46 Reviews
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Imaginary (2024)
8 March 2024
Well I went into this movie thinking it will be a basic haunting movie with a traditional overused storyline but I was very pleasantly surprised.

The movie, for the most part, ditches the basic horror tropes that are taking over cinema lately. The story goes to places that are way beyond an average horror movie, with fresh twists, especially the second half, where one twist took me by surprise and I loved it.

Acting was decent, and I would say the young talents are the stars of it, especially the youngest of the 2, adorably talented.

3rd act was definitely the weakest but still enjoyable nonetheless, story did feel a bit rushed and the ending could have been done better but overhaul the move remains captivating.
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Unexpected Surprise
6 October 2022
First thing first, do not watch it if you are looking for a proper horror movie, I would classify it more as drama but there is definitely some watered down horror elements to it.

What makes this movie beautiful is the characters and the relationship that was beautifully written between them. The main actor, Mr. Harrigan, his father and the teacher were the main stars here.

The acting was superb and showcased enough emotions to get you hooked and interested, the movie is deep when it came to death and how we deal with it as humans. I genuinely cried multiple times while watching it.

As I previously mentioned, this is not horror, but a beautiful movie about an unlikely friendship, grief and the importance of moving on.
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Smile (V) (2022)
The Ring 2022
1 October 2022
Story-wise, the movie is inspired by The Ring, but definitely not as good, and is heavily dependent on jumpscares and loud sounds which isn't something I fancy.

The fun part of the movie comes from the investigation and detective work the main character is going through trying to figure out the reason behind what is going on.

Cheap jumpscares ruined it for me, the "Entity" was very vague, not well defined and suffered from lazy writing. We ended up not knowing what exactly we were facing. The writers sacrificed a good story to service more and louder jumpscares.

Acting was decent but some supporting characters were cartoony at best.

In summary, this is a very commercial movie here for Halloween, nothing sets it apart from the rest.
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Nope (2022)
23 July 2022
Well this was a fresh look on UFOs, you will not see it coming. Acting is great, story is great.

The only issue for me was the underwhelming effect it has for explaining the mystery that is UFO, and one storyline concerning a chimp that really didn't exactly fit in the storyline.

Otherwise, the storyline is tense and exciting, Keke Palmer is amazing in this, she carries the movie, special effects are great.

Finally you gotta note that this is NOT a horror movie, it falls more under thriller/mystery/Scifi.
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Queer as Folk (2022)
Let them negative stereotypes roll
15 June 2022
First of all what is Juliet Lewis doing in this! She is way better than this mess. I never seen the previous iterations of this show but this one is a terrible mess of storylines and flat characters rotting away in all the wrong stereotypes.

If you enjoy watching a show where LGBT are portrayed as sex crazed drug loving 13 years old than this show is for you. Characters has nothing going for them except them being gays, tops, bottoms, trans ... this show is exactly whats wrong with the culture nowadays.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Waste of time
15 January 2022
Just bad all around, acting, story, pacing ... who approved this to be made as a series. I guess Hollywood is running out of ideas and remakes. Just save your time guys and gals and avoid this disappointing mess.
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Lead actress carried this movie all the way to the end.
26 August 2021
First half of this movie was decent and great atmospheric horror, second part is bad, too messy and convoluted, I just didn't care for it at all. The ending was even worse as in it doesn't give any type of explanation or closure to the storyline, feels like the writers didn't know what to do so they cut it randomly. The only thing going for this movie is the lead actress who carried the movie, she's talented and amazing at this role, and she is the reason I gave this movie a 5, without her performance I wont even consider a rating of 2.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Garbage TV/Netflix
18 August 2021
There is nothing good in this show, acting is horrible, characters are dry and underdeveloped. Who is watching this? How low our IQ should be to accept this! 0 development on the story, 0 character development, stupid dialogue.
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Free Guy (2021)
Pure Fun!
12 August 2021
This movie is everything I wanted and more, from the nice visuals, artsy scenes, great acting, Ryan Reynolds, The comedy .. I was so into it I had so much fun. I gotta say one cameo I was so happy to see from the Marvel Universe, made this movie 10 times better. It has many appearances of Gamers I suppose but I am not familiar with any of them. I highly recommend this one.
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Old (2021)
I see all of them reviews and I am like, why are you all so miserable!
12 August 2021
This movie is pure art, it makes you contemplate life, it has a deeper meaning to it. I liked the characters, the acting ... the story, albeit sad but it is wonderful. The movie has a neat and clean ending, I highly recommend it. My only criticism is one stupid decision 1 character did or did not do during the movie but I will let it slide.

On another note, why the negative reviews, why the misery? It is becoming a trend to be angry and miserable on reviews.
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Outer Banks (2020– )
Season 1 is good, Season 2 is comedy bad
6 August 2021
What happened to season 2? The writing is worse than Riverdale, the acting is amateurish sometimes and OMG I can't deal with all the stupid turns and twists with this show! Season 1 was slow but okay, Season 2 OMG.
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Please give us a 3rd movie.
3 August 2021
This movie is amazing and so much fun to watch, not a single boring moment, action packed and is as good if not better than the 1st one.

I really hope they give us a 3rd instalment, because the ending was criminal otherwise. Highly recommended movie to watch.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Only watch it in cinemas
3 August 2021
This movie is not made for home screens, the effects and the experience on the big screen is way better especially that the story is mediocre and borderline boring and it stretches for more than 2 hours. I liked that Disney almost had a 100% gay character on it. Progress I suppose.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
I tried ... I really really tried
3 August 2021
First thing first I did not read the books, and I only started watching this show out of the hype, First episode was boring but ok, second one was worse same as the 3rd, for me to give up on it by episode 4 where I almost fell asleep watching.

The world, the characters, the storytelling is so one dimensional it hurts. I don't get the hype, acting is sometimes bad, characters most are annoying and underdeveloped same as the world the story is taking place in.
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Multidimensional Experience
2 June 2021
This movie is the best of the franchise, the lead actors are talented as usual but this time the movie has heart!

The story this time has many layers and it is not your basic exorcism or possession. I loved the romantic angles as well.

My only criticism is the jump-scares, which are so basic and seen many times before it was not as exciting, and they take so much time sometimes to be over it is just annoying, when I only wanna see the plot progress.

I really advise you seeing this in theatres, the experience was amazing.
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Spiral (2021)
Nice Comedy
29 May 2021
I can't believe this was allowed to go through .. if it was a spoof of saw it makes sense but oh man!

Lets start with the only positive, Marisol Nichols was amazing, her performance was great.

Now the rest was terrible, Chris Rock was horrible as a lead role, his voice is so high pitch and he can't act it is ridiculous, storyline is terrible, basically stupid, you in danger, you got a mobile phone, call for help lol .. I died, this movie was hilariously bad. Not to mention the twist is obvious midway through the movie and they reveal it at the end as if it is the best thing a movie ever did.

I can't believe people rated this above 5 .. this is pure garbage cinema.
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Cruella (2021)
This is a Disney Live Action I can get behind
28 May 2021
What a movie, feels like I am watching a painter drawing a masterpiece, I honestly don't have anything negative to say about it, I have seen it twice already on a Dolby Theatre ... what a treat .. even one of my friends said it is the best movie she has ever seen.

The style, the fashion, the comedy, the action .. this is a jam packed movie that doesn't feel like your typical basic children movie and made me so happy and excited for a possible sequel.
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The Unholy (2021)
Amazing Horror
22 April 2021
Loved this movie from start to end, acting, storytelling, even jump-scares were original .. thank you, I can't say more or I will spoil it but this movie is what I want every horror movie to be like.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Horrible Terrible Movie
21 April 2021
This movie is made for crazed fans who don't know good acting or storytelling, special effects are amateurish, acting is worse, this movie is one of the worst movies I have seen ever.
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Beautiful Cinematography!
25 March 2021

This movie is beautiful and a masterpiece in all aspects, from monster design, action scenes, acting to the special effects, it works perfectly and flows smoothly from beginning to end. I loved that the trailer doesn't reveal anything and what we see thru it is barely 20% of what happens in the 2 hour long movie. And Honk Kong is such a magnificent city, loved the colours and the backdrop of the scenes shot there, plus can we talk about Alexander Skarsgård, this guy is such a talent, loved him in this one as well. My only criticism and the only reason I scored this movie an 8.5 is Eleven (can't bother to remember her real name) and her squad, of weirdos and creeps. Their storyline seemed detached from the movie itself and could very well be taken out without affecting the progression one bit. The acting was cheesy and annoying and dropped the quality of the project, maybe they are meant to be a comic relief but all I got is cringe and bad acting.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Not a dull moment
22 March 2021
What a surprise! this movie is great at building up the story from start to finish, with a big bang to finish it off, acting was superb, action scenes were beautiful, this deserves more recognition for sure, its been a while since the last time I have seen such a good movie.

Well i gave it a 9 because it was too short and I wanted more .. It did feel like they kept a door open for a potential sequel thu.
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Son (I) (2021)
Wasted Opportunity
19 March 2021
I did not have high expectations when I went to see this movie but I was pleasantly surprise, well this movie is flawed it remains enjoyable throughout.

The acting is decent, the main character portrayal was very good, the young talent wasn't the best but he was okay. Storyline started to be very interesting and compelled me to keep up with the movie till the end, to figure out what's going on.


The movie falls flat in the 3rd act, without spoiling it, the story that was unique and exciting, slipped into the same basic horror ending as we have seen a million times before, the ending could have been done better if not for the lazy writing that was apparent.
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It is good but far from great.
17 December 2020
First of all I am not a comic fan, so I judge solely on what Hollywood puts out, Second I don't understand all the raving reviews because the movie is def flawed.

My thoughts in summary are as it goes:

Movie is entertaining enough, action scene are good, acting is good BUT I had issues with the pacing where the ending felt rushed and underwhelming, the writing wasn't good at times, storytelling was flawed where one silly thing causes a major shift in events in a way that leaves you guessing why such insignificant act had so much effect. The romance was rushed and didn't lead to the emotional response the writers was hoping for.

But the movie is good enough to spend an afternoon but far away from being the best this year.
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This could possibly be the best movie in 2020!
3 December 2020
Well this is a surprise! I went to the cinema not sure what to expect and I left it truly amazed. Don't listen to the negative reviews .. they are the same bots who go around complaining about every movie on this platform.

I would divide this movie into 4 chapters; the weakest had to be the second one, where there is a certain fighting scene that drags on forever and for no apparent reason. The first chapter impressed me in terms of visuals, the nest design specifically was unique and gave me the creeps. The 3rd chapter was interesting and it introduced a character that was there for the comedy factor of it, leading to the 4th that hinted majorly to a sequel.

Monsters design was good and the acting as well, the movie kept me interested and invested from start to end and above all I was super happy to see Milla back on screen! Action movies fit her perfectly.
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1BR (2019)
Hidden Gem
3 December 2020
What a surprise, I went in this movie with certain expectations that they were not met and I'm glad. I like all talent involved in this movie, as well the storyline that kept me on the edge of my seat! Religious folks would hate this movie because it triggers a certain cultish behaviour in their unconscious minds! The ending is great and I loved it.
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