that great. Technically, the game does an excellent job at keeping loading to the bare minimum. Unfortunately, there are a frame rate stutters, the draw-in is still very noticeable, and sometimes textures take too long to load, giving the game a very blurry look for a few seconds. Nonetheless, Rockstar North should be commended for bringing such an expansive world to the PlayStation 2.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas will be many different things to different people. Despite the technical flaws here and there, the game is incredibly fun. It will surely take up hundreds of hours to even the most casual of gamers. If you liked GTA III and Vice City, this is a must buy. If you are simply looking for a game that wraps up gaming in this generation, San Andreas is perfect. Everything from the game-play to the superb presentation merges into an excellent game.
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