
17 Reviews
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The Witcher (2019– )
As per usual, they ruined it
3 September 2023
The first two seasons had me rating this a 9. After having watched the third season and also realized that not only is the show writers rewriting the source material and making up their own story, but Henry Cavill is being replaced - and I'm lowering the rating to a 5. And that's generous. Henry Cavill has my respect, I know he quit because of the producers and writers taking off on an entirely different road than the books. And that's integrity, hat's off to him for that. But wow, did they ruin something that could have been so, so good... I wonder if they are the same geniuses that slaughtered House of the Dragon by replacing some actors and not giving even a hint of gray hair or the smallest wrinkle to the remaining ones.. Unbelievable.

There's just too much stupidity in filmmaking these days. So much great material is being ruined by "writers" thinking they can do better than the source material that got so popular (as a book for example) FOR A REASON. And on top of that we have the people who have no sense of art whatsoever, who are just pushing the buttons based on cheap trends and cash. Sad.
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One of the best shows ever made - a true masterpiece
30 June 2023
First off, it's the only cinematic reenactment of the 50's and 60's I've seen that has actually felt as that time. The production is flawless, from start to finish and down to the very last detail. The acting is some of the best I've ever seen, every single person, from the smallest to the biggest roles, feel 100% real in their characters. The surroundings, the homes, the clothes, the script, the editing - everything is jaw-dropping. I was in awe from the very first episode and I bawled my eyes out almost the entire last season, in between bursting out in laughs naturally. It didn't make me cry because it was sad, but because it was so beautiful. It was deep and life affirming. The last episode had me ugly crying and my heart racing with excitement.

Very few shows, especially great shows, manage to make a good ending. So many shows have ruined themselves with bad endings. The last season of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel was a masterpiece through and through. The way they decided to tell the story in it's last chapters was just brilliant. The writers of this show has my utmost respect.

I'm going to miss this show so much, but I also know that I'm going to rewatch this show many MANY times. Because it is truly a masterpiece. Cinematic magic at its absolute best.

Thank you to everyone involved in creating this jewel in cinematic art. My hat's off to you.
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The Mother (2023)
Here come the misogynists as always..
27 May 2023
There are countless movies like this one released every year with a male lead. Nobody is complaining then, they just review the actual movie instead of the sex of the lead. As soon as there's a female lead, in ANY movie really, the misogynistic men come in droves to puke out reviews and give as low ratings as possible. It's like they live to trash women. They find a million and one things that's wrong with it - solely because it's a female lead.

Misogynistic men do not have good self insight, they always reveal themselves. And it's getting old having to deal with misogynistic men working so hard to drag down the ratings on pretty much every movie that has a female lead. All the while they praise movies that are seriously bad - but there's a male lead.. It's immature, it's pathetic, it's embarrassing. It's tiresome.

This movie was like you would expect this kind of movie to be, it's a cliché story with cliché scenes. But for once we were spared the embarrassing cringy lines that are usually classic in these kinds of movies. I'm grateful for that. Over all it had a more serious tone and details than what these movies usually have. That made it a tad more interesting. I was actually impressed with Jennifer Lopez in this role, it's very far from the romcoms we usually see her in. I think she pulled it off really well actually.

I also loved the wolf connection, mother to mother. That's something men could never understand, they don't have that connection to their children and therefor it's a detail that could not exist with a male lead. That was one of the things that made the movie more interesting than the countless other similar movies with a male lead.

This is not really my kind of movie usually, simply because they are so boringly cliché. But obviously they become better and more interesting with a female lead, so hopefully we'll get to see more of that in the future.
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Irma Vep (2022)
A series for the true film art lovers
11 May 2023
This is a series for people who has a true passion for film art and film making. People looking for the usual cheap entertainment won't like it and they're the ones giving it an undeserving low rating. They should go back to their Marvel shows.

It has a certain energy that won't be picked up on by everyone. People who either work in this business or has a deep genuine passion for it will sense it, and will also understand certain conversations that will go over most people's heads. Personally I find it impressive that they managed to catch this very difficult to describe, elusive energy. I loved this work of art within the work of art about the work of the art.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
A perfect example of how to ruin a series
19 January 2023
I was going to give this show 9 or even 10. Until I got to the 6th episode. Now I had to cut it in half since they massacred the rest of the show from one episode to the next. I would really like to know who took this shockingly stupid decision that ruined the entire show. How on earth could one come up with the insane idea to replace the two lead actresses halfway into the season because of a simple 10 year jump ahead, and at the same time NOT replace most other actors... A little less hair and some extra wrinkles on the king, and absolutely nothing changed on for example Daemon and Cristos. Cristos didn't even get a single gray hair, not even in further time jumps.

We can do wonders with make-up today. There was absolutely NO REASON to replace any actors at all. But what made it even more insane was to replace two leads and NO-ONE ELSE. And basically nothing changed on the ones left. Why would someone make such a stupid decision? There was amazing chemistry between the original actresses, both between each other and between the other actors. There is absolutely no chemistry between the new actresses and the original actors. None. The first 5 episodes were practically fizzing with chemistry and energy. Come episode 6 and all the magic is gone. So sad. Completely slaughtered the show.

I've seen a lot of stupid mistakes and bad decisions in film and tv series through the years, but this is by far the worst. Seriously, they should remake the show with the original actors. That's the only thing that can bring back the magic and do justice to this story.
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A reality all too well known for many girls and women
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Both Mila Kunis and Chiara Aurelia really hit it out of the park in this film. It's an incredibly important film about the traumas that men/boys are inflicting upon so many girls and women, and how the patriarchal society treats the victims and protects the perpetrators. I'm glad this is put in the spotlight more. Although it's very rare for victims to get this or any level of rectification (these kinds of traumas can never be fully rectified, I have to point out), the message in encouraging victims to tell their stories is so important and valuable for changing these toxic patriarchal patterns that keep the victims silenced and the perpetrators protected.

The undeserving low ratings are, not surprisingly, from men.
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Midnight Sun (2016)
Too many severe inaccuracies to enjoy the story
13 August 2022
I really wanted to like this, it had such potential. But when producing a show like this that is supposed to reflect reality, you need to stick to facts and do your homework on history etc. The Sami people are not indigenous to Scandinavia, in fact they're not indigenous at all. Their language started to take form around 4000 years ago in a certain area that is now Russia. They wandered to Finland about 3000-3500 years ago, and they spent about 1000 years in Finland which is why we can hear so much of Finnish in the Sami languages. They then continued to wander into Sweden and Norway, staying in the Northern parts of each country. In Sweden and Norway people had already been living for 13000 years. So calling the Sami people indigenous to Scandinavia is actally a flat out lie.

In this show there is also severe cultural appropriation going on, where the Sami people is presented as being almost the same as Native Americans. That could not be farther from the truth, they have absolutely nothing in common.

It's also incredibly embarrassing when the woman who plays the "shaman" is speaking unnaturally slow and in riddles as to be as mysterious as possible, being "difficult" and behaving weirdly just because. The cringe is almost unbearable. They're trying to sell an image of the Sami people that has no base in reality. Plus, the woman who plays this "shaman" is actually not an actor (she's a musician) and that becomes awkwardly obvious.

Another thing that is too far from reality not to point out, is the wolf pack. There are no wolf packs in Northern Sweden. And that's because the Sami people exterminate them. They exterminate most predators, but especially wolves they make sure there are none in these parts. Every now and then a single wolf wandering in from Finland or Russia is lucky enough to slip through the extermination area, and they establish themselves below the area the Sami claims as theirs. But it's very rare they survive that far. Only South of the "Sami area" can you find actual packs of wolves.

Leïla Bekhti, Peter Stormare, Albin Grenholm and many others were great, the story was good and stunning views adding to it all. It had such great potential, but sadly they ruined it with a bad actor who's not really an actor, a heap of misinformation, mistakes, flat out lies, incorrect history and cultural appropriation.
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Morbius (2022)
I don't get it
3 June 2022
This film has been hyped and in production for years - how could it end up so bad? The acting is bad, in spite of very skilled actors. The only really good performance here was by Jared Harris. There's no chemistry between any of the cast. It's a good story, but it's terribly told, and the pacing is all wrong. The only genuinely good thing about this film was the special effects.

And besides all of this, promoting animal cruelty for the sake of saving more of the human plague has never really been my jam.
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The Batman (2022)
6 May 2022
Very impressed. This is the first time I've seen them manage to finally make a Batman movie just as dark and gothic as it should be. They finally caught the right vibe. It reminded me a lot of The Crow in its aesthetics and atmosphere, I loved that. It's intelligent and deep, there are interesting twists, this is not your usual kid friendly superhero movie. The cast is superb, they truly found the right actor for every character. I long for the director's cut on this one. This will be rewatched many times.

Unfortunately there are a bunch of teenage boys who actually don't know or understand the story of Batman. They want a fast paced action movie without as much dialogue and depth as possible, just lots of big booms and fights, catchy frases and stupid jokes, and when they don't get that they give works of art like this a shamefully low rating. Very immature, and not fair to the artists and the art of film making itself. Don't listen to their small ignorant minds.
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1883 (2021–2022)
12 April 2022
An absolute masterpiece in every way. This level of quality of film making doesn't come around often. Hat's off to everyone involved in making this grand piece of art.
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Ray Donovan: The Movie (2022 TV Movie)
Farewell to an amazing show
26 March 2022
Showtime really let both the cast, crew and fans down massively when they after 7 seasons took the unexpected and illogical decision to cancel this amazing show. With that said, the crew and cast could not have made a better movie to give the story a fair and respectful ending. I can't recall any film being made in addition to a show that has come even close to being this good. Props to the cast and crew for tying up the lose knots so well and letting us say farewell to the characters we've all come to love. Much love and respect to everyone who worked on this show! Thank you!
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Red Rocket (2021)
So sad..
24 March 2022
This is a movie about narcissistic personality disorder, misogyny, grooming and very sad human lives. It bothers me that you never get to find out if he ruined her life or if she managed to get away from him in time.

The acting is great though, giving it a 6 because of that only.
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A sad reboot for the SATC fans
17 February 2022
Sex & the City was groundbreaking and edgy and mad fun. I'd so much looked forward to seeing the characters age and continue to evolve in their lives. But it was like they'd put the actual main characters in the background, and infected the Sex & the City world with a woke fest as the main focus instead. I'm all for addressing inclusivity, but this was just an overkill. It got to the point of being ridiculous. And all the while the main characters got to stand in the background.

On top of the woke fiasco, the absence of Samantha was truly heartbreaking, I really hope she comes back in the second season. All in alI, I hope they read and learn from us Sex & the City fans' comments, and come back for a second season with better focus on the main characters that we all love so much. I gave the show a 7 just because I'm glad they rebooted the show at all. Cautiously hopeful for the second season...
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(Un)Well (2020)
Obvious agenda.
14 August 2020
Extremely wrong to put Ayahuasca in this category. Also, reeks of pharmaceutical company agenda.

It's 2020. This was emabarrassing.
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The Goop Lab (2020– )
Great show at the forefront of science
12 February 2020
Obviously not all people are ready for this level of science and development. Also, it's a show led by women with a lot of focus on women, the misogyny is alive and well in the people trashing this. Sad, really. The episode on the liberation of women's sexuality probably had the religious people's brains implode.

This is the future, the dinosaurs are kicking and screaming. Let them. They'll be extinct soon enough.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
8 November 2019
The only reason I'm giving it a 9 instead of a 10, is because I wanted longer episodes and more seasons. Give me MORE!! Brilliant show!
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Heder (2019– )
Important show putting the spotlight on real life issues
12 October 2019
Heder is a great and really important show that puts the spotlight on the issues and dangers that men causes women to live with every day, or more accurately try to survive and unfortunately a lot of the times don't succeed. All the issues are taken straight out of reality, in that way it's like a documentary. The low rating on this show is because of misogynistic men. As simple and sad as that. The show is very well written, exceptionally produced and acted. One of the best crime shows to ever come out of Scandinavia.
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