
2 Reviews
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Doctor Who: Blink (2007)
Season 3, Episode 10
Amazing episode
1 September 2007
I am writing this comment straight after watching the episode. Having seen a lot of Doctor Who in my time, I can say that I have never seen beings as genuinely creepy as the weeping angels in this story. They are done so simply, yet there is created an amazing tension and air of foreboding. Full marks to the writer for his imagination (as evidenced by his Girl in the Fireplace story from the last series). Much as I love watching David Tennant, his limited presence in this episode did not detract from my enjoyment of it. This is a truly compelling, brilliant piece of television that takes the series to a whole new level.
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Blackpool (2004)
Excellent series
10 February 2007
I just bought the DVD of this series, as I have recently become a huge fan of David Tennant. I was planning to watch it in 6 installments, but by the end of the first episode, I was intrigued by the story and ended up watching it all in one session. The writing is excellent, with fine performances, and the use of popular songs as part of the narrative works well. David Morrissey plays the central character of Ripley Holden, who is essentially quite hard to like because of his attitudes and practices, but he manages to create sympathy for him by the end. David Tennant shows his fine acting skills (and his lovely Scottish accent), and is particularly winning in his scenes with Julie Parish. All in all, a very fine production.
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