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Probably the best dark comedy in decades,Martin Scorsese's best movie since The Departed along with Leonardo DiCaprio's's bizarre performance
5 January 2014
Most probably the best dark comedy in decades,Martin Scorsese's best movie since The Departed along with Leonardo DiCaprio's's bizarre performance.....simply amazing to say the least. The film was in everyone's attention with Jordan Belfort's controversial life.And Martin Scorsese doing a Biopic based on the epic story of the Wall Street stock broker made it even more interesting,its a story of corruption, greed,drugs and success and failure set in late 80s and 90s. the movie was fast paced,never boring,filled with dark humor and hilarious scenes. Leonardo DiCaprio was absolutely astonishing with his bizarre comic performance in the role of Jordan Belfort,I personally can not think of a person who could replace him in this role.He did something totally different from what he have done so far in his bright career.you could see the film just for him only. Matthew McConaughey in a short role proved his worth,Jonah Hill as Donnie Azoff was quite good with his comic timing,Margot Robbie was brilliantly well suited in her role as Jordan's wife Naomi Lapaglia.Kyle Chandler as FBI cop and Rob Reiner as Max Belfort did a pretty good as well. with a Martin Scorsese's film,you simply just cannot get disappointed,the legendary 71 year old director still amazes the audience with the energy he injects in his film.And with his unique ability of portraying "Bad guys" from different perspective,showing their Backgrounds,personal feelings,thoughts,explanations of doings.He carried these unique pattern from Goodfellas(1990),Casino(1995) to The Departed (2006),and The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)is similar in this pattern. Now,Why should you watch this movie? A movie with 180 min length is filled with laugh out loud moments in every inch(I can't recall even a comparable one).These movie carries the signature style of Scorsese,unbelievable and bizarre comic performance by Leo DiCaprio.with excessive sex,drugs,f-words Its a guaranteed entertainer(best in last few years).My rating 9.5 out of 10. My verdict:Don't even think of missing this movie.its a stunner that don't comes every year.I repeat Its a must must watch!!Go for it!!
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cocktail of dark humor,fictional history & crude violence
17 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is for two types of people-who like Tarantino movies and who who doesn't like Tarantino movies!! yes,because this movie is a milestone of this great film maker's career so his fan's must love it,and this movie will be in any 'top 100 Hollywood movies' list so no film buff would hate miss it. {spoiler}A story about a duty maniac psycho Nazi-officer(Col.Hans Landa) who can almost smell of Jews and kill them,a story of vengeance of a Jew woman whose family was killed earlier by Col. Landa,and a story of a Col. Hans Landa who was the leader of the 'Inglorious Basterds',a team which kills Nazi. Christoph Waltz as Col.Hans Landa amazing in lead role,Melanie Laurent as Shosanna very good,Diane Kruger,Daniel Brühl are also good as well as the whole casting crew,Brad Pitt as Lt.Aldo Raine very spontaneous but a little more involvement was expected from him but his comic timing was amazing. The only loop hole in script I found out that how could a extremely clever guy like Col.Hans Landa became so foolish in the end,if he really wanted to move in to America,he shouldn't just trust Raine,he should have handled it more tactfully.that's why its got 9 out of 10. But still its really a master piece,contained of several attracting film elements.And there goes a saying that 'when its a Tarantino movie,entertainment guaranteed' so you better not miss it.watch it now!!!
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