
16 Reviews
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Aladdin (2019)
Like watching broadway with cgi!
24 May 2019
First off if you're going into this movie trying to make it exactly like the original one then you might as well just watch the original one. As far as an adaptation goes Disney went all out to try and make the experience come to life and it's amazing and by looking at all the colors you can feed they spent a lot of money and resources trying not to make anybody mad that is in love with the original Aladdin.

Jasmine and Aladdin are incredible in this movie and they really make you feel like a kid again. For Will Smith to be able to pull this off at his age just shows his professionalism and true nature of acting. The only difference between Will Smith and Robin Williams is that Robin Williams was good with voice impressions that's pretty much it. The movie has its basic jokes for a Disney movie and I think kids and families are going to enjoy it the most. Don't listen to the people who are saying that it's the worst movie they ever saw they are absolutely lying because they prefer their original cartoon version.

I only gave the movie an 8 instead of a 10 because it's a remake so it kind of takes the magic of way of something new. Had this movie never been made before this would have easily been a 10 out of 10 in a Smash Hit so with that being said go see a great movie with your family or be a hater and don't LOL
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Are you serious??
16 April 2018
What has happen to Hollywood??? I mean yeah they always had watered down ideas and cheesy production work but still they made stuff that was watchable. Now a days celebs think because they have some sort of name in the industry that anything they put out is worthy of even being on the market.

This was downright terrible on every level. Seth Rogan, Jonah hill and actors of this nature for some reason are overly obsessed with penis jokes. They are never funny and only stupid. The comedians were not even funny and I love tiffany haddish but her jokes all fell flat.

This was a waste of time I skipped through most of it and ended up just turning it off all together. I expected a lot more from Seth SMH....
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The Do-Over (2016)
Finally he did not go overboard
27 May 2016
This felt like more a movie Adam Sandler got a little bit more serious about. Him and David Spade stay in character and don't try to be silly for no reason. I like the story line although Paula Patton is a terrible actor but she is cute so they will give her roles. The only thing I could find wrong was I wanted to hear more jokes. I think Sandler held back a little in that are but overall a fun movie to watch.Not his best film by far by for sure better than the last 4 he made. You should enjoy this movie if you don't expect too much. Adam's movie are really never drop dead funny but he somehow amazes every now and then. David is really a champ for still be able to hold the big screen at his age.
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Tired of people complaining about Parody's
6 April 2016
At this point if you are still trying to break down a parody movie from every angle and inspect it then you are wasting your time. Parody movies are literally designed to not be a good movie. The only thing it's for is to make you laugh. Everyone knows this so why every time a new one is made people expect more? Honestly these type of movies are for people who like to laugh and usually don't care how it turns out. I understand some of you may feel if it's a theatrical release then it should be at least worth the money but it's very hard to please everyone when it comes to music and art and it has always come down to a preference thing. I am giving this a 10 out of 10 because it made me laugh the whole time and that's all these movies are made for. I expected nothing else from it and I got nothing else from it.There was no great story line or amazing actors just good Ole parody humor.
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Ride Along 2 (2016)
Finally Kevin Hart did not try too hard!
3 February 2016
Honestly I thought this movie was going to to be terrible. The problem with Kevin hart is he sometimes tries too hard to be funny and he over does it but I wonder if some of it has to do with him having no control over the script. Any how his character in this sequel is not all over the place screaming at unneeded times for no reason or just trying to be the focus of attention. He actually relaxes and his jokes hit when they are suppose to. This is a quality sequel indeed. Honestly Kevin was so goo that it's a shame the story line was not better. The story really is pointless and it seems almost not even important if the characters accomplish any goals in the end. Thankfully Ice Cube and Kevin's characters keep you engaged with their back and forth bantering. Only con of this movie is the story line. I think the producers missed a huge chance for this movie to become a classic and have an even bigger trilogy.
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Concussion (2015)
I take back everything I ever said bad about Will Smith
7 January 2016
First off, It has been rough for Will trying to stay relevant in the social media era where one bad thing can make you unpopular. Jaden has made Will Unpopular for some odd reason. People love Will but without Jaden and Willow. Sadly he needs to distance himself from his kids when doing movies because when he does it works out great.

Second off, This movie was acted brilliantly from Will Smith. This is hands down his best performance ever. My girlfriend kept asking me "Is that really Will Smith"? He completely turned into a whole new person in this film and those questions about if he can play someone else besides himself have now been answered after long years of heavy criticism. I hear the script sucks but the script is just fine and there are no gimmicks or stupid jokes written in but just natural dialogue which suits the seriousness of the movie. Despite there being no action Will Makes you stay focused wondering if he will accomplish his goals throughout the movie. Alex Baldwin was wonderful and this is one of his best performances as well. Go see this movie and enjoy learning about the cold hard facts about Football.

Last but not least, I work with a guy from Africa and he sounds exactly like Will's accent in the movie so yeah Will did do a job hands down and he deserves an Oscar Nomination for this but probably won't get it because of the other movies out there that will win because of politics.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
Could not find anything wrong with it.
11 October 2015
I am 29 years old and it has been a long time since I have seen a really good movie or at least I should say this kind of movie that does not turn out cheesy and how you expect it to. This looked like a Lifetime straight to TV movie when I saw the trailer and I won't lie that is what attracted me because good thrillers do come along but you gotta wait for them sometimes. What I liked most about this movie is that it portrayed it'self as a low budget small studio film but while your are watching it you can clearly see it's not a crappy low budget film at all even though you may not see many fireworks. The director does a good of trying to get inside your head for the entire movie to the point where you just have to piece everything you watched together before you can determine of the film you are watching is even interesting. It seems the director easily keeps your focus with movie by making your brain piece clues together to figure out what, where and why things are happening. Great acting and great directing made this a 10 out of 10 for me. I am not going to spoil anything because I think you will enjoy this movie and not only will you enjoy but it you will be surprised at how much better this movie is than you thought it would be.
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American Crime (2015–2017)
A fresh look at race in America without offending anyone
26 March 2015
Lets face it, race has pretty much always been the number one talked about subject in America. For better or for worse it seems that no one will ever stop talking about it. Fast forward to America Crime which is a brand new crime drama centered on a few characters who are all connected through a murder and a rape. Did not think I would be interested in this drama but after the first episode I was hooked. The acting seems to be top notch and realistic from everyone. The artistic view of race relations in this show is amazing. It's slow paced yet the conversations are meaningful and deep. I believe race can be addressed without offending anyone and this show does it. I don't think it's so much that people are racist but it's more that people make assumptions based on what people look like, the music they listen too or the tattoos they have. This show will make you think about how you view the next person. It proves that no matter what race you are everyone has their own problems and usually the same problems of everyone else. Gave this a ten because most shows that come out don't live up to the hype of what the show is about. This show gives you everything it promised no more no less.
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Focus (II) (2015)
Never knew Will Smith was this good.
28 February 2015
I gave this movie a 10 for the simple reason that this was a slow paced movie and still managed to excite and make you not lose interest. How many movies in history are capable of that? The answer is not many. Will Smith transforms into an extremely believable con man making it look easy. Robbie was sexy and stunning and and her acting continues to shine bright. The entire tone of this movie was so balanced that it really does not take effect until the movie is over and you are able to stabilize your thoughts and come to the conclusion that you just watched a darn good movie. I thought this would be a copy of like Oceans 11 but I as wrong on some many levels. I am happy to say that Focus is very much it's own movie. Forget about After Earth because really that was a movie made to target a younger audience. This movie is the first showing of what the grown up version of Will Smith looks like. He's daring and cunning all with the same charisma he has always had. There is no need to ask anymore if Will Smith can act. He did a movie that was not in his comfort level and he nailed it proving that Will Smith is not this ghost of a man that does not exist, but he is very real and he continues to grow as an actor. I am convinced that any movie starring Will Smith is worth watching. I hate Wild Wild West but somehow I watch it every time it comes on TV because Will Smith will reel you in not matter how much you try to get away.
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Empire (2015–2020)
Seriously surprised
7 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I knew coming into this show that Terrence Howard and Taraji would be epic because they always are but never did I think the writers would be able to pack the drama needed into a Fox series. I was wrong on all fronts. This show reminds me a lot of 50 cent's show Power. The actors who play Terence Howard's children are all amazing at bringing their very different personalities to life. The pilot episode was filled with emotion and betrayal.


1. Script seems to be well written.

2.None of the actors seem to go overboard in their scenes which adds a natural feeling to their characters.

3.It has replay value.

4.Terrence and Taraji did the job they were paid for and quite well.


1.Even though the script is well written their were some scenes that are a little stereotypical towards musicians.

2.Some scenes seem rushed especially the one where Terrence finds out he has ALS.

3.At times tries to hard to feed into the current trend of what hip hop is rather than separate itself with originality.


Fox did a great job with this and I am fully impressed. I would recommend checking it out because it's a not a black show but a very good show. It's hard to have a successful show these days in the current market without putting vampires or using the same old cop detective routine. This show proves that times are changing and this is not the same America as you grandmother grew up in. Empire is here to stay.
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Annie (2014)
Not Bad At All.
12 December 2014
Let me start off by saying that if you are one of those people that are mad because the character playing Annie is black and not white then you should be ashamed seriously. It's a movie at the end of the day and it's just imagination. No particular color is needed to tell a fictional story that never happen.

Here's what I liked

1.The girl playing Annie is adorable and she does a great job of acting. 2.Jamie Foxx does a decent job of acting. 3.It felt like a remake that did not try too hard which worked out.

What I didn't like

1.Script was poorly written and some scenes were hurried along and did not blend in well with the transitioning of the movie. 2.Cameron Diaz had some of her worst acting of her career as she did a horrible job of playing a drunk woman. 3.The supporting cast lacked any kind of charisma especially for an upbeat musical type of movie. 4. Some of the music bits were just kind of thrown at you and don't blend in well with the musical aspect that the movie is suppose to generate.


I enjoyed this movie with my son very much. I did not expect anything special because the scripts in Hollywood have been badly written in the last 2 or 3 years. Go see this with your family but don't expect too much. I gave it a 7 because I think you will enjoy it as a rental with your children. Don't pay to see this movie because it's not worth it.
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Survivor's Remorse (2014–2017)
Makes basketball fun.
5 October 2014
I would like to start off by saying this show is way better than I expected it would be. I heard Lebron James name associated with the production so I figured this show would have no adult themes to it being that Lebron is usually in it for he kids but boy was I wrong. They is plenty of foul language and sexual themes for anyone thinking this show was okay for their kids to watch.

The show is basically about a kid from the inner city who made it big playing basketball and now has all these issues to deal with because he is now rich. This show basically shows what it's like to be a basketball player off the court and all the things they go though. Ethics play a huge role in the two episodes I saw as the main character has to decide how to deal with situations with the help of his manager/cousin.

Mike Epps is pretty solid and funny at times. Tichina Arnold which plays the mom is a hoot just like she always is. She plays a hard nose woman that tells the truth and does not let anything slide. Watch this show if you are tired of the same old stuff that's already on TV.
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Turtle Power
7 August 2014
Let me just start off by saying that I went into this movie not expecting much given this movie was already made when I was a child. Everyone around the time of the 90's loved Ninja Turtles. When I first saw the images of what the turtles looked like I was really thrown off. They went from Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles to steroid pumped reptiles. Luckily their bodies fit in with the story line which I applaud that the new producers did not just change the entire purpose of the Turtle franchise. The old school turtles were kind of laid back besides the orange one which we know always made jokes. The new turtles are revved up killing machines with no need for an introduction. The acting was good enough for this type of action movie but it was nothing to write home about. Megan Fox has become that girl that's always in the action movie just to look good. This movie was a good action film but it won't really make you ask for a sequel. I am sure there will be another two or three because that's what Hollywood is doing now a days. Don't go in expecting too much and you should enjoy yourself.
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Stitch (II) (2013)
Great idea for a movie but very poor choice of actors.
14 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I actually got to see this movie at an early screening earlier this week. I would like to start by saying that I LOved the idea about what the movie was about. Two parents who have lost their daughter are taken to a house in the middle of nowhere with the advice from their 2 friends to perform a ritual that is supposed to make them forget about the pain of losing their daughter. Like most horror movies things start happening and it gets creepy real fast. The premise of the story is fine but the actors are probably the worst actors I have ever seen in my life. Remember Eddie furlong who played john Connor in terminator 2? Well he sucks big time in this movie. My question is how do these actors actually make it past auditions? With all that said its a decent movie but the actors really kill it. Had there had been better actors I think the movie would have been a better experience for me.
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Ride Along (2014)
Kevin hart is funny without telling jokes.
18 January 2014
Going into this movie I did not know what to really expect. I always argue with people that Kevin Hart is not funny as most stand up comedians but rather it's his silliness and his charisma that makes him funny. He will not tell a lot of jokes but his mannerisms and the way he talks during his parts are what is funny. Now that we have got that part out of the way I would like to say I fully enjoyed this movie. It was much funnier than I thought it would be. Ice Cube does it again with his production company making a movie that is already in talks to spawn a sequel.No matter what ice cube touches it seems like it's worth watching. Even his last Friday movie was pretty much a let down compared to the others but people still watch it when it comes on TV. Kevin Hart is pretty much himself in every movie which can be a good or bad thing depending on the script. i could not stop laughing at how stupid Kevin harts character was. Ice Cube and Kevin hart had very good chemistry together and I hope to see a sequel. You should go see this movie because it is worth it if you want some good laughs.
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Mom (2013–2021)
This show is so funny!
3 November 2013
I have to say first off I have always loved Anna Farris from the scary movie series and she does not disappoint in this sitcom at all. All these people saying that this show is negative and trashy are the same people that love two and a half men and watch it faithfully. I have laughed through every episode so far and can't wait to see how the whole series turns out. The woman who plays Anna Farris's mom is so funny and it kind of reminds you of the mother on two and half men. Don't listen to what other people say and watch for yourself before you make a judgment call. I see other shows that have a good rating like we're the millers which has no laughs in it whatsoever. We live in a generation where people see one thing they don't like an all of sudden everything about the show is bad.
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