
4 Reviews
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Youngers (2013–2014)
Skins and misfits meets how to make it in America
17 February 2014
This show is underrated and I hope it gets picked up for another season. At first I had a hard time with it, but the more I watched the more I liked it. The show is about 2 kids who make music together. Jay is a urban kid who is raised by a single father and is a ladies man and rapper. Where Yemmi is a wise school boy who makes beats and is the producer. Then when Yemmi goes to advanced school he meets a Girl named Devine who is an inspiring singer. Yemmi invites her to some "studio time" aka his bedroom. There they make music and paired with Jays rap they make a song and decide to bring her in to the group.

The show does a good job of mixing the struggles of real life with, comedy and at the same time having music that helps move the story and gets you pumped. The show has ups and downs and always has you ready to watch the next episode you leaving you on the cliff asking what happens next? I recommend it to anyone who loves hip hop and comedy and British TV.
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Misfits (2009–2013)
Misfits is right
29 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show is pretty good. The first 2 seasons are AMAZING I was hooked. Then after that it kinda fell apart and lost direction and turned very linear. Overall the show was good but it needed to come to an end as it had that Wiley Coyote thing going on where it was running legs with no ground underneath it.

The cast of the first two season was great, very diverse and has something to offer for a lot of different people. I think each person could relate to a different character. The show was cleverly written and the cast made the show great.

The story is about a gang of kids brought together by community service for different crimes they committed. Then they are struck by lighting and are giving "superpowers" but its more like they got what they really wanted.Spoilers * For instance Curtis was a track star before getting busted and kicked off the track team so when he got struck he was giving the ability to rewind time. Another girl who is a bit of a slug was giving the power to make anyone she touches want to umm make love to her. Each character has a unique talent in which they use to protect each other and have some laughs while they do it.
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Intelligence (2014)
Intelligence without intelligence
29 January 2014
Man this show could have been good, good plot, new idea. I liked the way he could re-create events with rendering. How ever the acting is terrible and the writing is worse. The casting is dumb. Its overall all wrong. Its very clique and everything I hate about American TV. Its SO freaking cheesy. Why do you have to use lines like "Thanks for what? this never happened?" The main character, I don't know his name but the guy from Lost is not great. He plays an idiot arrogant D-Bag who looking for his missing wife who he LOVES SO MUCH yet he takes the time to hit on almost every girl. If you like shows that are corny this is great. If you love to know what happens next with out being surprised this is for you.
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Luther (2010–2019)
Love it
29 January 2014
You ever want to watch something and you hear that a show is good but you aren't sure. That's how this show came off to me. I heard good things and I knew about it I just never wanted to jump in. Well I did....and man am I glad that I did.

Great acting first of all. Great casting. I love the characters in this series. They all have a depth to them and you constantly want to find out what makes them tick. The show also does a great job of not being boring while setting up the back story. each episode does a great job of having something happen while other things are building in the background giving each episode value. You never have a dull episode while the story builds.

The show is about a cop who will do everything he has to while bending the rules, he still keeping strong morals. He is dealing with trying to be a good cop and a better person and he is consumed by justice but more so on what right. This has caused him to have problems in his relationship and is trying to get his wife back while dealing with a new woman who is obsessed with him and making his life 10 times for complicated.

Man I could keep writing about this show for days but it would be better if you just watch it. Take the leap and let Luther fall into your life, you wont regret it.
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