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The Flash (2014–2023)
By the time of season 8s ending there's far more bad episodes than good ones
28 November 2022
This used to be such an incredible show. Fun, engaging characters, talented actors(only thing that's still true), thoughtful writing, consistent storyline, and paying solid homage to the comics. However, as the show went on the decision to retcon how time/time travel works several times over increasingly confused the plot until eventually the script writers just seemed to give up on making sense all together.

With that, the writing became increasingly lazy, with more and more episodes becoming bad copies/caricatures of highlight episodes from the early seasons.

It's truly tragic to see this shows decline as a fan because it feels like the writers are spitting in the face of us, seemingly writing episodes as if their opinion of us fans is extremely low and condescending.

My advice for anyone wanting to check out the show, do yourself a favour and stop after season 3 at the latest. You don't deserve to have your time wasted on the episodes that come after that, and the showrunners certainly don't deserve your views.
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Billions upon billions died but only Oliver is mourned?!
14 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is possibly the laziest writing I've encountered in my life.

There are many, many issues with this crossover; how they handled Oliver's send-off, the part Luthor played(particularly how he was built up to carry some greater, meaningful role, only to just be what everyone expected him to be: a terrible threat and a villain), how the set up/context of the anti-monitor and pariah was done, of just the general logic of it all.

Then of course there is the laziest wrap-up I've seen in a really long time. The world's are reborn but now there's just one. Oh but somehow anti-monitor is still around...Why? How? Oh and all of these random retcons have happened for the sake of convenience for future narratives (I assume). Oh and everyone is devastated about Oliver's passing and super relieved that the world is back. Only, no one seems to be the slightest bit concerned that the billions upon billions of living organisms hailing from the infinite number of other universes are no more. So happy we have the one world now though, no need to be bothered with those deaths, just the one Oliver's....
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Too hard to ignore its massive flaws
9 July 2019
It has a great concept and brilliant visuals, yes. However, as you get deeper into the movie the great concept and visuals become harder to enjoy as it's ruined by a terrible script. It's like it was written by a 14 year old who has learnt English as a foreign language. It's dragged down even further by certain lines being spoken without the appropriate tone or emotion, making it feel plastic and uncompelling.

It's a real shame because the plot had a great potential, it has several actors who are/can be amazing, and this movie could've easily been a 10 if the script had only been written with a bit more nuance and care.
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
The Butts are loose!
30 May 2019
It's got humor, action, great pacing, and amazing awareness of current superhero movie culture. The creativity and variation of style in each episode only adds to what is an absolutely thrilling plot!

More importantly, it's got packs of murder butts!
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Aquaman (2018)
Dr. Evil would be proud!
28 March 2019
Everything that might have dragged the movie down became irrelevant because of one thing: Sharks with freakin lasers attached to their heads!!
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Arrow: Lian Yu (2017)
Season 5, Episode 23
Did The Flash team watch? That's how you do a finale!
25 May 2017
Rarely do you get a plot play out in movies or on television, where character motivations are well-crafted both theoretically making it believable and through the performances making it emotionally believable. The Arrow managed to do both of these flawlessly in the season finale! From Prometheus insanity and obsession with Oliver and their pasts, to the carefully and well-explained dilemma/inner conflict that Thea holds over her father, to Olivers 'mad-man' display in desperately seeking to find and save his son. This is my first 10/10 and it's well deserved. I will be watching this episode, over and over. Hopefully The Flash TV show took notepads with them and learned from this finale, because everything that was missing in the delivery of the season finale of The Flash was delivered in an amazing manner in the season finale of Arrow!
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The Flash: Finish Line (2017)
Season 3, Episode 23
Rushed to the finish line, left the view in the dust.
24 May 2017
This episode had a great plot, plenty of engaging material for the audience to sit on the edge of their seats, biting their nails. Unfortunately, the delivery of the plot was disappointing to say the least. The plot twists would have been great, if they gave us time to process them, highlight the emotional impact of those twists. Instead we are quickly pushed to the next big plot point and left with a feeling of "Okay, I suppose it wasn't that big of a deal after all". Big expected clashes between the Flash and Savitar, between Killer Frost and Cisco were short and underwhelming. Instead of spending an extra 2-3 min on each fight scene, giving the audience some proper action and excitement worthy of a season finale, the episode director seemed more concerned with saving the budget for season 4. A lot of this would have been a lot more digestible, had it not been for the fact that the entire season leading up to this episode, hadn't been one massive build up, promising us a thrilling conclusion. It feels a bit like going to a movie that you've been super excited to see because of the amazing trailers, only to find out that the shots in the trailers are the only interesting parts of the movie. The creators behind the Flash TV show knows how to work the audience, how to perfectly time the drama and the action, this is the very reason why so many love the Flash. But that means they should've known that a season finale like this would turn out incredibly underwhelming.
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