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This CGI filled mess is the lowest point of the Star Wars franchise
13 December 2015
Star Wars Marathon Movie #1 (Keep in mind, I watched the anti-cheese edition, which got rid of the more cringe worthy parts of this movie. There is a full list of changes in the description of the video on YouTube)

The anti-cheese edition made the movie a little bit better by getting rid of the filler scenes and made all of the aliens speak an alien language with subtitles. This was great for getting rid of Jar Jar and making the Trade Federation guys not sound like whinny idiots.

The filler scenes that were removed made for a more interesting story and got rid of all of the fart jokes and horrible dialogue. The downside to this is that the filler scenes that were removed sometimes led to awkward transitions between scenes and an awkward pacing to the story.

Even with this edit, Star Wars 1 remains the worst of the series. The anti-cheese edit made it more enjoyable, but it still grew boring and dull. If you must watch Star Wars 1, watch the anti- cheese edit, otherwise skip it.

Damn this movie sucks, why was it even made?
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I went in expecting something a little better
11 December 2015
The story was all over the place at points and left questions unanswered at others. It began to lose my interest because the story felt like it was beginning to drag on near the middle.

The acting was great at points, but sometimes actors, who should have been the focus, were overshadowed by others on screen. This led to some dis conjunction in scenes. Juliette Binoche was amazing as always, Kristen Stewart impressed me, and Chloë Grace Moretz still has some growing to do. There were some great scenes with all of them, but by that time the movie began to bore me.

The cinematography was pretty good. The landscape, night and indoor shots were very nice and eye appealing. There are segments in the movie where they show clouds flowing throughout the mountains and it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The movie is worth a watch just to see those segments.

Clouds of Sils Maria was okay. I expected something better with the cast behind it, and I was underwhelmed at the end. My suggestion would be to go into the movie with lower expectations and then you may like it more than I did. This movie isn't for everyone, but people who like great dialogue and character development may love this movie.
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Rocky (1976)
After seeing Creed I had to watch Rocky
6 December 2015
The story showed the upbringing of an underdog. You can connect and feel the struggles of his character throughout the movie. The love interest didn't feel tacked on at all, you see Rocky find someone who understands him and is by his side. The scene with him admitting his fears to her is one of my favorite scenes in the entire movie.

The camera work was okay, but given the time and budget I'll give that a pass. Made on a budget of 1.1 million there were cuts that had to be made. There are scenes with contrast and continuity errors, but not enough to be considered bad.

There wasn't a lot of music in this movie, but when there was it was great, sometimes simple is better.

Rocky is the original great boxing movie. Even with some camera problems, the story and experience eclipsed it. A must watch for any fan of film.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Creed was entertaining and a good addition to the Rocky mythos
2 December 2015
Michael B Jordan did a great job and Stallone was also pretty good (you could actually understand what he was saying). The chick from Dear White People was okay, nothing that stood out.

The story is where I had problems. While it was interesting and a good way to make a spin off I felt like they tried too hard to separate it from the rest of the movies.

Constantly throughout the movie they remind you in many ways that Rocky is old. After a few times it got annoying. They also keep reminding you that the main character is Apollo Creed's son. I get that it was part of the story that he wanted to create his own legacy, but almost every 15 to 20 minutes they remind you that he is Creed's son.

The romance arc of the movie didn't feel right for the movie, it was a side story that wasn't needed.

Mainly, Creed was a good movie, I would recommend it, but had problems that annoyed me. The story constantly reminds you of things instead of assuming you know it, that got annoying and took me out of the movie. Good movie, but had annoying story problems.
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
Pixar has failed again to capture what made them great
28 November 2015
The characters were bland, you could tell how they were going to act in every situation. You couldn't connect with the main girl because she didn't even feel like a character in the movie. The emotions acted the same every time and never changed.

The story was the most predictable thing I have ever watched. In the first 30 minutes you know exactly what is going to happen throughout. The story dragged near the end and left me just wanting the movie to end already. Not to mention this movie rehashes every theme and story element done in other the other Pixar movies, but not as well.

This movie is made for kids, yes. That does not make it good. It was borderline okay and suffered from many problems, better luck to Pixar next time, please make a good movie again.
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It was okay
28 November 2015
I have a weakness for time travel movies, I have always liked them (when done well).

Project Almanac showed a more realistic view of what people would do with time travel technology. Getting the girl, doing good on tests, and getting rich.

Despite the realistic view, the movie contained the generic teen drama and love stories that are in other teen movies. This lead to the movie not leaving the impact it should have and lead to a predictable story.

While Project Almanac is worth a watch, catering to the teen audience ruined more aspects then it improved. I would still recommend this movie to anyone who likes time travel movies, but it could have been so much better.
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Coming from the director of Frances Ha I expected a little more out of this movie
28 November 2015
Don't get me wrong, the movie was entertaining, but felt dragged on near the end and didn't have the likable and connectable characters that Frances Ha had. The movie didn't have the impact that Frances Ha had because I couldn't connect with the characters.

The story was also very simple. Characters barely had an arc and remained basically the same. The most annoying part was that there were huge story elements that ended very abruptly and left me feeling unsatisfied with it's outcome.

Mistress America was okay. I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone. This movie disappointed me, Frances Ha was great and I wanted more of that type of movie. I expected the director to carry on that style of characters and story, but I didn't get that out of this movie.
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Ida (2013)
If you love cinematography you will love this movie
27 November 2015
The story was very simple and interesting to watch unfold, but doesn't contain anything that will blow anyone away. It is very simple, but interesting enough to last the runtime.

The acting was very good. Most scenes show characters reactions to situations or just show character development by how they act. You have to learn how the character feels by context clues and emotions, it is very interesting to watch.

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Lost River (2014)
Lost River is more style than anything else
30 October 2015
As a whole the movie is okay. Nothing really happens, it develops really slowly and has a simple story. The movie also ends leaving too many unanswered questions, which left me unfulfilled.

The acting can be awkward at times, but during other times it can be pretty good, but nothing stands out.

The camera work is what makes this movie an interesting watch. Ryan Gosling took inspiration from Refn and used very dark themes and interesting cinematography. There are scenes will really good dutch angles and others with excellent lighting. If you like camera-work this is the movie for you.

The soundtrack also adds to the camera work to make for some great scenes. The soundtrack is similar to Drive and The Guest with it's 80s style music. The soundtrack is great, it's worth a listen just on it's own.

In all, the movie is okay, the story doesn't offer anything unique and doesn't do anything like what Refn tries to do. The style is what you will watch this movie for. The camera work is excellent, but everything else falls short. It's a shame, Lost River had an interesting story, but it was never shown and became convoluted throughout.
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The Dirties (2013)
I had to rewatch this movie because it stuck with me for so long
10 October 2015
The Dirties follows these kids who are making a short film about two kids going into their school and shooting all of the bullies. That's as much as I can say without it flagging me for spoilers. I really love this story. It follows a topic that isn't discussed from this point of view. We always hear about bullying from a third person perspective, but The Dirties puts us right in the middle of it. Also to anyone who loves film and wants to get into the industry, you (including me) will find that these characters are extremely relatable which ends up being really scary and makes the movie memorable.

The acting is just as if the kids were going through everyday life. I wouldn't say it was amazing acting, but I definitely felt like the people were their characters. They were probably just playing themselves, so it was pretty interesting.

The camera work is in the found footage style, but not in the way that it's annoying, it just feels like you are the camera man documenting them making their short film.

The soundtrack has some good songs in it, mostly indie music.

The Dirties is an experience. It was fun, relatable, and memorable. The movie is chalk filled with movie references for cinephiles and comedy that makes you laugh. It is a must see just for the topic that it pertains and how it approaches it.
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This is my favorite David Fincher movie
10 October 2015
The story follows James Bond as he attempts to solve a murder mystery on a island with the help of Rooney Mara (I couldn't think of a role everyone would know her from). The story is filled with suspense, character development, a rich world around them, and disturbing scenes that are unforgettable.

While Gone Girl follows a great murder mystery too, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo's performances stuck with me a little bit more. James Bond was amazing with the dark character he portrayed, along side Rooney Mara it combined to gave way to some great scenes. The two made every scene intense and interesting as they sucked you in.

The camera work, as per usual in David Fincher movies, is amazing. I can't really describe the cinematography without rambling on, so just watch it and you'll know what I would say.

The soundtrack is amazing! Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross made an amazing score that added to every scene. The ambient noise and pulsing bass made scenes really intense and memorable. P.S. If you have a surround sound system, get ready to have your ears blown out from the bass.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remains to be my favorite David Fincher movie. The dark atmosphere, story, and everything else stated above combined to make a amazing movie.
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This Means War had it's moments, but overall it was a very weak movie.
7 October 2015
The story follows two agents that are trying to go after one girl. In stereotypical fashion this causes conflict and so on. The story became very repetitive and dull throughout. The funniest part was that there was an antagonist in the movie. AN ANTAGONIST IN A ROM COME! There is this guy that the two agents try and get at the beginning of the movie and he causes problems randomly.

The acting was borderline bad. Chris Pine was his normal pretty boy character that he does in a lot of movies. Don't get me wrong, he is good when he wants to be, but often times he plays the same character. Tom Hardy is still his great self, being the biased guy that I am, he did another great job, except this movie isn't good. Reese didn't have her spoon in this one either. She was just there to be pretty and say things, she didn't really develop at all. She is the same girl throughout the entire movie.

The camera was OK, there was a couple good shots, but nothing to recommend the movie to someone for.

The soundtrack was pretty good, it was filled with some popular songs that made some cool moments (I'm talking about the opening scene). The soundtrack didn't effect the movie as a whole though, it was just there.

This Means War was entertaining for one viewing, I would only watch it again if my parents, SO, or friends wanted to watch it. The movie was story, acting, and everything weak. It was fun, but I don't see it being fun again.

This Means War does do one thing. Prove that Tom Hardy could play a bad ass Sam Fisher.
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Sicario (2015)
God damn is the only way I can describe this movie.
1 October 2015
The story follows a FBI agent who is working with a group to go after a Mexican drug lord. The story is interesting, but the middle of the movie felt a little dragged out or long, I can't really describe it. But the movie was plenty of moments that make up for that. Now, I have to talk about the intense scenes, Jesus! If you have seen Prisoners, by the same director, you know he can do intense scenes, but Sicario... has intense scenes, ones you forget anytime soon.

The acting was amazing, I wouldn't be surprised if some or all of the actors get put up for Golden Globes or Oscars, because they deserve it. Emily Blunt did great, possibly her best performance yet. Benicio Del Toro again, did an amazing job, he just keeps getting better and better. I could go on, but it would be to long.

Now I can't do a review without talking about Roger Deakins. The master, my idol. This man is amazing. Every single shot was nice, crisp, and sucked you in. Even the scenes at night, felt like they were night time. During the night you couldn't perfectly see peoples faces and there were silhouettes. Unlike some movies that try and emulate night time, this actually felt like night time. I can't describe the shots in this movie, so many are great and deserve frames up on the wall.

The Soundtrack was also very good. The ambient, pulsing sounds and even silence added to the atmosphere of the whole movie. The soundtrack fit perfectly with the film and made scenes. They did a great job.

I liked Sicario, it was a great movie. I feel like I need to watch it again though to fully feel my thoughts. The middle that felt a bit long winded might have been because of the annoying ass guy with popcorn next to me in the theater, so if I see it another time it may not feel this way. The movie is definitely worth a trip to the theater.
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I honestly couldn't tell you what happened in this movie
19 September 2015
The cuts were weird, the characters and world were not developed in any way. The pace was so weird it was just plain weird.

After reading that the original script was 600 pages long, this movie feels like the Wachowskis took a trilogy and made it into 1 movie.

They tried to pace it like french new wave, where it cuts from scene to scene, but it did it wrong. The actors spoon fed you exposition that felt empty and just there to give you context.

This movie was awful. The Matrix Revolutions was where the Wachowskis started to go downhill and so far they have just dug a deeper whole every movie.

Avoid this movie at all costs!
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This movies caught me off guard
19 September 2015
This movies caught me off guard. At first I thought it was just a typical teen movie, but it turned into so much more.

Men, Women & Children is a very unique study of how different situations and lifestyle choices can effect you and everyone around you.

The movie follows different characters and have just that, different lifestyles. The movie catalogs how everyone around them reacts and how this effects these characters.

I would suggest this movie to anyone who is a parent, or any teens going through tough times. It isn't the happiest movie, but it will definitely make you rethink life and what you are going through.
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Hackers (1995)
Hackers contains all of the 90s tech and clichés we all love
17 September 2015
While in a technical perspective this isn't the best movie, it has a charm that attracts me. The story is very simple, it's about hackers getting framed for something and the CIA and FBI going after them. While this may seem very generic it has it's unique charm that it adds.

The movie isn't super serious, it has a lot of comedy that keeps the light mood and silly 90s visuals of what hacking looks like. Near the end the main character even puts on this thing that looks like the Google Glass! The light tone makes this movie enjoyable and fun for multiple viewings.

The acting is okay, nothing great or bad. This movie was in the early careers of some of the actors, so you may recognize some faces of today's good actors.

Now, I have to talk about the soundtrack. It is filled with 90s electronic beats that add so much to the atmosphere of the film, making some scenes really intense and fun. If the film would have been made with the generic songs of the era it probably wouldn't be as great.

Hackers is a long time favorite of mine. I saw it as a kid and have loved it since then. It's worth a watch and I bet you'll have a good time watching it.
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I don't really get why people love this movie so much
14 September 2015
It was a typical teen romance drama. It had it's good moments, but there were very few. For the most part the movie just contained sappy and awkward moments. It felt like the movie was trying to make you cry instead of having it happen naturally.

The characters were very weak and mostly stayed with the same motives and barely changed as people. Since their characters never really changed it made the story predictable. Just see how their characters act and feel and you can see all the clichés and how the story will proceed.

The acting wasn't that great either. I have seen both of these actors in other movies where they were much more believable. Shailene Woodley was great in White Bird in a Blizzard and The Spectacular Now. Ansel Elgort wasn't the best actor along Shailene Woodley either, she overshadowed him, which didn't make for good chemistry.

To me the only redeeming part was the soundtrack, which was mostly indie music which fit the mood most of the time.

The Fault in Our Stars is a generic teen romance movie. Nothing new comes out of this movie. The little redeeming qualities made me give it a better score than it deserves.
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Melancholia (2011)
The second half is worth the watch
7 September 2015
The first half was pretty boring, just setting up characters. But that second half was intense and suspenseful.

The characters were shallow and I never felt connected, but the way the problem and solution were presented was great. While the characters didn't connect me to the story, the situation did.

The story was confusing in the first half, then the second half came and it was a lot clearer. To be honest the movie could have just been the last half and been really good, but the wedding part (which was the first half) ruined it.

As always with Lars von Trier there were some pretty good shots. The only problem is that he uses A LOT of hand-held cameras, so most of the scenes have a shaky camera for no reason. This annoyed me.

Melancholia was pretty good. If the whole movie was just the second half I would have given it a better score, but the boring first half (that really played no relevance the the good half) made me give it a lower score.

Enjoy it at your own risk. Lars von Trier isn't for everyone. P.S. Lars von Trier always has weird/bad editing in his movies
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Lucy (I) (2014)
The movie wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good.
21 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The story is really simple and stupid. Not to mention characters explain the story every step of the way like we are stupid. There is no lead up she just gets thrown into this situation, drugs get opened in her, she starts accessing more of her brain. They tell you everything she will be able to do and they tell you whenever she reaches a new level, it's simple.

The acting was bad. Most of the people delivered bad lines in monotone voices. I just saw actors, not characters.

The CG was horrible. Monkeys, cars crashing, people. They all looked bad.

There was no tension in any scene. She says from the beginning that she can't feel pain, so nothing worries me, she just walks through guys.

There were some good camera shots, but nothing to rave about.

Lucy had a weak structure, but it stood. The first 2 actions scenes were cool, but it was because she hadn't reached god level yet. After that it was OK. Some of the things she was able to do was cool, but the context ruined it, those ideas would have fit better in a space/alien movie.

By the way, she turns into a USB drive at the end. 100% brain capacity = USB. I'm not kidding, it;s stupid. They couldn't think of how to end the story so she became a USB. Let that sink in.
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Akira (1988)
I really wanted to like this movie
19 August 2015
I really wanted to like this movie, I heard from everyone that it was an anime classic and I had seen screenshots that looked really cool. In the end I was disappointed.

The movie was hand drawn and it looked amazing no doubt about that, I could stare at still from this movie all day long, it's the other things that bothered me.

The story is a mess. I loved the first act, seeing this cyberpunk city was really cool, seeing the gangs and everything. After that the movie turned into a anime horror movie, which I don't feel fit the tone at all. The whole Akira thing was confusing as hell, they never explained it, everyone was asking the whole movie "What is Akira?" The third act dragged out so much, things that were happening didn't make sense at all. The end was just a mess with destruction everywhere, but no story to tell about it.

The soundtrack was also annoying. Some of the songs were cool, but they play them almost 7 or 8 times in the movie, which wears out the song and just makes it ambient noise.

This might be only the English dub, but the dubbing was horrible. The words were off the mouth movements and the voice actors were bad. In intense scenes the voice actors never gave an intense feel.

For a classic there were some big problems. The story could have been more direct and made more sense. In fact, they could have just made the movie about the city and the gangs fighting and that would have made it better. With the movie how it is, they could have cut it down to take out the dragging on of the end. Akira just ended up losing my interest near the end, making it not as interesting as I thought it would be.
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This is one of the worst Superhero movies I have ever seen
17 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard about the movie I was optimistic, thinking it might at least be better than the older ones. I went into this without high hopes, low hopes were still shattered by how bad this movie was.

Pros: * The first 15 minutes with Reed getting into science and starting the project was cool. * When they get back from getting their powers, they way they showed how terrifying the powers were was cool.

Cons: * Bad Story (nothing happens) * Bad Dialogue (almost ever line was delivered badly) * Bad CG (Reed stretching and The Thing were the worst) * Bad Pacing (they go from nerdy kids, to being horrified by the powers, to being completely fine and mastering the powers in no time at all) * Bad Fight (there was 1 fight in this entire movie, not kidding) * Characters are stupid (when they are supposed to be smart) * Everyone blames everything on Reed ( it's not like he didn't planned to get powers) * Bad Acting (even with good actors) * The worst line I have ever heard from a movie: "There is no Victor, only Doom." * Doom has a stupid reason for wanting to destroy earth, dies in like 5 minutes. * They didn't flesh out the earth so there is no tension when Doom is trying to destroy it. * The Thing says his signature phrase 1 time in the movie and it is in the very end.

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9/11 (2002 TV Movie)
The best 9/11 documentary out there
9 August 2015
Two brothers film different parts of the city. One is in the towers showing the firefighters and the other is in the streets showing the civilians. You can see and hear everything in this movie. You hear people falling from the building, screaming of people, the shock on everyone's faces, and the towers being crashed into and falling.

This documentary follows the firefighters struggle and how everyone banded together to save lives.

What was going to be a totally different documentary turned into thee best one documenting a tragic moment in history. This documentary shows what everyone went through on that fateful day.
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Into the Woods never impressed me
9 August 2015
I'm not a fan of singing movies, take that into account, now read on.

The story is really generic and predictable. Since Into the Woods is a singing movie they stated the obvious continuously throughout the movie. The simple story was shoved down my throat in ever singing segment, telling me things I already knew. The story wasn't compelling and most of the characters were underdeveloped so I never felt connected to them. Not to mention there were side stories that ended abruptly,

The movie also ran WAY longer than it needed to. A 2 hour runtime for a singing movie. The movie could have been done in an hour and a half. This runtime made things slow and boring in segments waiting for something to happen.

There were 2 good singing segments, other than that they aren't good. There was also some cringeworthy singing by some characters (especially Meryl Streep). For a movie that is all singing, this isn't good.

There were a couple good shots in the movie, but nothing that really blew me away. It was all pretty generic camera movements with branches being the foreground, and trees being the background in everything.

The movie wasn't good. I'm not a fan of singing movies, so that's why it's marking really low. Not being a fan of the genre and all the problems with it added up to a low score. Anna Kendrick was one of the most interesting characters and she wan't even the main one. She sang the best and was more eye catching. Everybody else was just there. Into the Woods was a very boring and uneventful movie.
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Godzilla (2014)
This is the Godzilla movie we should have gotten in 1998
28 July 2015
Though this is in no way a really good movie, I enjoyed it. Godzilla 14' entertained me until the end. I have seen every single Godzilla movie and this isn't even close to the worst ones.

The story is kinda bad. This movie focuses more on the humans than Godzilla, which I don't have a problem with, since they have done it in past Godzilla movies that were good. The problem with it focusing on the humans though it that the characters are plain and generic. They never fleshed out the humans enough for me to care about them and they made stupid choices turn after turn. Not to mention dialogue have continuity errors. Again they have done this in past Godzilla movies.

The acting was meh. Bryan Cranston gave the best performance, Aaron Taylor-Johnson was not that great, he just kinda stared and said things that furthered the plot. Elizabeth Olsen was just there as a plot device, she didn't have many lines. Ken Watanabe was just there to stare, talk about Godzilla, and correctly pronounce Gojira. Sally Hawkins was there for like 5 scenes and in every one she was annoying.

The camera work was good though. There were some nice shots that showed chaos throughout the city, the soldiers, the monsters, and hat HALO jump. One thing is for sure, it didn't look bad at all.

The soundtrack is great too. The music makes you feel like you're in every situation and lends great to the Godzilla theme.

Godzilla 14' was OK, but the dark and gritty feel won me over to give it a 7/10. The movie wasn't horrible like people say it is, but it isn't a masterpiece. It is just a cool monster movie that is entertaining. If we would have gotten this in 98' no one would have complained. I really hope they improve upon this to make a great sequel, I can't wait to see Ghidorah in action again.
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I can't believe I waited so long to watch it
27 July 2015
Inside Llewyn Davis has become one of my favorite Coen Brother's movies.

The story was very simple, which I felt was needed for this story, too much complicated things would have made it confusing. Some side stories ended abruptly, which I didn't like, but small enough to look over.

The acting was good, Oscar Isaac was the stand out performance while the others were OK. There were some scenes where it was hard to understand Oscar Isaac or the other characters though.

The camera work was great. There were so many nice shots that they captured my eyes immediately. I don't believe there was one scene that didn't look good in this movie. There was some noir feel to some scenes while others felt light hearted and bright.

Inside Llewyn Davis is a very heart felt and personal movie. Personally, I don't see it reaching to the mainstream audience, but I do see it being a cult film that will be remembered for a long time. People may think this movie looks stupid, but when watching it you can see the effort and love that had been put into this movie. Inside Llewyn Davis is a great movie, I loved it.
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