
46 Reviews
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Madame Web (2024)
Do Not believe the bad reviews!
19 May 2024
This was a very entertaining movie! I enjoyed it very much. The bad reviews are from people who did not watch the movie very well. You must pay attention to all the story. Don't play games while watching it. Don't have your friends over unless you are all listening to the dialog. The movie gave you good back stories but the haters were not listening and thinking for themselves. If you know the series you would understand the movie! The acting was great. Dakota Johnson was very good. Action scenes were awesome. Cinematically well done. Just an awesome movie. Thank you Marvel. PLEASE GIVE US A SEQUEL. With the same actors.
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The Burial (II) (2023)
Oscar worthy performances!
13 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is an Oscar worthy movie with Oscar winning performances! Mamoudou Athi was very good as the young lawyer with aspirations, Hal Dockins. Love to see young talent come to light! Of course, Jamie Fox and Tommy Lee Jones were also very good. The whole movie was done nicely. The slave burial grounds with no headstones is very depressing to me. So true. I have never visited "the south" and am not sure I could handle it. The vibes coming from those unseen cemeteries would pull at my heart strings. The thought of gouging people at their most vulnerable time is horrifying. Funerals use to be affordable but now they are not. Burial insurance, life insurance all needed to just get buried. And if you are poor, like me, the Health and Human Services Dept considers burial or life insurance an asset and denies you less in help. This is what seniors put up with. And then here comes a company that particularly targets the poor who can not afford much. Shame on them. This movie should be watched by all. Funeral Homes are making money off our most vulnerable moments. This is a movie for all to see. Funerals are difficult as they are should not be used to entice more monies from our emotions.
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The Shining (1980)
The Shining is one of Stephen King's best novels.
24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
However, the movie is not as good as the book. Most of Stephen King's books are better than the movies. There is a reason for that, people. Stephen King is the king of making a novel lead up to the main story with much description of surroundings, character backgrounds, character thoughts and actions and the idea of the novel. For those of you that cannot "picture" scenes and spaces in the Overlook Hotel, your not suppose to. It is a real hotel in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. But, it is also a very powerful psychic location. The Hotel wanted Jack for his psychic abilities. The power to control this energy. And, Danny, well, Danny is very powerful psychically and that's who the Hotel wants. So, it needs Jack to kill the son so it can be absorb his energy and be more powerful than ever. The sequel novel, Doctor Sleep, by King, was also very good. The book was awesome, the movie, not so much. It was good but book was better. That is what I'm trying to relay to you people. The books are always better because they can answer all the questions you have because that is how King writes. That is why he is so popular and prolific. Read the books first. Go see the movie after. The movie will be crystal clear to you.

And, Jack Nicholson was awesome in this movie. He played Jack perfectly. He is an awesome actor and can make most movies come alive.

My parting thoughts to you, again, read the books before seeing the movie. Then you don't have to complain that the movie was vague or boring. It's just a movie for entertainment. Being so critical of a classic such as this movie is just being foolish or unreasonable. Happy reading.
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Fast X (2023)
Awesome movie! Disregard the low reviews.
16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Disregard the poor reviews. This is what you expect from a high octane action movie from this cast and crew! I love it. Thrills in every set! Love the characters! Sorry, Dom, Jason Momoa was pretty good as a villain. Not as good as Cypher, but good. Enjoy the movie for what it is. Entertaining and fun to watch. That's what movies are about. Fantasy! Not real life. You go watch movies to escape into fantasy. They don't always have to make sense or be plausible, that's entertainment! I enjoyed this movie and every installment of the Fast and Furious movies! I look forward to Part 2! Can't wait! 👍
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Call Jane (2022)
Very Relevant to the Times!
7 May 2023
Jane will have to be revived. We are living in the dark ages! Women still have no say over their own bodies. This movie is what will be in the near future if this way of thinking continues. Scary. Yes, dang scary. I lived in the 60s snd 70s. And you know who our worst enemy is? It's women. They are scared to change the status quo. They continue to follow like sheep. Women can be more cruel then men. Watch this movie and see what we have to look forward to. It is very relevant to the times that are coming. Our only hope is that our grandchildren can bring this world back to reality. Pray that happens.
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SurrealEstate (2021– )
I want a Second Season and more!
23 October 2022
Great first couple of episodes. Very underrated! That's because it was on SyFy! I think SyFy has some great tv shows. Some are even outstanding such as Resident Alien. But that show is carried, lock stock and barrel by Alan Tudyk. Acting is fine. All the actors work together. Characters are simple to understand and each episode is pretty straightforward. Thank you. I was missing some paranormal tv too. No witches schools or vampire academies or Viking shows. The humor is just right and I like that. Resident Alien has good humor too but also a great plot and the characters fit. This SyFy tv show shaping up. Please give us a second season!!!??? Please?
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The Orville: Future Unknown (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
I want more! Great tv show.
5 August 2022
I am so tired of the people who make bad remarks about something they have no absolute right to do. Snide little mouth smackers. This is a great show and I want to see more. Those bad mouthers just tick me off. They don't even understand the content of the tv show they are watching. Life must be very boring to them in general. They must be high or something. Shame on them.
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The Orville: Domino (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
Yes! Another outstanding Episode!
28 July 2022
When I first started watching this some 5 years ago my SciFy friends told me it won't make it. Has it made it? YES! It is every bit as good in all aspects - cinematography, writing, acting, excitement! I love it. Please please let there be a 4th season! Am tired of the Jedi and Star Trek. This series is awesome! Thank you Seth MacFarlane for your brilliant inspiration. Don't stop now. More. More. Please?
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This episode took my heart..
24 July 2022
Am re-watching old episodes of CSI, cause I liked it that much, and forgot about how Catherine left. I missed her throughout the rest of the series. I think she was a major part of this series success. When Warrick died it tore my heart out too but Marg Helgenberger was the glue that held it all together.
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Excellent Series
21 July 2022
Am so happy there will be a 2nd Season of this very intriguing series. Everything was there. Acting was on point. Writing was good. Would like to see more episodes or longer ones. Felt a bit rushed at the end. But, am looking forward to next season.
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Good offering to the Star Wars gods
25 June 2022
Don't listen to all the negative. This TV series was every bit as good as the first Star Wars movie. I saw that one in the theater. But then I love being entertained. This series was satisfying enough for me to get a good feeling about it. Just sit down and watch it and enjoy. There are way too many snobby critics out there. It's entertainment people. Up to you how you receive it.
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Lucy and Desi (2022)
Lucille Ball was the Bomb!
6 March 2022
I grew up watching I Love Lucy! Best show on television, then and now. This documentary shows the love two people can have for each other and realize they just can't be married. Such respect for each other. Lucille Ball was the best.
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Reacher (2022– )
More, please!
5 February 2022
Very good action and fun movie! Liked the whole cast. More in the future, I hope? Movie kept my attention throughout. No lagging. Please more seasons? Please?
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Finch (2021)
Wonderful Story and movie!
3 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Awesome movie that moved me to tears. Very well done. Tom Hanks is just an awesome actor and human being. And, the young man who played Jeff did a very good job also. Loved the dog, Goodyear. We didn't need a big background story. I hope those of you that gave it a bad review are not so jaded that you can't be moved by a man and his dog. And Jeff. Jeff became the caregiver for Goodyear.
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Fatherhood (I) (2021)
Great movie and Kevin Hart was Awesome!
20 June 2021
Kevin Hart did an excellent job of showing us that he can be a excellent dramatic actor as well as a good comedian. He has crossed that line! Very good job, Mr. Hart! And his companion actors were also good. Thank you! Enjoyed this movie very much.
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Excellent Movie for thinkers!
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All three of the main characters were good. I love Rami Malek and no one will change my mind. I think the negative reviews are for movie watchers that like sex, shot em up and violence in their crime dramas. So many compared this movie to the movie Seven. Like comparing apples to oranges. Obviously they did not understand either movie. Great work. Oh, and by the way, the dog was a wanderer for over for two weeks explained by Denzel in the first 5 minutes of the movie. So, at the end, the dog is right there and goes into house with Deke. No worries animal lovers. This movie is about young and old experiences in life. Especially within the Blue Wall. A good watch. Worth my 2 hours.
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This is for all of you that never read the Call of the Wild
11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie pretty much tells the same story as the book, Call of the Wild. Actors were great. CGI was fine. Too many complainers that just can't enjoy a movie for pure entertainment. Always got to complain. Here is synopsis of book. "The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London, published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada, during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a ranch in Santa Clara Valley, California, when Buck is stolen from his home and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. He becomes progressively primitive and wild in the harsh environment, where he is forced to fight to survive and dominate other dogs. By the end, he sheds the veneer of civilization, and relies on primordial instinct and learned experience to emerge as a leader in the wild." Sounds the same as the movie to me. This is a very good movie to watch as a family and listen to what your children say about it. This was mandatory reading when I was in school and the education system in U.S. was good.
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Lupin (2021– )
Vive la France!
10 January 2021
Congratulations on the success of this new series. I love Omar Sy! He is so underrated by Hollywood. The French have had some pretty good TV series lately! I look forward to Part 2!
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This is a Thinkers Movie
23 December 2020
So, if you don't think, are unimaginative or expect a movie or Director to feed the audience every little nuance, PLEASE, do not waste your time watching this movie. This movie is very well done. Clooney got it right. Actors and storyline delivered a message. Hit home to me. If you didn't understand the movie you did not watch the dialogue or interactions by the actors. This is a very thought provoking movie on many levels. Thank you to the author of the book. I understood everything without having to read the book. But then, I am a thinker. I am independent and love movies to entertain me and make me use my brain. Stop criticizing something you cannot comprehend.
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Godmothered (2020)
Fantastic Feel Good Movie for a sad 2020 year!
7 December 2020
Shame on all the negative reviews for this movie. Shame! Absolutely needed this movie for the ending to a truly unbelievable year! I loved it! Absolutely loved it! Thank you Disney for such a very fine and memorable movie. I cried for believing and laughed for the sheer feeling of laughing instead of crying. Haven't done that for awhile as started believing this ugly year would take my life away from me. In my opinion, a truly good and wonderful movie comes along once in a great while. This is one of them. Happily Ever After can come in many designs. Count your blessings.
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Judy (II) (2019)
We won't forget you, Judy...
17 October 2020
When I was seven we got our very first TV. My Dad climbed on top of the roof to adjust the antenna so I could watch The Wizard of Oz for the first time. I will never forget that first experience. The TV was black and white because we could not afford a colored one, so I didn't see the color of Oz until I was older, but the sound was awesome. And that song has been with me for 70 years.

I put off watching this movie as I knew I would end up crying. So many memories. We will never forget you, Judy. You had the most amazing voice!

This movie was very well done. The performance by Renee Zellweger was outstanding! Just outstanding! Thank you.
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Outward appearances should not judge a person
1 October 2020
This is so close to home for many of us who believe We are judged by society on outward appearances. The FBI did not have any evidence against Jewell. None. Judgement.

Richard Jewell was not slim and muscular. Not movie star material looks. He was short and stout. He was handsome to his mother but not everyone else. He was slow spoken and eager to be accepted, especially by law enforcement. Not violent. Not angry. Very observant. A caring individual. Honest. A hero. A truly American hero.

We could use a few more Richard Jewels on the police force right now. A whole lot more.

Mr. Hauser did a fine job of acting. Of course Sam Rockwell and Kathy Bates were awesome. Clint Eastwood sure knows how to direct. His politics are skewed but he can direct.

The FBI should have done more of an apology to Richard Jewell. Great movie told simply and truthfully.
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The Way Back (I) (2020)
Ben Affleck is an awesome actor!
27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just very truthful. Alcohol can really screw up your life. Cancer sucks. Family matters. Young adults need someone to believe in them. You don't need background stories on all the characters to understand the story. It's life. Awesome performance by Ben Affleck. Acting was superb by all the actors. Underrated film that deserves more acclaim then it got.
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Bonekickers (2008)
Better than most Treasure Hunter series
2 September 2020
Pretty good series. Too bad they did not do another couple seasons. Good premise. Little bit of history brought to life. Peaks your interest. The naysayers that rated low are people that like reality TV and never read a history book before, fact or fiction. Entertaining enough to enjoy. Imagination is awesome.
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Peppermint (2018)
Excellent Action Flick with a Woman Lead!
14 May 2020
This was a great action film. If you don't like violent action movies, don't judge! Don't watch. If you like action movies, watch it. Jennifer Garner did an awesome job! Kept me interested throughout the whole movie! I want a sequel...Peppermint 2! I loved John Wick. Put these two together in an action movie! Blockbuster! Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Garner are two badass women!
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