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Absolute abomination.
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wish this didn't exist. The single worst thing ever to be a part of the MCU. THE FACT THAT THEY'RE TRYING TO SAY IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE TONY STARK WAS REALLY THIS DUMB. Terrible terrible writing.
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The hate is completely unwarranted
31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Reading through the reviews of this film on here is just unbelievable. The main criticism that I'm seeing is that the characters are supposedly dumb and they should've known he wouldn't stay down. It seems the majority of people who watch this film are incapable of putting themselves into the position of the characters in the movie. You can't just expect them to be really aware and understand how much it would take to kill Michael like we do. You need to understand that this movie takes place after only the first movie (1978) existed, where he only killed 3 people.. Over 40 years have passed in the storyline, he's a largely forgotten killer. Nobody knows of his supernatural ability to survive what no other man could, other than Laurie and the police chief. The film literally mentions this and it still somehow goes over peoples heads. With what the mob did to Michael, it was more than reasonable to think he was actually dead, considering any normal person would be, and if not they certainly wouldn't be getting up from it like he did. All these reviews are just saying "huehue they're so dumb, how didn't they know not to chop of his head to make sure he's dead, or stab him in the head, etc." Well, because they're ordinary people, not maniacs, and they're not aware they're inside a slasher movie..?

This is a fun, enjoyable slasher. Peoples standards are far too high today and they like to think they're so clever poking holes in the plot, when in reality they're the dumb ones, completely incapable of understanding what the movie is going for and the message it's putting across. I've literally seen people upset that Laurie wasn't in it much and that she didn't kill Michael in this movie. This is the second part of a planned trilogy, were you all mad that Luke didn't kill Vader in the Empire Strikes Back too? Jesus Christ, some people. I think this film has just become victim of a sheepish, mob mentality (ironic considering this is a huge plot point in the film itself). The hate for this movie is so unwarranted, and is literally just created by peoples stupidity and pretentiousness. It became "cool" to hate on this movie because people see others doing it, when in reality its pretty well written for a slasher movie.
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Abomination (and not in a good way)
14 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is supposed to be a 'found footage' movie, the videos are supposed to be of 'real' murders, and yet it's filmed like a b movie. The video tapes are filmed like a horror movie, not something that actually happened like the film is telling you it did. Terrible acting, particularly in the first short movie of the girl who gets abducted by the clown. The writer/director/makeup artist of this film proves he can't write or direct, and the only trick in his wheelhouse in senseless gore for attention. Should've stuck to the makeup and effects cause he does a good job of that at least.
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Completely unnecessary
30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was the most unnecessary episode I've ever seen. This really added nothing new to the plot, the whole backstory of this character was underwhelming and it added nothing that you couldn't have just assumed yourself. Sometimes things are better left to the imagination.

The big reveal was that the spirits fade away with time and that's why the older ones have no face... Woooooow didn't see that coming, totally couldn't have just assumed that and not wasted an entire episode on it. There was really just absolutely no need for this, the explanation is so lame as well, so she's just repeating the same cycle over and over and killing whoever gets in her path. I had a feeling that she killed Peter because he was stealing the jewellery and that it once belonged to her, and frankly that would've been a much better explanation. But it was just pure coincidence that she killed Peter and this whole story was a (un)happy accident.

And I have to say, I am completely baffled and amazed at the fact that they managed to end two episodes in a row with the exact same cliffhanger ending. I've never seen anything of the like in my entire life. Seriously, episode 8 ends with Dani being dragged away by the lady of the lake, and then a whole 56 minute episode later, it ends with Dani being dragged away by the lady of the lake. I mean Jesus would it have been hard to actually show her definitively being killed in this episode?
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American Horror Story: Winter Kills (2021)
Season 10, Episode 6
What a s***show of an ending
23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. This was one of the strongest seasons of AHS, the first 5 episodes were all really good! And now they hit us with the most anticlimactic THIRTY minute finale (WTF shortest episode of AHS ever). I cannot believe they had the audacity of just leaving Doris out of the last episode after what that devil child Alma did to her. Doris should've got her revenge but nope they just left her out completely.

I was literally rooting for Belle Noir and Austin to kill Alma and Harry because I was 100% on their side and they are the only characters whose actions were justifiable. They were kind enough to introduce Harry to these miracle pills that allowed him to become an extremely prolific writer who apparently was creating masterpieces galore while he was there, and he is idiotic enough to allow his daughter to take these pills, and then go around killing people in the town which is the one place they were not supposed to kill anyone. Belle and Austin were completely righteous to want revenge after this.

So somehow Ursula manages to talk the pales into attacking Belle and Austin, they break through the windows and kill them both, then of course Ursula comes in with her John Wick shooting accuracy to save both Harry and Alma. Harry somehow doesn't see Alma attempting to kill him coming when he tries to stop her using the pills, after she already effectively killed her own mother. Of course Alma kills Harry, and Ursula for some reason goes along with it despite Harry being more profitable and the one who's talent she'd make the most money off of. Harry deserved his death because of his idiocy but it sure is not a satisfying ending, all the likeable characters die and the only ones left are 2 of the most horrible unlikeable characters in AHS history, and the chemist who has no real character development. The most anticlimactic ending in all of AHS and that's really saying something.

The only upsides of this episode were Alma calling Ursula a chicken s*** little b**** and Belle Noir's rant about how Hollywood ruins everything in the end (how fitting and postmodern)

I have to say, Alma is genuinely up there with Ivy for the most detestable character in all of AHS, props to the actress because she has done an amazing job, especially considering her age.
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Sex Education: Episode 5 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
19 September 2021
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Otis and Maeve are finally getting together. I've been waiting years to see this. It was a beautiful and touching scene.
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Worst episode of AHS
15 September 2021
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This episode is down right sickening. The whole subject matter is gross and unnecessary. The extreme levels of sexism, it's horribly written, incredibly idiotic and a terrible waste of time. Having Valerie Solanas taking credit for the crimes of the zodiac killer has to be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. The mental gymnastics they're doing to try and explain it is just hilarious. Why does she kill more women than men when she's so hateful and sexist towards men? Uhhh well uhhh they need to learn for doing what comes naturally and being in relationships with men. Yeah that totally makes sense.

The one good thing about this episode was seeing Evan Peters playing Andy Warhol which he did a really good job at. They could've just dedicated the episode to Andy Warhol and his paintings and it still would've been better than this abomination.

Cult was just growing into being a really strong season for the first 6 episodes and now it gets thrown off a cliff by making everything about gender. There was no recovery from this train wreck of an episode and it's extremely disappointing.
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American Horror Story: Orphans (2014)
Season 4, Episode 10
Beautiful, touching, heartbreaking
5 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is so important because it shows the lows that humanity can really go. What happens to poor Pepper in this episode is 100% something that has happened many times in real life. It's so easy to pin things on the different and disadvantaged people. Her sister and sisters husband are pure evil, the lowest of the low and tragically these type of people do exist in real life and the same situation has been played out many times before. It's important to show this in a tv series and raise awareness on it.

As an episode itself it's incredibly well done, the writing, the music, the acting. One of the best if not the absolute best episode in American horror story. It cements Pepper as one of the greatest and most tragic characters in tv. It's so heartbreaking and so real.
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Best Big Screen Bane
20 August 2021
The saving grace of this movie is that is has a more comic accurate Bane that doesn't have the idiotic voice Tom Hardy used in The Dark Knight Rises. Also, Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy is good casting and could've been good if she had a decent script.
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American Horror Stories: The Naughty List (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Entertaining, does what it intends
19 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode did exactly what it was trying to do, and it executed it relatively well, these low ratings are ridiculous. The kids were despicable and I wanted to see them killed and that's generally the aim of a slasher and in that it succeeded. It's a one episode anthology horror show, this episode showing how consumed people are with social media, and having them face karma for all the horrible things they've done and posted online. I wasn't coming into it looking for a Taxi Driver esc masterpiece. It's a horror anthology show made primarily for teenagers and young adults. People need to stop being so pretentious about it and grow up. This episode can be compared to a slasher short movie that lasts 40 minutes, that's all it's trying to be, and based on what it's trying to be it gets an 8/10 based on how it was executed. I'm not comparing it to the Godfather cause I'm not a moron and I can realise it's not trying to be the godfather. Based on what it is and what its trying to be its certainly not a 1-4/10 which is what most people are rating it. People need to stop rating things harshly for these reasons, it's ridiculous and incredibly pretentious. Rate it based on what it's actually trying to be.
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Masterpiece full of heart and soul
11 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Don't listen to the reviews on here, go to Rotten Tomatoes. The audience rating on here is so much lower than it deserves because of people review bombing cause they have an agenda against James Gunn or DC.
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Glass (2019)
Thought provoking thriller, lacks finesse of predecessors Unbreakable and Split.
29 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I went into this picture as a huge admirer of its two predecessor films, Unbreakable and Split. I can say for the first 2 thirds/3 quarters of the film, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I was thinking Mr Night had actually outdone himself. I have to say, you cannot go into this film expecting an action blockbuster of MCU proportions, this is a much more deep, thinking mans film that you really need to give your undivided attention to, and it's ideas may challenge even the most seasoned of movie goers.

James McAvoy, once again was simply phenomenal, portraying the diverse array of characters with immense acting ability and flair, even having the opportunity to add even more to his already impressive resume in Split. The charismatic Scotsman played an influx of convincing characters all sharing the same physical brain as the original personality, Kevin Wendell Crumb, a broken boy from an abusive home. I believe McAvoy deserved every acting award on the planet for this performance, but his lack of recognition just goes to show how biased and out of touch these large award promotions are.

Samuel L. Jackson returns to the role of disturbed mass murdering former comic book store owner Elijah Price (AKA Glass) almost 19 years later. As a huge Jackson admirer, I have to say, one of his strongest characters and performances was in Unbreakable (another Shyamalan picture to be snubbed by critics and award bodies alike). This movie starts slow for the title character, seemingly in a sedated, trance like state in the psychiatric hospital David Dunn (Willis) left him in at the end of the original film. Slowly as we get further into the picture we realise there is more to this, and Price is actually playing up his mental state to appear unthreatening. He is the mastermind and the title character, truly done justice to in this movie.

Bruce Willis returns to his role of David Dunn, first (and last) seen in the aforementioned Unbreakable. We find out his wife (Robin Wright) has passed away and his son Joseph, now grown up, is helping him with the hero business. It starts where Split ended, Dunn (now dubbed the Overseer) wary of the Horde (McAvoy), tries to find him and put a stop to the abductions of young women. He succeeds and finds him at an old factory they have a relatively well made fight scene, culminating in them spilling into the streets and Sarah Paulsons Dr. Ellie Staple, (with an armed militia) imploring Dunn to surrender (which he reluctantly does). She then admits both Dunn and the Horde to the same psychiatric hospital Elijah Price is already inhabiting.

Now we have some of the strongest and believable writing which I truly admire. We see Ellie Sharpe try to break down the lead characters and convince them they're not actually superheroes. I believe the idea of this portion is truly believable and what would actually happen if people like this existed. She tries to explain away everything the Horde and David do, actually convincing them they're not special. David is the first to break of course, considering for the majority of Unbreakable he didn't even want to believe he was a hero. Patricia (the personality that prophesied the beast strongest in Split) even started to doubt whether the Beast was actually as strong as she thought, which was sad and I think led to the audience questioning it too. I feel like this portion could've been executed better and there are flaws but the general idea of it is very clever and I'm a big fan.

Now the ending, the real problem I have with this film. I can see what the director/writer was going for, and I can appreciate it, the twist ending. However, I don't feel like this movie earned it, I don't feel like (big spoiler) McAvoy and Willis' deaths were necessary. Dunn I feel was poorly treated in this movie. The titular referenced hero of Unbreakable, just gets casually killed off by his Kryptonite (drowned by water) in a scene which had no build up and felt like it was just done for shock value. The same applies to The Horde. If you're looking at this film as a sequel to Split, I feel it is poor. With how Split ends you would imagine McAvoy would end up dying at the end of the sequel, however you would think that would be done in more of a dramatic way, after he's killed too many innocent girls, as the main villain. He wasn't even the main villain in this film, and his death just felt unnecessary. Anya Taylor-Joy was I believe heavily under-utilised in this film after how much of a great, interesting character she played in Split. In the end she was only really there to bring Kevin Wendell Crumb into the light so that he could be unnecessarily shot and killed.

In the end learn that Sarah Paulsons character works for some institution which prevents the public from knowing about superheroes and she needed to get rid of Dunn only because McAvoys character presented himself. Why couldn't they have just put them back in the mental institution? This just felt so unnecessary to me.

I understand it is called Glass and predominantly Elijah Price aka Glass' story. I just feel like the ending could've been better handled. Yes he got what he wanted and the world found out about superheroes, I just don't think Willis and McAvoy needed to die. I'm fine with Glass dying, I felt like that was beautiful and made sense in the story. If everything else worked out the same way apart from the other 2 dying this would've been a 9/10 for me and on the same level as the first 2, maybe even better.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Hunt for Ziro (2010)
Season 3, Episode 9
They really gave character development to that fat singing alien lady from return of the Jedi
7 January 2021
Yes 10/10 they actually gave character development to the singing alien from return of the Jedi in Jabbas Palace.
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