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The best invention has been love, time and death
12 November 2019
The best invention has been love, time and death, it really is not easy, there are many situations and convictions that do not reveal the collateral movements that are caused by an event in our lives. Most of us strive to control the result without seeing that everything around us, everything that happens around us is part of living. Perhaps the death of a mother or a brother could be used to represent the loss, but the human being is harmed more when it comes to a child. There are many events that can cause sadness, madness, desolation, without emabargo as long as it is not from your circle of belonging, it does not matter and there is the big problem. The story focuses on the loss of the most loved of people, but the unplanned birth of a baby can also cause collateral beauty.
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Løvekvinnen (2016)
No matter the condition with which you were born
15 October 2017
I do not consider myself an expert to criticize a work like a movie, where so many people work, but if I am able to see or understand the message that is wanted to give the work and in this story, the message is simple, "No matter the condition with which you were born, it is not an excuse to dream and achieve something great "I know it is not easy, society is the factor that most debilitates a person, and we all know, but if someone manages to overcome those immense mountains, there will be nobody who can collapse it.
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Bokeh (I) (2017)
For the sake of our lives
6 August 2017
Every day, for the sake of our lives we spend the blessing of drinking water, electricity, food that has been processed and we just use it. We are even daring to think that we could live alone, without needing anyone ... This plot is for us to remember the value of all the people who in one way or another have improved the world in which we live, and that we really could not live alone because we wanted it or not a species that we need from one to the other. But it seems to me that the most important thing is to appreciate, to care for whom we have decided to share our day, and that we do not make our relationship a unique system, it is not enough to supply food or comfort, but to be aware of what our companion feels and avoid Where our conscience does not, absolve us. Deep, splendid and daring is a production that must be taken to more people so that we do not forget the value.
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War Machine (2017)
How we can kill and help them
3 July 2017
This work does not tell us anything new is the typical US military history where it is a question of winning an almost impossible war in the way it is being executed, questioning the capacity of the most powerful country in many ways to end the conflict and leaving That as a result citizens have the idea that it is more than a war the place of military peace of the moment, "How we can kill and help them" is the phrase that I left this hour of filming. The actors were good, he was right with the choice of the whole cast.
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Well done son
22 June 2017
Is a story that takes advantage of the trend of the moment (chef) to send a message to humanity, without losing the perspective of encouraging the human to prepare to compete and try to always be the best, however we are the same anywhere in the world , We forget the most important, our responsibility (guide, teach, love), but nature is so wise that it gives us the ability to challenge the half world and face our own executioner, to receive as a trophy a simple .. "Son, well done"
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Salsipuedes (2016)
We're going forward
26 May 2016
This is a story that shows how difficult it is routed on the right track to a son whose hero is a person who does not deserve to be. It is the vast majority of the history of parenting, women excuse their results with the famous "I was wrong" because they were not able to separate love from the formation of a family, much less to help a person purporting to maturity should change, but always the nature of "Love" to try the impossible with a great deal of sacrifice. The film is a great attempt to Panamanians, we've seen several that have demonstrated that they are capable of doing, yet it is demonstrated that there is much to do, but do not give up, go on the right track and the story line to help your company will be the arrowhead of the Panamanian industry cinematographic shooting. Congratulations.
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The Reader (2008)
Life should be useful for us and others
23 April 2016
This story is the best example to explain that any movement in this world has a reaction or an invoice to pay, either for good or bad everything is resolved in this life. Hanna Schmitz, representing all the people who have been wrong in this life, some under the influence of others, life circumstance, or simply born at the time and wrong place. But nothing will excuse your actions and if your actions harm others, you must know that sooner or later a big bill with interest and penalties, must confront. It is a narrative that leads us to reflect on thousands of stocks that are committed in life that hurt others (children abandoned, killing, lying, stealing, emotional abuse, etc.) sooner or later will come a justice that you do know you you're wrong. Hanna was able to accept and face their responsibility, for her life was so short that the lesson is for those who are left, a lesson from the past to the present. We live in an ecstasy that makes us forget the true meaning of this gift, and this story remind us that perhaps no other life and we must be useful for us and for others.
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Beginners (2010)
We find happiness where we know this.
20 April 2016
What is wrong ?, which is good? live in a world where the majority rule was written by someone hurt someone. But what if that someone liked it hurt? or rather for that and if someone was not a wound but a smile, a pleasure, then it is bad ?, I have sinned? It is difficult for the vast majority who have lived low the rules, but as a rule is to be happy, find love where you know this, one should not criticize or look repudiation, because you do is the same thing we all seek happiness. It is a very simple but with a great message, rest the way the moments where our conscience judge us or helps us judge others remembered story.
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Rango (2011)
I learned that, do not forget
19 April 2016
I always thought that only Pixar, was able to write a story which appeals to those efforts of parents to keep children in history and help them with their explanations to understand, the same task of every parent in life for your child. Rango, a story whose main message is the value of our most precious natural resource "Water" and motivation not to give up in the arduous task of fighting destiny in pursuit of our mission in this life. With this material, we add another one of the thus generating tool to change our world, consciousness. We encourage production to continue producing this kind of history that help parents to be parents and children to be the future we all want.
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The Artist (I) (2011)
A review of the evolution of cinema
19 April 2016
It's a fantastic story, is a review of the evolution of cinema, the cinema, Jean Dujardin makes a play high level, only for those who are born with this talent, I was transferred to a time that never imagined I could live, I felt flesh own feelings of the artist, who gradually were displaced by the evolution of the industry. Not only in films that evolution we live, the world is changing every second, but we have learned once again that in the game of movement, we also evolved, there are many who have trouble, but if we are lucky to find that people who motivate us again, we will return to the track of our days at the perfect time dance movement. It is an interesting story where Love merges with the evolutionary activity every day, but along with that evolution is the magic of romance that can make us break all the barriers that will bring us the time.
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The Help (2011)
times to learn and not forget
18 April 2016
The world is a combination of species that do not necessarily need to be mixed, but if you need to create together, the framework that gives you that magical texture to today. The history of Mankind is perfectly prepared, personalized, in fact every crazy thought and benevolent, but that mixture of thought, is where the new born and most beautiful human behavior. Each story is a time of learning, a time where many people was the sacrifice for us to learn a lesson, how sad is when some forget when some break the chain of knowledge that has cost both to mankind. Thanks "The Help" We can still remember the lessons learned and help those even after so long not been able to learn from our past, that we are all part of the great network called humanity.
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Hugo (2011)
Every face has a story to unravel.
17 April 2016
When there is great responsibility for your child, it is when there is that desire to plant in it, the best seeds, so that the new land, cultivated with love and effort, the best fruits able to move to an experience of pride and hope. Hugo's father planted in him the seed of desire not to surrender to the dream, thus giving value to every day of his life, forgetting a time of misfortune but sow with gratitude for the gift of life. I've always had the discussion of the question that is better a book or a movie? I think "Hugo" shows that both options can create the dreams of a better world. The narrative is a tribute to that thousands of writers who try to sow THROUGH seed Displayand and so exciting and delusional like reading a book and use your imagination as a screen, by the end is to sow in your soul the desire to excel , dream of a better world. It is a tribute to the past, to the imagination and ability of men who have left a great legacy in this life, to show us that we are all part of a large gear called world.
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Crazy Heart (2009)
Bad Blake ... A story to learn
14 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With all the talent in the world to do and be happy, but having talent is not synonymous with intelligence, and it has been shown over and over again. Most of the human beings learn, when it is almost too late, but it punishes you is the same that is benevolent with you, time. Time gives you an opportunity to Bad Blade, which already at the insistence of life realizes that it is never too late to try again to give a better end to our lives, but it turns out that a small defect makes the possibility of that end, the vice of alcohol. This is recommended for us to learn history, but again and again we ask, no chance to make those changes? For love he is able to help those changes, to win, but in the end only you have the last word and to get to that point something magical must inspire, but in most of the case back to mistakes. However, even so, it is never too late to change and try again, only this time if, convinced that we can now conclude, as a soldier returning home.
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An example of Friendship, Patience and Affection
12 April 2016
We return again to see a story where friendship, takes the reins of a situation, which affects thousands of people, and that lack of information and ability loved ones are unable to help you overcome such a hurdle, however the "The King's Speech"gives an example of how to face, attacking as the main culprit of fear and self-esteem, with a dose of patience, love and the love of friendship, it is possible that the king of a nation, one of the nations more powerful of the earth, is able to demonstrate that it is able to win, to fight against fate. The king's wife gives example of how important women in the life of man, a situation that still today many women have failed to understand, for lack of knowledge. Is the angle woman holding a family man of success, as has always been said, next to every wise and successful man, there is a wise and loving woman. The cast in this production work was impeccable, a decent production be considered to compete for awards on the big screen.
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Reflect not only the agent, we.
11 April 2016
First congratulations for the excellent Starring Matthew McConaughey, was really fantastic, low weights to the point that makes it totally believable role, you can live the story. On the other hand I've always wondered if there is still something within us that reminds us that humanity is first before business. I know it's difficult to give a verdict, I have no doubt that the bodies responsible for control and authorize thinking only do the business of the millions and millions of dollars testing. I still want to have faith, and say that there are still people who decide for humanity before money. The desire of our day, has robbed us enjoy life with little, you need to have wasted both smile the only life we ​​have to enjoy this great gift. Emphasize that not only the authorities are responsible, we are the first we should think about every step we take in this life, not to reach a point of corruption and death.
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Her (2013)
Feelings know or understand the love from another point
10 April 2016
If someone wants to understand a little more of the true feeling of love between two beings, there is no better narrative than this, but more than love valuing the person sharing with you the adventure of love, to grow, to see their changes over time , of the moments that are enjoyed and the most complicated to the point of inserting a piece of one on the other for face after a separation, which can be a termination of feeling or even death. Samanthan, I represent the woman that every man needs, you hear egotistical, but some are the stronger sex, the woman is the one who actually supports and maintains a relationship as long as both love each other, I do not mean a relationship of one party. We are beings that somehow we have to learn about bringing the feeling of Love, Confusion, guilt and sadness and even though find a way to bring in solitude, always we need the support of someone, who is not at all easy; and only with love and forgiveness we can overcome it. Joaquin Phoenix deserves a great applause for his way of playing the character was fantastic, you can feel with his performance, feelings that developed in the story, the music is also noteworthy fills you with gratitude for the great gift of life.
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Still Alice (2014)
Not to forget
3 April 2016
When we are in our full power to think and act, we forget that we will reach old or that suddenly a enferemedad, to remove us everything we have saved so much love. I always thought that only what you have in your mind is the only thing you wore when you die, but there are people who take nothing. What will happen to those who do not have children or a wife or husband to support them for a stage of his difficult life, is another issue that we forget the whim, not Quere dialogue with our partners and so live together and enjoy all before finally, before you forget the fantastic gift of life. We are nothing, all our efforts is lost when we close our eyes, enjoy your partner and people who love us somehow.
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Our greatest gift ... Friendship
31 March 2016
Man should learn visually in life, how they should do everyday things, which is democracy? and who are my priorities. Within the emotional range it is very difficult for the human can set these goals, however there is always help on the nature and history of our past, and this story helps a little to answer these questions, even maintaining friendship over However, as true love that moves the world, that is the nascent friendship between Superman and Batman begins to change hate for help, apathy by empathy, demonstrating that true union is not given in the frown of a family, but furrowed of humanity, we must live towards the human being who lives on this planet and that no other, with the help of all we could change our feelings towards the greatest gift, life.
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A Movie to Pass the Time.
5 January 2015
I am one of the few who sees a movie trying not relate it to something familiar story, I look at the messages narrative that help humanity better living the gift of life, we know there genre that do not lend themselves to this type of messages. People need that constant seeding words help you to take your bad decisions or help with their experience those who were wrong and try to give a better end to his life. EXODUS, did not fulfill that goal, I think they should leave a Discovery or National Geographic he tries to explain how the biblical events occur, but will not do so strict was just a movie to pass the time. Address was good, Ritley Scott, no guilt, are the writers, the acting Bale was pretty good, not serious for an Oscar, but did a good job, I can salvage from the movie are the scene where they try to highlight the value of the partner or spouse is trying to sow loyalty and to imply that when we joined a woman that is where the new family is created.
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Invasión (2014)
History of the USA to Panama Invacion
17 October 2014
Simple, good, is the story of Panamanians who lived the story, I could be in that movie, telling my story, everyone who lived could tell her story and even though scientific studies claim that the human brain is not able to save much detail in this story is contradicted, that indeed there may be people who tell the truth, and can also increase the truth, but the truth is that my story is not far from the account in this movie. Do not expect action of fire, the movie is several Panamanian telling his story of the December 20, 1989. The world could say that after that time had the support of the USA to recover, but the truth is that we were ourselves what we have recovered our country, have competed against fate and have achieved good results, still need to improve a lot, but it depends on the human being who is not satisfied with the progress, but want a better country than we have.
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