
13 Reviews
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This Never Happened (I) (2024)
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The opening scene should have given me all I needed to know this was going to be bad (camera suggesting dirt being thrown on the face in one angle, but completely clean in another), but I sat through another 20 or so minutes of this before giving up.

The acting was flacid to say the least, it felt like I was watching a tv show where they had cast all their friends in the main roles. The "horror" scenes upto this point where about as atmospheric as empty space.

The soundtrack was completely lacking and added nothing to the film, perhaps its main role was to fill the void that the actors left. The final point that I just couldnt get past was the house, which a 30 yr old man claimed he used to have parties in with all his friends when he was a kid (i would assume a teenager), there is just no way that house is 15+ yrs old. Theres plenty of good horrors out there this isnt one of them.
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Not a traditional horror
14 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film. Is not really a horror in the classic sense. Though post covid, I suspect the sense of isolation that many of us felt during those few years may have inspired some aspects of this. I found the opening scenes of this film captivating and a bit puzzling. I never read reviews or synopsis before watching a film, so wasnt expecting the film to evolve the way it did. In my mind the film is about isolation, rejection and a desire to be accepted, forgiven allowed to associate with others again.

I love the transition from this narrative to respite whilst evading aliens around the house, there is something quite heartfelt about this film, and I really can't say it reminds me of anything else.

The score that accompanies the film is subtle and accentuates some of those key moments perfectly.

It wasn't until the third time I watched this that I realized there is only 3 lines of dialogue in the entire film, and I think that for me to have not noticed that really highlights how well made this film is.

Its not your classic horror, but its certainly a unique film that I'd strongly recommend watching if you generally just love good cinema.
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Go/Don't Go (2020)
Don't read the synopsis!
13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just watch it! I didn't read the synopsis, at first I thought the main character was just a loner awkward around people and so on. Then when he starts scrubbing names out of his book made me think his friends had problems etc. Wasn't till later that I realized he's just the last guy around, thought it revealed that well and if you go into the film blind it's very enjoyable.

I particularly enjoyed the bowling alley scene and I felt that the sound track was well selected and suitable throughout.

Unlike my fellow reviewer above I'm surprised it's rating is 4.3, I think perhaps it's easy to make clones of other films it's much more challenging to make films that arent so "cookie cutter", like this one. Well worth watching imo
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The Giant (II) (2019)
Very unusual enjoyable film
16 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't help but feel that most of this film is actually a dream (note the truck she is in at the beginning and end are the same, they even reference "do dreams carry on while I'm awake").

The interactions with the ex-boyfriend I enjoyed a great deal the sleepy dialogue, the echoing audio the blurred imagery again feeling like it's a dream.

I thoroughly enjoyed this film if you like something that isn't a cookie cutter clone of 100's of other films would strongly recommend giving this a watch.
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Babyteeth (2019)
It's just perfect
20 June 2020
It's funny, it's artistic, it's dark, it's beautiful. I always feel a perfect movie will make you laugh, cry, and fall in love with something, this film has so many moments you can fall in love with, you are missing out if you don't take the time enjoy this.
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Time Freak (2018)
12 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Skyler Gisondo, best aspect of this film, really saves it from being fairly irritating, adding a much needed comedy angle (as the rest is just some guy being terrible at relationships with well anyone it seems, and just doing it over and over and over again, until he gets the response he wants, which sounds cute, but really is a tiny bit psychotic). Maybe im being too cynical, I did watch it to the i guess not that bad right? :)
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Shot Caller (2017)
thoroughly enjoyable
25 July 2017
Strongly recommend watching this, very strong performances from all of the cast. Good score, solid cinematography and a story line that got me hooked from the start and one that I don't doubt for a second has happened numerous times around the world.

Will watch again (because that's what i do when i like a film).
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13 Demons (2016 Video)
I expected this to be garbage
5 July 2017

This was clearly a very low budget film, yet it had some very solid performances from the two lead "paladins". Good soundtrack, and i must say I'm only sorry it wasn't longer, because I thoroughly enjoyed watching this film. Definitely worth a watch! I will definitely be watching again :)
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Trace (2015)
enjoyable horror
18 June 2017
I am someone who tends to watch films over and over again, but generally only films I enjoy watching, I have watched this film many many times. I also don't bother writing reviews very often (usually just leave ratings).

I simply do not understand why the rating for this film is so low. The acting is mostly of a good standard, cinematography, special effects and score are also of a good standard.

Story line is believable, and has a good atmosphere about it though there are some slight changes I would have made, but i would encourage any horror/scifi fans to give this film a chance as i don't feel that the current rating and reviews do it justice.

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Souleater (2017)
yet another film with ratings from the cast / crew
22 April 2017
acting bad sound quality bad all music from a synth....and you guessed it...bad. Camera work isn't even up to scratch...7.9? i don't think so. story line - uh, yea I'm sorry this just isn't very good - i should have guessed when some of the actors also star in the picture. Somebodies pet project shared with the world....not sure they should have.
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Detention (2011)
Fantastic Movie!!!!
7 April 2015
I honestly have no idea why this is a 5 something, funny, great soundtrack, did i say it was funny? Good storyline - bit off the wall, but I didn't want to watch something that reminds me of something else! I do not write reviews (though I do love films probably more than is healthy), mostly because i cant be bothered but this is well worth a watch, don't let that rating put you off!!!!

The rating put me off and so did the synopsis!! The synopsis describes the last 30 minutes of the film perhaps????? I just don't get why the rating is so low, decent acting, just decent all rounder, how could people give this a five???

Seriously enjoy.
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Equilibrium (2002)
Its not the matrix!
27 August 2004
I avoided watching this movie for a long time as from the clips that got shown at the cinema and on TV it gave the impression of a matrix-esque film. I was glad i eventually overcame this and sat down and watched it, sure it didn't have a huge budget sure the idea is not an entirely new one, but the acting was fine the sets where fine and the action was enough to keep the movie jogging from one piece of dialogue to the next. Sometimes i think people need reminding that movies are entertainment, and sometimes i think people forget this. bottom line this is an entertaining movie, if your looking for something to change your life, read a book.

i gave this 8 out of 10
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a wonderful movie
25 August 2004
It really is a wonderful movie, its a lovely idea, the actors play their roles well. Its one of those movies that makes you think, it makes you consider things from a different perspective, and i never tire of movies that attempt to so this, especially those that succeed to do so successfully, the soundtrack is simple but effective, and the screenplay flows effortlessly from beginning to end. I always find that a good movie finishes without u even noticing that time has passed by, and this is one of those movies. I wont tell you anything about the movie you will just have to go and watch it don't let the subject matter put you off. I strongly recommend that you all make time to watch this movie it is well worth it.
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