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Ferrari (2023)
A movie topic and story for enthusiasts..... but it never arrives
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Cars buffs continually search and seek histories of cars and racing. The Golden Years of racing from the 30's-80's are most enjoyable. Ferrari is one that stands out for his cutting edge tech and stubborn attitude to win. On first glance this movie is something that makes us salivate with excitement in hopes that its production holds to the facts and the filming accurate because "we" need to see and hear the right stuff. Sadly with "Ferrari" this is not true. In my opinion, first this film is too "shiny". The cars are way too clean and appear unused. The actors are dress in time period clothing but they too are way too new, but the cast has been well selected. I blame the director for poor directing. In one scene of the Ferrari car #531 while racing has no damage on the hood. Another later scene a dent in the left front edge. Then another scene later no dent. WTH!!! The road through the country is way too new and way too new of the dividing line paint. It looks fake. All this and more is frustrating. Maybe the budget was not enough to hire experts to pick up on this. When first released on Amazon it was offered to rent at $19.95. Then later $5.95. At the end of the movie I feel it's a good $2.00 rental and only for the cars and racing funds which aren't bad. The saving grace in some ways of this movie is Penelope Cruz's dialogue at then end. She is an exceptional actress!!
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Real life story created in a real way
26 March 2024
This resent Amazon release is inspiring reflecting the best in human efforts. Community is essential. Most are unaware or ignorant of how important connection between people truly is. In recent studies many people were surveyed as to what they believe was most important in health. The vast majority responded that diet and exercise were primary reason for a healthy long life. Stats showed although these are important, human socialization is key to this. Not social media, email, Facebook or any other latest craze but physical contact with other people is paramount. It's who we are, a tactile species. Family, friends, co-workers and extended family is what keeps us going. This film typifies that human condition when a woman decided to intercede in a families loss and helps a dying child survive.
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Air Warriors (2014– )
Anything with an airplane can't be all bad
26 March 2024
Most pilots thrive on any good information regarding aircraft in general. Although, WW2 Warbirds are at the top of the mountain. Footage is good mostly due to the Smithsonian's archives. But, creating this docu-film was mistakenly formed by people who don't now spit about aircraft and the pilots that flew them. What this tragically did is sabotage this film by the addition of the numerous irritating "experts" narrating this "thing". Every few moments there is a break so this person can be filmed spouting their belief on what is happening in a manor most would consider amateur and most definitely non essential way. But they try to be dramatic and just the opposite is achieved. They must have failed acting class is all I can say.
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Flyboys (2006)
A Film made for Romantic Seasoned Pilots
20 March 2024
Yes, the budget was 60 mil and part paid for by Larry Ellison. Should it have proved to be a better film? Maybe...but for many of us who "flying" is #1 in our lives it was something that has been long waited for by our audience. Of course the CG and flying scenes have room to improve. Although for us the overdue eagerness to see and hear about the Escadrille is satisfaction that finally it was worth the wait. The cast was super and dialogue semi creative but the effort was admirable and "we" are satisfied. Many film critics who lack knowledge and enthusiasm for this passion of flying boldly gave it the lowest of scores but high scores were obviously left for people who love the air mixed with a taste of the French attitude and their romantic side. Look at the "Black Stallion" which was totally fictitious but filming and music made that film as many other artistic films have but they were successful. This now is our "black" Flyboys and never will the twain share meet or agree on how wonderful this film is. I have revisited this movie many many times just to get the feel and excitement of the combat scenes and the love story and their feeling of camaraderie of the American pilot who bravely volunteered to be the 1st American pilots in WWI.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
The First Prime Time SciFi Soap
7 March 2024
My interests in this new TV with all that has been viewed and learned in the past 70 years has been at times entertaining, educational and interested in the future of people on earth. Commercial TV was created mostly for one , and secondly power. Someone said, " many many years ago "they" took probably the most educational tool created and turned into a money making machine." Now there are exceptions to this but overall most would agree. So now Apple has a new slant with this show about man and space travel, while interjecting some facts, real peoples names and events from history and mixed it with some of the best SciFi CG and video money can buy and spewed it out to the eager public followers of advances in space travel. The cast is overrated, the dialogue determinable, and creativity something that any loving reader of Analog or Isaac Asimov would be disgusted. The target audience is way too young to realize the value of true science and it progression as we trudge into the new millennium and it takes time to create and engineer new technology. In two words I say, "Total Crap". I wish IMDB would add the "ages" of those who rate these shows and movies. Then there would be a more defined demographic.
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As another viewer wrote " This is no Band of Brothers"
28 January 2024
Watched the first two episodes. My history with flying in this war comes from many pilots my father flew with in Europe. Dad was in the USAF for 39 years. In that time I had nearly weekly if not daily contact with these veterans. This was helpful information in understanding pilots and their attitudes during that war. The banter and candor in this film is so unique it makes me wonder did Spielberg and Hanks even hire any pilot from then to keep the action on track with that dialogue during filming or did they just unleash the 22 year olds to write this "thing"? As Spielberg I believe played a part in creating " The Red Tails", he probably used the same writers ( then 15 yrs old) to create this abortion. Spielberg has lost his edge and Hanks his lap dog let his "daddy" steer this stinker ( which is the only word I can use because the others are just your normal cuss ones).
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Madison (2001)
So Happy to have lived in those days
9 October 2023
60's and 70's was the time for exciting racing in cars, planes and boats. The sounds, speeds and the crowds cheering was Exhilarating!!! Adding to that, this is a truly story of a small town whose existence is in financial struggle due to modern day progress creating issues for their community of 18,000. A true American story regarding their struggle and unwavering determination to succeed. Jim McCormick in many competitive groups is a hero with his neighbors, friends ,wife and especially his son teaching with fortitude and conviction you can accomplish anything. Even though this film was nominated for any awards it still hold a special place in my heart.
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Backdraft (1991)
Ron Howard is amazing but his casting left a bit to be desired
7 October 2023
Have followed Howard's career from the beginning. In my option he ranks right up with other great directors. A Beautiful Mind, Frost/Nixon, Cinderella Man ,Apollo 13, Curious George,The Beatles, Willow and many more. Backdraft had the makings of another great movie with the cast of Kurt Russell, Robert De Niro, Rebecca de Mornay. Forgot the cameo of David Crosby. This movie falls short in the casting of William Baldwin in a leading role. His part is the anchor that drags this picture to the bottom. The least believable actor in this. I felt he read his lines that day without grasping the part. Was he appointed this part because of his brother Alex? This was a golden opportunity for him to shine with everything this film had to offer. I gave it a six because of Ron other wise it would have made a pitiful 3-4 rating.
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Jules (I) (2023)
A fun film for the older generation
5 October 2023
Most younger generation will not understand what it is like to grow old. An ingenious approach to display many of the issues we old people deal with in those later years. The cast is perfect and dialogue spot on. It made me laugh all the way thru because some of it applies to me. The director and writer had an excellent grasp of the problems elderly people encounter on a daily basis. Ben was awesome and Jane Curtin was outstanding. In an age where movies seem to be abundantly made in some cyber factory this movie had charm and reality wrapped into one. In a similar movie The Robot and Frank where an old man takes on a mechanical character and at first the relationship is difficult, this movie has similar beginnings with the alien but soon they become attached. Wonderful and recommended to ages above 65.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
This should be labeled a DC comedy gone wrong
22 July 2023
The first ten minutes is evidence that Hollywood continues to push the super hero movie on to those who have no clue of a respectable film. The main actor has negative acting ability. This production of the industry has actually created a superb example of how not to make a movie. As it evolved the casting, CG, story line and numerous other aspects of this creation a complete and total flop. But the "Wood" continues to fabricate these knowing the target audience is 18 and under. Those viewers are clues less on what it takes to create something that has merit and visually entertaining. But, that is not Hollywood's role in all of this. These "stinkers" are gauged solely by them in the amount of dollars it makes. The "hero" and creativity of this entire calamity can be awarded to the marketing department for the trailer is magical.
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Living (2022)
Rarely does the industry get it right...but
7 June 2023
But... in my estimation "Living" is a true gem. I won't elaborate on my reasons or quote my past littered with movie prowess, but for most movie enthusiasts this is a heart felt story. Bill Nighy does a performance of his career and he was the best casted for the role. I cannot think of another that could have equaled his performance with the quality he gave in this role. In comparison Daniel Day Lewis portrayed Lincoln and that too was truly magnificent. With that same quality of acting skills and dedication, Bill has given us a most memorable performance in this movie. As I approach my golden years it gives much of us baby boomers much to think about and what we would like to leave to those younger generations to think about.
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Another copy of a Swedish Film
10 May 2023
This movie is nearly a copy of a Swedish film in 2015 titles " A Man Called Ove " . Hollywood's creative department decided to use this and make it their own. But their history over the years has done this time after time when they find a well done movie. " Mostly Martha" was copied years ago and remade by Hollywood as "No Reservations" with Catherine Zeta Jones. So many over time has been claimed and duplicated using lots of Euro films. This one is no exception. What are they running out of new ideas so they "borrow" from other productions across the sea? So they put an industry favorite { Hanks) as lead actor knowing it will attract many viewers here. He must have known that this part was being copied but still decided to do it. Does he need the money that bad or does integrity not count for anything. Like the American copy of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" ..."Otto" smells of something and it's not roses.
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The Closer (2005–2012)
A beautifully scripted and orchestrated show
12 April 2023
Well done!! Finally a TV show well worth the effort and time to watch. Kyra was the perfect person to play this role. Smart, articulate, believable, energetic in her role and many other attributes that few actor possess. She was the optimum actor for playing this LA officer. Although, when her appearance ended it was a true disappointment. The producers , because of its loyal viewing audience, decided to continue with the show snd they renamed it" Major Crimes". Hiring the nearly same crew to carry on its "appearance" to continue after Kyra left after the completion of the 7th season. But the "thing" in their punch bowl would not allow it. Like many leading cast actors such as Sean as James Bond,Sara Mortensen as Astrid, Koen De Bout as Professor T, their show can not go on because these actors set the bar way to high for anyone to replace them. Major Crimes is so many ways is a major stinker.
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Spitfire (III) (2018)
A passionate pilot's review of the most elegant fighter ever built
1 April 2023
My interests in flying started at a very early age. Dad was a season fight pilot in WWll flying P38's and 51's. I was a baby boomer. His stories fuel my primary desire to be like him and fly as soon as able. Over the decades and hundreds of hours behind me I learned to appreciate the thought and design in the old warbirds and admire them for their beautify and the fortunate pilots who flew them. I can't get enough of the documentaries of these aircraft. This particular one is of extreme importance because of what it is and who build this amazing flying machine. The Brits seemingly get most things right and in my opinion hit the mark with this film. I can't stop thinking about it and extend my many thinks to all those involved in the creation of this film. SWU.
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Devotion (II) (2022)
Feeble attempt to portray a fact based story
4 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Beyond the poor directing and well below average dialogue also included the lack of attention to realism and technical false information. Even the phased used " ...the whole nine yards..." did not exist back then because it was created during the Vietnam War. The crash on the aircraft carrier was orchestrated poorly. Navy pilots are precisely trained in landing. This scene was something the director knew nothing about and evidently there was no expert advisor present at time of reviewing the scene. It should have been scrapped. The scene in the French bar with the airman not wearing his wings is pure BS. And many more errors were made. Very poor depiction of this story. Even the CG was crap. I face its a 5 but truly it was a 4 or less. Would love to lobby real naval pilots to get their slant on this thing. Happy to say I didn't rent this.
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As classic as Catcher in the Rye
5 January 2023
I'm not worthy to write the words needed to accurately describe this movie. Somewhere around the 10th or 12th time I have viewed this. My feeling for this has grown over the years. I even changed my rating from 9 to 10. The impact is overwhelming and as the 1st time I watched it the value of the dialogue combined with the acting skills and filming all fits together in a perfect puzzle. This show should make it to the hall of awards for best picture in many circles. What a creation. It makes me miss Sean that much more. He truly was an exceptional actor. He had a style of his own and is loved by so many. Life has shown me many things and introduced me to many mentors I have adopted over the decades. Sean and this movie have be inspirational on life's meaning and possibilities that can be pursued and captured. I am grateful for all the incite acquired at this stage of my life.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
What can anyone say that has not been noted here
31 December 2022
Trying to see the effect of this production there are some questions I would like to have answered. Who wrote this? How old are they? What is their history in producing and what was it? How did the cast feel when making this? Doug Scott is an acclaimed actor and what prompted him to accept this part? Money? How did it go three seasons? Who is the target audience? There could be a slew of sarcasm towards this but I feel they would be useless and better time spent viewing some other show. At times I wonder why this and other shows are so poorly done....were these directed and produced by some wealthy person who was trying to give their kid a leg up on the industry? ...enough said....
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Great CG but fails in accurate dialogue
1 December 2022
For me as a pilot and very long time aircraft enthusiast this movie has many inaccurate military descriptions. The first starts when center is clearing the plane to a flight level saying " cleared to 600" instead of "Angels 60". Once I hear these errors this I wonder how much the director pays attention to accuracy or just the ignorant paying audience. So many past military movies use wrong nomenclature such as in Jet using fuel information in gallons instead of pounds. The Red Tails in another loser . Those black pilots never had that attitude in WW 2 flying P 51's. My father met many of them. They were dedicated civil Air Corp men who knew their job and respected everyone they flew with. The bomber pilots loved them because they could truly fly that plane.
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Everest Aftershock
8 October 2022
Enjoyed this docu film. Good CG and the editing was entertaining. Although in the category of "documentary" I feel it falls short. I expected more detailed information on the screen such as day-hour-time, date, elevation of scenery , less commentary of novice people and more about the scientific approach. This video leans more toward the audience that is entertained by the typical crowd attempting this climb regularly. In a few ways there is too much "drama" talk and this being their first time and how difficult the climb is, seemingly with a naive approach to the effort of what it truly takes to make this climb.
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The Judge (2014)
family dysfunction at its best
1 October 2022
I say this with much information and experience. My life of awareness started at 25 with my first psychologist. Looking back at that time is a realization of what happens in families who have problems like all families do on this planet. My feeling is children are affected by good and bad information. Determining this a a young age is nearly impossible. But, as my first therapist stated, " children are good observers but poor interpreters." Personally I knew something was wrong in my family but had no one to talk to. I encountered someone who could help me and she opened doors that I did not know existed. From then I read all I could on Family Dysfunction. Unfortunately the rest of the family was still asleep and looked at me as an oddity. The Judge is a great example of a family that displays much dysfunction, hidden feelings, unsubstantiated anger, hostile environment and a host of other dysfunctional traits. Downey and Duvall portray so much of these in normal settings. Nearly every aspect of this movie are prime examples of this behavior. I gave this movie a 10 because they don't offer 9.5.
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True Grit (2010)
Not someone who enjoys remakes of classic films....but
25 June 2022
After viewing many times the original and this movie I find the the 2010 version is as good if not better then John Wayne's True Grit. This version has added multiple creative scenes, filming, acting and mostly dialogue. Jeff Bridges brings to the screen remarkable acting skills Wayne was not able to. In addition JB is a noted actor with numerous awards for films like The Last Picture Show, The Big Lebowski, The Contender and most notably Crazy Heart. All these roles were a challenge to his seasoned abilities and he carried them off like a "star".
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Red Tails (2012)
There are many great movies on WWll air battles...this is not one of them
28 May 2022
Even with the list of excellent producers they must have been at lunch for this entire film. The footage, dialogue and aerial scenes this film was destine to be a stinker. They could have saved on the budget with the same effect if they would have hired a few 9 year kids to make this movie. It's nearly a travesty in the representation of a great group of P 51 heroes. This is my 3 rd time watching only because the Mustang is my favorite plane. I won't make this mistake again.
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A documentary of a man's life longing to be part of nature
16 February 2022
What a joy to watch with the discoveries he made over decades. Pure joy to view with his sense of purpose despite life's obstacles. Filming and narration make this a classic story and one that many who share the love of nature will enjoy.
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Vienna Blood (2019– )
First appearance is somewhat impressive
13 February 2022
The show debut is promising. The backdrop is authentic, period clothing seems real, the actors are good and seemingly well cast.....but as the series moves on too much drama, it is slow to continually keep your attention and as I entered the 2 season I find it struggling to keep me awake and somewhat boring as the producers fill the clock to keep the scenes "real" and creative but I feel it's failing. For many who are well viewed and versed with other shows this one does not impress in any way.
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FBI (2018– )
FBI..... not so unique
9 February 2022
This show is following on in footsteps of Blue Bloods ( which I feel is very well done in so many ways) and definitely not with the same creative crew cast or dialogue. It feels like CBS was hoping to ride on the coattails of their award winning BB show hoping to capture the same audience. Wrong!! To me it almost feels like a cop show created 30-40 years ago with a boiler plate approach to not so unique situations and a so-so cast.
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