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Well, this is well done!
20 January 2019
What can I say? Or as Asher says : need I say more? This episode which was awaited for a long did reach my expectations. Needless to say I'm a fan and that's why I talk of my expectations. See, when you have seen these series long enough, you're just used to big splashes, big crushes, big twists and turns. And so, I was not disappointed. This episode was so well written that it made me want to go back to my own writing work or have the chance to work for shows like this. See, the writing here sounds easy, looks easy, but it is exquisitely chosen, it is heavily to the point. Especially you see that when you know the rest as I said. I was so glad to see Mr Verica again. When will we see Mr Enoch too? Will that ever happen? Or as Ms Oh it won't be? And last but not least the colors of these series just made all their sense for me in this season. Just adds to the mystery the little thing you need. I can't wait for the next. L
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You poured it into me
12 January 2017
Hmmmm... Inhaling before to write my first word, suspended in the air... because I want that word to be beautiful.

One of my talents is in writing. I have no financial success. Although I have been published - for free.

I do not have an awesome screenplay or a breathtaking novel to give. I write poetry and I write notes, texts, messages. Every time I write I pour love into it. I love typing words and, funnily for the first time, by watching this sensitive beautiful documentary have I seen myself as a pianist.

I feel very grateful to Bernstein for honoring artistry. And very grandly grateful to Ethan for sharing this gift with us all. I want to tell Ethan although you may never read these lines: I consider you to be one true deep and intense artist and you could be honored by not having received any academy award. That may truly show how intimate and pure your art is many times.

I have seen an actor who has been trying to receive an award for years receiving it for a work that was created around this purpose and in which that actor did a compilation of some of the most intense scenes he did in his career. He got it but what did it really mean? I have written elsewhere - and I maintain it - that if awards were truly rewarding pure genuine performances, they would have been rewarding you for Training Day. At least. My favorite performance of you, in all I saw of you, was in Before Sunset. I watched this movie an alarming number of times. I still can see you on the Bateau-Mouche talking true feelings to the 'love of your life'. It wasn't simply the obvious romantic aspect of your performance that appealed to me, no, no, it was this fully alive, vibrant, almost tangible expression of your face when you expressed your certainty that you could have lived with the love of your life. Hmmmmmmmm....

I, too, have been bullied into this world of achievements that we all know, that we all grew up in, we who use IMDb casually. I have gotten depressed by the upside-down nature of this world where the worst performances gather the biggest fortunes, where the sincere lone artists get mocked for being unknown. Therefore, I bow to both of you, for having rewarded me with these true reminders of what art is, poured into me via this film, and comforting me in the need I have to honor my true essence instead of following the pressure of a world which always wants more tinsel and glitter.
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Fences (2016)
Oh My GoD
5 January 2017
OH MY GOD! Denzel is so good in this, it's not that somewhere in the movie he's giving an Oscar-winning performance. In the whole movie, his performance is a winning performance.

I am so at awe with this performance. Not being English-native and having seen this movie in English only, I have not get it all and the fact that it did not matter says it all. I could have listened to this all day long, feeling like I have been invited into the intimacy of a kind family.

It can be so hard to live and Denzel shows it all in this riveting piece with all actors being as good as him! No, really, class act! The truth of the matter is that African-Americans have shown too much grace all along their history. You're people to look up to! Kudos!! <3 <3
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Blackbird (IV) (2014)
28 November 2016

I am so happy to see this movie! I am not very surprised to see it got only 5.5 as I learned not to take seriously IMDb's ratings. Indeed, a lot of people who rate on IMDb seem to love action movies with a lot of special effects. I almost never watch these kind of movies. Also people are so conditioned to watch a certain kind of screening, they're not used to diversity. The kind of grain, the kind of music, the kind of angle, all these things are quite the same in box-office movies. But here you have something different, something real.

I love in this movie how there are so many moments without music, where you can be with the people as they think as they feel. I love that there was no brighty shiny filter on this movie, so when you see people in their home, it feels like you see your own home, when you see an hospital entrance, it feels like you're seeing an hospital entrance from where you really live.

I love that Isaiah is back to say once again that he was not against T R Knight and to show that in this business it's really better to be White than Black, because when you are White you can get away with saying worse things than what a Black person might say. I love that Mo'nique is such a phenomenal actress who made me feel really that she lost someone and couldn't get on with life without that someone and I love that she respects herself so much that she did this indie movie rather than sell her soul to the business.

I love that this movie talked about the great John Cassavetes. That man did some of the movies I love the most. Maybe those I respect the most as real deep intelligent films. I sobbed so much during that film and at the end of it I was a mess!

I did not love the beginning titles. I did not love the sun shadows as mom and son were singing together. But that is what is genius with a true movie.

It's not perfect. It does not have to be perfect. Because the looks are less important than the message. And the message here is BIG.

I really encourage you to see this movie, get past average commercial movies. This movie dares. This movie touches. This movie knows what Love IS.
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27 October 2016
Am I saving the world today? I don't think so.

But I try ;)

I notice I feel compelled to write a review on IMDb for only 2 kind of movies : those that are so awful I need to warn other fellow humans about and those that are so amazing that I want to expand my gratitude through here.

You've guessed well : "3 Days to Kill" is not one of my favorite movies.

I do think the director has done some choices that did hurt the movie. And the screenplay is a Luc Besson's actual screenplay.

Very thin story, very simplified reality, actually the word 'reality' does not suit this movie. You can not believe the Luc Besson who writes this is the same that did the amazing "Nikita" or even better "Le Grand Bleu".

OK, so, first, the name of the movie.

If I was not in love with Costner, I would not have watched this movie, just from the title.

I don't like violence, I don't like promoting violence to all the teenagers who don't really know what it is to kill (here comes my trying-to-save-the-world preaching). I see this kind of movie responsible for the banalization of violence, and responsible for the false connection it shows between strength and guns.

I find the message of this movie utterly confusing : here's a good guy who lets squatters in his place and yet kills people for a living. You see, killing here becomes just another thing a good guy does in life.

That's in general.

In the details, there is so much to say.

I must say the way the movie began I gasped because I heard : "CIA", and I thought : no! again? but I love Costner too much...

Basically it's the lack of reality that just pushed me out of the movie more than once. The baby birth was ridiculous. Or was it the editing. I understand we can't go through the 15 hours of a labor. But to show a woman push her baby out and the next second to see the baby in the family's arms WITHOUT a cord, that's just hilarious!!! Not to mention the squatters ready to leave because they found a place out of Paris, all smiley and all. I ask : where is Mickey and the balloons? I mean, is Luc Besson aware of the actual real life in Paris for people who don't have much money? You think people say with a smile : "Oh we think we'll just move out of Paris..."?

Also Paris is so fukking beautiful. I regret they did not take more advantage of the city. Showing us only the Eiffel Tower in like so many plans, even giving us a Kevin Costner alone moment next to the Eiffel Tower, I mean, that was sad, he really seemed alone and I thought : they must have guarded him very well alone so that he's not troubled by all the crazy fans. I even thought the scene where he bikes through Paris maybe has been chosen for it was one of the only ways to shoot him (pun intended) in the city without him being bothered or even in any kind of risk (there are insurances in movie business...)

But the bike episode with the daughter. Hello. Too fake. Too long. It was supposed to touch us but it didn't because it looked too much like a commercial. Because we jumped too fast from the girl in her nightdress to the girl in her pants. Because it was different scenes put together. Because why would Costner mimic as if he was strong when people cheer about his girl having learned to bike?

Why was it so fake? It was not the actors. The actors actually managed to act quite well, most of them (I found that Hugh was very fake too).

No, it's really the direction. Where's the camera and what does she give importance to and for how long? The camera should never give a viewer the feeling : oh, here comes the love scene, right; oh, here comes the sweetness scene, right, et cetera.

You don't feel like you're watching a real story. You feel like you're watching very expected scenes that don't glue together and not even to themselves.

Pffffff. Makes me want to go back to Paris and see it fortunately without guns and without crashes, although there are probably many gunned police and army officers because these days there are young people who do just like Kevin Costner in this movie. I guess someone told them it's hot.

Oh, one thing I did love very much and found was very creative was the presentation of the movie, with the windows and all, and you see many Kevin Costners at once (mmmm). It was so beautiful, from a taxi, with the sunlight. But it did not fit with the title of the movie that appeared right after, title that got filled with a red color just afterwards (so gross).

Anyway, I'm a girl and I'm telling you guys, I so don't find guns hot!
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Not good enough, too many strings, and some unfortunate sentimental acting
11 October 2016
I am really surprised at the difference between human beings.

I recently saw 'Message in a bottle' and I was so surprised by the ending of that particular movie that I took time researching on internet why people love these kind of movies, and then there was someone who said her mother loved this movie here : 'My sister's keeper'.

Although I had already seen 'the Notebook' which I found too sentimental, so not realistic (if you write letters and don't get responses for a while, and you write to someone who lives not far away, in a year you don't go simply knock on that someone's door?) not well directed, although I had seen 'My sister's keeper' was yet another Nick Cassavetes movie, I decided to watch this BECAUSE I really wanted to understand how these kind of movies become blockbusters.

I love romances, I love dramas, I love all kind of movies, but first of all, I love well directed movies and making sense movies. I for instance loved the Richard Linklater's trilogy : 'Before sunrise', 'Before sunset' and 'Before midnight'. I was blown away by the veracity of the acting which in my opinion was only possible because of the directing of the movie. I saw the second part of that trilogy I don't know how many times, and the first part changed me for what seems ever...

So when I see 'My sister's keeper', I cry, yes, but I don't like the movie, I find it a bit off, and way too long, me who is able to watch the long version of 'Dances with wolves' without moving!

For me, cinema is sacred. And maybe I'm used to very sharp and daring and honest movies -like 'Krisha'- so this didn't do it for me at all. I cried because I'm a normal human being : I'm faced with a very sad situation and all the strings are pulled for me to cry, so I cry. But not satisfied cinematographically.

Also something bothered me very much : is that instead of showing the name of the actress who plays the one with cancer, the poster of the movie puts in big caps the names of the two actresses who actually are movie stars. I don't like that, especially that actually I found that the best actress in this movie was clearly the one playing the one with cancer. I did not like very much the acting of the other actors except for the judge and the boyfriend and the father.

Cameron Diaz was better than in other movie I saw with her, but still even if really here she expresses feelings that look authentic, I see Cameron Diaz, I don't consistently see a mother.

So, after watching this movie, I end up with the same big disappointment that I had before watching it : still not understanding why the mother of someone loved so much this movie. It's a weird thing how different we are...

PS : Oh and another very disappoint thing is that Cameron Diaz did not actually shave her head! So disappoint considering actually that the scene where she pretends she shaves her head, is one scene where I was so moved. Moved (by the belief) that Cameron Diaz as an actress would go that far to make us be in the movie, it made me really feel about what a mother can do for her child! But no! They do incredible things in prosthetic these days...
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How to Get Away with Murder: There's My Baby (2016)
Season 2, Episode 14
Holy Mother of God!
12 March 2016
I wish there were an 11 out of 10 possible. Holy Mother of God! Already some of the last episodes I kept watching over and over again because they were so amazingly crafted. And the same happened with this one. But with this one it was especially touching because something happens that no mother in their right mind wishes ever happen.

I thought it would be impossible to watch this episode fully again, but because the episode is so gently and realistically crafted, you can allow yourself to feel the pain Annalise Keating goes through, and because Viola Davis is so good at her acting, really you feel for her.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! This woman is a Goddess! The more I see her, the more I respect her. She is doing so much not only for Black people but for women as well. You see her eating chips, being in her tracksuit trousers, you see she's not sick thin, !and yet super extra sexy, that says : to be not sick thin and wearing out tracksuit trousers while eating chips can go with being pretty though!

And when she's drunk! This is so bright! I totally recalled me in that state! How did she do it? Have you ever seen an actor act so well the drunk one? She now is one of the best ones ever!

This is a MUST SEE episode! But I'd say you won't get the full taste of it if you had not seen the previous ones. And when you arrive to this one, you finally can sense why Annalise Keating is actually a very nice person who has had a very very not nice rather very very rough life!
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O m G
12 March 2016
Oh my God! What is this? This is Full Blowing Phenomena. And as this, it can either be totally irking or totally loooooooooved. But there's no way one can not feel about this! First and foremost because of Viola Davis!! Viola Davis is making history in the genre. She is so many things, she goes through so many states, that you cannot unsee a whole range of her acting abilities. She is stunning. The whole cast is so well balanced, it is a pleasure to see them again and again. And if you love mystery and are good at letting your imagination go, you are gonna be HOOKED.

Now consider the specific times in which this is happening : Viola Davis in this show is making more to Honor black actors and actresses but also to Honor the history of the black community than any actual formal speech.

Also this series deals with real people, so if you have a hard time acknowledging that you have flaws and that no one is perfect, this show is not for you. Life gets messy sometimes, guys. If you wanna take a wild ride into it, watch this!

With love, Leila.
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Very nice story
19 February 2016
It is true : this movie grows on you, it is about love, and if you are open to it, you feel it.

So why are the reviews here that are clearly negative about it get all the approvals? Maybe negativity is sexy? I personally kept thinking of that movie long after it was finished. It was so touching. And the sex scene was one of the best I've ever seen in a movie. It was moving : it felt real and it happened just the moment it had to happen, naturally, it was not just thrown there.

Now I have some cons on this movie, especially just after seeing "The Good Dick" which scores here less than this. And I wonder why. Because here what is really really really great is the scenario and the actors but the camera, the lighting, and the sound are quite not my favorite. The black and white : it is not really clear why it is used, it looks so much like a Woody Allen movie that it feels like a copy. The camera points of views are not my favorite : sometimes the camera seems a bit far from what it shows. The sound was not my favorite : I really loved that some songs were really off cue, that was a delight, and what was not my favorite was when the actors where talking, it seemed like it was not on sync with the sound. The scene with the shoes was a good idea, but the way the shoes were filmed, it looked like the director just had put shoes here and there to film them. Again the angles and the distance of the camera were not my favorite.

But let me end with my favorite : the actors are so real, the scenario is so great that each sentence leads to the next one, it is fabulous. And, after this movie, go see The Good Dick (and I've read a review about it here if you like).
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Good Dick (2008)
A beautiful truthful movie
18 February 2016
I have read a review here of someone complaining that this movie was hard to watch. That is true. Also, that person wanted to feel good. That is honorable of course, yet do we want to feel good or do we want the truth? Because the truth is good and bad. This movie has both.

Of course it is based on a traumatic event so the bad in it is well present. But there is also good in it, and not cheap good, not a burger or something, a good that comes from a long process involving a lot of patience as usual, which is based on a lot of love.

And I found that it was so well written and so soberly played that it was very watchable, very much. I found the principal actor to be amazing!!!!!!!!! I found the principal actress sometimes not convincing but hey, she was also the writer and the director, so let's give her a break.

A very genuine movie that I'm so happy to have found by chance!

It is so refreshing to see what is made out of Hollywood and with such quality! And it does not look like a indie movie : the lightnings, the sound, everything is pretty well done, and I particularly appreciated the camera point of views. There are not so many places involved in this movie and yet with the camera put always in interesting places, it felt always as rediscovering each place. Nice! Oh and the poster... Mwua!
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I bow to the Black Americans who had and have to endure so much racism!
8 February 2016
I just don't know how Black American people can stand so much racism! This movie shows it so well! As a character says : "it's police harassment" that the young Black Americans have (had) to endure. Racism everywhere, showing its ugly face. These very days you can see it a lot on social networks, such as Youtube, but even here in the comments. Because it is impossible to deny this movie its artistic qualities, the amazing acting, and the creative camera viewpoints. And so if you dis all the cinematographic qualities of this, it might very be that what bothered you first and last was this was a movie with black people (not ending poorly).

I am glad that the movie showed the real video of the poor man beaten by the police, and showed it not once, but two or three times. Because that can't be forgotten. Especially as that keeps happening! I tell you, I find that Black Americans are quite gracious about all they have to still endure.

You may not be a fan of rap culture, and then not really appreciate this movie. But still I invite you to see it for the historical knowledge it spreads and for the educational piece it is. Peace.
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Oh... The World Seen Through Years Ago!
4 February 2016
I just saw this movie now, in 2015. And it is really scary to know that we already knew this much about the world and that up to now the same problems are here.

I agree that this movie in its form has flaws. It is very clear that something went missing between scenes, or the scenes were not explored deep enough, or there were too many plots, or the direction was not strong enough, or the humor was too lousy... BUT underlying it there's a real clear view of the state of our world, and that's why I am really glad to have seen this movie.

One of the best lines of the movie is when the president finally gets rid of his earplug and speaks for himself and says : "And I just want to say, in terms of the Middle East, that it looks like the problems over there are never gonna be solved. I mean never. Never never never never never. And so I'm sorry about that."
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Macbeth (I) (2015)
As usual, over-egged hollywoodian pudding
22 January 2016
Wow, I saw like the 5 first minutes of it and although I am a Fassbender's enthusiast, I couldn't get past it.

By chance, I fell on Polanski's Macbeth. 1971, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Well, let me tell you, this man may have made a terrible thing once but he was a movie-maker.

No need to have millions of budget. The very first seconds, there is like something in the air, that is not something you see, but you feel, and that is the soul of the movie, that the actors, the scene, everything is put there to be felt.

I have not felt that in today's Macbeth.
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The Intern (I) (2015)
22 January 2016

What happened to the world?

Is this only USA problem?

I have been reading several reviews here.

And many people gave this movie a very good note.

And even sometimes very complex reviews.

There is NOTHING complex about this movie.

Sure, Robert de Niro is Robert de Niro.

And I must say the scenario is less horrible than the one of It's complicated.

But boy, Nancy Meyers knows how to write a commercial movie.

Take the assistants, there is nothing less accurate than how they talk.

Anne Hataway seems to have found back the acting of her Disney years. Nothing true perspires from that.

This movie reminds me of Meg Ryan's best years. A good way to not think.

Yes, the movie talks about real interesting issues. But it turns them into an over-egged pudding, just like Hollywood does.

And yes, it is watchable. The same way an ice cream is eatable, a cigarette is smokable and a whiskey is drinkable.

May not be healthy but tasty.

Now I don't wanna sound too negative.

That is why I offer to leave you with titles of movies I find are a healthy way to use 2 hours with :

  • Yi-Yi, a One and a Two

  • Trois couleurs : Bleu

  • Burnt by the sun

  • La Maman et La Putain

and maybe you wanna laugh, so :

  • The Meaning of Life

  • The Invention of Lying

  • Les Bronzés.

That's it man. Please stop feeding us this low-quality entertainment.
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Black Mass (2015)
A Flash In The Pan
22 January 2016

No way!

Hell No!

Is it Hollywood dogmas with its Star System Thing


Is it just a non-inspired part of the Director and the Editor's Lives?

This movie, when you know all the movies that have been made about the mob, and include many Gems that transcend decades of movie-making and are still on the top of movies of all times, this movie just does not get in the competition with them.

Many very good actors :

-Joel Edgerton,

-Peter Sarsgaard,

  • Rory Cochrane

just give awesome sensitive performances.

And indeed (as I've read in a review) the real star in this movie is Joel Edgerton. More precisely, his character is more interesting than the movie star's character.

I don't have much to say about that one. I have been bothered through ALL the movie by the prosthetics used on him. Couldn't he have shaved his head instead? You know, Christian Bale transformed his hair in American Hustle in a very credible way. Here it was not. And don't get me started on the eyes! No, No way, Hell no!

Oh and all the movie! The editing! Really I don't like to say so many negative things. But the scenes were often too long and not significant enough. It was always like a sauce that never thickens. Odd. At some point, there is this view from the sky, and it's halfway of the movie, and I got me thinking : I could as well stop now!

They should not have put a big star on the movie poster and all these little faces below him. Because these little faces are what saves this movie. I would say : watch it, make your own opinion, and don't miss the not-big-stars performances.
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The Big Short (2015)
5 January 2016
Wow! BEST BEST BEST BEST movie in Years!!! Not only does this movie convey a real message about our truly decadent times. But it is MASTERIOUSLY done!

Who's the DIRECTOR?????? He's AMAZING!!!

Christian BALE, Ladies and Gentlemen, when will this man receive an Oscar for Best Actor?!!!!!!! Everything, every little thing he does is in the character. It is deep inside. Feels so right, so true!

When he falsely laughs to reassure his wife while heavily breathing from playing drums! exactly how you would do if you were caught in a tantrum and didn't want your loved one to worry.

STEVE CARELL! Fantastic! This man is also heading for the Oscars… In character, totally! You can see it in his eyes, in his whole being. Beautiful!

MELISSA LEO!!! You must see her decay!

And its' not only the big names that are amazing! It's all the scenes, all the details, all the supporting actors : watch with full attention the scenes where there are many actors...

Yet, it is never about the performance. It is always about the message. The performance serves the message.

Now the editing, the score! So well chosen! The angles, the cuts and returns!!

You know, sometimes in a movie, some effects look like there just for us to enjoy! But not here. Again it is always about the message. When the camera slows down to show us all the protagonists leaving Vegas, it is not to say: "look!, I am a great cameraman, I can do that", no, instead it gives us time to take a good look at the tragedy that is occurring, and to reflect on this as some of the protagonists also do while leaving when others just show an unchanged GREED in them.

Too bad some acting bothered me. I really was annoyed by Gosling's hairdo! atrocious, and his tan, which looked like painting. Also his acting... Too closed. I almost felt something at one point of his last scene, but it was for like half a second. Maybe the director wanted to show a banker like that... Dunno. And Marisa Tomei... Usually I like her. But here her actions as the character didn't seem real. Maybe because I would have not reacted as her if my husband finally talked about his terrible burden... Except for these two, I'm telling you, it is a to watch movie.


PS :

Lastly, frankly, I'm usually not into comparing two movies. Simply because it is in a way impossible.

But this time, this movie really reminded me of the Wolf of Wall Street as these two movies share the same core message. But it felt as if this movie succeeded where the Wolf of Wall Street did not. Let me explain : WWS was beautiful and funny, perfectly filmed, but too perfectly, too beautiful, too controlled, for us to feel the pain. It's like a beautiful painting that blows your mind with all its vivid colors and marvelous shapes : you lose the message.

Also in WWS you can see Leonardo Di Caprio, who I have real affection for, always trying to make his best performance as an individual. You see the actor. Not just the character. And maybe the wonderful Martin Scorsese is trying too hard too... Plus there was some default in his editing... I'm telling you here is the Gem!
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Some Good Old Tenderness
2 December 2015
There are some good old actors in this, some good old environment : sunny places in Texas, some good old nice feelings, and some very good ways to shoot with a camera. That's why I wanna help it out here.

Now the young actress is a bad actress. You can see she acts. And that's the worse you can say about an actor. And there are lengths in this movie almost every five minutes.

But let yourself be touched by the tenderness underneath it all.

--- That's all, but here wants more, so I repeat :

There are some good old actors in this, some good old environment : sunny places in Texas, some good old nice feelings, and some very good ways to shoot with a camera. That's why I wanna help it out here.

Now the young actress is a bad actress. You can see she acts. And that's the worse you can say about an actor. And there are lengths in this movie almost every five minutes.

But let yourself be touched by the tenderness underneath it all.
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Tangerine (2015)
26 November 2015
I can't believe this movie has only 6,9 here. Please do not trust these numbers to not see a movie. This movie is A-MA-ZING! Where to begin with? The soundtrack? The acting? The filming?(When you learn at the end of the movie that it has been filmed with an Iphone, you're mesmerized!) The script is perfect! F. perfect! There is not one second too much in this movie, and still it does not feel at all like all calculated to the second Hollywood movies.

This is by far one of the best movies I have seen in a long long long time. The kind of subtle yet powerful movie.

You don't realize you've been hit in the face by that marvelous piece of art, but only after a few hours when you begin to feel the hurt. Indeed, because the characters are held with so much love, which includes humor, you fell that love, you're held too, and don't directly fall into the deep feelings that their terrible life situations can only give rise to.

But I don't wanna say more. Let's just end by a real wonderful thanks to a director who shows that it is not a matter of money to make a brilliant, challenging, intelligent movie! And who gives us such a fresh view of what cinema can be, with his unusual camera angles and his unknown fabulous actors.

All that in "sunny Hollywood"!
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Scandal (2012–2018)
Best love story ever
25 June 2015
I know, I know. There is so much more to this series than the love story between the president and Olivia Pope.

But where, tell me where is the last time you have seen an intense love story depicted with moments where the two lovers are strictly doing nothing? But loving each other and you can feel it in the air.

I must say the actor who is playing the president plays extremely well the man in love. I WANT THAT! I think I will forever remember the scenes between them, like the first real meeting -the one minute stand- or the one minute stand on Olivia's couch.

Who is that male actor? I wish for him to be well known and well acknowledged because he's doing hell of a good work. So much sensitivity. Waw!
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Blackhat (2015)
That director knows how to use a cam
5 June 2015
I recently read in a newspaper that a known French director has seen that on IMDb this movie has received 5,4 and Fast and Furious 7,7.

Just for that, guys, just for that, I gotta give the movie a 10. No, really, I mean, maybe some people won't be interested in this movie. But at least reward the quality, man! Have you seen the light and the framing of that director? Come on man, that man knows how to use a cam.

So, it is a bit chocking indeed that he gets almost just the minimum half of ten! What the French director was saying about that is that all over the world cinema is becoming childish. Of course, since movies are made to be sure to hit the box-office. And I am the first one to be sorry about that, but the majority of human beings want to be brainwashed and have dull cinema. So it's those ones who are the box-office.

Michael Mann doesn't hesitate in pulling complexity. Can you imagine what it takes to do the shots of the nuclear systems, and to work with different countries, and to keep complexity in the details, for instance the hero has a book of Jacques Derrida in his cell? Where do you still see such a vivid complexity? Do you remember what you've seen on the tables of the last ten movies you've seen? Actually, usually, in most recent movies, there are unidentified things, average, anonymous, not at all like in real life which is full of very personal details... So, really, this movie may not be everyone's cup of tea, but at least it is cinema...

Give it a chance.

Love, Leila
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Killing kills
4 June 2015

I am just gonna begin with an excerpt of a review found here =

"I don't give a flying crap about anybody's politics when it comes to making movies. If they're great films, they're great films period. I've been in the film Industry for 33 years and I was deeply impressed with Eastwood's take on a story of constant moral dilemma, vs Patriotic duty.

Here's a guy that was motivated to defend our world and country against Psychotic Terrorists killing innocent people all over the world...while living on the edge of fatherhood. The inner conflict and balance of creating such a powerful reality, was right on the money."

So, with all due respect, there is already a contradiction, a big one, in this review. So the first idea is that movies are great beyond politics. The second idea is... political!

America is SO egotistical. What is shown in this movie is NOT reality. Are Americans still able to realize that? Or not? Hello, does anybody not find it strange that almost all Arabic people seem evil? So what? Arabic people are genetically bad?

From beginning to end of this movie, while I was seeing the American guys having trouble with warmth, I was thinking : "What are you doing there? Doesn't that give you a hint that you have nothing to be doing there? What on earth are you doing in another country, blowing houses, and terrorizing people?"

No, that is absolutely normal. Of course, if they have been hurt, they can hurt. That is the pivot key of Americans security system. Oh no, it is bigger than that : if they can be hurt, they can hurt. So they can hurt you even when you have not yet hurt them. Isn't that great?

But why on earth do they kill people that they could shoot in the leg and then make prisoners? Tell me why. Why US people who are so overarmed need to kill a human target, even when they're like ten on that human target ? Pleasure to kill, maybe?

And why on earth does that movie just shows embassies attack and 9/11? Why doesn't it give a much more realistic representation on what happened between America and Arabic countries for ... let's say 50 years? In order to give the viewer a closer idea of what really gets America in Arabic countries and on how America is not just a victim of Psychotic Terrorists.

And why is there so little shown about the family of the child who has been killed? What will happen to her? Why not show what is happening for the Arabic people that have to live in hell all the time? They don't get times off tours... They're hurt in their houses...

It indeed seemed to me in this movie as if the life of an American person was worth more than the lifes of the Iraqi persons. At least this movie shows that idea, that I am sure some Americans share, clearly. What is not clear is : does the director feel that way too, or does he just show the awful ego of the US Army??

For instance, when the 'hero' talks to the family of the child who later is killed, doesn't that make sense to immediately protect the family? Oh no, let's check it out and we'll come back later after everybody had the time to come see that family. Hein?

Does the US Army really work that way? I mean, really, this movie is not a good publicity for the US Army. It really doesn't look like very strategic. Big egos, big tits.

I strongly advice you to watch another war movie : Good Kill. Yes, true, that last movie is not spectacular. But hello, that is a war movie. We're not supposed to have fun watching a war movie, it would be a little bit perverse, wouldn't it?

I don't want to watch an exciting war movie, a riveting war movie, a jack-ass war movie. War movies can only exist us to teach us what the end of this movie teaches us well if we care to listen : killing kills.

That is the only good point of that story, actually of the real one, but it is not really a good point, it is just sadly the flat truth : killing kills.

And America with her right to bear arms and her death penalties is a top leader in the world about this.
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Good Kill (2014)
Finally an actual war movie!
4 June 2015
I am still haunted by this excellent movie! Finally a movie that shows BOTH sides of the war! Waw! Yes, everyone kills. Yes, there are bad guys on both sides! But does the meanness of one justify the meanness of the other one? That is the whole question. And here it is even answered : no. Please America, stop justifying your war crimes by others war crimes. If you do so, anyway, you are just as horrible as these others... So!

Watching this movie, I have some hope that America is not totally lost in the religion of self-validation and loss of memory about what America has done to others BEFORE others had done something to America.

Intelligent! Uncomfortable! Honest! Human! What does that do to you to accept to be inhuman? Watch this. Don't listen to popularity of movies. The most intelligent ones are rarely those that hit the box-office. Mostly people want to feel good, not be intelligent. But to be intelligent is the best way to durably feel good...
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In the Cut (2003)
And the Oscar goes to... Ruffalo
2 January 2015
My man! Mark Ruffalo is a good actor. And here he is just unbelievably OUTstanding.

Not only is he steamy as hell in his body language when it's a matter of sex, but every detail of his performance through the movie is so right on! The tone of his voice, the movements of his hands, the way he talks, what he looks at, ...

On the opposite, I have been puzzled by Meg Ryan's performance : frankly I haven't quite figured out if I have not understood what she wanted to show or if she really was uncomfortable with her character and/or if she is simply less good at playing certain things. For instance, when she's sitting touching herself, I find her very not credible. Also, when she's drunk and seems to be ready to fall, etc.

Oh and in the nudity scene when they talk, it's strange when Ruffalo covers himself after Meg Ryan puts sheets back on him! It is so weird. Do you do that when you're naked with your boyfriend? I really saw as if it was the actress Meg Ryan who noticed that Mark Ruffalo's penis was visible and she noticed to him to put the sheets on him.

Back to Ruffalo, I wanna emphasize that this man is underrated. I don't know why in Los Angeles the most famous actors are not the best ones. In this movie, he will be very unforgettable for me because I felt very exposed as a woman and I felt a lot of very pleasant feelings thanks to him.

As for the story and all, I must say that I didn't like the blurry look of the whole image, but I loved that Campion was filming New York in a very ordinary way and the soundtrack was so original that you actually hear it, not like in those blockbusters where you don't even notice the music anymore, especially the one of the end.

I find that 5 out of 10 as a general note is way too down. I would love it to go up a bit.
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When you don't want a movie to end, that is a good movie...
22 November 2014
There was no 11. But boy, was that a good movie! There are plenty of movies these days that sound like fury and seem epic but are not that deep. This is an old fashion damn good movie with outstanding actors. I just don't know how the male principal actor doesn't get to be seen more often. He is just !!! Let's not begin about Halle Berry or the others.

It is neat. Neat. Neat.

I mean, this is a movie I have got to see again!

Now, I can't believe that I've been told my review does not contain enough lines. NOBODY ever told me to talk MORE. But all right, if you want to : MUST SEE THIS MOVIE.
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Predestination (I) (2014)
A bit disappointed
22 November 2014
First of all, seeing the pretty Ethan so big on the cover of the movie, I thought I'd see him more and more. Second, I unfortunately didn't like the acting performance of Sarah Snook as a man in the bar. Funnily and weirdly enough, she reminded me of Leonardo Di Caprio when he was younger. I liked her though as a young female. Very nice smile! and very pure.

I also found Ethan's acting to be weak. He seems sometimes to really just do it over the shoulder and that's too bad, since for me, he is a super great actor who should have won an Oscar for Training Day. But no, they gave it to Denzel who was not that unforgettable in that movie, contrarily to his performance in Malcolm X, for which he didn't win, at the benefit of Al, who really won't be remembered for the movie he won the Oscar for! Dude, do they drink or what? So, back to this movie, I had times when I was annoyed and so I began surfing the web! It is very rare I'd do that in the middle of a movie. To say, it has never happened I think. But really I was bored. The movie though began to be really entertaining for me when Sarah Snook realizes she's everyone she meets... So the scene with the baby becomes ecstatic! because now she knows who she is! The music of the movie is really great for me. Nice work.

To finish, I'd say, if there's Ethan in the movie, I'd look anyway.
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