
4 Reviews
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Metamorphosis (II) (2018)
Stunning and Awe Inspiring
22 June 2018
Now, this is how we inform people.

Just as a caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly, our world is changing metamorphosing into something new with some destructive results. We see the loss of species, the devastation of cities and towns from forests fires, and the vanishing of ecosystems. Multiple stories are told, a harrowing tale of a mother driving into a forest fire to save her daughter and mother, artists putting statues in the most unusual places, and even a self preserving greenhouse in the middle of desert. While much of the information provided can feel daunting,

"Metamorphosis" provides solutions, results, and hope. Often documentaries of this topic come off preachy, depressing, and condemning, "Metamorphosis" rises above them by being informative and constructive. It doesn't spit out negative blame for the losses, but celebrates intellectual artists, inventors, and scientists that rise above the conditions and adapt and make changes for the better.

This is one of the most beautiful films I have seen all year. Every second treats your eyes to spectacular cinematography that will give BBC's Blue Planet and Earth documentaries a run for their money. Even when the subject matters gets into darker territories, the visuals are magnificent. Spellbinding and awe inspiring poetic control make this one worth seeing on the big screens.

Thankful that this exists.
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Science Fiction Robot is actually cool and campy
23 August 2011
The movie starts with a monkey in a cage, who's been hooked up to some sort of robotic transmitter that people can command the monkey to perform certain acts. Then one of the scientists says, "Now take a look at what happens when we touch him with a robot." To which a small remote controlled robot enters the cage and touches the monkey, followed by inappropriate reaction from the monkey. Whenever a film starts with testing a monkey and we hear, "Ok Now take a look at what happens with when touch him with a robot." I'm going to be in for the long run.

Vindicator might not feel like an original story, crossing Robocop with the Hulk (film doesn't even try to hide that it has borrowed a concept from the hulk by making), with a scientist who's been rebuilt into a powerful after a freak accident, which was purposely cause by his coworkers to push forward an experiment.

Yes, this is low budget, and yes this is silly, and yes, this is very eighties, however the film runs smoothly, never feeling dull. It's villains are despicable and you'll root for the hero to give them their dues. Some of the directors choices are also good, for instance a church sequence that has a great shot of our hero jumping from a balcony into shattering wood floors.

This is a true 80's low budget gem. Hard to find but worth the hunt.
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Falling Up (2009)
Comedy that doesn't understand the concepts of jokes.
22 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If a cast cannot pull off any jokes, maybe the comedy should be removed from the whole script. A young boy hiring hookers while he's parents are away should have a few laughs. Not here. Perhaps flamboyant gay stereo types having a couples spat will deliver some laughs... no, not since the 80s did that scene generate laughs. This script is so bad, I spent most of the film wondering why decent actors like Mimi Rogers, Joe Pantoliano and Snoop Dog would agree to filming this. What kind of audience was this written for? It strives to be so innocent and charming, but has no problem slipping in a cocaine scene, an f-bomb, and even a porn shop surprise. There is an important message in this film about not defining yourself by your ocupation or with simple labels, yet the film makes terrible jokes with flamboyant gays, prostitutes, and a bitter East Indian cab driver. One thing that this movie did teach me, is that working in a porn shop is fine, but being a hooker is the bottom. Got it.
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The 7th Hunt (2009)
Just because it is low budget doesn't mean we can excuse it.
8 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think that I was suppose to laugh out loud at the ridiculous dialogue. In one of the violent scenes, when tormenting a victim who's hands are tied above her head, the torturer says, "By the time I'm finished with you, even hell won't have you." But she's the victim. Why would hell want to have the innocent victim? I shouldn't really be concerned with the dialogue being that the film doesn't really have a story but tries to find reasons to show people being tortured by psychotic killers. The inconsistencies here are all over the place, for instance a victim has a cigarette burn mark in their armpit before the cigarette is use to burn the arm pit. A deaf girl actually turns her head to see who's calling from another room. And a surprise reveal at the end that has no reason for the viewer to think otherwise.

Basically this is torture porn done purely. Bad makeup effects, terrible characters, goofy dialogue, and it's not even fun to watch while getting drunk with friends. Instead it was confusing and left us feeling gross.
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