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TWA Flight 800 (2013 TV Movie)
Just another crime in a long list of crimes by our government
5 November 2013
This documentary on the TWA 800 air disaster provides more than enough evidence to cast doubt on the official investigation and the ludicrous explanation that was made up out of thin air to explain why this fully loaded airliner ended up in the Atlantic Ocean.

Anyone who has studied the TWA 800 event already knows that the official conclusion is completely absurd. Apparently we're to believe that a faulty wire caused the central fuel tank to explode. Yes, the FBI, CIA, and much of our government thinks the average citizen is actually dumb enough to accept this ridiculously implausible and unsubstantiated conclusion. Unfortunately much of the population accepted it without question and moved on with their lives, unaware of the treasonous and deceitful cover- up that was conducted by persons within the FBI, CIA, and NTSB.

Missiles brought that plane down. The citizens demand to know why!
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The First Chapter of an Epic Saga!
31 December 2010
The Phantom Menace far surpassed my expectations, probably because my expectations had been lowered by much of the negative criticism this film generated, mostly by disgruntled geeks who are afraid of change, like hardened conservatives panicking when a democrat wins an election. It's really childish and pathetic.

The "magic" of Star Wars is still present in Episode 1. Although this first film seems slightly bent toward a more younger audience, this in no way affects the quality of the film. The acting, plot, visuals, audio are all top notch. The main complaints for this film seem to center around Jar Jar Binks, a character I happened to really like. The underwater trip to the Gungan city and then to the capitol of Naboo was one of the best parts of the film, and I thought the interaction between Jar Jar, Qui Gon, and Obi Wan was splendid entertainment at its finest! Sure there are a few clichés throughout this film that serve as minor annoyances but they don't in any way inhibit that "magic" from shining through.

Episode 1 is a fine edition to the Star Wars saga, and one that did not deserve the rampant criticism it received by many. This is top notch entertainment, and George Lucas' complete Star Wars saga is a stupendous success, an impressive result of a vision and the drive to fulfill that vision. Thank you Mr. Lucas!
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