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Poor Things (2023)
Crazy Art !
14 January 2024
You know when you step into an art museum and you see art that makes no sense whatsoever and costs like $5.6 million and then think to yourself "what the hell is that" well poor things has moments of this throughout making this film crazy and very artistic.

The film was good overall and Emma Stone was excellent as Bella Baxter, 15 minutes within the film you realise how great Emma Stone is.

Perhaps the very different and wild parts in this film will make it not as enjoyable as you'd hope and harder to watch at times.

As for Mark Ruffalo and William Dafoe they are both unique and different but are great in their respected roles.
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Iñárritu Unleashed!
30 December 2022
I'm a big fan of anything Alejandro González Iñárritu does, his films are usually around a rating of an 8 at least but for me, this one I'm giving a generous 6.

The film plays along nicely at times and gives me straight forward direction and understanding but then we get the artist side of Iñárritu that perhaps should of been left alone or left out of this film.

You're ahead in this film thinking it's a really good then throughout you find that you're actually one step behind.

The safer more generic and parts of the film are intriguing, they keep you content or even happy but then the 'moments' too many 'moments' we see are just too much for me.

Even understanding bits of the offbeat uneven track it makes for a difficult watch.

Saying all this I enjoyed big parts of the film but with the 'moments' it doesn't quite allow for me full enjoy the film entirely.
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Blonde (2022)
Why you should watch!!
2 October 2022
Many films come and go but with a precious few you should hold on to.

Ok ok ok this film 'Blonde' shot beautifully with Ana De Armas portrayal and acting the bones out of Miss Monroe, these are the true positives about the film.

I get this won't be for all to see but it worked for me, I can see when a film is just brilliant or greatly made and this is greatly made and not a brilliant film but still a good one.

The film can seem long, disjointed.and extremely hard to watch at times but remember this is film making and not all films are meant to be fun.

That's the beauty of film!

Accept it's a film and have pleasure from seeing such a touching life story unfold before your eyes, Be emotional but not too sensitive at what you're seeing.

This is why I love Film.

Ok it's not truly great but I really took to it and appreciate it.

Overall a good film!
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Slowly worked but crafted well.
6 April 2020
It's a long film but sort of needs the time to get around all that goes on in the film. Slowly worked and well crafted, it's not the same film as the English patient but certainly had that similar feel to it. This film becomes hard to watch at times due to the hardened moments that we see unfold. I didn't know anything about this film prior to just putting it on so it was a nice surprise in enjoy it.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Slightly wasted potential
17 March 2020
The Hunt was one of those films slightly wasted after about the 30-45 minutes mark, the potential and suspense with those minutes was good, the film did flyby but I think that was down to something always happening. I couldn't take to the moments of comedy though they put upon us, comedies aren't easy to pull off but Still this film was ok, at times I was having a little fun with and the lead actress Betty Gilpin is as badass as any female character in a film.
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My Spy (2020)
A Typical Heart warmer
15 March 2020
Your typical heart warming comedy-drama, you've seen it all before but still it's ok to watch a film like this sometimes. The cringe moments are possibly the better moments in the film, seeing Dave Bautista dance is a highlight. Haha I could waste time on criticism here but I don't see the point, the film isn't terrible but it's just ok at times. I sort of knew what I was going to see.
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Misbehaviour (2020)
The film itself is decent enough but....
14 March 2020
The film itself is a decent enough one but sometimes I just wished they would focus and hone in on one of the two subjects a little more. I'd much rather have seen a film solely based on the miss world ceremony and shown us a strong message what was going on underneath the surface or have a film about female activists trying to fight for rights, I think with the two together it made me feel a little less engaged. Overall a decent film lacking narrative.
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A rather pleasing affair
12 March 2020
I'm not gonna lie but I was so cringed out watching the trailer and I had very low expectations going in but as the film was 20 minutes in I sat there and started to think to myself this isn't bad at all, I was even amused at times. Kirsten Scott Thomas and Sharon Horgan really keep this movie flowing, two very different people too scared to get along but with this playing out makes the relationship and chemistry worth it's while. The film is enjoyable and gives the audience what it wants, a crowd pleaser. I didn't love it but wo thy such low feelings towards it going in I actually thought it was a decent film and worth my time.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Invisible man is one of them!
8 March 2020
Horror films I seem to struggle with these days in that I don't enjoy them but each year we seem to get at least one or two really good ones and for me the invisible man is one of them. The subtle scares and the slow introduction of the invisible man made this a great chilling thriller. Elizabeth Moss is a fine actress and she really pulls through on many emotions throughout the film.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Full on, in your face riot of a film.
7 February 2020
For most I enjoyed this crazy ride and the best part about it is Margot Robbie playing the insane Harley Quinn. The positive and negatives are the same thing, the action. I found myself a little entertained and slightly bored towards the back end of the film. Still it's what we wanted for the Harley Quinn character.
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Did I just have therapy.....
4 February 2020
Ok ok so the film is good and Tom Hanks is great, his best performance in some years but what got me about this film was every time Mr Rogers(Hanks) was on screen I found myself sitting in a chair and what felt like I was having therapy. Fred Rogers really has this true calm nature about himself maybe unlike no other. I watched the documentary last year so this helped me know and understand Fred Rogers a little because being from the uk I wasn't aware of who he was. Tom Hanks on screen Playing Fred Rogers seems a perfect fit, I like this film and really liked watching Hanks portray the man.
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The Beach Bum (2019)
Talk about living it up!!
16 January 2020
The film was pointless but that's the whole point of the film, just take it for what it is. Matthew McConaughey's 'Moondog' is living the life to the full, talk about having fun. It's a whacky trip that almost seems you've smoked as much weed as the cast did. It's a comedy, remember this when watching it. Some will like it others will not.
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A great and gripping series.
2 January 2020
I'm a boxing fan that admires Carlos Monzon in the ring, this series sheds a huge beaming light on the life of the man. Being from the uk it was great that I got to see this series and learn more than I knew about Carlos Monzon. They do well With the series flicking back and forth from real time to past moments to real footage and highlight clips of his fights. The two actors who play Carlos Monzon did a great job in capturing his whole character. In all this true story is at times fun but mostly gripping in a way will have you watching back to back episodes
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Guy's Best Since Snatch.
1 January 2020
It's Guy Ritchies Best since Snatch, it's where he is most playful and comfortable in a film genre he knows well. The Cast is perfectly picked, especially Hugh Grant giving a different but yet so funny performance. Sit back and enjoy 2 hours of a British crime drama, which doesn't take itself too serious If we hadn't had lock stock or snatch then this would possibly looked at in a more classic Ritchie film so don't expect it to be as great as those.
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you still get enough of the Disney magic
20 October 2019
Quite the dark film but you still get enough of the Disney magic. I slightly enjoyed it more than the first film, although I liked the first. It does slightly drift away and we get a little too much war at times but this is someone who enjoys the Maws and the world that's created more so than the dark moments in the film. It's like this, you like the first you're going to enjoy the second.
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So much Material
8 September 2019
It felt long and stretched out in parts with so much material, too much even. Let me say I didn't hate he film or really like it, the acting, cast is what was best about the film for me. I like my scares subtle but this just went a little too far especially in the third act. Pennywise has his moments like the first film but it seemed they just tried to make too much of him and what was happening. I can honestly say this film I didn't jump once although the film was aim to make for that. I was saying it's not a bad film and the production was great, you'll probably get some loving this but unfortunately me I didn't. It's never easy trying to follow a solid first film. Always go and make your own opinion without making conclusions from others, listen to the reviews but don't make it your final verdict without watching it for yourself.
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The Informer (2019)
started quite well.....
31 August 2019
Ok so it started quite well but it's soon took a dip. The film had promise to be a good solid crime/drama however it started to complicated itself with too much material. With having said all this I think go and judge it for yourself. The best critic is yourself. Had moments but couldn't sustain it
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Better than I expected!!
19 August 2019
So I've never watched a minute of the tv show but knew of it. Think Dora was better than I expected because I was expecting a very very childish film, yes it had its moments for the young ones but I think they went a little on the PG side too. I felt they cast Dora very well. So it may have felt a little long towards the third act and maybe snipping 10 minutes would of been ok. I dot like the introduction of Dora and how her world made her who she was. Dora wasn't so bad after all
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If there was one film you Shouldn't watch this summer.....
2 August 2019
I Go in with an open mind like always and after 10 minutes of comedy that just isn't working you think I'll wait a little longer to make my mind up, like give it the best chance. I can find No positives in this film sadly, oh and the musical numbers, I simply couldn't handle it. I would of turned it off if I was watching on the BBC at home on the TV.
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Stuber (2019)
Some will like it but no me
17 July 2019
Kumail Nanjiani was the only reason I gave this a 5 instead of a 4 rating. I get it, we know what type of film it is but it don't make it ok for it to not be any good still. Even the way the 2 leads came together just felt lazy, I wasn't feeling the chemistry between the two. It's not the worse film you'll see and some will probably find it very funny like some in my screening did.
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Midsommar (2019)
Could be the best thriller of the summer
13 July 2019
When we watch films 'like' Midsommar I have a feeling I'll go completely south in the third act, like it goes a little too crazy and a bit far. Yeah it did go like that but it wasn't just all madness and no method which for me made this film better than some films like this one. Midsommar I totally was all in from the start, for its long running time it didn't feel as long as that, we must credit the film for setting a good pace. 2 scenes in this film had me quite shocked, when you see you'll know exactly what I'm going on about. Midsommar was a good film, a little madness towards the back end which was slightly too much but a part from that I quite enjoyed it.
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Anna (II) (2019)
Chaotic Mess
5 July 2019
I'm with the critics and not the voters on here for this one. The first 30 minutes or so felt so rushed and put together so quick I just couldn't find my groove watching it. I got to a point within this film where I simply wasn't liking what I was seeing but I stayed and kept watching in hope it would somehow improve, it didn't. I'm really trying to find a positive within the film but I'm struggling. the Great Helen Mirren is fine but her character is not. Unfortunately Luc Beeson hasn't made a good film since The Fifth Element.
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Child's Play (2019)
A child's play reboot we probably didn't need.
1 July 2019
A child's play reboot we probably didn't need but we got anyway, not so terrible you shouldn't watch it but this version of child's play didn't do much for me. The first act of the film had me intrigued with the doll Chucky and how they were playing it, unfortunately into the second act it became very similar to what come before in this series. If this was out in the 90's they would of got away with some the not so great scenes, especially the lazy third act.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Crowd pleasing....
29 June 2019
Unfortunately not Danny Boyle's best work, not even close. what we get here is a crowd pleasing and predictable film. The film wasn't all negative though, Lily James played her role well and the songs keep this film from drowning in a 'yellow submarine' (excuse the pun) At times it's almost feel good and maybe for some it'll be just that. So go and enjoy this film and don't expect a slumdog millionaire.
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Apollo 11 (I) (2019)
Intensely brilliant.
29 June 2019
I walked into my local IMAX cinema and I was surprised just how many people were interesting in watching this. I hope they found it as intense and thrilling as I did. We all know about the landing on the moon but this gave me something more than just that great moment. It was a pleasure to watch and to see how America came together for this historic moment, it was like the world stood and watched as these 3 incredible, uplifting and inspirational people did almost the unthinkable. You should watch his documentary, even if you're not into the whole space thing, it's still simply brilliant.
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